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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Yeah, I would think that the twin swords that the Stark's sword was forged into would be much more likely to become the sword of Azor Ahai than the fake sword.

Or maybe those are the other two swords for the three heads of the dragons.


I'm calling it. With brans time travel or w/e he becomes the leader of the others. Boom plot twist of grrm caliber

Just imagine the Game of Thrones split timeline!

I think Bran is contacting Theon because there is something inside Winterfell that he needs access to. Some kind of ancient weapon that could defeat the Others. I think some on other forums have even speculated that an ice dragon lives beneath Winterfell.
Just imagine the Game of Thrones split timeline!

I think Bran is contacting Theon because there is something inside Winterfell that he needs access to. Some kind of ancient weapon that could defeat the Others. I think some on other forums have even speculated that an ice dragon lives beneath Winterfell.

Isn't there a level under the crypts or something that people don't go down? Plus someone is stealing swords in the crypts.


Isn't there a level under the crypts or something that people don't go down? Plus someone is stealing swords in the crypts.

Interesting. If time travel is actually possible in this universe, which is probably not likely, then it could be Bran himself who is frozen and sleeping beneath the crypts of Winterfell. It would be kind of neat if Bran went back thousands of years to find out how the first wave of White Walkers were defeated. He ends up actually defeating them and becoming Bran the builder, he builds a secret crypt beneath Winterfell and waits for their return, when he can be awoken and defeat them a second time.

edit: More likely is that he just saw how the first ones were defeated using the trees and watched as the original Bran the Builder hid something inside Winterfell. That is why he is contacting Theon.


Interesting. If time travel is actually possible in this universe, which is probably not likely, then it could be Bran himself who is frozen and sleeping beneath the crypts of Winterfell. It would be kind of neat if Bran went back thousands of years to find out how the first wave of White Walkers were defeated. He ends up actually defeating them and becoming Bran the builder, he builds a secret crypt beneath Winterfell and waits for their return, when he can be awoken and defeat them a second time.

Wow, mind blown.

Unfortunately I think the only time travel that Bran will be able to accomplish is to go back and witness the past and possibly influence it in some small ways via his tree-warging. I don't think he will actually physically be able to transport his body, or even his spirit, through time.

But that is a cool theory.


Another thing I thought about is the idea of rebirth. Song of Ice and Fire has some parallels to and borrows themes from Norse Mythology, as a lot of medieval fantasies do. A key story from Norse mythology is Ragnarok, I think that is when the Ice Giants and Gods destroy each other, a few humans survive because they hid in trees. We know that trees can extend life, the only problem is that there is no point in Bran surviving because he can't reproduce. Maybe the roots beneath Winterfell are potent enough that if the population was to head down below they could connect themselves to the roots and wait out the long Winter.

edit: According to Norse mythology the world was born out of the union of ice and fire.


Time travel really just doesn't fit with the feel of this series, and I really hope it doesn't go down that route.

Yea it does. It's just the kind of trolling GRRM might do. Hell I wouldn't be surprised of Bran went back an told Ned everything after the execution in ch. 1 of GOT. Bet Larry would love that shit.


man ive been flicking through clash of kings, and while the ending originally seemed way less momentous than for game of thrones, what with THE KING IN THE NORTH and dragons and shit, it actually has some really cool lines

got some nerdchills when reading "no, theres nothing behind us ... by now mance is well down the milkwater, marching on your wall"



I can only imagine how infuriating it must've been for long-time readers. That was an 11-year wait for those Dany and Tyrion chapters.


the mereneese knot lol. the book was good if you removed everything that didn't occur in the north. i enjoyed the book, but ultimately i think the series has jumped the shark.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I must be easy to please because outside of his ridiculous and endless descriptions of meals (get his ass a steak while he writes cause his hunger is making him waste countless pages on food descriptions) I enjoyed all of it, even Dany being useless and Tyrion reduced to riding pigs. I just enjoy being in that world so much he could write an entire chapter about Tyrion taking a shit and I would enjoy it.


