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A Personal Story of How The Last of Us Saved My Life


...not to take away from an important topic, but it's very much possible to drink and do drugs and play games.
Yeah I know but tbh then I wouldn’t be alive. I’ve had enough issues controlling my gaming,sleeping,eating habits when sober, it was brutal when I was young and living on my own, these days when I have a family things are automatically much more about having routines. Still have to use timers and stuff like that to not ruin work days from being stuck playing TOTK, no joke. To describe it I’d say that ”One more thing…” is a thought that is constantly looping in my head and is messing up whatever plan and time schedule I originally had. Character flaw for sure but whatever, you live and learn, hopefully 🙂👍


Gold Journalism
That’s such a heartwarming story. I’ve been through some dark times myself by losing my parents early and wife got cancer, so I’m nearly in tears just reading that, life can be brutal. Hope you’re doing good now and keep on gaming and stay positive!

As for myself it’s Bethesda that has helped me over the years, specifically Oblivion and Skyrim by offering me escapism like nothing else when life keeps on throwing in boss battle after boss battles into my life.
Some drink and do drugs to hit the pause button on life. I play games. 👍
Thank you, my friend. I hope your life is much, much better now.

And for your sake, I hope the upcoming Starfield is everything you expected and more. Enjoy!


Thanks for sharing man.

So happy you found something to give you the experience needed for you to be able for telling us your story today. #Hug

I've been there many times so I know how it must've been for you. Ofcourse generally speaking.

And I'm super glad it was The Last of us and not Sekiro. I hope that brings a smile on your face in hindsight =)

Much Love Heisenberg007 Heisenberg007

Ghost Hug GIF
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Glad you're still with us mate, never give up we gotta keep pushing!

All the best to you and yes The Last of Us is something else 😍

I still remember the first play through... It was something truly magical.


I'm surprised you even decided to play something. When I'm so depressed I enjoy nothing. Someone or something really wanted you to stay with us brother.

Alan Wake

I went through hell 20 years ago when half of my family died. I wouldn't say that games saved my life, that would be a stretch, but it certainly helped to get me through. Especially when I got back up on my feet again and started looking for something that would make life feel worth it. I've realized that I've kept playing games through good times and bad times, and that games probably will be with me for the rest of my life. I'll die with a controller in my hands, lol.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
That's a tough one. I can't imagine what you had to go through.

I hope things are better for you now. ❤️
I am, just to balance the discussion : D Almost half a duration of the celebration tho, I am already not drinking. That shit happened quick to me.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Thanks for the post. I am glad it arrived when it was needed. When I see things like this it reminds me that behind every user name and post is a real person, and that I should temper my words accordingly. I shall endeavor to be better.


Gold Journalism
Thanks for the post. I am glad it arrived when it was needed. When I see things like this it reminds me that behind every user name and post is a real person, and that I should temper my words accordingly. I shall endeavor to be better.
I agree. Me too. It's an easy thing to forget in the online world. ❤️


Today is the 10th anniversary of The Last of Us, and I wanted to share a personal story with all of you that I haven't really talked about at all with people in my life. People often see video games as trivial and futile, but I've always seen them as art. I hope this highlights the power of video games and how they can impact our lives in unexpected ways.

A few years ago, I had almost quit gaming and was battling depression and suicidal thoughts. There came a time when I just couldn't go on anymore. I was figuring out the best way to end my life and was only waiting for a moment of absolute weakness to do it.

I had this game sitting on the shelf that I never opened. I didn't know anything about it — I hadn't even watched any trailer — and I had nothing to do on a weekend, so I started playing it.

The game's powerful opening hooked me, and I became super interested in what happens next. I didn't realize I ended up playing till 2:30 AM that morning. I finally liked something, and it felt good to have something to look forward to.

Through the game's story, I discovered a powerful message: the importance of finding something worth fighting for and enduring through life's darkest moments.

Joel, a character burdened by loss and sorrow, taught me the significance of holding onto hope, even when the odds seem insurmountable. Witnessing his journey from a broken man to someone who rediscovers his purpose awakened something within me. It reminded me that even in the midst of pain and struggle, there can be flickers of light that guide us toward a better tomorrow.


While Ellie's character symbolized resilience and strength in the face of adversity. Her unwavering spirit inspired me to confront my own demons head-on and find the strength within myself to persevere.


The Last of Us showed me that even when life seems unbearable, there is always something worth living for — whether it's a loved one, a passion, or simply the hope for a brighter future.

The Last of Us saved me. And I'm forever grateful.

To anyone who is still struggling:


Congrats on your recovery bro ! Keep strong ! One of the great games of all time for sure !

Just dont play part 2 or the depression might kick in again!

Jk of course 😁
Videogames can be great coping mechanisms if you understand what's happening. Skyrim came out right when we had a bad miscarriage and Skyrim really helped me and my wife kind of escape the reality of what happened for a little while which let us kind of heal and cope together over a few weeks time. Which at the time was exactly what we needed.

