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A Halogaf Community Thread: The Old Becomes New

I finished The Flood. Now it's on to First Strike. So, there are a couple of things I never knew. One, I didn't realize that a person being infected by flood, at least for a short period, retained consciousness or cognitive thinking. Probably my favorite parts of the book were following Keyes and Jenkins' thoughts/actions while infected. Shoot, they could even talk - sort of. That was rather fascinating to me. I also had no idea that hell jumpers tried to take the Truth and Reconciliation off of Halo to escape, and Mckay sacrificed herself and the entire crew to prevent the Flood from spreading to earth. Silva was a dick. Didn't like him at all. Oh also, my favorite minor character in the book was the grunt, Yayap. We would have been good friends lol.
Been screwing around with mcc just to play the old Bungie games again. I forgot how incredible that halo 1 handcanon is. It’s stupid OP but fun as hell

I still haven’t played reach. I will.
Oh yeah the pistol is so good. Highly controversial when discussing the different halo games, because some people hate it. Personally, though, I love it. I've been playing almost nothing but halo ce 4v4 slayer games through the match composer and have not tired of it. Now that i've started reading the books, I'm having an itch to replay the campaigns. I think, even though Reach is one of my lesser favorite games, I'd like to replay it as well, having read The Fall of Reach recently.

I've been listening to halo music at work again, and finding that there are more and more tracks that I like. Originally, my favorite tracks were Covenant Dance from Halo: CE and Peril from Halo 2, but I've expanded my playlists. Impend from Halo 2 is great as well as Mombasa Suite. I'm enjoying several Halo 3 tracks too. Inevitably, if I'm listening to stuff on youtube, it randomly switches over to Halo: Reach music, which while not bad, is really slow and depressing. I prefer the more upbeat songs. Under Cover of Night is a classic a Walk in the Woods is very chill, but in a good way.
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Anyone see this?
Last year, the company teased Halo Infinite and that title will be a launch game for the upcoming hardware. With a brand new game engine, the team behind the game is trying to make the story adapt to decisions the user makes and the game may have more RPG (role-playing game) elements than prior versions of the series.

- https://www.thurrott.com/xbox/200039/microsoft-to-talk-next-gen-consoles-at-e3-2019
Personally, I'm going to be very excited about this if it's true.
Anyone see this?

Personally, I'm going to be very excited about this if it's true.
That would make for a lot of replay value. Then again, I just want good core halo mechanics/physics and good encounters. I can play Combat Evolved's campaign over and over again and it never gets old. The pistol is so much fun to use and the level encounters are fantastic. If 343 can do the same for Infinite while also making a dynamic story, it would be amazing. Please please no squad AI ewww no - solo is where Halo shines as far as campaigns are concerned imo.

So I finished First Strike. So far it's my favorite of the books. The Fall of Reach was great, but there was still a lot of the story that I was already familiar with. The Flood isn't a bad book, but it's basically like playing through Combat Evolved by book. First Strike
and following the spartans - yay they're alive! (well some)
was highly entertaining. I also wasn't aware of so many of the missions that took place before going back to earth, between the events of Halo CE and the start of Halo 2.
I knew that more spartans survived than just John, so it was cool to see how they lived.
So all in all I'd give the first 3 books an A. I'm gonna have to buy Ghosts of Onyx to continue on with the story
really interested in seeing what Dr. Halsey is up to with taking Kelly off on a separate mission.
But in other news, the public library where I live has the Forerunner saga as well as the Cole Protocol. So i'm gonna read those through the app on my phone for free. Then I'll get back to Ghosts of Onyx afterward, and hopeful Contact Harvest after that.


You burned through the original trilogy pretty quick! :messenger_fistbump::messenger_grinning_smiling:

You do find out what happens to Dr. Halsey and Kelly. :messenger_beaming: I need to read Ghost of Onyx again, as I forget much of it. It is a rather complicated read, as it tells several stories and jumps around different realities, locations and time lines. The story of the Spartan IIIs and some of the large scale suicide missions they went on is cool to read about. It also touches on some of the events that lead up to Halo 3.

The Forerunner Saga is a tough read, IMO. It's like the War and Peace of the Halo novels. I read the first one, got about half way through the second book and just stopped after becoming burnt out. I like Greg Bear too, especially his earlier cyberpunk novels, but the Forerunner Saga just went in a direction that I didn't find interesting. Some people dig it though, so who knows.

