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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I'm thinking he takes Winterfell and "kills" Bran and Rickon in ep. 9 or 10. Don't need Reek for that. They can introduce him as an ally that turns up as his grip on Winterfell weakens in S3.


Why do we still think the Theon Winterfell stuff is getting pushed back when we've seen a screencap of "dead" Bran and Rickon already? Unless I'm missing something.

Because Reek/Ramsay wasnt cast and somebody else can take place Reek's part with regards to the Millers boys, such as Dagmer. Plus, they can introduce Reek very early into S3 and easily start that whole storyline then. They could even do his capture in E10 this year and just not show him, or show him with a hood over his face or something like they did with Jaqen last year.

But the main reason for me, is simply if they didn't extend Theon's story, he'd really have nothing to do for 1-2 seasons and essentially be off the show. Which would be a totally dumb move since they are building him up so much this season, unless they plan to kill him at the end of this season, or have him take the role of Ramsay, which would be even dumber imo.


I've actually been wondering how much of a presence they'll make the Boltons and Freys on the show. Viewers really see the Lannisters as the clear " bad guys" -- which is obviously the easy early interpretation intended, even in the books -- and a part of me has worried that they'll try to keep things simple by lessening the presence of the Freys overall in the show.

But given events in ADWD, I don't really see how you can cut out Ramsay entirely. Makes me think he's probably certain to replace Joffrey as most despised character on the show in time.


Wray's idea seems the most plausible to me. Theon will probably take Winterfell at the end of this season. Next season Ramsay will come and we will see him betray Rodrik and then Theon and burn Winterfell at the end of season 3. Then we can jump right into Theon torture scenes in the next season after the Red Wedding happens.

Chris R

Damn, Bran and Rickon "deaths" this season will be very distressing. I hope they stay dead for at least a whole episode.

I would hope they kill them at the very beginning of the episode but show them in hiding at the very end, letting the audience hang on to some hope and positivity.


Wray's idea seems the most plausible to me. Theon will probably take Winterfell at the end of this season. Next season Ramsay will come and we will see him betray Rodrik and then Theon and burn Winterfell at the end of season 3. Then we can jump right into Theon torture scenes in the next season after the Red Wedding happens.

He defnitely has to kill the miller's boys by at least episode 9 so that Catelyn can hear about it and release Jaime in episode 10. I think the Storm of Swords escape with Jaime and Brienne is being moved up to season 2. Theon and Reek will probably be in the first half of season 3 with Bran, Osha, and Hodor hiding in the crypts. I suspect they may even meet Meera and Jojen down there. They may even have the kids escape but Reek stays in Winterfell with Theon in order to save costs. Though I would prefer it if they showed the Dreadfort.


I would hope they kill them at the very beginning of the episode but show them in hiding at the very end, letting the audience hang on to some hope and positivity.

Yeah, they won't leave it up as a cliffhanger whether they're dead or not because:

a) when they're filming for season 3 people will know they survived...similar to Ian McKellan doing press for Two Towers.

b) people will think it's a copout if they're suddenly alive in season 3.


Friend just started book 5:

"Just finished Tyrion’s opening chapter. Quite refreshing to have him back in the fold again. He’s just been informed that he needs to go meet with Dany. Should make for some interesting conversation."

smh at how 1000+ pages later this still hasn't happened.


Friend just started book 5:

"Just finished Tyrion’s opening chapter. Quite refreshing to have him back in the fold again. He’s just been informed that he needs to go meet with Dany. Should make for some interesting conversation."

smh at how 1000+ pages later this still hasn't happened.

Hey, he sees her at least. Doesn't he like wave and mouth, "hi, i'm tyrion, my brother killed your dad"?


I'm tempted to say Aegon because he's got Varys (the secret Targaryen bastard no-one speculates about), Connington and possibly Tyrion on his side


Dany has fucking dragons. The devastating potential of the Dothraki to hurt conventional armies doesn't hurt, either. If Aegon rules, it will be at her mercy. (Stannis lol; Melisandre will abandon him soon enough and the Braavosi are probably using him as a feint.) And the Wall will need her dragons and dragonglass when the Others attack in force. Would she really settle for ruling outside Westeros when the Others are turned back? The Dragon Horn or the Faceless Men sending Jaqen to the Citadel is the wild card there, whether it's controlling or neutralizing the dragons.

The bigger thing I see going against it is how neat and tidy that ending would be. The young, well-coached long-lost heir takes the throne with Varys as spymaster, a dying Connington his general, Tyrion as adviser or future Hand, and likely marrying Arianne Martell in the process. Almost twee.