I read the first four over a few months and then Dance With Dragons came out a week after I finished Feast for Crows. This is gonna be a long hard winter until the sixth book. I feel like 4-5 years from now so much will have changed in my own life that coming back to this world will be an interesting experience.

Who am I kidding, I'll probably be the exact same.

I can only imagine how infuriating it must've been for long-time readers. That was an 11-year wait for those Dany and Tyrion chapters.

I've been reading the series for the past 13 years and loved every minute of ADWD.

Nor has the series come close to jumping the shark.


Anyone who tries to assert that nothing happens in the series is completely blind to what the point of certain arcs were. You may not like what happened, but that's something entirely different. For example, one of the most often exemplified stories were 'nothing happened' is Dany's. Well, here is what happened:

Dany, upon realizing that being a queen required more than burning all the badguys and leaving the citizens there to behave, tried her hand at ruling Meereen as a test drive before her march to Westeros. In during her reign, she realizes that her dragons are dangerous beasts and ties them up. She tries to impose her rule, but due to the strife she has caused in the other cities as well as the different cultural norms, she struggles with keeping her city under control. To do this, she concedes to marrying one of the noblemen. Quentyn eventually comes and she must reject him, leading him to his little journey into the dragons lair. Eventually, Drogo comes back and takes her away.

So what has her storyline accomplished:
1. It developed her character. She thought she would just return to Westeros and be the rightful, benevolent ruler. By the end, this perception is shattered. She cannot build, only destroy. Furthermore, by trying, she has completely failed all the followers she swore to help. Who knows if she even wants to come to Westeros anymore.
2. She has lost 2 of her dragons, and all her followers are left in Meereen while she is all the way in the Dothraki Sea. She is starting over, in many ways
3. She is now officially married, so it's not like she can take another husband in Westeros, or at least not without breaking lots of rules, which has it's own consequences.
4. Because he rejected Quentyn and he died as a guest of hers, there is no way Dorne will ally with her if she does come to westeros. The lost a major ally there.
5. Due to the prophecy, she might be able to bear children again.

"Nothing happened." Bullshit.


Anyone who tries to assert that nothing happens in the series is completely blind to what the point of certain arcs were. You may not like what happened, but that's something entirely different. For example, one of the most often exemplified stories were 'nothing happened' is Dany's. Well, here is what happened:

Dany, upon realizing that being a queen required more than burning all the badguys and leaving the citizens there to behave, tried her hand at ruling Meereen as a test drive before her march to Westeros. In during her reign, she realizes that her dragons are dangerous beasts and ties them up. She tries to impose her rule, but due to the strife she has caused in the other cities as well as the different cultural norms, she struggles with keeping her city under control. To do this, she concedes to marrying one of the noblemen. Quentyn eventually comes and she must reject him, leading him to his little journey into the dragons lair. Eventually, Drogo comes back and takes her away.

So what has her storyline accomplished:
1. It developed her character. She thought she would just return to Westeros and be the rightful, benevolent ruler. By the end, this perception is shattered. She cannot build, only destroy. Furthermore, by trying, she has completely failed all the followers she swore to help. Who knows if she even wants to come to Westeros anymore.
2. She has lost 2 of her dragons, and all her followers are left in Meereen while she is all the way in the Dothraki Sea. She is starting over, in many ways
3. She is now officially married, so it's not like she can take another husband in Westeros, or at least not without breaking lots of rules, which has it's own consequences.
4. Because he rejected Quentyn and he died as a guest of hers, there is no way Dorne will ally with her if she does come to westeros. The lost a major ally there.
5. Due to the prophecy, she might be able to bear children again.

"Nothing happened." Bullshit.

I agree with you, Generic, that it is bullshit that people claim that nothing happened.

4 and 5 are by far the most important imo. Dany's interaction with Dorne are going to be very important for the rest of the series. Dorne is under stated. To say what I said earlier about the Martell's:

The only reason I didn't classify the Vale with the other houses is because at the moment they have a major crisis of leadership. Otherwise, the Vale will really only matter in the grand scheme of things if and when Sansa marries Harry the Heir and then she reveals herself and asks the Lords of the Vale under Harry's leadership to go to war for her.

