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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I don't think the Red Wedding is going to be as much of a shock as we'd like when it finally happens.

There are so many trolls out there who seem intent on posting "Robb and Catelyn die!!!!" on every youtube video that's even tangentially related to the show. A few people I know have already had it spoiled for them. Those trolls should all be teleported into the sun.

I'm so glad that wasn't spoiled for me. Some people are just vile.


I'm someone who started out as a fan of the tv series and then read the books and honestly I don't care too much about tv adaptation beyond Storm of Swords. If we get all the way upto Winds of Winter and the tv show ends without a final season, I am just fine with it. That is way more than anyone expected.

I kind of agree. The first three books will make a fine series in and of themselves, especially if they can pull off the Weddings well enough, which I'm sure they will. Unless GRRM pulls out another ASOS with these last two books, I think the rest of the series, while enjoyable to read no doubt, won't really be necessary to adapt as the first three novels.

You aren't accounting for the insane number of locations and characters that will be impossible for a TV series to handle. Yeah, it's doable, but it will take a lot of restructuring and cutting, not just merging the two books. Whole plot lines will have to be discarded.
Well I wasn't talking about actual aspects of production, just plot working and script writing. Yes a lot will need to be cut, but with AFFC and ADWD it won't be hard to find pointless stuff to cut out of the plot to be honest. Also you'll really only need to add a new location for Dorne. The Iron Islands already fit into their current budget, and they'll need Essos locations for Dany's story already anyway. Actors probably won't be a big deal either. The big thing in terms of budget, I guess would be the dragons growing up and how much that might cost in terms of CGI. It will be interesting to see what the burning of the House of the Undying looks like this season.


Yeah, Drogon needs to have a 20 foot wingspan by ADWD. Extrapolating that, his torso should be about 10 feet long... he's a big lizard. The fighting pit scene is going to be CGI intensive.

For the scene with Quentyn in the dragon chambers, they can probably just add some glowing eyes and smoke breath and call it a day.


Yeah, Drogon needs to have a 20 foot wingspan by ADWD. Extrapolating that, his torso should be about 10 feet long... he's a big lizard. The fighting pit scene is going to be CGI intensive.

For the scene with Quentyn in the dragon chambers, they can probably just add some glowing eyes and smoke breath and call it a day.

I loved reading that scene. It reminded me of Jurassic Park when you see the T-rex's head rising from behind the fence. Only it was a dragon head with glowing eyes and puffing smoke.


Neo Member
Was reading http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/one-saga-to-rule-them-all-20120327-1vvxu.html and saw this:

"At their first meeting with Martin, he tested their fealty to his magnum opus. "He asked us a question - 'Who do you think Jon Snow's true parents are?' And it was kind of nerve-racking, because Dan and I both had strong opinions about it. And we thought, 'If we get this wrong, maybe we're not gonna get this job.' Luckily, we got it right, so that helped.""

L+R=J confirmed? :p
Was reading http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/one-saga-to-rule-them-all-20120327-1vvxu.html and saw this:

"At their first meeting with Martin, he tested their fealty to his magnum opus. "He asked us a question - 'Who do you think Jon Snow's true parents are?' And it was kind of nerve-racking, because Dan and I both had strong opinions about it. And we thought, 'If we get this wrong, maybe we're not gonna get this job.' Luckily, we got it right, so that helped.""

L+R=J confirmed? :p

That kind of strikes me as something they weren't supposed to mention out loud. There's really only one possible answer to that question, so they're basically confirming the theory is correct; I doubt Martin would be happy about that lol.

But then again, most hardcore fans are near 100% certain the theory is correct anyway, to the point it's kind of moved from a theory to a given. Despite some of the red herrings Martin has planted, such as the fisherwoman story in ADWD or the Dayne stuff in AFFC.
R+L=J has been widely accepted by the fan base since before ASOS was released, Weiss and Benioff didn't really change anything. Martin hasn't really done a very good job of presenting alternative options to it if he wanted to make it a surprise, I don't think there is even another theory out there that fits most of the evidence.
R+L=J has been widely accepted by the fan base since before ASOS was released, Weiss and Benioff didn't really change anything. Martin hasn't really done a very good job of presenting alternative options to it if he wanted to make it a surprise, I don't think there is even another theory out there that fits most of the evidence.

