ISPs with bandwidth caps enters the telemeeting.
Comcast held that off for our area till July due to some legal action....
Internet and cable provider Comcast will delay its plans to charge a data-overage fee to customers who use more data than is in their plan in a given month.
They are giving options to bail even if still under contract, but I literally have no other option so what am I going to do? I know I'm not the only one in this boat. I don't get close to that cap anyway (use about half), but I could see how it would be an issue for many, especially if those caps were lower, multiple people in the house teleworking, etc.
Also for new employees that live far away, where do they get their work laptops? Company mail them out? Or do people just use their personal machines, which as a cyber security professional sounds like a security nightmare, especially for massive, high target businesses/organizations?
Just some devil's advocate stuff, I'm not against WFH where appropriate. Though I do like living in the city, but obviously it isn't everyone's cup of tea.