Today's Recap: I actually watched 6 episodes I guess. Huh. All season 1.
Ep2- Instruments!: I love the little bit where Yui is trying to picture what kind of a freak could play the double guitar. Mugi enjoying the small things of non-rich life was cute (bargaining). The eyebrow thing is really funny when the store clerk takes notice. Hurray, Yui now has Giita!
Ep4- Camp!: This episode had a bit of lewd. Also, dat Mugi lifestyle. Mio being all serious and also freaking out about barnacles. Her cowering is always welcome. Favorite part is the fireworks scene. Yui playing in the spotlight and the emotion you sense building up in Mio is fantastic. Visions of the rock dream.
Ep5- Supervisor!: Stupid Ritsu! She didn't even make the club official

. Ah well it sets up some good black mail. Sawako unleashing her inner rock star and frontwoman orders haha. Oh no, Yui's voice is totally gone.
Ep6- Festival!: Mio freaking out in the horror house haha. Great moment when the girls are in the club room and Ritsu does the intros. The room was totally relaxed afterwards. Mio really took over on stage (nice try Yui with the backing vocals but...). And then the Mio fan club was pretty much born after the entire auditorium sees her panties. Lewd.
Ep9- New Member!: Azunyan really has a hell of a hard time adjusting. Getting yelled at by Sawa-chan, then lashing out at the rest. Not playing music, being fed, forced to be the club pet and wearing cat ears. they are lucky she stuck around. So good how Yui tries to act superior at the start too.
Ep12- Keion!: It's Yui's time to shine! Well first Ui shines but yeah. We need that imperfection in the band. Yui battles sickness and gets Giita just in time. Awesome. Fuwafuwa time!
Um... well that's all.