Indeed. Bran is a greenseer, a surviving Jon Snow is either Azhor Azhai or a crucial element in holding the Wall, Arya is about to tear through Westeros with a vengeance as filtered through the agenda of a crazed but politically adroit death cult, Sansa is well-placed for a number of political manoeuvres, Rickon is a viable male heir on the loose; the Starks are definitely set to mold the shape of the endgame.

How did you come to this conclusion?


I've got to say that the wait for the next book is killing me. I started reading about 6months before Dance came out so I never had to deal with this. It sucks


Sperm in magic womb.

Next question.

It was on the new this mroing a father in Crasers keep who had kill his three kids. they are taking the three babby back to the wall too lady rest my pary are with the mother who lost her children; i am truley sorry for your lots


So in episode 2, there is some dialog makes it seem like Stannis will not have a daughter in the show.

I wonder if stuff like this ends up being an incidental spoiler for the books - i.e. that Shireen won't have a major plot role in any of the future books.
So in episode 2, there is some dialog makes it seem like Stannis will not have a daughter in the show.

I wonder if stuff like this ends up being an incidental spoiler for the books - i.e. that Shireen won't have a major plot role in any of the future books.

Probably yes, although the dialogue did say that he didn't have any sons, not that he didn't have any children, but given the family tree on the HBO site, it's possible that Shireen is cut out of the show, and that probably means she has no major role in the book series.


Probably yes, although the dialogue did say that he didn't have any sons, not that he didn't have any children, but given the family tree on the HBO site, it's possible that Shireen is cut out of the show, and that probably means she has no major role in the book series.

Yeah, I was re-watching a scene in the second episode and it's basically confirmed that his wife is combined with Shireen.

His wife on the show is sickly and hides away in a tower, likely because she has greyscale.

I think Shireen, like many minor characters, was only there to help define a more important character, in this case Stannis. You pity him for having only a weak daughter as his heir.


And no prophetical Patchface.

I'm actually glad they are trimming down. I don't want the show to be dragged down by how convoluted the books can get. Don't get me wrong, the books are great as they are in complexity, but GoT is not a TV show that should be marred by purists. As long as key scenes are brought to the screen with their integrity intact, anything leading up to them must serve that goal.

Also... I don't think there will be a season 7. It would be unheard of for HBO to drop 1 billion dollars over the course of 7 years to finish the series. I actually don't think the series will end with book 7 either. If GRRM's original plan was for Dany to reach Westeros by book 4 and resolve the arc in 6, his plans have certainly been crushed by the Meereenese knot. It takes a full book for a fleet to get from Slaver's Bay to Westeros, so probably we wouldn't see Dany in King's Landing until midway through book 7. If GRRM still wants there to be a conflict that rises from her arrival at Westeros, it would need a couple of more books to flesh it out and resolve it.


I think it would be okay to skip all the prophecy shit anyway.

The only thing I hate more than prophecy is allegory.

Sure it's fun at first to attempt and decode it, but how many fucking characters are prophecizing? Have you seen the prophecies page at Westeros? It's ridiculous. Just to name a few: Patchface, Maggie the Frog, the Green Dreams, the House of the Undying, Maz Muri Daz whatever...
And no prophetical Patchface.

I'm actually glad they are trimming down. I don't want the show to be dragged down by how convoluted the books can get. Don't get me wrong, the books are great as they are in complexity, but GoT is not a TV show that should be marred by purists. As long as key scenes are brought to the screen with their integrity intact, anything leading up to them must serve that goal.

Agree with everything. The mediums are different.

Although in terms of prophetic events in the show, I hope we get a totally out there, trippy House of the Undying sequence.

God knows HBO shows have done long-ass dream sequences before (Sopranos anyone?) so I hope they pull no punches and make it really messed up (and also show the prophetic wolf-head on the corpse too...)


I think it would be okay to skip all the prophecy shit anyway.

The only thing I hate more than prophecy is allegory.

Sure it's fun at first to attempt and decode it, but how many fucking characters are prophecizing? Have you seen the prophecies page at Westeros? It's ridiculous. Just to name a few: Patchface, Maggie the Frog, the Green Dreams, the House of the Undying, Maz Muri Daz whatever...

Prophecies spoiled both Jon Snow's and Rob Stark's fates.

At this point if GRRM wants to deliver a twist, he better establish and deliver it in the same book. There's just too many people online putting the pieces together to make anything a surprise between the year's long gap between books. I'll actually be disappointed if Jon isn't Lyanna's son. It wouldn't be a surprising twist for the readers but it would open up all kinds of interesting possibilities within the overall story. That is, if Jon survives thanks to Mel or Ghost.
Prophecies spoiled both Jon Snow's and Rob Stark's fates.