Maybe he's Ned and Lyanna's son
That's probably not even possible due to timeline reasons, Ned couldn't have impregnated Lyanna from the Vale or after the war started.

Actually he could have impregnated her during the tourney. Barriston said Ned was too shy to talk to Ashara Dayne, which led to Brandon taking her instead. Perhaps Lyanna comforted Ned afterwards...
Actually he could have impregnated her during the tourney. Barriston said Ned was too shy to talk to Ashara Dayne, which led to Brandon taking her instead. Perhaps Lyanna comforted Ned afterwards...

He could have, but that child would be too old to be Jon. The Tourney at Harrenhal took place 2 years before Jon was born, people would recognize the difference between a newborn child and one that's over a year old.
The question of whether or not Rhaegar and Lyanna are Jon's parents doesn't interest me nearly as much as the circumstances behind Lyanna's "kidnapping," which have yet to be fully explained.


The question of whether or not Rhaegar and Lyanna are Jon's parents doesn't interest me nearly as much as the circumstances behind Lyanna's "kidnapping," which have yet to be fully explained.

I think she was probably in love and ran away with him. She seems to have been the rebellious type and we know from Ned that she didn't want to marry Robert. They probably planned to live in seclusion together away from everything else. Obviously she didn't consider what the potential consequences might be.


There's something we're missing.

Feast and Dance made sure to point out Ashara's love for Ned as well as Ned having a kid with a "fishwife". I think Martin is trying to divert our attention a bit. I'm still an RLJ person, but I could see Ashara being the one.

That said, I do have a theory. I think there's another child. I think Ned really did have a kid with Ashara and I think that kid is somewhere in the books, whether it's the Dayne that Arya met (Jon's milk brother) or what. I think Jon could in fact be that kid, but that means there's another kid that's Rhaegars out there and not just Aegon.

I also think maybe Jon is actually Aegon and Aegon may be Ned's kid with Ashara. This goes along with the theory that the sister with Connington is Ashara secretly.

I'm just saying that I would put a huge amount of money on the fact that Martin wants us to think RLJ because he's got something else cooked up. Maybe he did it because people figured out Jon's parents too soon or what.
There's something we're missing.

Feast and Dance made sure to point out Ashara's love for Ned as well as Ned having a kid with a "fishwife". I think Martin is trying to divert our attention a bit. I'm still an RLJ person, but I could see Ashara being the one.

That said, I do have a theory. I think there's another child. I think Ned really did have a kid with Ashara and I think that kid is somewhere in the books, whether it's the Dayne that Arya met (Jon's milk brother) or what. I think Jon could in fact be that kid, but that means there's another kid that's Rhaegars out there and not just Aegon.

I also think maybe Jon is actually Aegon and Aegon may be Ned's kid with Ashara. This goes along with the theory that the sister with Connington is Ashara secretly.

I'm just saying that I would put a huge amount of money on the fact that Martin wants us to think RLJ because he's got something else cooked up. Maybe he did it because people figured out Jon's parents too soon or what.

More baby swapping and false deaths, that's exactly what this series needs. Maybe Jon has an evil twin out there too.


Jon doesn't have white hair and purple eyes. Don't all Targaryens have that trait? Or is it only because of Bro + Sis relationships?
Jon doesn't have white hair and purple eyes. Don't all Targaryens have that trait? Or is it only because of Bro + Sis relationships?

It stays that way because of incest. There are a bunch of Targs without those features in the Dunk and Egg novels because of non-incest unions. Rhaegar's daughter also had darker hair.


I think she was probably in love and ran away with him. She seems to have been the rebellious type and we know from Ned that she didn't want to marry Robert. They probably planned to live in seclusion together away from everything else. Obviously she didn't consider what the potential consequences might be.

We do? Remind me.


Ned recalls how Lyanna knew about Robert fathering a bastard and told Ned that “Love is sweet, dearest Ned, but it cannot change a man’s nature.” She didn't seem to be all that enamored with Robert, but it's not much to go on.

Ah ok. I sort of remember that now. Thanks.


