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999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors |OT| RED, DEAD, Redemption


Just ordered the game, my PS3 being dead didn't help the temptation. I wouldn't normally spend £25 on something I literally have no idea about, and is on DS, but hopefully GAF won't have lead me astray.
SappYoda said:

Knifed again. June got wet.

I think i'm missing something when looking for Snake. The search is pointless since snake is behind door 3, so maybe some conversations are the ones that open new paths.
There are a few important conversations, yes. Make sure you try a new path.


Just got the true ending today. Great story.

Seven is so awesome. While I found his actions suspicious at first by the end I really warmed up towards him. Probably followed by Lotus and Ace.
While it was originally Clover thanks to the axe ending the character I ended hating the most by the end was Akane(well, more of a love/hate thing leaning on the hate side). I hate grand scheme manipulators that make you look like nothing but a tool(especially when it's you who are being manipulated). Logical and noble as her intentions were they way she decided to perform them was terrible. The answers we got didn't help her image in my mind either.
Wasn't surprised she was Zero, she was way too innocent and acted way too dumb, same way that Ace was way too noble and understanding.


I started it today, it makes a very strong first impression I must say. For something that's so 'simple', it's really engaging. I rarely get that with handheld titles.


999 is a must.

I've also just beaten Ever 17 for PC and its awesome too.

Any other Kotaro Uchikoshi game made to the west?


SappYoda said:
After my 999th playthrough...

Best sodoku game ever.
First time sudoku is the final boss?

Love that puzzle though. The whole way it is presented to you is great.


So I was replaying this game for fun and I finally encountered the infamous elevator scene. It definitely lived up to the hype! :lol It's so rare in games that I find myself genuinely laughing/chuckling, so it was awesome to experience such a rare moment with this game in particular.

My only regret with this game, as with the Phoenix Wright games, is that replays aren't nearly as tantalizing as the first playthrough. My one minor quip with this game, and I want to stress minor, is how whenever a character said something like "Hey you two! Get back to solving puzzles!" they would use the number '2' instead of spelling it out. Really bugged me for some odd reason =/


Aksys Games Dev.
MooMoo said:
So I was replaying this game for fun and I finally encountered the infamous elevator scene. It definitely lived up to the hype! :lol It's so rare in games that I find myself genuinely laughing/chuckling, so it was awesome to experience such a rare moment with this game in particular.

My only regret with this game, as with the Phoenix Wright games, is that replays aren't nearly as tantalizing as the first playthrough. My one minor quip with this game, and I want to stress minor, is how whenever a character said something like "Hey you two! Get back to solving puzzles!" they would use the number '2' instead of spelling it out. Really bugged me for some odd reason =/

It was a stylistic choice during the editing process to put the number instead of writing it out due to the number theme of the game :) (in certain instances that is)
Akselziys said:
It was a stylistic choice during the editing process to put the number instead of writing it out due to the number theme of the game :) (in certain instances that is)

Wow, I'd almost forgotten about that. I found it sort of jarring when I first played the game, but I think I forgot about it after awhile or just didn't worry about it.


Akselziys said:
It was a stylistic choice during the editing process to put the number instead of writing it out due to the number theme of the game :) (in certain instances that is)
That's the conclusion I came to as I played the game but it's definitely nice to see it was intended rather than some ill-forgotten typo. It's no biggie really; this game is slick in its presentation either way (seriously, playing this alone in the dark is pretty creepy >.<). You guys did an awesome job with this game and I can't wait for the 3DS sequel :3 Hype hype hype!


Got this itch to play this over the weekend and, miraculously, a local Gamestop had it new and in stock. (I say "new" advisedly since it was the open shelf copy and some employee had started a case already, which I promptly deleted). My first 5 minute impression wasn't great (text text text text instructions for the same puzzle 5 times text text text) but it's grown on me. Maybe the writing's improving.
Evlar said:
Got this itch to play this over the weekend and, miraculously, a local Gamestop had it new and in stock. (I say "new" advisedly since it was the open shelf copy and some employee had started a case already, which I promptly deleted). My first 5 minute impression wasn't great (text text text text instructions for the same puzzle 5 times text text text) but it's grown on me. Maybe the writing's improving.

The beginning puzzle is really the worst part of the game. It picks up dramatically once you finally get through the first group door.