I agree on the squad AI in Halo 5, it was complete crap. Considering 343 brought in one of the main guys from Republic Commando, which I thought had crap squad dynamics and AI as well, I'm not surprised. It really sucked, because I was looking forward to play with all of Blue Team and the squad dynamic and AI in Reach was really solid.

I'm cautiously optimistic about Halo Infinite. Halo 5 had a few open world parts in it, with a few hub sections and to put it bluntly, they sucked. Especially the one in the canyon, with Dr. Halsey just mumbling to herself at the computer. Everything in those hub sections seemed rather lifeless, with just more horrible AI. Bungie nailed an open world Halo game in Halo 3 ODST.
You burned through the original trilogy pretty quick! :messenger_fistbump::messenger_grinning_smiling:

You do find out what happens to Dr. Halsey and Kelly. :messenger_beaming: I need to read Ghost of Onyx again, as I forget much of it. It is a rather complicated read, as it tells several stories and jumps around different realities, locations and time lines. The story of the Spartan IIIs and some of the large scale suicide missions they went on is cool to read about. It also touches on some of the events that lead up to Halo 3.

The Forerunner Saga is a tough read, IMO. It's like the War and Peace of the Halo novels. I read the first one, got about half way through the second book and just stopped after becoming burnt out. I like Greg Bear too, especially his earlier cyberpunk novels, but the Forerunner Saga just went in a direction that I didn't find interesting. Some people dig it though, so who knows.

I agree on the squad AI in Halo 5, it was complete crap. Considering 343 brought in one of the main guys from Republic Commando, which I thought had crap squad dynamics and AI as well, I'm not surprised. It really sucked, because I was looking forward to play with all of Blue Team and the squad dynamic and AI in Reach was really solid.

I'm cautiously optimistic about Halo Infinite. Halo 5 had a few open world parts in it, with a few hub sections and to put it bluntly, they sucked. Especially the one in the canyon, with Dr. Halsey just mumbling to herself at the computer. Everything in those hub sections seemed rather lifeless, with just more horrible AI. Bungie nailed an open world Halo game in Halo 3 ODST.
Haha yes I think I'm pretty much Halo starved right now. With a normal dev cycle Halo 6 would already be out. So these books are yummy morsels of information to kill time. I really want to keep going and read Ghosts of Onyx, but since I can read the forerunner saga right now and for free I might as well do those first.

Honestly, while the hub sections in Halo 5 weren't great, I can appreciate 343 trying to mix up the levels a bit. We don't need halo to be different though. Just give us some mystery, some killer music, and a bunch of solid encounters to take on as the master chief and i think the game will be great.
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Good to see ya catching up on some of the best stories Halo has to offer Deputy! Ghosts of Onyx is absolutely one of the best around so you'll be in for a treat.

In other news, anybody hear about the leaks for Halo Infinite? How about that Bonnie Ross interview eh? A spiritual reboot for the series sounds like they're really rerouting their course. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing though considering the leaks. The idea of a Destiny style Halo makes me want to die inside... I don't want Halo to be always online dammit!!
Ghosts of Onyx is on hold for the moment. Im still going through the Forerunner Saga. I kid you not, public libraries are awesome. I made an account and have been able to download the halo books to my phone, granted only for a few weeks and as long as no one else has checked them out first. The one where i live didnt have ghosts of onyx or contact harvest, so i put in a request for those books and less than a week later they had them. So im set for the next 3 weeks. If people are ever on the fence due to money, not that the books are terribly expensive, check your local library and download whatever app they use to your phone. A lot of the times you can find audio books as well. Im into Primordium now. Slower but still interesting.

Good to see ya catching up on some of the best stories Halo has to offer Deputy! Ghosts of Onyx is absolutely one of the best around so you'll be in for a treat.

In other news, anybody hear about the leaks for Halo Infinite? How about that Bonnie Ross interview eh? A spiritual reboot for the series sounds like they're really rerouting their course. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing though considering the leaks. The idea of a Destiny style Halo makes me want to die inside... I don't want Halo to be always online dammit!!
A destiny style halo does sound awful and it would mean 343 still hasnt learned their lesson. Stop trying to copy other games and stop trying to add a whole bunch of new stuff to the game. Is it really going to take 3 halo games to figure that out? Stick to halo and what makes halo, halo. How hard is that? Of course the rumor is just that - a rumor. So all might be well.
Here is an article on that Bonnie Ross interview that stickkidsam stickkidsam mentioned. Im disappointed in this quote in particular:
"She acknowledged that Halo 5 lacked the kind of innovation that fans were looking for, so the team is taking extra time with Halo Infinite to ensure it's an innovative game that also appeals to veteran fans."
Uhh no. Halo fans are sick and tired of 343 trying too hard to innovate... What they want is a normal halo game. How dense...


