Thanks all. I was lucky I had the foresight to give my fiancee my spare car key, so she came up on Sunday to bring it to me. Never did find the keys anywhere :/. I was actually kinda sick all weekend, but it was more manageable until Sunday.
The con itself was ok. Didn't really take any pictures due to still lacking a decent camera (and my phone camera is kinda wonky). Went to some good panels by Charles Dunbar and hung out with con friends most of the time. Never made it to Artist's Alley

. Dealer's room was pretty much business as usual. I didn't get much - All of Turn A Gundam, Puyo Puyo Tetris on PS4, a Mako (Kill La Kill) plushie and a couple lanyards. What was interesting was the gigantic Pony Canyon booth...wish I'd taken a picture of that at least. Between that and Aniplex's booth I could have spent several people's life savings. Denki-gai was tempting but would have set me back $225~$250 for all of it. Guess I'll just have to live with finishing it in Crunchyroll for now.