So I just watched the first episode of the TV series and really enjoyed it. Plan to watch the rest of it but I’m wondering if it’s also worth it to read the book as well?


So I just watched the first episode of the TV series and really enjoyed it. Plan to watch the rest of it but I’m wondering if it’s also worth it to read the book as well?


You probably should not be in this thread if you haven't read all the books thus far, BTW.


Ned recalls how Lyanna knew about Robert fathering a bastard and told Ned that “Love is sweet, dearest Ned, but it cannot change a man’s nature.” She didn't seem to be all that enamored with Robert, but it's not much to go on.

Yeah, she basically says that he will never keep to just her bed. She knows he's going to be fucking everything with a hole and some things he had to put holes in.


Neo Member
IIRC, Sean Bean essentially confirmed it last year in some interview. We're at the point where it's basically canon already.
Did he mention that Jon is not Ned's son or something more specific? /curious

Anyway, really surprised by the wording in the Weiss and Benioff interview... you would think they would try to be more subtle about it!


Lyanna didn't like Robert's reputation and besides Rhaegar was Rhaegar, every girl dreamt of him. I kind of believe that Robert would have stayed faithful to her though.
Did he mention that Jon is not Ned's son or something more specific? /curious

Anyway, really surprised by the wording in the Weiss and Benioff interview... you would think they would try to be more subtle about it!
Here's the quote:
That’s another twist [to come]. It’s a great conundrum. Ned really knows who [Jon’s parents are], but he can’t let on. That’s why it’s such a moving moment, those poignant scenes I have with Kit Harington [who plays Jon], because I couldn’t say what I really thought. There are so many things I could have said, because there is a love there between the two of them, but I can’t express it as overtly as I can with the other children, who I can hold and kiss. Even if I were his true father, I can’t talk about it for fear of offending my wife, who’s really bitter about this. So it’s really a cruel situation. Through no fault of his own, Ned took on a lot by taking Jon in.

Looking at it now, maybe he's just going along with the interviewer, but those are his words.


I wouldn't be surprised if Jon ends up as the rightful heir of the Iron Throne.

Let's say Stannis gets killed in the battle for Winterfell with Ramsay. It turns out Jon is the son of Robert and Lyanna, and he can leave the Night's Watch because he served until "death."

He forms an alliance with Dany, and unites the Seven Kingdoms under the unified sigils of Stark, Baratheon, and Targaryen. Tyrion ends up as Hand, Ramsay's head ends up on a pike, and everyone lives happily ever after.


I wouldn't be surprised if Jon ends up as the rightful heir of the Iron Throne.

Let's say Stannis gets killed in the battle for Winterfell with Ramsay. It turns out Jon is the son of Robert and Lyanna, and he can leave the Night's Watch because he served until "death."

He forms an alliance with Dany, and unites the Seven Kingdoms under the unified sigils of Stark, Baratheon, and Targaryen. Tyrion ends up as Hand, Ramsay's head ends up on a pike, and everyone lives happily ever after.

Nah. GRRM confirmed that the readers would find out Jon's true parents, but I really don't think anyone else in the novels, including Jon himself will. How would anyone prove it anyway? And if Dany refuses a marriage alliance with Dorne, why would she enter into one with her brother's bastard son who has no army and no claim to anything?


Nah. GRRM confirmed that the readers would find out Jon's true parents, but I really don't think anyone else in the novels, including Jon himself will. How would anyone prove it anyway? And if Dany refuses a marriage alliance with Dorne, why would she enter into one with her brother's bastard son who has no army and no claim to anything?
Wasn't that just because she found the prince too plain?


Nah. GRRM confirmed that the readers would find out Jon's true parents, but I really don't think anyone else in the novels, including Jon himself will. How would anyone prove it anyway? And if Dany refuses a marriage alliance with Dorne, why would she enter into one with her brother's bastard son who has no army and no claim to anything?
I dunno, it was more of a goofy hypothetical than anything.

I honestly have no idea what's going to happen.


Jon is not going to be the King in the end. Even if R+L=J is true, he would still be a bastard. And even if Rhaegar and Lyanna were somehow married, nobody would believe it based on the word of a Crannogman.