Community Spotlight (Feb 28):

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Here is an article on that Bonnie Ross interview that stickkidsam stickkidsam mentioned. Im disappointed in this quote in particular:
Uhh no. Halo fans are sick and tired of 343 trying too hard to innovate... What they want is a normal halo game. How dense...

I know it is PR and Bonnie and the crew are trying to put the best spin on bad decisions, but I hate how they treat Halo 4 and Halo 5 as if they were drunken one night stand bad decisions (more so Halo 5, because I thought Halo 4 had some many solid parts to the whole package). The fact is, they wined and dined Halo 4, MCC and Halo 5 , took them out on multiple dates and texted and talked for hours on end, before sealing the deal. 343 knew exactly what they were getting with Halo 4, MCC and Halo 5 and people at the top gave them all the green light. Like I enjoyed the Halo 4 campaign for the most part, even though I thought it was the weakest out of all the Halo games, but still a solid campaign. But who at 343 thought it was a good idea to end the game with a lame QTE, where you press the X button a few times to kill the final boss? Who thought that was a good idea? It was a beyond horrible way to end an FPS and even in the QTE realm, it was a horrible QTE. After a solid campaign, it just left a bad taste in gamers mouths.
No doubt Havoc. My schedule is a mess right now but will reply with a more thought out response later. Right now im about to crash after my shift last night. I will say that i finished the forerunner saga lol. While it explained a lot, it also opened up many more questions... are there more books that go into the events immediately following Halo Silentium? Im still trying to figure some things out. Or is it just easier to ask someone to explain everything? Or maybe i should just google it.


No doubt Havoc. My schedule is a mess right now but will reply with a more thought out response later. Right now im about to crash after my shift last night. I will say that i finished the forerunner saga lol. While it explained a lot, it also opened up many more questions... are there more books that go into the events immediately following Halo Silentium? Im still trying to figure some things out. Or is it just easier to ask someone to explain everything? Or maybe i should just google it.
I thought it just added back story to the Didact and the reasons for his being and actions in Halo 4.🤣 I don’t think there are any other books that deal with the Forerunners. Not sure about if there are any short stories, as I only pick and chose what I find interesting in the Evolution short story compilation books.
I thought it just added back story to the Didact and the reasons for his being and actions in Halo 4.🤣 I don’t think there are any other books that deal with the Forerunners. Not sure about if there are any short stories, as I only pick and chose what I find interesting in the Evolution short story compilation books.
The forerunner saga follows not only the didact, but several other characters too. Through all of them, you definitely get a better feel for forerunner history, including bits and pieces of precursor history, forerunner interactions with humans, the Halos of course, and the origins of the flood. Overall, I found it quite fascinating. The 2nd book, Primordium, was easily the hardest to get through, but it gets more interesting at the end as more pieces of the story come together. One character's history in particular, Guilty Spark 343, was extremely interesting and caught me by surprise. Interestingly enough, there is little information about the covenant, aside from a particular race - the San'Shyuum. Now that i've finished all 3 books, i have an intense hunger to learn more. There seems to be a little bit of a disconnect from the end of the Forerunners (most of them?) to (flash forward to) the current events of the halo games where by and large it's just a big battle between the covenant and humanity. I wanna know where the covenant became more involved in the story from the beginning. They're chasing down all these forerunner artifiacts, but i want to know how that even started.

Oh yeah, community update was posted last night:
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REACH is also confirmed holy shit I can not wait to okay Invasion again holy SHIT!!



REACH is also confirmed holy shit I can not wait to okay Invasion again holy SHIT!!

Yep this is cool. It's gonna make a lot of people really happy :D I'm only just catching up. Sleeping during the day while on nights.


Dang!!! I didn't realize they were adding Reach to the collection as well. Wow! I honestly didn't think that would ever happen regardless of how requested it has been
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It's times like these that I'm glad HaloGAF is still kicking.


Hopefully this will bring in some more peeps to the community :D

If someone could put a little Master Chief helmet on Stitch... that'd be greeeaaat.
It's times like these that I'm glad HaloGAF is still kicking.


Hopefully this will bring in some more peeps to the community :D

If someone could put a little Master Chief helmet on Stitch... that'd be greeeaaat.
Yeah I hear that. I won't be any use to you as far as editing/creating animated gifs. My skills are lacking.