Until that point they're pretty much on the side lines waiting for the chips to fall in their on power struggles, and the majority of the Vale is more worried about that than what's happening in King's Landing.

The Martell's are actively involved in rebellion and have a large army. That's why I was saying they'r the "last one standing" that Dany could have really relied on, until she said "fuck you" and through her (in)action led to Quentyn's death. Doran WONT forget that, and he own't appreciate the fact that she spurned a Prince of Dorne for a mercenary who liked to fondle his daggers.

With that being said I would also add Doran Martell to the list of badass characters. Not because of any physical prowess. We know that the dude can't even walk. But because I have to respect something about a man who is utterly devoted to his beliefs. He made the marriage contract with Viserys years earlier, and had been plotting the Baratheon/Lannister downfall for years. I think that this guy is a plotter close to the level of Littlefinger (if not on his level). Many will disagree, but the fact is we simply don't know what his plan is, or how much of his plan he has implemented. Part's of his plan failed, but that's a result of poor execution by his instruments (so to speak).

Dany was also a fucking idiot for throwing the marriage to Quentyn (who did redeem himself as a character but only needed to have two chapters at the most, and to be honest he didn't even NEED to be a POV character) away without a second thought and basically giving House Martell a big "Fuck You." Just because she was all horny for Daario. Dany really screwed herself over on that one.

If Dany would have pulled her head out of the Harpy's ass and looked towards her ultimate goal, she would have known (especially considering Selmy was providing her with information, and she had the ability to find out from others) that House Martell is literally the last man standing so to speak (with regards to the great houses that are currently and actively involved in the war for the Iron Throne. Sansa, if she marries Harry the Heir, and inherits the Vale and all of its forces, and then reveals herself as Sansa Stark and rallies the North, then she would also be able to majorly fuck stuff up).

The Tyrells are just waiting for an excuse to take our the Lannisters and Cersei, and they're also wrapped up in dealing with the Greyjoys. The Lannisters are still trying to put together the Riverlands, and are spread extremely thin. Stannis is off dying (or so we think) in a blizzard, and the Bolton's are stuck up North with "allies" that would betray them as soon as a viable opportunity arose.

The Martells are literally the LAST of the great houses/one of the seven kingdoms, not to be actively involved in the civil war. Their entire army is chilling in Dorne ready to rise up as soon as Dany had married Quentyn and came back to Westeros. Now Aegon (whether real or fake, doesn't matter at this point) has landed with Connington and the Golden Company and raised the Targaryan banners, and Dorne is probably going to declare for him. Dany really screwed herself over. Doran is not going to be very likely to support HER when there is an even more legitmate Targaryan claiming the throne, and after (as for as Doran is concerned) she spit on his offer to provide aid and through her actions (or inaction) led to the death of his son.

What could the sand snakes be up to? How could that affect Dany and her plans?

Even more importantly, Sansa is set up to take control of potentially the largest army in the land right next to Kings Landing, in perhaps the most impenetrable of the Seven Kingdoms. I think the Sansa story line is going to really take off once she gets married and learns to play the game. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if we see Littlefinger fly....

As for the children, is there ANY chance that the subject of prophecy isn't Jon? Could it potentially be Dany's yet to be born child? Maybe the combination of her and Jon...I'm just throwing shit against the wall to see if it sticks at this point lol. But the fact that she can potentially have children again might turn out to be a major plot point.


If 6 and 7 end the story and character arcs in a satisfying way then you wont really here so many complaints about 4 and 5.


Finally finished ADwD last night. Found it mostly enjoyable but really frustrating. Just a lot of build up and no real climax, which will be fine when the next book comes out but makes for a pretty unsatisfying read on its own. Feel like it would have been a much better book if Martin had shown one of the major events he is building toward - the battle of Winterfell preferrably, but even the battle of Meereen.

Loved the Theon, Asha and Jon chapters and really enjoyed how Quentyn's story turned out. Also liked Davos, Bran and Jaime stuff even if they were just teases at what happens next. Hated the stuff with Dany and Tyrion - just didn't feel there was any need to dedicate so much to them considering how little either character accomplished.