Just got all the endings, and I have to be honest, I didn't find the game to be that good. The writing is pretty bad and it doesn't compare favorably to normal literature at all. It's way too wordy and has tons of awkward grammar and unnatural language. The true ending also felt pretty hackneyed and
out of nowhere. There weren't really any hints that Akane was Zero until the true ending, aside from the obvious explanations about the whole thing being an experiment to test the morphic field theory
. The gameplay (the little that was there) consisted of extremely simple puzzles, and they often came right out and told you the solution without giving you a chance to figure it out for yourself. To get all the endings you had to use an FAQ, be very lucky or have the patience of an angel, because there was no way to know which choices led to which ending. All in all I was pretty disappointed in the much-lauded story.


Ledsen said:
Just got all the endings, and I have to be honest, I didn't find the game to be that good. The writing is pretty bad and it doesn't compare favorably to normal literature at all. It's way too wordy and has tons of awkward grammar and unnatural language. The ending also felt pretty hackneyed and
out of nowhere. There weren't really any hints to what was really going on until the true ending, aside from the obvious explanations about the whole thing being an experiment to test the morphic field theory
. The gameplay (the little that was there) consisted of extremely simple puzzles, and they often came right out and told you the solution without giving you a chance to figure it out for yourself. To get all the endings you had to use an FAQ, be very lucky or have the patience of an angel, because there was no way to know which choices led to which ending. All in all I was pretty disappointed in the much-lauded story.
Get out! Get out of this thread!

Seriously, though, sorry to hear you didn't like it. I always get excited when I see this thread bumped, because it's normally someone here to say how much they loved the game. I guess not this time.


I guess VN:s aren't really for me. I get that the visuals and audio are supposed to enhance the experience, but I'd rather take great writing without those things I suppose. I didn't hate the game by any means, after all I got all the endings, but I was pretty disappointed after learning about its enthusiastic following here on GAF. I did love Phoenix Wright, but that was more focused on humor and I felt better written for what it was. It was also closer to adventure game territory.
I definitely agree with his complaint about the obtuseness of getting the endings. I was able to play through my first ending
on my own without any problems, but I just used a guide for the other 5.


okay GAF, finally getting around to playing this one, and it's great so far...im at the point where
deciding door 4 or 5
, so pretty early on - is there a spoiler-free guide or someone that can point to me what i need to know regarding choices/endings? OP makes it sound like it's necessary/built for replays, which is kinda cool, just wondering if i'm liable to botch things if i choose poorly.


IrishNinja said:
okay GAF, finally getting around to playing this one, and it's great so far...im at the point where
deciding door 4 or 5
, so pretty early on - is there a spoiler-free guide or someone that can point to me what i need to know regarding choices/endings? OP makes it sound like it's necessary/built for replays, which is kinda cool, just wondering if i'm liable to botch things if i choose poorly.
there's a spoiler-free thing on gamefaqs. at the minimum, you have to play through the game twice to get the true ending. there are 6 endings overall, and one is basically the extended version of the other, while 3 of them are essentially bad ends. i think the faq might explain it.


IrishNinja said:
awesome. thanks Ani.

looks like i want the safe ending, then the true one? door 5 it is!
Whilst this is the quickest way of doing it, I personally think it's a good idea that you unlock all of the endings. Just because they're not satisfactory outcomes, doesn't mean to say that they're not important to the plot.

You learn a lot about the different characters, and the plot as a whole feels more "authentic", I guess, once you've experienced every ending.

I've tried to explain this is the most non-spoilerific way possible, so it may not be a wholly convincing argument, but I really do suggest you do it this way to get the most out of the game.


personally, i would grab at least one of the bad endings (recommending axe and/or sub), then go safe and then true. but don't try and go coffin first because things will start feeling redundant real fast in certain areas.

the way i did it was this:

playthrough one: 'i will be the good guy and i will make all the right decisions and get to the true ending in one playthrough'
playthrough two: 'well shit, so let me try that again, but this time i'll choose opposite doors'
playthrough three: 'okay i guess there's this dick move i didn't try. i'll do that.'
playthrough four: safe ending
playthrough five: true ending

i think it's at least worth it to play through the game and make the choices you would personally make first. it makes the true ending a bit better.


Ledsen said:
Just got all the endings, and I have to be honest, I didn't find the game to be that good. The writing is pretty bad and it doesn't compare favorably to normal literature at all. It's way too wordy and has tons of awkward grammar and unnatural language. The true ending also felt pretty hackneyed and
out of nowhere. There weren't really any hints that Akane was Zero until the true ending, aside from the obvious explanations about the whole thing being an experiment to test the morphic field theory
. The gameplay (the little that was there) consisted of extremely simple puzzles, and they often came right out and told you the solution without giving you a chance to figure it out for yourself. To get all the endings you had to use an FAQ, be very lucky or have the patience of an angel, because there was no way to know which choices led to which ending. All in all I was pretty disappointed in the much-lauded story.

