But is this the best way for meeting a woman?
Is there a "best way for meeting a woman"? My friend met her wife when they both were drunk partying in a club. The other met her while going to a private academy to learn english, the other was set up to met her by surprise by other friends, others at work.
Some don't have the luck to meet her soulmate on parties or at work or gym or randomly at a bar and technology provides us with alternatives to meet people for dating. What's the problem? I met my 1st gf at college. A complete disaster. Then my 2nd was the "friend of a friend" and we met one day that we planned to go to the cinema and I got a "love at 1st sigh" with her. A complete disaster of relationship that broke me in pieces. Then I met my actual gf while i was using Tinder just for hookups and one night stands and I think she may be "the one" and I never reached that point with the others.
You never know how you will find "that person"
I agree thought that one should not close himself to meeting women just by Dating Apps. Go outside, do stuff, meet people at work, go to gym, party with friends and friends of friends and also while you are not finding that person try to talk to some matches on dating apps, at least you will get some sex even if you can't find your soulmate xD
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