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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I figure one of the "big three" has to die by the end of the series, and Tyrion seems like the best candidate. Of course I'm assuming Jon isn't dead

Dany makes the most sense since she's the one who everyone thinks will become Queen.

I think all of them will live just because everyone expects one of them to die. It will be Martin's final troll to the fans. Haha

This actually makes sense.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
This is a bad idea and you should feel bad.

Nah its gonna happen, towards the end though when his shit is played out.

Just had a nice little bit in Clash of Kings. Bolton's squire, a young Frey is upset and complaining to Arya because his marriage to his "princess" has been called off because the Frey's have been betrayed. His princess was meant to be Arya.

Nice day for a red wedding.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Had a bit of a GoT moment then, instead of Direwolf pups I found 3 baby rats and one big dead rotting rat.....complete with maggots.

Dog killed one and I put the others to the sword.... hammer.


it's 4th of July in my asshole

Prologue of Storm of Swords, 3 horn blasts....... gloss over Clash dammit.

If HBO don't complete this series someone's getting stabbed.


Just finished the Book this weekend. Yeah I don't think Jon's dead, there's probably going to be some sort of Rhollor healing voodoo.

My favorite chapters in the book were probably the Arya ones. Yeah they didn't really have anything to do with the main plot and yeah, I'm a sucker for assassin stories but the sense of mystery around it made me want to keep reading. They were cryptic but not in that annoying arrogant way like when Melisandre talks.

Also, we can pretty much assume Doran is going to try and marry is Daughter to Ageon now right? And the daughter is going to be all distraught because she always wanted to rule since she was the eldest but not at the price of her little bro so there's probably going to be 1-2 brooding filler chapters.

I remember when the book first came out of the reviews said ADWD gave some hints on Jon's parentage. I didn't see any of that. Was it that little quip in the Barristan chapters about how he loved a girl but then Stark too her away? I'm pretty sure now that Rhaegar and Lyanna are not Jon's parents. Bastard probably changed it as soon as he read all the fan predictions.


I must be easy to please because outside of his ridiculous and endless descriptions of meals (get his ass a steak while he writes cause his hunger is making him waste countless pages on food descriptions) I enjoyed all of it, even Dany being useless and Tyrion reduced to riding pigs. I just enjoy being in that world so much he could write an entire chapter about Tyrion taking a shit and I would enjoy it.
Me too.

How boring would it be if every page was either featuring a murder/plot/fuck or lead up to one? People calling for nonestop action and complaining about "filler" are pretty much the kind of fans I don't want GRRM not to listen to. Non-stop action can be entertaining, like the First Law books or the Ciaphas Cain books (yes, I'm a neeerd), but it's not needed.

I like the world and the characters and many of my favourite shows, movies, books and in special cases even games gave quite moments. Why should I care about characters and how could they be believable if they're all never-needing-to-poop movie cardboard cutoutos. "Boring" Brienne showed me a lot of Westeros that I found very interesting, but many hate those chapters.

I liked Dany before she started burning people. Do I get hipster points for that?

I just want more Sam and more on the Maesters in the next book.


ADWD needed editing, and not the "oh book is too long, let's cut the ending" kind.
The "Battle of Ice" and the "Battle of Fire" should have been the main focus of the book and needed resolution. The returing POVs from AFFC should have stayed in TWOW (bar Victarion and Asha): no Arya, Jaime, Cersei, Areo Hotah. The "Golden Company" storyline is interesting but it needed more space, the reveal about Young Griff would have worked better as an Epilogue or something like that, with the invasion at the beginning of Book 6.
Cut some chapters from Tyrion riding pigs and Dany riding Dhaario and you have plenty of space to resolve the two main storylines (or at least the Winterfell one) in 900 pages

Jon, Bran, Davos, Theon, Asha and Melisandre in the North
Dany, Barristan , Quentyn, Victarion and Tyrion in the East
(am I forgetting someone?)

Essentially this. The book needed to be fucking trimmed. I can understand why Martin went the direction he did, however he spent way too much time on it.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
I just want more Sam and more on the Maesters in the next book.

I don't know if people should expect to much from this arch. It's good and all, but like Arya and Bran with the Assassin and Warg/Green Seer etc etc it will take quite some time. Also he's basically begging on the streets so I'm hoping he's not such a "FAT craven".


Just finished ADWD. I really liked it! Love Theon and his arch. It also helped that I was able to read from GOT to ADWD without a break. Now the wait for the next one starts so I will just reread the series as I have certainly forgotten events and names from the earlier books.

I do have to admit...I almost threw my iPad because I was so pissed at the end of Jon's chapter. Since it was vague...I have hope.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Le sigh, up to the Red Wedding in Storm of Sword. Damn you Stark's.

On the plus early on Jojen had said the the wolf's will rise again so there's that to look forward to.........
How does Cersei get away with half the shit she pulls in Feast for Crows. It pisses me off. I'm not quite done yet with it though so maybe she can still die.


No one would have a problem with A Dance With Dragons if the last two books hadn't taken 11 years.