I think I'm getting old. I've become stuck in my ways. While new games are cool, I'm really just interested in playing the older halo games right now. Literally, I can play halo ce matchmaking on the same 4-5 maps all night and never get tired of it. I love the game-play that much. Also, I'm still trying to get a perfection, which is a lot harder to do when not playing with a full team. I've come soooo close on multiple nights lol. I just need to be a little less aggressive and exhibit some paitence.

Also, I finished Ghosts of Onyx lol. I can't stop reading these books. I've got contact Harvest checked out, but I opted to switch to Glasslands instead, to see what comes next after Ghosts of Onyx. I want to eventually go back and read Broken Circle, as that is supposed to give some insight on the covenant. I have no idea what is considered spoiler material. At this point, you've either read the books or haven't, but I'll spoiler my thoughts anyway just in case.
First, I really liked Curt. He's probably my favorite spartan next to John. I liked his personality and that he was very personable/sociable, more so than the other spartans. Hated to see him bite the dust at the end of Ghosts of Onyx. All the spartans, honestly, are easy to like. They're so devoted to their work and helping others. I'm interested what comes of the Spartan III's and after, too. Should be good


Yeah I hear that. I won't be any use to you as far as editing/creating animated gifs. My skills are lacking.

I think I'm getting old. I've become stuck in my ways. While new games are cool, I'm really just interested in playing the older halo games right now. Literally, I can play halo ce matchmaking on the same 4-5 maps all night and never get tired of it. I love the game-play that much. Also, I'm still trying to get a perfection, which is a lot harder to do when not playing with a full team. I've come soooo close on multiple nights lol. I just need to be a little less aggressive and exhibit some paitence.

Also, I finished Ghosts of Onyx lol. I can't stop reading these books. I've got contact Harvest checked out, but I opted to switch to Glasslands instead, to see what comes next after Ghosts of Onyx. I want to eventually go back and read Broken Circle, as that is supposed to give some insight on the covenant. I have no idea what is considered spoiler material. At this point, you've either read the books or haven't, but I'll spoiler my thoughts anyway just in case.
First, I really liked Curt. He's probably my favorite spartan next to John. I liked his personality and that he was very personable/sociable, more so than the other spartans. Hated to see him bite the dust at the end of Ghosts of Onyx. All the spartans, honestly, are easy to like. They're so devoted to their work and helping others. I'm interested what comes of the Spartan III's and after, too. Should be good
Most die, with a few becoming ONI spooks and Spartan IVs

So much awesome Halo news here of late! Great time to be a Halo fan!

Need to work on those Reach jet pack skills.
Most die, with a few becoming ONI spooks and Spartan IVs

So much awesome Halo news here of late! Great time to be a Halo fan!

Need to work on those Reach jet pack skills.
Yeah I don't know why it is, but I actually enjoyed using the jet pack in Reach. I mean it was still annoying playing a full team all of which were using the jet pack. So they'd fly up and nade spam/team kill everyone on the ground, but the jetpack felt really good. I especially loved it on levels like countdown and sword base. In halo 4 people who use the jet pack annoy me and I don't touch it, myself. I just stick to sprint or invis.
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Dr. Claus

I am *so* hyped for Halo Reach. My favorite halo game by far. Do we know if it will share the same achievement list as the original release or will it be new?


My guess is that it would be a new set of achievements, like all the other games in MCC, with tons of speed run, scoring, and skull achievements, to go along with some normal ones. Keeping track of all the achievements in MCC is a full time game in itself. :messenger_grinning_squinting:

I'm curious what the price point will be for the MCC on PC and what each episode will cost.

Hey DM, you down for some late night/early morning MCC? I get home from work at about 1:30 AM PST.
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My guess is that it would be a new set of achievements, like all the other games in MCC, with tons of speed run, scoring, and skull achievements, to go along with some normal ones. Keeping track of all the achievements in MCC is a full time game in itself. :messenger_grinning_squinting:

I'm curious what the price point will be for the MCC on PC and what each episode will cost.

Hey DM, you down for some late night/early morning MCC? I get home from work at about 1:30 AM PST.
There is a good chance ill be online. I still have no mic though.
Good games Havoc. Ive been playing CE so much that when i jump into anything else im terrible. H2 and H3 feel so foreign to me now. Didnt help that we got Blackout, Orbital and Isolation. Everyone knows im not a big halo 3 fan, but then the game gives us what i consider the bottom of the barrel maps lol. I may be on again tonight.
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Good games Havoc. Ive been playing CE so much that when i jump into anything else im terrible. H2 and H3 feel so foreign to me now. Didnt help that we got Blackout, Orbital and Isolation. Everyone knows im not a big halo 3 fan, but then the game gives us what i consider the bottom of the barrel maps lol. I may be on again tonight.

