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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I still take the stance that Red Wedding in the third season is a mistake, as enticing as it may be.

Red Wedding is the beginning of basically a rolling giant conclusion of many of the plotlines and character arcs from the first three books through the end of that book. All of those events should happen in the same season, and seeing as the Red Wedding takes place about 2/3 of the way through the book, that would set up the Red Wedding for some time 1/3 to mid-fourth season.

Not to mention, I think ending the season on that without the rest of the chaos from the rest of the book is quite simply to crushing to the viewer, people will say fuck this and not come back when the new season picks up.

Plus looking at the series as a whole, if the RW takes place during the forth season, that leaves less time before the notion of The North/Starks rising again comes into the show, giving people hope for their return to power.


I was guessing R+L=J after reading book one and the whole "Promise me Ned" thing...however the show does not drop nearly as many clues so it's more of a stretch.

And I think the Freys would have stayed loyal to Robb if not for the betrayal with Jeyne Westerling...there's that one scene from Arya's perspective in Harrenhall where you can see they are getting the news of what happened, and they are pissed. The Frey kid who is supposed to marry Arya is there and he's crying cause he won't be able to marry his princess now...of course she's right there, that part is hilarious.

best (or worst) part is when she tells him I wish your princess dies. Such awesome use of irony.


I still take the stance that Red Wedding in the third season is a mistake, as enticing as it may be.

Red Wedding is the beginning of basically a rolling giant conclusion of many of the plotlines and character arcs from the first three books through the end of that book. All of those events should happen in the same season, and seeing as the Red Wedding takes place about 2/3 of the way through the book, that would set up the Red Wedding for some time 1/3 to mid-fourth season.

Not to mention, I think ending the season on that without the rest of the chaos from the rest of the book is quite simply to crushing to the viewer, people will say fuck this and not come back when the new season picks up.

Plus looking at the series as a whole, if the RW takes place during the forth season, that leaves less time before the notion of The North/Starks rising again comes into the show, giving people hope for their return to power.

Yep. I agree with this. They should just have Book 3 take up two entire seasons, with the Red Wedding happening near the middle of season 4. Rushing to get the Red Wedding into the end of season 3 would put off viewers and force them to cut a lot of stuff.

Plus then the rest of Storm would only be like half a season at most in season 4 and the second half would be the start of AFFC/ADWD, which would just be really, really bad pacing. All of the ending parts of ASOS are perfect for season endings. Maybe they could end season 3 with Jon escaping from the Wildlings and running for the Wall and Dany sacking Astapor.
Yep. I agree with this. They should just have Book 3 take up two entire seasons, with the Red Wedding happening near the middle of season 4. Rushing to get the Red Wedding into the end of season 3 would put off viewers and force them to cut a lot of stuff.

Plus then the rest of Storm would only be like half a season at most in season 4 and the second half would be the start of AFFC/ADWD, which would just be really, really bad pacing. All of the ending parts of ASOS are perfect for season endings. Maybe they could end season 3 with Jon escaping from the Wildlings and running for the Wall and Dany sacking Astapor.

Yeah first 5 or so episodes would be insane, and then the rest would be...well not.

Jon escaping the Wildlings is actually the exact halfway point of ASOS (by chapter), and a great way to end a season I think.
I agree with you guys, the red wedding wont make it to season 3 if its still 10 episodes.

Save it for the third to last episode of S4, then Joffery's death to sooth the blow, followed by lady Arryns death with a littlefinger exposition telling her how fucked up westeros is as a finale to set up S5. End on arya heading out to the unknown.

I would imagine, if the show is lucky enough to get that far, that they would shoot both seasons back to back. Maybe pull a Doctor who and have two shorter seasons of maybe 7 episodes each 6 months apart.
I agree with you guys, the red wedding wont make it to season 3 if its still 10 episodes.

Save it for the third to last episode of S4, then Joffery's death to sooth the blow, followed by lady Arryns death with a littlefinger exposition telling her how fucked up westeros is as a finale to set up S5. End on arya heading out to the unknown.

