Kastrioti said:
Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque are built on the Temple Mount which is the holiest site to Jews. The Temple Mount was built 2,300 years before Islam even existed.:lol It also happens to be the holiest site for Judism.
Those two mosques were built ON the holiest Jewish site that had already existed for 2,300 years. If Jews went and built a holy Synagogue somewhere in Mecca, we all know it would've been burned down, long ago. Jews are civilized enough to let Muslims worship there, but those holy sites in there existence are disrespect to Jews(IMO).
I see, but remember this, after the Roman inquisition muslims rebuilt Jeruzalem, because they felt that it was a duty laid unto them from God. The temple mount now where Baitul-Maqdis is, used to be a
literal dumpster. Omar, the second right hand man of Muhammad(saw)asked the people if they wanted it. They Jews of that time were people that had been opressed,tortured and colonised. They felt like the muslims were their lost brothers, loving the people they loved and hating the ones they hated.
Now its different, Zionism is a whole lot different from Judaism.
Note how I say muslims and not arabs, because muslims were from all over the world, muhammad (saw) hated racism, so much so that he would make the person who made an insult in a racial way, feel so guilty that they would literally kiss the feet of the individual they degraded.