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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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He doesn't have to become king by succession, he could just marry Dany.

Please no. I would vomit if that happened. I would rather have Jon die than marry Dany.

Could someone refresh my memory? It's been several months since I finished the latest book, and as far as I recalled, Jon was stabbed after being stupid or whatever on the wall. Did he get revived/saved somehow ala zombie mom or Brienne? How could he be king if he's dead?

For that matter, I thought Stannis etc. also all died in the snow, unless that was just someone lying about it.

I was really glad Brienne survived, even though she'll probably get killed in some horrible fashion like most everyone else remotely likable. She's one of the relatively few characters left I didn't actually dislike.

Jon was stabbed, but usually in these books, unless you get solid conformation of a death from another POV, you shouldn't take it at face value. Most people don't believe Jon is dead, because of that, and because it would just be really bad storytelling to kill off Jon at this point in the story (Plus, in response to being asked why he killed off Jon Snow, GRRM replied, "So you think he'd dead, do you?").

Theories are that he did die, but will warg into Ghost for a time before being healed and returning to his body (This is supported by the prologue establishing how warging works and Melisandre's vision of Jon being a man, then a wolf, then a man again), or he survives his wounds and never really died.

As for Stannis, it's largely believed that Ramsay was lying in the letter and we shouldn't take anything he said at face value.

edit: I think I would actually prefer if Jon just survived his wounds (or was healed like Victarion was) than dying and being revived, because I would like to avoid too many "person brought back to life" moments. However, the thought of getting 4 or 5 chapters into The Winds of Winter and seeing the next chapter titled "Ghost" is just super awesome.


Current popular theory is that Melisandre will raise him from the dead, there by making his promise to serve the Watch until his death finished.

I don't think Jon would leave the Watch on such a technicality. If he is resurrected, he should continue to serve imo.


He was about to leave the watch to go after Ramsey Bolton anyway, so I don't see why he wouldn't do it again

He wasn't leaving the Watch to do that though, he was planning to attack Ramsay as Lord Commander. He knew that others would see it as oath breaking, and he himself wasn't sure if it made him an oathbreaker or not (which is why he wasn't asking his Brothers to accompany him), but it can be rationalized that since Ramsay made a direct threat against the Night's Watch, marching on him could be justified as a preemptive strike in defense of the Watch. Marsh and co. would say that they should just give in to Bolton's demands, but that would be "taking sides" in the conflict just as much as joining Stannis' army would be.

When, as Lord Commander, your only options are to take the side of the man who saved the Wall from the wildlings and mostly left the Watch alone, or the man who's just made a direct threat to wipe out the Watch if you don't obey him, I think the decision Jon made is justified. He was in a situation where staying neutral meant being killed.


Please no. I would vomit if that happened. I would rather have Jon die than marry Dany.

My main theory is that GRRM will have Jon knock her up and then die. Jon has death on lock for this series. I think he's the only person she can have a child with.

Otherwise what kind of queen is that that can't bear heirs.


My main theory is that GRRM will have Jon knock her up and then die. Jon has death on lock for this series. I think he's the only person she can have a child with.

Otherwise what kind of queen is that that can't bear heirs.

Well, hopefully Dany will never end up as queen so we won't have to worry about that. I agree that Jon will probably die in the climax of the series (while saving the world from the Others). I just hope that Dany dies as well, because I would hate for her to end up "winning" in the end almost as much as I would hate her and Jon getting romantically involved. Jon is married to his duty. Dany would be more likely to fall for some muscly jackass like Victarion. Hopefully Arya gets sent to assassinate Dany at some point. Would be awesome.

I was actually pretty apathetic about Dany until ADWD, but now I can't stand her.


Hopefully Arya gets sent to assassinate Dany at some point. Would be awesome.

I was actually pretty apathetic about Dany until ADWD, but now I can't stand her.

Don't the faceless men also do information gathering? I could see them sending Arya to scope her out instead of just out right assassinating her.

But Dany will probably say some usurper's dog bullshit again and Arya will stab her anyway.


Please no more travels in the East, Arya should go back to Westeros ASAP.
The Faceless Men want her to stab a queen? There's a couple I can think of in King's Landing


I like the idea of Arya travelling widely, taking on board lots of languages and cultures. A well-rounded assassin should do a tour :)


Please no more travels in the East, Arya should go back to Westeros ASAP.
The Faceless Men want her to stab a queen? There's a couple I can think of in King's Landing

I agree. Hopefully Dany finally gets her ass to Westeros so that Arya can kill her and Cersei then reunite with Nymeria and her wolf pack to go slaughter the Freys.

/pipe dream
Man, I can't wait til the TV show gets to show Braavos. The Titan statue, the canals, the crazy fashion and colours, it's going to be really exciting compared to the drab greys of the North.


Man, I can't wait til the TV show gets to show Braavos. The Titan statue, the canals, the crazy fashion and colours, it's going to be really exciting compared to the drab greys of the North.