I think that's why I didn't have the issues I read others having as I jumped from AFFC directly into ADWD as I was playing catch up. Otherwise I'd probably be just as sour.


No one would have a problem with A Dance With Dragons if the last two books hadn't taken 11 years.
I read them all in succession this year and Dance is my least favourite. Too much time wasted in the middle to the point where there literally weren't enough pages to fit in the battles that he builds up to for the whole second half of the book. There are like 10 plot threads going on at once, and they all end on cliffhangers with little to no resolution on any of them. I still loved the book but he really got the pacing wrong and for that reason I think its the weakest in the series.


Just finished the Book this weekend. Yeah I don't think Jon's dead, there's probably going to be some sort of Rhollor healing voodoo.

I don't think so. The whole point of the epilogue was to show that skinchangers can "jump" even after their main body dies. I think that Jon will jump to his wolf Ghost, and then later back to Jon's body again (so it becomes like another Coldhands). The only part Melisandre might be doing is preserving Jon's body.


May contain jokes =>
I don't think so. The whole point of the epilogue was to show that skinchangers can "jump" even after their main body dies. I think that Jon will jump to his wolf Ghost, and then later back to Jon's body again (so it becomes like another Coldhands). The only part Melisandre might be doing is preserving Jon's body.

True, but we've already seen multiple times that Red Priests can return someone to life without that much consequence for the first time at least.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
All hail king Bran?

Maybe. Rob did get all his men to legitimise Jon Snow just before the Red Wedding but I'm not sure how the wedding will affect that, most of the survivors are hostages now but they know Jon is a legit heir.

Also Arya might have Green Dreams as well. Before the wedding she said she had a dream that left her with a really bad feeling all day but she couldn't remember what she dreamed.


I read them all in succession this year and Dance is my least favourite. Too much time wasted in the middle to the point where there literally weren't enough pages to fit in the battles that he builds up to for the whole second half of the book. There are like 10 plot threads going on at once, and they all end on cliffhangers with little to no resolution on any of them. I still loved the book but he really got the pacing wrong and for that reason I think its the weakest in the series.

What I meant was that I think more people would be okay with that if we were confident that the next book was coming out in 2013.
I don't think so. The whole point of the epilogue was to show that skinchangers can "jump" even after their main body dies. I think that Jon will jump to his wolf Ghost, and then later back to Jon's body again (so it becomes like another Coldhands). The only part Melisandre might be doing is preserving Jon's body.

I'm assuming the Melisandre saves Jon in some way. Just seems to fit for me.

Maybe. Rob did get all his men to legitimise Jon Snow just before the Red Wedding but I'm not sure how the wedding will affect that, most of the survivors are hostages now but they know Jon is a legit heir.

Also Arya might have Green Dreams as well. Before the wedding she said she had a dream that left her with a really bad feeling all day but she couldn't remember what she dreamed.

I'm very curious to see if Jon being legitimized as Robb's heir will come into play.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Yeah, excited for what's to come. Sooo many possibilities.

Listening to the battle for Castle Black against the Thenn's, will be incredible if they pull it off in the show.


I think the "original" POVs (Bran, Sansa, Arya, Jon, Dany, Tyrion) will survive in the end , but probably end up miserable/undead/alone/evil/something dreadful lol.
Maybe. Rob did get all his men to legitimise Jon Snow just before the Red Wedding but I'm not sure how the wedding will affect that, most of the survivors are hostages now but they know Jon is a legit heir.

I just finished Feast for Crows so maybe I should wait to finish Dance with Dragons before I make this comment but Edmure could have told the Blackfish before he escaped. Maybe he goes north to seek out Jon and name him a Stark.


I just finished Feast for Crows so maybe I should wait to finish Dance with Dragons before I make this comment but Edmure could have told the Blackfish before he escaped. Maybe he goes north to seek out Jon and name him a Stark.

Yes, you would think something like this might be answered in the next book that is almost 1,000 pages long. You would be wrong.


Yes, you would think something like this might be answered in the next book that is almost 1,000 pages long. You would be wrong.

Probably didn't get answered because the majority of the events in the 1000 page book are supposed to take place along side the events in the other book.
Maybe. Rob did get all his men to legitimise Jon Snow just before the Red Wedding but I'm not sure how the wedding will affect that, most of the survivors are hostages now but they know Jon is a legit heir.

Also Arya might have Green Dreams as well. Before the wedding she said she had a dream that left her with a really bad feeling all day but she couldn't remember what she dreamed.

we don't know for sure whether Jon was legitimized or not. If it was as simple as Robb following through and doing what he initially intended, I feel we'd have definitive evidence. Instead it's done off screen and never mentioned again


it's 4th of July in my asshole
He got them all to sign something I remember but it was right before the Red Wedding, so who knows what happened to the signed document. His Lords know about it but they are all hostages or dead.


He was the youngest son of three with a father in good health, ie it wasn't likely he would ever become Lord of Winterfell.