If you find yourself in some kind of slump and can find a healthy outlet, I think one owes it to themselves to try and lean into that and learn from it.


Woah! I thought the game was good as well. I already felt like video games were art, but TLOU was the kind of art I felt I could show to friends that didn’t think that way. I could point a book or movie fanatic at it and they’d see the value artistically.

I’m curious, did you play the PS4 remake or the PS3 original first?
Thanks for sharing your story. It truly is amazing how art (music and games mostly for me) can help us in trying times.

I hope you’re feeling better and that you continue to stay strong in the future!

Last of Us is an incredible game too!
This is, at its core, the reason why I liked TLOU so much and why I disliked TLOU2. TLOU is, at its core, at its very core, a story about being hopeful in the worst of circumstances, about being able to find someone to lean on even when all seems lost, about being able to move on and recover even after the worst happens and leaves you an empty shell. It ends in a bittersweet note, and that's OK, because life is bittersweet, but as long as people stay together they can go on.

TLOU2's message is:



Gold Journalism
This is, at its core, the reason why I liked TLOU so much and why I disliked TLOU2. TLOU is, at its core, at its very core, a story about being hopeful in the worst of circumstances, about being able to find someone to lean on even when all seems lost, about being able to move on and recover even after the worst happens and leaves you an empty shell. It ends in a bittersweet note, and that's OK, because life is bittersweet, but as long as people stay together they can go on.

TLOU2's message is:

I actually like TLOU 2 just as much as I like TLOU 😋


Gold Journalism
Woah! I thought the game was good as well. I already felt like video games were art, but TLOU was the kind of art I felt I could show to friends that didn’t think that way. I could point a book or movie fanatic at it and they’d see the value artistically.

I’m curious, did you play the PS4 remake or the PS3 original first?
I actually played the PS4 version.

TLOU is indeed pure art. I was always a bit miffed that so many people would never experience it. Thankfully, the HBO show changed it. And people can see the mature level of storytelling that's going on in the gaming medium.


I actually like TLOU 2 just as much as I like TLOU 😋

John Cena Omg GIF

Heisenberg out here casually:

Uno Reverse GIF by MOODMAN

But seriously, 2‘s message was pretty clear, it’s just some, like seemingly Jack, dumb it down.

Joel is understandable in saving Ellie, however he knew that meant hurting and killing people, not all of them were necessarily bad and just like him had people they were trying to save as well. 2 deals with the fallout of that. But it obviously is not a hate message towards Joel. As we see at the end of the game, Joel wanted nothing but happiness for Ellie, including her potential relationship with Dinah, and Ellie said while it would be difficult she would try to at least partially forgive Joel and spend time with him again.

This is why she spares Abby. Dinah did not want Ellie going after Abby again, and Ellie remembers how Joel wanted above all else for her to be happy. While probably knowing it might be too late to save her relationship, she spares Abby and makes her way home, but at least for now, it was too late. It’s why I think there will be a 3rd game as I don’t think the writers will want Ellie’s story, and thus Joel’s motivation, to end ultimately in tragedy.

Both games give the lead character a goal they strive for up towards the end of the game, Joel giving Ellie to the Fireflies to develop a cure, and Ellie seeking Abby to kill her for revenge. At the end of both games, they choose not to go through with it, and it’s due to motivation by the other, Joel could not bear to let Ellie die, and Ellie realized Joel truly valued her happiness above all else which would include her relationship. Both endings utilize both characters quite well.
This is amazing Heisenberg007 Heisenberg007 and I'm really glad you were able to find hope and inspiration from this unlikely source.

It really shows that videogames alongside other entertainment media are a force for good in using stories to convey messages of hope to people who really need it.

It's a strong justification for Sony to continue investing in the games they make and a strong argument against the goons who try to argue cinematic games that tell meaningful stories are not important for gaming and that their devs should just go make movies.

In this case, a person's life was literally saved by the story a videogame attempted to tell. There's no variation of Tetris or COD MP that can attest to achieving that.
Its good you managed to find a "lifeline" basically. I never dealt with the same issues but I do remember one period a few years ago when I was too burned out from work. The fact that after a whole day, I come home and cant even play a game, something which was my escape from bad feelings such as anxiety or general worry about the future. It took me a good year to get back and chill out again and yes, I have quit that job :)


The way I look at it, escapism in stories can be a lifevest. My lifejacket was anime, of all things..

It can help keep you afloat while you search on for something real and tangible. Like building skills, making good, life long friendships. Starting a family. Establishing good habits like eating wholesome food, loosing a few pounds, exercising.

Seeking mental health coaching is a great one..! - I look at it like bolstering my mind and spirit for hard times that'll inevitably come around.
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