If you didn't like the game, I may suggest you read the other thread at GAF about explanations on the game and the Answers section at the official site.

The game wouldn't work as a novel because it must be you who discovers and experiences the endings. If you don't gain knowledge about each character, their motivations and goals, everything will look convoluted to you.


Iceberg said:
If you didn't like the game, I may suggest you read the other thread at GAF about explanations on the game and the Answers section at the official site.

The game wouldn't work as a novel because it must be you who discovers and experiences the endings. If you don't gain knowledge about each character, their motivations and goals, everything will look convoluted to you.

I'm not saying it would work as a novel, I'm just saying I don't think it's very well written. I understand why it's a VN and it's all very cleverly thought out, but I don't think it's that brilliant, merely pretty good. That "answers" section was interesting though.


Not normally my kind of game and I could think of a million things to point fault at or bitch about, especially as a heavy reader and what with the terrible puzzle/story balance but I just liked it a ton in the end (it all came together surprisingly cleanly as well). Blew through to the true ending pretty fast, read the nice Q&A section on the site, neat stuff.

Also, best use of the dual screens on the DS ever, that was a legitimately impressive revelation

Look forward to see what they're doing with the sequel, though I hear it's not direct one? That is a little confusing considering the trailer seemed to largely focus on plot points from 999.


AniHawk said:
personally, i would grab at least one of the bad endings (recommending axe and/or sub), then go safe and then true. but don't try and go coffin first because things will start feeling redundant real fast in certain areas.

yeah, i ended up doing it this way. just got my first ending...


i think i'll use the guide for the "safe" one, then either try again (likely for another bad one) or just jump to the "true" one.


another ending down! boy, you really think these things are gonna be faster when you can blaze through so much text & know most of the puzzles, eh?

great, so the "safe" one answered some questions, asked a lot more too. thinking i might try for the real one next and youtube the other bad ones though...but i might miss some details that way too.


So I gave up on waiting until the game appears in my country and imported from UK. I didn't know about the visual novel part beforehand, so that gave a good deal of surprise. I've never had any experience with visual novels so far and was nicely surprised. I wonder if there ever will be a market for actual visual novels on game consoles outside Japan.

Anyway, the writing is good and adds to the experience, so it's great. Reading that detailed description of the outcome of that
incident near the beginning of the game was fun and definitely unexpected. :) The escape sequences are also nice.

Unfortunately I've got the bad habit for saving the more promising games I own for later in my backlog so I shelved the thing for now (got to the second set of doors, first play through). But I'm looking forward to picking it up again.
Is there a good story recap on YouTube or something. I started this game at my friends place but cant be bothered to play through it as i have no fun solving the puzzles and the story did not pick up yet. I think i started some riddle qith some weird number systen in the kitchen.
Cosmozone said:
So I gave up on waiting until the game appears in my country and imported from UK. I didn't know about the visual novel part beforehand, so that gave a good deal of surprise. I've never had any experience with visual novels so far and was nicely surprised. I wonder if there ever will be a market for actual visual novels on game consoles outside Japan.

Anyway, the writing is good and adds to the experience, so it's great. Reading that detailed description of the outcome of that
incident near the beginning of the game was fun and definitely unexpected. :) The escape sequences are also nice.

Unfortunately I've got the bad habit for saving the more promising games I own for later in my backlog so I shelved the thing for now (got to the second set of doors, first play through). But I'm looking forward to picking it up again.

it's thin ..Some publishers are trying but the VN market OUTSIDE japanwill stay niche for a long time

Damon Bennet said:
Is there a good story recap on YouTube or something. I started this game at my friends place but cant be bothered to play through it as i have no fun solving the puzzles and the story did not pick up yet. I think i started some riddle qith some weird number systen in the kitchen.

YOu won't understand the good part if you don't play it . there are several moment that place everything together scarced Across the playthroughs ... That's also why you can't get to the end on your first try ..

Yes there are yotube vids , but you're better taking up a FAQ for the puzzles if you think they are too hard ..the meat of the game is trying to understand what's going on and how to survive
Damon Bennet said:
Is there a good story recap on YouTube or something. I started this game at my friends place but cant be bothered to play through it as i have no fun solving the puzzles and the story did not pick up yet. I think i started some riddle qith some weird number systen in the kitchen.
Then it matters little and you should just forget about the game. The story "has picked up" already though, in a way.

The M.O.B

Rented this game from Gamefly for this weekend.

Finished two endings
The one where you find lotus dead and then get stabbed and the one where everybody dies and you get stabbed and thrown into the water.

Enjoying it so far, gonna run though the rest of the endings now.

The M.O.B

Finished the True Ending last night.