The ending was great too. It's going to be so good to see Varys and Littlefinger eventually get together again and discuss the havoc they've created like two guys discussing an intense game of chess.


I finished ADWD a few days ago too.

Am I the only one who really enjoyed Barristan's chapters? I think he makes a great POV characters and I like how he has all of those little flashback scenes from his youth. I wasn't that fond of the stuff that was going on in Meeren but it became a lot more interesting from his point of view.
The problem with the argument that Dany and Tyrion "don't do anything/don't accomplish anything" is that it's based on such a bad expectation in fiction - be it literature, television, whatever. For some reason many viewers expect these characters to always be badasses, always make the right decisions, and always come out on top. ASOIAF has never been that type of series overall.

People expected Tyrion to brush off the events of ASOS with a quip, fuck some whores, and get back to being himself in ADWD. Tyrion isn't a superhero, he's written as a serious human character. In the span of a couple months he is convicted of kinslaying and regicide, he kills his lover after discovering she has manipulated him, and he kills his father. He also permanently damages his relationship with his brother, perhaps the only person who truly loved him. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the Tyrion of the previous novels is gone. What's left is a drunk, depressed wretch who slowly recovers on a long journey that introduces him to some new/interesting people that change the trajectory of his life. I thought his chapters were some of the best in ADWD.

I've been listening to a podcast based on the novels which articulates this far better than I can

Viewers love characters like Don Draper, Tony Soprano, Walter White, etc when they're being awesome, regardless of how reprehensible their actions are. Yet when those characters are not being awesome, and instead are making mistakes or doing dumb things, viewers turn. This calls into question whether these characters are actually loved, or whether people just like seeing them do cool shit.

Not long ago some snidely remarked that Dany was the ultimate Mary Sue character. ADWD completely threw that out the window, and many people reacted negatively. There's no question her chapters move slow, and are quite procedural at times; I think the amount could have been shortened without losing anything major, and of course the various new names are too ridiculous to remember. But as a character Dany definitely made progress, and her story has indeed moved from where it once was. Is she hanging around with Tyrion, gearing up to sail for Westeros. No, and that sucks. But she certainly is making progress.


I don't mind slow moving character stuff, it's just that Dany and Tyrion's chapters were mostly devoid of anything interesting to me, either from an event or character perspective.

If Martin had made either of them remotely as intricate and interesting as Tony Soprano or Walter White then I wouldn't have any complaints.

I agree with GCX re Barristan Selmy. Really liked his POVs.


I don't mind slow moving character stuff, it's just that Dany and Tyrion's chapters were mostly devoid of anything interesting to me, either from an event or character perspective.

this. But, I guess we're uneducated philistines incapable of appreciating the rich literary integrity of the characters.....


May contain jokes =>
Finally finished ADwD last night. Found it mostly enjoyable but really frustrating. Just a lot of build up and no real climax, which will be fine when the next book comes out but makes for a pretty unsatisfying read on its own. Feel like it would have been a much better book if Martin had shown one of the major events he is building toward - the battle of Winterfell preferrably, but even the battle of Meereen.

Loved the Theon, Asha and Jon chapters and really enjoyed how Quentyn's story turned out. Also liked Davos, Bran and Jaime stuff even if they were just teases at what happens next. Hated the stuff with Dany and Tyrion - just didn't feel there was any need to dedicate so much to them considering how little either character accomplished.

The ending was great too. It's going to be so good to see Varys and Littlefinger eventually get together again and discuss the havoc they've created like two guys discussing an intense game of chess.

I always try to point this out, GRRM wanted to include both events but his editors wouldn't let him. It can be argued that if he'd kept the rest of the book tighter they wouldn't have fought him on length, but regardless I think he's fully aware that the book would have been better without cutting them out.
Finally finished ADwD last night. Found it mostly enjoyable but really frustrating. Just a lot of build up and no real climax, which will be fine when the next book comes out but makes for a pretty unsatisfying read on its own. Feel like it would have been a much better book if Martin had shown one of the major events he is building toward - the battle of Winterfell preferrably, but even the battle of Meereen.

