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A bull won't go down without a fight (40 people injured in Spain)

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Why did the idiot throw the jacket/blanket at the bull? It provoked to ram the group again



Goya said:
It'd be justice if it was able to injure/kill a few people and then escape freely into the wild.

As for the people just being 'innocent' spectators - BULLSHIT. Its the people that pay to see this that keep this torture-based entertainment in business. They're lousy excuses for human beings.
Seanspeed said:
As for the people just being 'innocent' spectators - BULLSHIT. Its the people that pay to see this that keep this torture-based entertainment in business. They're lousy excuses for human beings.


And to the poster who laughed at the throwing knives comparison and then made one about horse races: :lol :lol :lol at you and how confused you are about these "traditions".


FunkyMunkey said:

And to the poster who laughed at the throwing knives comparison and then made one about horse races: :lol :lol :lol at you and how confused you are about these "traditions".
Oh yea? What am I confused about exactly?

So you're saying that this doesn't involved thousands of people standing around bulls yelling and taunting them and then killing them if they have the AUDACITY to get mad and lash out?

Pffft. Sick of people defending this primitive, cruel 'tradition'.

Day late EDIT: Just realized you were trying to agree with me. Sorry man. Didn't read your post carefully enough.


The way it times the double jump to get into the stands is amazing. If not for the boost off the platform, it would've had no chance.
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