Yeah, Braavos is easily the best setting across the Narrow Sea. Interesting aesthetics/culture plus they have the House of Black and White and the Iron Bank.
Nah. GRRM confirmed that the readers would find out Jon's true parents, but I really don't think anyone else in the novels, including Jon himself will. How would anyone prove it anyway? And if Dany refuses a marriage alliance with Dorne, why would she enter into one with her brother's bastard son who has no army and no claim to anything?

Although Jon doesn't know it, he is the heir to The King in the North, so there's that.

I'm also ashamed to admit I didn't get the Frey pies until I read it online.

Same here.
Speaking of Daario, I hope that blue-haired douche rode the pale mare to a bloody and shit-filled death.

There are many things to dislike about the Daenerys-in-Meereen plot, but her inexplicable schoolgirl infatuation with Daario was the most unbearable.


Speaking of Daario, I hope that blue-haired douche rode the pale mare to a bloody-and-shit-filled death.

There are many things to dislike about the Daenerys-in-Meereen plot, but her inexplicable schoolgirl infatuation with Daario was the most unbearable.

oh yeah. I hope he gets Reek'd... but worse.
Speaking of Daario, I hope that blue-haired douche rode the pale mare to a bloody and shit-filled death.

There are many things to dislike about the Daenerys-in-Meereen plot, but her inexplicable schoolgirl infatuation with Daario was the most unbearable.

I've always hated that fucker. One of the worst characters in the series. He's still better than Darkstar though.


I quite liked Quentyn "I died a stupid death because I thought I could deal with fuckin' DRAGONS" Martell's last couple of chapters. He WAS plain, yes, but he got better.

or worse :p

I really liked Quentyn. He was so relatable for a nerd who's bad with women like myself. I had a feeling he was doomed, but I still really wanted him to succeed.


My main theory is that GRRM will have Jon knock her up and then die. Jon has death on lock for this series. I think he's the only person she can have a child with.

Otherwise what kind of queen is that that can't bear heirs.

But she can bear heirs now....


I really liked Quentyn. He was so relatable for a nerd who's bad with women like myself. I had a feeling he was doomed, but I still really wanted him to succeed.

definitely. I was like "I KNOW THAT FEEL BRO" when he declared his intentions in front of Daenerys and she laughed about it and was like "you're cute for being so plain, let's be friends!". Rejected and Friendzoned in front of a bunch of important people... that must've hurt.


One of these days I'll post my theory on what happens to everyone.

Someone on my G+ created the hypothetical situation "What if GRRM died and let you finish Ice and Fire?" and he wrote a long list of bullet points. So it got me thinking.

But she can bear heirs now....

The prophecy hasn't come true yet though.


Speaking of Daario, I hope that blue-haired douche rode the pale mare to a bloody and shit-filled death.

There are many things to dislike about the Daenerys-in-Meereen plot, but her inexplicable schoolgirl infatuation with Daario was the most unbearable.

Hell given how much Dany lusted after him, I wanted to fuck Daario by the end.


Storm of Swords, my mistake.

I had Clash sitting on my desk when I wrote that post and lost my train of thought.
I lent A Clash of Kings to a friend and she still hasn't returned it. I re-read GOT and was about to start COK, but alas... ='[


I've lost my copy of Clash of Kings, it was a hardcover without the shitty redesign they did for them. :(

I still have my three copies of Storm, though.


I had meant to re-read Clash before the series premiere since I don't remember wtf happens in the book aside from major events, but I've been so busy the last week that I don't think it'll happen.


Clash, by virtue of it being mostly all Lannister all the time, felt really weak for me. I'd place it way behind AGOT and ASOS as my favorite of the books.


I need to read Clash of Kings again, particularly the house of the undying scene. I'm not sure but it may have predicted the red wedding. There was a skeleton with a wolf's head at a feast. I assumed that to be the red wedding but I have to go back and check because I remember some of the descriptions not matching up to what happened in the red wedding. I think the crown was different, maybe Dany saw something yet to come or something that happened to a Stark ruler way in the past?


I need to read Clash of Kings again, particularly the house of the undying scene. I'm not sure but it may have predicted the red wedding. There was a skeleton with a wolf's head at a feast. I assumed that to be the red wedding but I have to go back and check because I remember some of the descriptions not matching up to what happened in the red wedding. I think the crown was different, maybe Dany saw something yet to come or something that happened to a Stark ruler way in the past?

It did. The Red Wedding was stupidly foreshadowed. Probably because it was supposed to be the climax.


I am in favour of Sansa getting the throne.
Especially once she's gone through the Littlefinger school of puppeteering.


Eh, I don't want Littlefinger to have any more level of success than what he's accomplished up to now. He needs some kind of comeuppance soon, as well.

At least with the Freys and Lannisters, they've had bad things happen to them already but Bolton and Littlefinger have had it pretty great.


George always likes to throw twists so maybe his big twist at the end will be that the Starks actually rule all of Westeros because at this point I think most people aren't realistically expecting that even if they would like to see it. Right now the strongest candidate would be Sansa who will maybe get together with Aegon. I think she will end up outsmarting Littlefinger and killing him. Queen in the North! Bran will be the King Beyond The Wall.
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