At this point if GRRM wants to deliver a twist, he better establish and deliver it in the same book. There's just too many people online putting the pieces together to make anything a surprise between the year's long gap between books. I'll actually be disappointed if Jon isn't Lyanna's son. It wouldn't be a surprising twist for the readers but it would open up all kinds of interesting possibilities within the overall story. That is, if Jon survives thanks to Mel or Ghost.

I think at this point it's almost impossible for Jon not to be Lyanna and Rhaegar's son with how important he is and the fact the series is called A Song of Ice and Fire.
So in episode 2, there is some dialog makes it seem like Stannis will not have a daughter in the show.

I wonder if stuff like this ends up being an incidental spoiler for the books - i.e. that Shireen won't have a major plot role in any of the future books.

Her role could be filled by someone else. Maybe his wife will have greyscale instead, later on in the series.


And no prophetical Patchface.

I'm actually glad they are trimming down. I don't want the show to be dragged down by how convoluted the books can get. Don't get me wrong, the books are great as they are in complexity, but GoT is not a TV show that should be marred by purists. As long as key scenes are brought to the screen with their integrity intact, anything leading up to them must serve that goal.

Also... I don't think there will be a season 7. It would be unheard of for HBO to drop 1 billion dollars over the course of 7 years to finish the series. I actually don't think the series will end with book 7 either. If GRRM's original plan was for Dany to reach Westeros by book 4 and resolve the arc in 6, his plans have certainly been crushed by the Meereenese knot. It takes a full book for a fleet to get from Slaver's Bay to Westeros, so probably we wouldn't see Dany in King's Landing until midway through book 7. If GRRM still wants there to be a conflict that rises from her arrival at Westeros, it would need a couple of more books to flesh it out and resolve it.

Where did your hear that? He certainly got Aegon where he needed to go in no time.

Also some people were disappointed with Stannis not fighting in Winterfell yet but I think that George said in an interview that it was an extremely important battle. Can anyone confirm that?


Where did your hear that? He certainly got Aegon where he needed to go in no time.

George R.R. Martin said:
Yes, three more volumes remain. The series could almost be considered as two linked trilogies, although I tend to think of it more as one long story. The next book, A Dance With Dragons, will focus on the return of Daenerys Targaryen to Westeros, and the conflicts that creates. After that comes The Winds of Winter. I have been calling the final volume A Time For Wolves, but I am not happy with that title and will probably change it if I can come up with one that I like better.

December 2000.



Also some people were disappointed with Stannis not fighting in Winterfell yet but I think that George said in an interview that it was an extremely important battle. Can anyone confirm that?

it may not be exactly what you're thinking of, but in this recent interview, GRRM said:

Obviously, I'm going to continue the story. There were a lot of cliffhangers at the end of A Dance with Dragons. Those will be resolved very early. I'm going to open with the two big battles that I was building up to, the battle in the ice and the battle at Meereen—the battle of Slaver's Bay. And then take it from there.

I assume "the battle in the ice" is either Winterfell or the Wall.


it may not be exactly what you're thinking of, but in this recent interview, GRRM said:

I assume "the battle in the ice" is either Winterfell or the Wall.

In a recent video Elio and Linda of Westeros.org were claiming that George referred to the battle at Winterfell with Stannis as
the battle of ice and the battle of fire.
I may need to check and see if that is exactly what they said, but I am fairly certain.


In a recent video Elio and Linda of Westeros.org were claiming that George referred to the battle at Winterfell with Stannis as
the battle of ice and the battle of fire.
I may need to check and see if that is exactly what they said, but I am fairly certain.

So argue me if you think I'm wrong but... Dany's gonna sway Khal Jhaqo to her cause, then use the Iron Fleet to sail to Westeros with the dragon horn to control the other two dragons. GRRM simply can't create more conflict out of that situation. More conflict in Slaver's Bay equals more books. I actually think that in the show they'll ignore the Meereenese knot and all those characters in Slaver's Bay and jump straight to the battle that unfolds at the beginning of book 6. Though I hope they keep the line "I am your queen, and I command you to fuck me."
Stannis vs the Boltons. Obviously we all want the Manderlys to side with Stannis and slay the Freys and the Boltons. Because we want that to happen means that it will never happen. Just like Dany returning to Westeros.
So argue me if you think I'm wrong but... Dany's gonna sway Khal Jhaqo to her cause, then use the Iron Fleet to sail to Westeros with the dragon horn to control the other two dragons. GRRM simply can't create more conflict out of that situation. More conflict in Slaver's Bay equals more books. I actually think that in the show they'll ignore the Meereenese knot and all those characters in Slaver's Bay and jump straight to the battle that unfolds at the beginning of book 6. Though I hope they keep the line "I am your queen, and I command you to fuck me."