My theory is that R+L=J is indeed true, but that Jon is still a bastard. The reason Rhaegar had the Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy wasn't to protect his heir, it was to protect who he believed to be the Prince that was Promised.

We know that Rhaegar was obsessed with these prophecies, and my guess is that after his encounter with Lyanna at the tourney of Harrenhall, the two connected a bit and something clicked in Rhaegar's head that the "song of ice and fire" was referring to the child he was destined to have with Lyanna. Maybe Lyanna went with him willingly at first, but I wouldn't put it past Rhaeger holding her captive to ensure his prophecy was fulfilled. Maybe he planned on legitimizing Jon after the war.


It's really fucking lame that this theory has become widely known and is even the mainstream opinion at this point.

Talk about an anti-climactic twist.


It's really fucking lame that this theory has become widely known and is even the mainstream opinion at this point.

Talk about an anti-climactic twist.

I don't think many readers who don't frequent internet forums know about it. I've turned 3 of my friends onto the series, and none of them picked it up until I told them. I didn't even realize it until I read about it online.


I don't think many readers who don't frequent internet forums know about it. I've turned 3 of my friends onto the series, and none of them picked it up until I told them. I didn't even realize it until I read about it online.

It never even crossed my mind till I read it here.


It never even crossed my mind till I read it here.


I also didn't notice Renly and Loras, though I suspected something was up with Loras.

For the record, I usually take the book at face value and don't dig too deeply until a second or third reread, so all the theories and trivia were news to me.


It never even crossed my mind till I read it here.

agreed, I read all the books and didn't get that. Only when bored and interested in researching stuff I missed did I find the theory online. I really don't see the notion widespread at all. Guess it depends how deep you go into the books.


Sure the L+R=J is probably true, but until it's flat out stated, I'm going to keep believing Ned is Jon's true father.

This is my approach. I thought it was true for long enough that I have no trouble keeping the faith. Intellectually I know it's not true, but it's easy enough to keep Ned-as-sire in my imagination.



I also didn't notice Renly and Loras, though I suspected something was up with Loras.

For the record, I usually take the book at face value and don't dig too deeply until a second or third reread, so all the theories and trivia were news to me.

I didn't get Renly and Loras until I read AFFC and it practically flat out tells you they were gay together. In a Jaime chapter he tells Loras to do something before he "shoves his sword up some place even Lord Renly never found" (or something to that effect).

I was like "ohhh, that makes perfect sense now."

I'm also ashamed to admit I didn't get the Frey pies until I read it online.


Jon is not going to be the King in the end. Even if R+L=J is true, he would still be a bastard. And even if Rhaegar and Lyanna were somehow married, nobody would believe it based on the word of a Crannogman.

He doesn't have to become king by succession, he could just marry Dany.


Could someone refresh my memory? It's been several months since I finished the latest book, and as far as I recalled, Jon was stabbed after being stupid or whatever on the wall. Did he get revived/saved somehow ala zombie mom or Brienne? How could he be king if he's dead?

For that matter, I thought Stannis etc. also all died in the snow, unless that was just someone lying about it.

I was really glad Brienne survived, even though she'll probably get killed in some horrible fashion like most everyone else remotely likable. She's one of the relatively few characters left I didn't actually dislike.

Chris R

Could someone refresh my memory? It's been several months since I finished the latest book, and as far as I recalled, Jon was stabbed after being stupid or whatever on the wall. Did he get revived/saved somehow ala zombie mom or Brienne? How could he be king if he's dead?

Current popular theory is that Melisandre will raise him from the dead, there by making his promise to serve the Watch until his death finished.


It's not in the books, we all just know that GRRM does not have the guts to kill Jon.

Plus his list of troll fake deaths is longer than his list of real deaths in the books: Bran, Rickon, Arya, Davos, Tyrion (multiple times), Dany, Brienne, Theon, Catelyn (sort of), The Hound, The Mountain (we presume), and probably a lot more I'm forgetting.


Current popular theory is that Melisandre will raise him from the dead, there by making his promise to serve the Watch until his death finished.
Haha, I guess that would work. I'm way behind on all these theories. I want another Game of Thrones book (or at least a new Harry Dresden book)!
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