SMH, this game was amazing.

Only a few games every year make me really care and want to know more about the story, this is one of them. Even after the ending this game had me thinking about all the things that occurred.

Great game.
The M.O.B said:
Rented this game from Gamefly for this weekend.

Finished two endings
The one where you find lotus dead and then get stabbed and the one where everybody dies and you get stabbed and thrown into the water.

Enjoying it so far, gonna run though the rest of the endings now.
Heh, those were the first two endings I got too.
The M.O.B said:
Finished the True Ending last night.

SMH, this game was amazing.

Only a few games every year make me really care and want to know more about the story, this is one of them. Even after the ending this game had me thinking about all the the that occurred.

Great game.

Awesome. Love it when new people try this amazing game!


Aksys Games Dev.
The M.O.B said:
Finished the True Ending last night.

SMH, this game was amazing.

Only a few games every year make me really care and want to know more about the story, this is one of them. Even after the ending this game had me thinking about all the the that occurred.

Great game.

So awesome :D I love when people come out of the experience loving it as much as myself <3

If you haven't already, check out the post-mortem Q/A interview with Kotaro Uchikoshi :D



And if you haven't seen this already:


I need to play that so badly ;-; It needs to come out yesterday XD


Neo Member
Cosmozone said:
So I gave up on waiting until the game appears in my country and imported from UK. I didn't know about the visual novel part beforehand, so that gave a good deal of surprise. I've never had any experience with visual novels so far and was nicely surprised. I wonder if there ever will be a market for actual visual novels on game consoles outside Japan.

Anyway, the writing is good and adds to the experience, so it's great. Reading that detailed description of the outcome of that
incident near the beginning of the game was fun and definitely unexpected. :) The escape sequences are also nice.

Unfortunately I've got the bad habit for saving the more promising games I own for later in my backlog so I shelved the thing for now (got to the second set of doors, first play through). But I'm looking forward to picking it up again.

Visual novels are often a hard sell in the US, and they require a lot more time/effort to localize because of the sheer volume of text. We've done some visual novel-type stuff (Jake Hunter, 999, Hakuoki), and there are companies like MangaGamer that publish them in The West as well, but the market is pretty small. Personally, I think that a few slightly larger-profile western-developed visual novels might help grow the market a bit, but I doubt it's ever going to be super huge.

Also, glad you enjoyed the writing. :3
Ordered this with Amazon's latest sale thing. Wish it would instantly appear, Friday feels far. Of course it isn't.. Looking forward to this style of game feverishly.
I am glad this game is still being played. Gives me hope that the sequel will find more success (ASSUMING IT'S COMING, AKSELZIYS).

I loved this game so much that in inspired me to make something similar.


So, I just completed it for the first time. Got a bad ending hahaha. Apparently
I chose the wrong door at the end when each characters throws a piece of paper down containing which door. I did the maths and worked out that only door 1 and 2 would work exactly with Junpei (1+4+5=10=1)(7+8+5=20=2) so I chose number one. Bad choice. D: Apparently the only one that didn't work, six, was the correct one.


Instinctively when a person tells me "I completed the game for the first time" I somehow always think he actually got the real ending for the first time. That's because only then you finish the game, really, and any less than that is simply another chapter.

I'm not kidding, it actually took me a couple seconds to decipher "Got a bad ending hahaha" because I really thought you got the real ending when you "completed" it.


I suppose I could see why one would think that, but generally when I say completed, I just mean got to an ending. Regardless of whether it's bad, good or true. Would have said I got the true ending if I got that, or if I got them all, then I'd say I fully completed it. xD


Zafir said:
I suppose I could see why one would think that, but generally when I say completed, I just mean got to an ending. Regardless of whether it's bad, good or true. Would have said I got the true ending if I got that, or if I got them all, then I'd say I fully completed it. xD
Your perspective on that will change once you've truly beaten this game. That's the way it is.
Zafir said:
I suppose I could see why one would think that, but generally when I say completed, I just mean got to an ending. Regardless of whether it's bad, good or true. Would have said I got the true ending if I got that, or if I got them all, then I'd say I fully completed it. xD
I would usually agree, but this is different' Just trust gaf this once, because they are absolutely right. The true ending actually has a purpose here...


Omikaru said:
Your perspective on that will change once you've truly beaten this game. That's the way it is.
It won't. Because I already realise that you have to play through it multiple times to truely see the full story. I've played games before like it too. It's just how I word things. Completing one playthrough means completing regardless. Fully completed means seeing it all.

Edit: Eitherway I hate having to redo puzzles you've already done once. :/ While I already know how to solve them, it's annoying having to take the time to do it again.
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