There's plenty of conflict to create, depending on what Martin does. What if Victarion - or Euron if he's hiding on the ship - blows the horn and takes control of the two dragons in Meereen? Perhaps the fact that Drogon is so far away from Mereen is important. I doubt such an event would be resolved quickly. Likewise, what happens when Tyrion arrives, or when Marywn arrives? She's most likely going to be in Meereen for much of the book.

In a perfect world Dany would kill Jhago, gain control of his Khalasar, and march back to Meereen just in time to save a few of her allies; I imagine much of the city will be destroyed by disease and war though. Meanwhile the red priest will kill Victarian and give the horn to Dany, thus avoiding any more hijinks....but I seriously doubt things will be that clean cut.

with respect to Stannis, Martin did say that battle would be the "battle of ice." And his editor removed it from ADWD


So argue me if you think I'm wrong but... Dany's gonna sway Khal Jhaqo to her cause, then use the Iron Fleet to sail to Westeros with the dragon horn to control the other two dragons. GRRM simply can't create more conflict out of that situation. More conflict in Slaver's Bay equals more books. I actually think that in the show they'll ignore the Meereenese knot and all those characters in Slaver's Bay and jump straight to the battle that unfolds at the beginning of book 6. Though I hope they keep the line "I am your queen, and I command you to fuck me."

I'm expecting her to go to Asshai before she reaches Westeros, maybe she won't ever return to Meereen for all we know. I don't see how she can do a lot in Westeros except at the wall. If Dany rules in Westeros at all it will have to be near the end or maybe even after the end, the last chapter. I also expect to see her at the Wall. I think she will return to Westeros either at the end of Winds of Winter or start of Dream of Spring. What you are saying makes a lot of sense if George wants to get her there quickly but I'm not sure if he does.


There's plenty of conflict to create, depending on what Martin does. What if Victarion - or Euron if he's hiding on the ship - blows the horn and takes control of the two dragons in Meereen? Perhaps the fact that Drogon is so far away from Mereen is important. I doubt such an event would be resolved quickly. Likewise, what happens when Tyrion arrives, or when Marywn arrives? She's most likely going to be in Meereen for much of the book.

In a perfect world Dany would kill Jhago, gain control of his Khalasar, and march back to Meereen just in time to save a few of her allies; I imagine much of the city will be destroyed by disease and war though. Meanwhile the red priest will kill Victarian and give the horn to Dany, thus avoiding any more hijinks....but I seriously doubt things will be that clean cut.

with respect to Stannis, Martin did say that battle would be the "battle of ice." And his editor removed it from ADWD

I fully expect that if Victarion's red priest meets Dany, he'll declare her Azor Ashai reborn. She then takes the iron fleet, Jhaqo's khalazar and everyone else through the shadow and reaches Westeros through the east. The prophecy says to go west you must go east, right?
I fully expect that if Victarion's red priest meets Dany, he'll declare her Azor Ashai reborn. She then takes the iron fleet, Jhaqo's khalazar and everyone else through the shadow and reaches Westeros through the east. The prophecy says to go west you must go east, right?

So she won't go to Pentos and the various other places to free the slaves? I just don't see her leaving before doing that. I think she'll run into Illyrio before heading to Westeros

I'd be fine with her doing all that if Martin saves us the details. We don't need to see every single moment of the journey or the uprising.


So she won't go to Pentos and the various other places to free the slaves? I just don't see her leaving before doing that. I think she'll run into Illyrio before heading to Westeros

I'd be fine with her doing all that if Martin saves us the details. We don't need to see every single moment of the journey or the uprising.

I think GRRM is wary of Dany freeing more slaves. Last time he had her do that, he had to spend a whole book unraveling the consequences. At this point though, Westeros is so fucked that there's no one left to fight Dany when she goes. By the time she gets there it could be overrun by the Others and her dragonfire would be the only thing that can save them. And if Bran and Jon skinchange into Viseryon and Rhaegon, well, fuck!
It also said something like 'she's given you nothing but stillborns'.

I believe it was "She's given you nothing, no sons, only stillborns."

Interpret that how you will, but I took it as she didn't give you sons, but I still think that his daughter will be cut from the show.

As for Dany and ADWD, it only confirmed that the only thing I actually care about for the conclusion of the series is the Starks and the North getting their revenge and being restored as their own kingdom ruling the north.
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