Sorry I left all of a sudden. My Xbox went into an auto update.
Sorry I left all of a sudden. My Xbox went into an auto update.
No worries. Glad you were on again last night. Then I got booted from the first game lol.

Community Spotlight is out - a lot of good fan creations and i love the shear amount of videos posted. Puckett's Top 10 is always good and then there are some other good ones too. Check out the banshee kill lol.

Also, SXSW is happening today. Day 1 is almost over but not completely.

Oh and yes it finally happened! Was an HCE game on Wizard, so I was able to stay on top of power ups for a little more protection.

And last and definitely kind of least, a fun kill on Hang 'em High last night. Wish i had gotten the head shot, but still had me pretty pumped.
Fun kill on Hang 'em High
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So i'm at work, but managed to finish Contact Harvest on my break. I had to put Glasslands down - the book is sooooo slow and I think it is harder to get through than Primordium (which is saying something...). Karen's writing, or the way she breaks up the chapters, is not helping in that matter. Anyway, I stopped a little bit short of halfway through Glasslands and switched to Contact Harvest, and I'm really glad i did. Contact Harvest is such an easier read and far more interesting, at least to the point that I've gotten in Glasslands. I enjoyed all of Contact Harvest, but I must say that the sex scene was highly unnecessary and doesn't contribute anything to the rest of the book - more just awkward and at a very random point in the book lol.


Several interesting character origins explored in Contact Harvest:
Avery Johnson
Private Jenkins
Prophets of Truth, Regret, and Mercy

General aside: Also, for anyone that doesn't already know, Contact Harvest is the account of humanity's first encounter with the Convenant, which I thought was cool. And I enjoyed getting a little more insight on the insurrectionists. It all makes more sense to me now.
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Contact Harvest was a good read. I still need to read Shadow of Intent by Staten.

I bought the latest Halo novel yesterday, Silent Storm. I'm only two chapters in. It follows a young 19 year old Master Chief and actually takes place shortly after the battle of Harvest. It starts out with only the second offensive operation by the Spartan IIs against the Covenant. It's supposed to be really good, so it will be interesting to see where the story goes.

Contact Harvest was a good read. I still need to read Shadow of Intent by Staten.

I bought the latest Halo novel yesterday, Silent Storm. I'm only two chapters in. It follows a young 19 year old Master Chief and actually takes place shortly after the battle of Harvest. It starts out with only the second offensive operation by the Spartan IIs against the Covenant. It's supposed to be really good, so it will be interesting to see where the story goes.

Ooh nice im definitely gonna have to give that one a read. Probably not gonna be available at the library right away though haha. After reading Contact Harvest, Im all for reading another of Staten's books too. Silent Storm is in the queue of books to read. I l like his writing style.
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I remember watching the trailer for Dawn Under Heaven a few years back, but lost track of it. Dawn Under Heaven was finally released in late January of this year. I guess Dawn Under Heaven falls into the AAA fan made movie category, if there is such a thing. Considering it is a Halo fan project, it is pretty good and almost reaches the quality of low budget SyFy Channel (is that channel even still around..lol) production. It's worth a watch for Halo fans.

Interesting project, Havoc. I'll have to check it out sometime. It's been a busy weekend and I haven't had much of a chance to do anything lately. I've logged online a few times to play a game or two of TMCC, but immediately have to sign off and do other things unfortunately. Also, I'm still slodging through Glasslands. I'm roughly 70% through it. The first half of the book was extremely hard for me to get into for whatever reason, but things are finally getting more interesting. I'm not a big fan of Dr. Osman. She seems nice enough,
but has this petty grudge against Dr. Halsey, which makes me not like her at all. Just feels like she is bitter that she didn't make the cut with the rest of the spartans. Like Halsey or not, the lady saved humanity. Are you really gonna arrest her and sentence her to death for doing the only thing that could possibly save the human race? The spartans themselves don't hold a grudge against her. So, the book has certain characters, Dr. Halsey, and Dr. Osman in particular, both behaving in ways that I don't like, or maybe that I don't believe are in character or true to form, so that kind of ruins my enjoyment of the story somewhat.
Otherwise, I'm hoping to get through the book before this week is over. The local library here picked up Broken Circle, so I may start reading that in a couple of weeks. It's already checked out, so i'll have to wait.
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Oooh nice. Pretty awesome update went live:
https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/news/the-yappening-two-yaps-this-time (stinks this didn't happen last night as I played for several hours and won't be on again until Sunday night most likely. I want the grunt name plates.)
https://www.neogaf.com/threads/halo...ck-rate-new-loading-screens-and-more.1474905/ (<--- more discussion happening here lol)

