Princess Viola
delete that pic

I may not come around as much anymore, but I'd never forget my gal's bday <3
you guys know they're cartoon characters right, they don't have birthdays
I may not come around as much anymore, but I'd never forget my gal's bday <3
Hey! I like Mio and Yui.
゚・:*:・。(〃・ω・ノ Happy Birthday Ritsuヽ(・ω・〃
Poor Dave, what happened? Anyone knows?
BTW, my birthday is tomorrow and it's weird I don't have the same personality as Ritsu, it's more like Mio, but I can get along pretty well with colleagues. Please post Mio-chan pics in my birthday (;^_^)
Apparently he got a short ban because of his avatar, was it the JunBut one?
Apparently he got a short ban because of his avatar, was it the JunBut one?
Kill la Kill butt.
tbh it's not that hard to dodge a banhammer or something, as long as you're a bit self aware of what you're going to post nothing bad will happen to you.
For example, don't post things that can offend others.
Well... Dave was banned for an avatar he's used for several months though ;P
This is why I'm gonna change my GAF username.Except Aiko.
Tbh I hate all the K-Ons, I'm only here to hangout and prevent this thread from being a circlejerk.
Tbh I hate all the K-Ons, I'm only here to hangout and prevent this thread from being a circlejerk.
Don't know if this has been answered, but there is no warnings here, but IIRC, most bans are only for one or two weeks and mods consider that the warning.Based on the previous announcement that lewd would be subject of more control, isn't there the concept of warning present in the forum?
I guess I misunderstood it then, it must be something like "zero tolerance"...(Don't know if mods warned him previoulsly by PM)
Well... Dave was banned for an avatar he's used for several months though ;P