
Yeah I really want it to have more of a utility. As it is, it doesn't provide nearly enough benefit because it is mostly used for running away with few interesting opportunities for sweet offensive plays. I can understand wanting to always be able to shoot, so sprint would need to function in a way that actually made it worth the temporary trade in offense. I've got some thoughts though. Now I'm imagining sprint with Thruster Pack in mind, as I don't think there is a chance in hell they are getting rid of that. I'm also imagining this with the idea of Spartan Charge being removed because fuck that noise. You could easily just thrust+melee. Doesn't need to be a sprint thing and would be much more versatile.I like strafing and being able to twitch aim whenever i want. Sprint gets in the way of both. Your sprint suggestion is interesting and might work really well though. Would make people have to choose more carefully when and where they are going to sprint.
A) Sprint lasts 5 seconds with a 15 second cooldown, boosting speed in all directions (3x forward movement, 2x strafing, 1.5x backwards movement). Thruster Pack recharge would be lowered to 1.5 seconds or alternatively is instantly recharged upon activation. The downside is that you cannot shoot when moving forward.
B) Sprint lasts 5 seconds with a 20 second cooldown, tripling movement speed in all directions but at the cost of all non-melee offense. Melee weapons would be usable? Miiiight be too much.
C) Sprint lasts 5 seconds with a 15 second cooldown, doubling movement speed in all directions, speeding your normal melee attack up 1.5x and allowing small arms like pisols and smgs. If (and it be a big if) they brought back melee clashing with swords, it would be an interesting counter to that sucka.
Now let's talk melee, because holy guacamole Batman, this kind of speed boost would make close quarters a melee mashing mess! Imagine how often you'd get DBZ matches with people activating their overdrive burst so they could just 2 hit melee. That'd suck and would dumb down everything. My solution? Melee takes 2 hits to knock down shields and 1-2 hits to kill unshielded. Melee in Halo is fun, but with that lunge, 2 hit kills are a mess. So that's muh thoughts on dat.Can you think of any ways to improve pick ups? Could be new ones altogether or adjustments to the current ones.I still like pick ups better than default abilities.
Ground pound is really powerful, it needs to have some sort of penalty if you use it and miss, but I don't know what I would suggest other than what you mentioned, Splash damage would be nice if you miss, but just barely, perhaps with a small knock-back.
The ground pound is a major killer for sure, and if melee were weakened, it would help emphasize Ground Pound's utility. A fully charged Ground Pound takes what, 4 seconds? Make it 5. So that's a decent exposure up in the air for a insta kill trade off. It would still need to be a direct hit though. I imagine it having 3 levels:
LEVEL 1 - 1 second charge
Direct hit = Takes down shields, .5 second recovery time, 5 meter knock back/no shield damage
Miss = 5 meter knock back/no shield damage, .5 second recovery time
LEVEL 2 - 3 second charge
Direct hit = Kill, 1 second recovery time, 10 meter knock back/25% shield damage
Miss = 10 meter knock back/25% shield damage 1 second recovery time
LEVEL 3 - 5 second charge
Direct hit = Kill, 1.5 second recovery time, 20 meter knock back/50% shield damage
Miss = 20 meter knock back/50% Shield damage 1.5 second recovery time
The distance you are thrown degrades the further you are from the EPICenter (amirite). Numbers are just meant to represent power scaling essentially, as I am terrible with distance in Halo. 5 meters feels like 5 feet sometimes.
Right there with you and Deputy on dem maps in Halo 2. That shit was awesome and really did have some of the best in the series.Call me old fashioned but I want a direct throwback to the Halo 2 movement combat system.
It's not the nostalgia which makes it so appealing, it's a combination of the map design and the sheer brutality that many of the weapons packed. Sprint only feel necessary in Reach, H4 & H5 because the maps are designed in such a way that it is necessary to enable quicker traversal. Sprint on a map like Lockout or the original Midship would be completely out of place because the maps are11 a lot more confined and sprint wasn't necessary to easily get you back into the fight.
Same goes with clamber, simply make obstacles have slightly less verticality and it is no longer required.
I never liked hover and couldn't understand why it was implemented.
That said, I've always wanted there to be sprint in Halo. Even back when I was playing Halo's 1 and 2, I thought it would be awesome to have a major burst in speed for a few seconds. I've not really liked any of Halo's implementation's of sprint because as you said, they only inflate map design. It doesn't have much utility either since the boost is pretty minor and the sacrifice of offense just kicks ya in the dick.
As for hover, it allows for some clutch plays when combined with thrusters around ledges and multi leveled maps. Also fake outs. Those are fun.
Sorry for the wall. Got started and couldn't stoooop. I haven't even talked about how the health system should return to Halo CE's dual system with health packs n' shit. Another time.