Adamrogo said:Hopefully more.
Israel should just "finish the fight" already, take them all out.
That's why I don't play HALO
Adamrogo said:Hopefully more.
Israel should just "finish the fight" already, take them all out.
Adamrogo said:Hopefully more.
Israel should just "finish the fight" already, take them all out.
You sort of contradict yourself. You say America have the right to keep Texas because they won it in war, but did Israel not win land it occupies today won from war as well?KarishBHR said:IM JUST THROWING THIS OUT THERE: Saying Israel should give back all the land from '67 is like saying America should give back Texas to Mexico. They won it in war, it's how land is gained.
WITH THAT BEING SAID, I do think Israel should give back the land from '67 not because it doesn't belong to them, but just because I want peace
What he said is intolerable, but so is this.Slurpy said:Hopefully someone takes you out, and your entire fucking family.
Slurpy said:Hopefully someone takes you out, and your entire fucking family. It's cool condoning mass slaughter, eh?
Pellham said:This is a pretty stupid thing to say. You and I both know that Jews don't take the Bible literally except for a marginalized crazy orthodox group that nobody pays any attention to. On the flipside you have millions of muslims who believe in the subjugation of women and executing people for adultery.
KastriotiKastrioti said:There was never a country called Palestine.
The people with the longest historical connection to Israel are the Jews. They were the ones who had there land taken away from them numerous times by invading Muslim forces.
After World War 2 70% of Israeli territory was transfered from Ottoman hands into British hands. How can it be stolen from them if it never belonged to them in the first place?
After the shooting, hundreds of seminary students demonstrated outside the building, screaming for revenge and chanting, "Death to Arabs."
quadriplegicjon said:exactly.
RiZ III said:For those who haven't read the full article, this quote really shows that both sides have the same mentality.
Pellham said:That story was on front page news from many US sources, such as Yahoo News.
You are just being biased and looking at things the way you want to look at them.
Chanting slogans !=RiZ III said:For those who haven't read the full article, this quote really shows that both sides have the same mentality.
About 7,000 Gazans marched in the streets of Jebaliya, firing in the air in celebration, and visited homes of those killed and wounded in the last Israeli incursion. In the southern town of Rafah, residents distributed sweets to moving cars, and militants fired mortars in celebration.
Merkaz Harav is an orthodox right wing school.RiZ III said:For those who haven't read the full article, this quote really shows that both sides have the same mentality.
KarishBHR said:WITH THAT BEING SAID, I do think Israel should give back the land from '67 not because it doesn't belong to them, but just because I want peace
Adamrogo said:Anyone who supports the palestinian cause supports mass slaughter.
Nicodimas said:Reality:
The land belongs to the one that can hold it. Nothing in the past counts...
Kastrioti said:
pewye said:If that is the case (and it is not) then you should hand the U.S government to the Native Americans. Afterall, this land originally belonged to them.
quadriplegicjon said:"There was never a country called Palestine. "
there is a country called the United States.
the area called Palestine was originally going to be split into two countries, one for the Jewish people, and the other for the Muslims of the area. the jews accepted, the muslims did not, and that is part of how we ended up with the situation today.
Adamrogo said::lol
And GSG Flash, you must feel that it's ok to go into a library and murder 7 students... yea I guess you're right, that's as bad at retaliating for a years worth of terrorist attacks.
What an upside down world I live in!
~Devil Trigger~ said:there was never Country called (insert 99% of countries here), terrible argument.
quadriplegicjon said:and 'they should give the land bacK" is not?
~Devil Trigger~ said:they dont have it(yet).
Their military is occupying the "non-jew" part of the land. Slowly trying to make it so
Nothing has changed in that region for like two thousand years.~Devil Trigger~ said:nothing is changing, i use to care so much 4 years ago in college, now im on fuckem mode.
Propagandhim said:Your fine US tax dollars at work.
Adamrogo said:No silly, US dollars fund the nuclear program :lol
Guileless said::lol Another sober, coolly argued Israel-Palestine thread. I think Jewish control of the media got short shrift this time though.
Well, they are the biggest US ally in a place in the world that wants US off the map, of course we are going to give them money to protect themselves.Propagandhim said:Your fine US tax dollars at work.
yankeeforever2 said:Well, they are the biggest US ally in a place in the world that wants US off the map, of course we are going to give them money to protect themselves.
Nicodimas said:Reality:
The land belongs to the one that can hold it. Nothing in the past counts...
Chichikov said:Wrong, the longest occupier of Israel is the Ottoman Empire, and there were people there before the coming of the Jews (you may want to read the bible).
Wrong, when the Muslims invaded Israel there were hardly any Jews there.
Wrong again.
Israel was occupied by the British in World War I.
And the Palestinians were there.
Sure, they didn't run the country, but at that time neither did the Indians, do they have no claim to India?
Sure, they didn't run the country, but at that time neither did the Indians, do they have no claim to India?
I know it's shocking, but not all Arabs are the same.
Well, I don't want fucking land and it kinda sucks that billions of my tax dollars go to that right.
goomba said:So what is Israel doing in the middle of the "Arab World"?
Why doesn't America give Israel a state in the USA?. Leave the Arab world to the Arabs and the West to the West. PEACE.
Kastrioti said:Muslims owning Jerusalem would be the equivalent to Christians owning Mecca and Medina. They have no historical ties to it, so why should they have it?
KRS7 said:Hope this isn't true, but I heard on CNN that there are celebrations in Gaza now because of this event. That is real classy.
minus_273 said:islamic fascists say hi:,_2001_attacks
check out the joy in these kids eyes:
speculawyer said:No ties to it? Dome of the Rock? Al-Aqsa Mosque?
speculawyer said:It is clear that you are completely biased. But it is pretty pathetic the way you say stuff that is just complete bullshit.
No ties to it? Dome of the Rock? Al-Aqsa Mosque?
That might not mean anything to *you* but it certainly means something to them.
How do you measure the strongest connection to Jerusalem?Kastrioti said:I said nothing about foreign occupiers. I simply said Jews have the longest historical connection to Israel, and Jerusalem.
Seriously, learn your history, you're clueless.Kastrioti said:Uhhh, thats what I said. Israel was only occupied by Britain for a very short time. After they defeated the Ottoman in WW1 they transfered 70% of Israel to the Brits.
Of course the British and Americans agreed that land should be rightfully given back to the Jews, after the Holocaust.
I don't think anyone here talked about "Muslims owning Jerusalem" (what is owning? and which Muslims?), but that's the worst analogy ever, Mecca and Medina are not Christian holy cities, they were never controlled by Christians and don't have any significant Christian population.Muslims owning Jerusalem would be the equivalent to Christians owning Mecca and Medina. They have no historical ties to it, so why should they have it?
All Muslims hate Jews?Kastrioti said:But they all hate Jews regardless. They're surrounded by 300,000 Muslims who want them wiped off the map.
goomba said:
Kastrioti said:Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque are built on the Temple Mount which is the holiest site to Jews. The Temple Mount was built 2,300 years before Islam even existed.:lol It also happens to be the holiest site for Judism.
Those two mosques were built ON the holiest Jewish site that had already existed for 2,300 years. If Jews went and built a holy Synagogue somewhere in Mecca, we all know it would've been burned down, long ago. Jews are civilized enough to let Muslims worship there, but those holy sites in there existence are disrespect to Jews(IMO).
speculawyer said:A long-winded propaganda-filled admission that you were lying.