Loved the Theon, Asha and Jon chapters and really enjoyed how Quentyn's story turned out. Also liked Davos, Bran and Jaime stuff even if they were just teases at what happens next. Hated the stuff with Dany and Tyrion - just didn't feel there was any need to dedicate so much to them considering how little either character accomplished.

The ending was great too. It's going to be so good to see Varys and Littlefinger eventually get together again and discuss the havoc they've created like two guys discussing an intense game of chess.

That's pretty much how I felt. The books greatest sin for me was making Tyrion boring. Tyrion originally only had 4 chapters in the book (pre-split). Probably would have been better that way.

Oh well, it's now the new year. He needs to get cracking on the new book.
I don't mind slow moving character stuff, it's just that Dany and Tyrion's chapters were mostly devoid of anything interesting to me, either from an event or character perspective.

If Martin had made either of them remotely as intricate and interesting as Tony Soprano or Walter White then I wouldn't have any complaints.

Exactly. Slow isn't bad, but slow and boring sure as hell is, and that's what the Dany/Tyrion chapters in ADWD were.
I'd argue Tyrion is as complex as any of the tv characters I mentioned

this. But, I guess we're uneducated philistines incapable of appreciating the rich literary integrity of the characters.....

That's not what I'm saying. People turn on characters when they aren't doing awesome shit all the time, as if they expect them to be superhuman. The biggest complaint about Tyrion's chapters is that "nothing happens" - which is factually wrong. Then people pivot to "well I didn't like what happens" which is an entirely different issue.


ADWD needed editing, and not the "oh book is too long, let's cut the ending" kind.
The "Battle of Ice" and the "Battle of Fire" should have been the main focus of the book and needed resolution. The returing POVs from AFFC should have stayed in TWOW (bar Victarion and Asha): no Arya, Jaime, Cersei, Areo Hotah. The "Golden Company" storyline is interesting but it needed more space, the reveal about Young Griff would have worked better as an Epilogue or something like that, with the invasion at the beginning of Book 6.
Cut some chapters from Tyrion riding pigs and Dany riding Dhaario and you have plenty of space to resolve the two main storylines (or at least the Winterfell one) in 900 pages

Jon, Bran, Davos, Theon, Asha and Melisandre in the North
Dany, Barristan , Quentyn, Victarion and Tyrion in the East
(am I forgetting someone?)


ADWD needed editing, and not the "oh book is too long, let's cut the ending" kind.
The "Battle of Ice" and the "Battle of Fire" should have been the main focus of the book and needed resolution. The returing POVs from AFFC should have stayed in TWOW (bar Victarion and Asha): no Arya, Jaime, Cersei, Areo Hotah. The "Golden Company" storyline is interesting but it needed more space, the reveal about Young Griff would have worked better as an Epilogue or something like that, with the invasion at the beginning of Book 6.
Cut some chapters from Tyrion riding pigs and Dany riding Dhaario and you have plenty of space to resolve the two main storylines (or at least the Winterfell one) in 900 pages

Jon, Bran, Davos, Theon, Asha and Melisandre in the North
Dany, Barristan , Quentyn, Victarion and Tyrion in the East
(am I forgetting someone?)

Well said.
I was looking forwad to Dany's chapters the most in aDWD, by the end of the book i hated her chapters. That was some Sansa level type shit the way she was getting moist over Daario.

The North saved the book. New spoiler chapter was great.


I was looking forwad to Dany's chapters the most in aDWD, by the end of the book i hated her chapters. That was some Sansa level type shit the way she was getting moist over Daario.

The North saved the book. New spoiler chapter was great.

The Dany chapters were insufferable...and I'm one of the few that really enjoyed her character in the first three. Again, I only wonder wonder how it was for those that hated her. It really does feel like GRRM is just trolling. Or like I said before, doesn't really know where to go next with his own book series.
The Dany chapters were insufferable...and I'm one of the few that really enjoyed her character in the first three. Again, I only wonder wonder how it was for those that hated her. It really does feel like GRRM is just trolling. Or like I said before, doesn't really know where to go next with his own book series.