But that can't be why he joined the NW. Why forsake what could be a life of riches and family for the black? He must've done something to merit what is essentially a banishment.
Guys, has it ever been revealed why Benjen Stark took the black? What's the speculation on this?
The starks actually respect the night watch so it isn't some lowly position. Starks have been manning the wall for generations. They already had a backup son in Ned Stark to take over in case Brandon died, which he did. They didn't need to give any of their sons their own land.


Mmm still not feeling it. "Just cause" isn't really a satisfactory explanation for this. Would love for some word on Benjen
Coldhands hurrrrr amirite
, there's so much he could clear up.


I think it'd make sense if Jon turned out to be Benjen's son. Only those two are stupid enough to volunteer themselves to the wall. :lol


There are numerous comments throughout the series about how younger sons of highborn families end up in these roles where they do not hold lands or titles.

You see examples in the Night's Watch, Kingsguard, Maesters, and Septons. You may remember commentary about why Loras Tyrell should join the Kingsguard or about how the High Septon tended to be promoted based on family ties despite claiming not to recognize them.


I really don't think there is more to it. He was the youngest son of three, so he felt he had no duty to stick around in Winterfell and decided to make his own way in the world. The Starks always valued the Night's Watch and their service, so him taking the black, for some adventure, the chance to prove himself in the world, etc. really isn't all that much of a leap. Hell, Jon did the same thing.


I really don't think there is more to it. He was the youngest son of three, so he felt he had no duty to stick around in Winterfell and decided to make his own way in the world. The Starks always valued the Night's Watch and their service, so him taking the black, for some adventure, the chance to prove himself in the world, etc. really isn't all that much of a leap. Hell, Jon did the same thing.

Jon is a bastard though, he has a much more valid reason to join the wall, considering the shit bastards get.

I'm just gonna agree with jett's comment, they must be father and son to be as stupid as to willingly take the black. Hell, maybe Benjen preggered Lyanna and that's why he GTFO.
not serious


Benjen and Jon really seem to love the Night's Watch. They didn't just settle into it, they wanted to go and since no one really needed them around it was a good fit.
He got them all to sign something I remember but it was right before the Red Wedding, so who knows what happened to the signed document. His Lords know about it but they are all hostages or dead.

The document was taken to Howland Reed's keep by Maege Mormont and some other northern lords who didn't attend the wedding. So I guess they were just chilling there all through ADWD lol.


The document was taken to Howland Reed's keep by Maege Mormont and some other northern lords who didn't attend the wedding. So I guess they were just chilling there all through ADWD lol.

A copious amount of chilling seems to be the norm regarding ADWD characters!
The document was taken to Howland Reed's keep by Maege Mormont and some other northern lords who didn't attend the wedding. So I guess they were just chilling there all through ADWD lol.

Good to know.

I assume that we will see Benjen or at least hear of his fate in the last two books. When Coldhands appeared, I kind of assumed that it was Benjen, but there was no reveal.


Guys, has it ever been revealed why Benjen Stark took the black? What's the speculation on this?

There are some hints. I'm adding spoiler tags because most of this stuff is very hard to figure out on your own.

It's L+R=J related.

I'm pretty sure that Benjen helped his sister, which whom he was very close, meet Rhaegar. Thus he indirectly caused the death of his father, Brandon, Lyanna and the entire war. He must have taken the black as a penance, seems like a very Stark thing to do. Hints are Jojen's story (Lianna was the mystery knight, Benjen her squire), the ADWD tree-flashback and a remark that jousting is all about riding skills plus the fact that Lyanna was an superb rider.

He was the youngest son of three with a father in good health, ie it wasn't likely he would ever become Lord of Winterfell.

He was most likely still in Winterfell during the war, when Lord Ned was risking his life. He was just a boy back then and the only heir, there wouldn't have been a Stark in Winterfell otherwise. He most likely joined the black after the war and after Robb was born, for reasons mentioned above.

I think it'd make sense if Jon turned out to be Benjen's son. Only those two are stupid enough to volunteer themselves to the wall. :lol

That actually makes perfect sense :)


There are some hints. I'm adding spoiler tags because most of this stuff is very hard to figure out on your own.

It's L+R=J related.

I'm pretty sure that Benjen helped his sister, which whom he was very close, meet Rhaegar. Thus he indirectly caused the death of his father, Brandon, Lyanna and the entire war. He must have taken the black as a penance, seems like a very Stark thing to do. Hints are Jojen's story (Lianna was the mystery knight, Benjen her squire), the ADWD tree-flashback and a remark that jousting is all about riding skills plus the fact that Lyanna was an superb rider.

Didn't they meet at Harrenhal when Rhaegar snubbed Elia in favor of Lyanna? No need for Benjen.

Edit: Gonna re-read the laughing tree story again, maybe I missed something.
The document was taken to Howland Reed's keep by Maege Mormont and some other northern lords who didn't attend the wedding. So I guess they were just chilling there all through ADWD lol.

They probably heard Jon was made Lord Commander and now they don't know what the fuck to do with his ass.
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