I got my first ever Killtacular in HCE last night, but the game didn't show the medals pop up correctly (or else I didn't notice, which seems unlikely), so I never recorded the clip :(. Oops.
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Well well well it looks like a community update is out! Lots of little tidbits.
  • Insider testing for Halo Reach to start within the month :D (both pc and console)
  • (edit) can confirm that the new matchmaking loading screens are slick

I got on today and played some The Yappening - new Halo 2 playlist with different quirky settings. Play 7 social matches and get a grunt name plate.
Afterward, played one HCE game and came away with a perfection. Helps when other players are afk :p

I love these!


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LOL at all the grunt stuff and "The Yappening".

We've also launched a special preset in Social Games which contains whacky modes like Methane Moshpit, Yappening Wargames, Brute Shoot, Yapyap’s Ball Grab, and Beamish Bonanza. I played a few games last night and couldn't help but laugh while playing due to the absolute ridiculousness of the game types.

Anyone down for some Spartan Ops mission featuring the Covenant, so we can work on the Shut Your Yap nameplate?
LOL at all the grunt stuff and "The Yappening".

We've also launched a special preset in Social Games which contains whacky modes like Methane Moshpit, Yappening Wargames, Brute Shoot, Yapyap’s Ball Grab, and Beamish Bonanza. I played a few games last night and couldn't help but laugh while playing due to the absolute ridiculousness of the game types.

Anyone down for some Spartan Ops mission featuring the Covenant, so we can work on the Shut Your Yap nameplate?
I would if i wasn't working tonight. I got in about 4 games of The Yappening earlier, but that was it. Some interesting stuff. Had a game on elongation with low gravity and bruteshots, where you could knock the crates around to kill players lol.


Saw this youtube comment and had to share it with someone:

Bungie:When you first saw Halo, were you blinded by its majesty?
343: Blinded?
Bungie: Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?
343: No!
343: Noble Bungie, surely you understand that once the community pre-ordered...
[internet community uproars]
Microsoft: There will be order in this counsel!
Bungie: [Gestures the internet to be silent] You were right to focus your attention on graphics, but the story and gameplay....
343: By the time we learned of the community's reaction, there was nothing we could do!
[internet uproars again]
Reddit: [whispering] Bungie, this has gone on long enough! Make an example of this bungler! The internet demands it!
Bungie: [to 343] You are one of our most treasured instruments. Long have you lead your company with honor and distinction. But, your inability to safeguard Halo was a colossal failure. Player: Nay! It was heresy!

Saw this youtube comment and had to share it with someone:

Bungie:When you first saw Halo, were you blinded by its majesty?
343: Blinded?
Bungie: Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?
343: No!
343: Noble Bungie, surely you understand that once the community pre-ordered...
[internet community uproars]
Microsoft: There will be order in this counsel!
Bungie: [Gestures the internet to be silent] You were right to focus your attention on graphics, but the story and gameplay....
343: By the time we learned of the community's reaction, there was nothing we could do!
[internet uproars again]
Reddit: [whispering] Bungie, this has gone on long enough! Make an example of this bungler! The internet demands it!
Bungie: [to 343] You are one of our most treasured instruments. Long have you lead your company with honor and distinction. But, your inability to safeguard Halo was a colossal failure. Player: Nay! It was heresy!

Ha that's pretty funny. In 343's defense, Bungie started Halo's issues with Reach. Personally, Halo 4 is my second favorite campaign behind Combat Evolved, and the multiplayer would have been as good as Halo 3 if 343 handnt added all the randomness and questionable abilities like Promethean Vision (eww just no). Halo 5's multiplayer was good just a bit too complicated. Halo 5's campaign, however was the worst of the bunch.

In other news i am immature and still have rage issues when playing halo. Most of it stems from playing solo and always getting pitted against full or near-full teams. It induces extreme triggeredness...
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I enjoyed all the campaigns from Halo CE to Halo Reach and have a hard time putting them in any specific order. I enjoyed Halo 4, just not as much as the rest. Halo 5 was just a below average campaign and the worst of the bunch.
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