I'm with you, i liked her in the first 3 books. I fist pumped when she slapped Viserys' and loved her growth from a scared little girl to a queen. Sure she was lucky in parts, but she also has balls, dealt with some tough times and made some good decisions.

Much like Sansa early in the story, her feelings for Daario are normal coming from a rich teenage girl, but i didn't like reading that shit.
Unfortunately Martin's editor is basically a fangirl and friend of his. While it's true she did press to get one of the major battles included in ADWD, there was a lot of stuff that could have been moved to TWOW. I'd be fine with nearly every AFFC cliff hanger pov moved there, except Cersei's considering it ties into the epilogue a bit. That alone would have created space for the new Theon chapter that was released, plus the battle.

We wouldn't even have to see the end result of the battle, just enough to leave a nice cliff hanger and make Bolton's letter even more tantalizing.


4. Because he rejected Quentyn and he died as a guest of hers, there is no way Dorne will ally with her if she does come to westeros. The lost a major ally there.
Uh, no. Martell is pragmatic as fuck. If she comes to Dorne and asks for their aid he'll give it to her because she represents the best possible option for revenge against the Lannisters.


Uh, no. Martell is pragmatic as fuck. If she comes to Dorne and asks for their aid he'll give it to her because she represents the best possible option for revenge against the Lannisters.

Well, yeah, probably, but where before he'd give her his true allegiance, now he'll help her until such a time or in such a way that it will cause her downfall as well. The point is that they are no longer going to be on good terms unless he somehow learns the true story and accepts that Dany had no hand in his son's murder, which is unlikely.


That new sample bit was cool. I hope Theon gets to stay alive for awhile longer. He's so crazy, it'd be awesome if he helps out and gets revenge on the Boltons. lol.
Uh, no. Martell is pragmatic as fuck. If she comes to Dorne and asks for their aid he'll give it to her because she represents the best possible option for revenge against the Lannisters.

Are you sure? I can't imagine Quentyn's companions having anything nice to say about Dany when they return to Dorne. She'll be portrayed as childish and dithering while her city burned, it might be enough to convince Martell that she's as crazy as her brother or father. Contrast that to Aegon quickly landing and winning his first battle on Westeros soil. Plus he has Arianne to dangle to secure an alliance.
Just finished ADWD last night and read the TWOW Theon chapter today. I enjoyed ADWD, considerable more than AFFC, but just based off scanning the past few pages, I agree with the general consensus here, the North stuff was great, and the stuff in the East was meh.

At this point, as long as the North/Starks get their revenge in the series, I could really care less what happens in the East/Iron Throne/Lannisters/Targaryens/Martells.


May contain jokes =>
Is there any more slowly updating website than Tower of the Hand? Absolutely no disrespect as I enjoy their content, but I can't believe they still have nigh on zero ADWD info posted seven months after the book released.
Is there any more slowly updating website than Tower of the Hand? Absolutely no disrespect as I enjoy their content, but I can't believe they still have nigh on zero ADWD info posted seven months after the book released.

TOTH is basically run by one guy, and he's been doing a bunch of other stuff related to the series.

Speaking of which, you guys should check out A Podcast Of Ice And Fire. Cool hosts, and they often have guests like Elio from Westeros, Fabio from WiC, and the TOTH guy.

Their ADWD review is pretty entertaining, and the group have varying opinions on it much like GAF
I figure one of the "big three" has to die by the end of the series, and Tyrion seems like the best candidate. Of course I'm assuming Jon isn't dead


I figure one of the "big three" has to die by the end of the series, and Tyrion seems like the best candidate. Of course I'm assuming Jon isn't dead

I think all of them will live just because everyone expects one of them to die. It will be Martin's final troll to the fans. Haha


I figure one of the "big three" has to die by the end of the series, and Tyrion seems like the best candidate. Of course I'm assuming Jon isn't dead

The Onion agrees with you: 'These Last Two Are Gonna Be Real Turds,' George R.R. Martin Assures Fans

Martin said that while he didn't want to give too much away, he was certainly going to kill off Tyrion and never resurrect him, because "that fucking dwarf" was annoying the shit out of him.
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