I would imagine, if the show is lucky enough to get that far, that they would shoot both seasons back to back. Maybe pull a Doctor who and have two shorter seasons of maybe 7 episodes each 6 months apart.

There has been rumors of shooting the show back to back, but recently in an interview with the exec producers, they said shooting back to back would be impossible, because they wouldn't have the time to write both seasons at once.
I agree. You can't end the season with the Red Wedding. It's a demoralizing way to end the season, and it works in the book because you could keep reading and see some new things happen.

I think with Bolton still loyal, the Freys wouldn't have had the conspirators necessary to pull anything off. The Riverland situation wouldn't be ideal, but with the North not in as much disarray (presumably Rodrik is still alive and can be fighting off the Ironborn to some extent), Robb probably wouldn't have needed to take his whole force up north, and could have left a strong force in the Riverlands.

Above all else, I don't think Walder Frey has the spine to pull off such a bold move on his own. He probably would have kept his options open, but without Roose around to back him up, I don't believe he would be willing to make that move.

And if Rodrik and the ~2000 men he gathered at Winterfell weren't wiped out he would have been able to attack Moat Cailin from the north. There's something about ASOIAF that always makes me think of what if scenarios. Like what if Edmure hadn't attacked Tywin's forces as they moved through the riverlands? Robb might have defeated hum in the westerlands and never hung around there to meet Jeyne.
And if Rodrik and the ~2000 men he gathered at Winterfell weren't wiped out he would have been able to attack Moat Cailin from the north. There's something about ASOIAF that always makes me think of what if scenarios. Like what if Edmure hadn't attacked Tywin's forces as they moved through the riverlands? Robb might have defeated hum in the westerlands and never hung around there to meet Jeyne.

How the communication of that plan was never made to Edmure is one of the most frustrating things in the whole series for me, it just doesn't make in sense why they wouldn't fill him in on the plan.

I think he still would have meet Jenye at that point though, but I doubt that Frey would have betrayed him if he had defeated Tywin in the westerlands.
Given the amount of screen time Ros gets in the first (and second) episode, I'm starting to believe she's going to be around for even longer than expected. If the show gets to AFFC, I bet she goes to the Eyrie with Littlefinger/Sansa at this rate.

I realize the writers want to separate themselves from Martin at times, but this...is not working.


The story isn't following the books exactly. We already know that some of Clash of Kings, particularly Bran's parts will move into season 3. Robb's story is going pretty fast already, I could see them speeding up his story and the people connected to it while slowing down everyone else. That way they could kill him off at the last episode of season 3. Having Robb's death in season 4 is going to be a hell of a lot to process in one season. You have the gigantic battles at the wall and Jon Snow becoming commander, Joffrey's death and Sansa's escape, Robb and Catelyn's death and you also have to show the massacre at the twins and probably the killing of his wolf. Season 4 will be the most expensive season by far, maybe 80-90 million to get all this done. Despite the fan weeping online I think people are actually pretty mature, they came back after Ned's death didn't they? Also more and more people are reading the books and being exposed to spoilers, I imagine that most of the people watching the show already know what will happen to Robb by the time season 3 ends.


We need Gregor vs Oberyn Martell during Tyrion's trial as well. There's no way they can skip that scene.

I don't envy the writers' jobs for the upcoming season.

I predict them sitting down to write, taking a big sigh as they check out their huge hardcover editions and then going "fuck".

Tyrion escaping on the boat would be the end of season 4, if they split ASOS into 2 seasons. I still think they should end season 3 with the RW, and maybe have episode 9 of season 3 be Dany's slave rebellion if you want to give people hope.

I'm hoping they put a nice chunk of Storm into this season so they don't split it up. Or add more episodes.

Feast and DWD alone need to be 2 seasons that cross over with each other.

Given the amount of screen time Ros gets in the first (and second) episode, I'm starting to believe she's going to be around for even longer than expected. If the show gets to AFFC, I bet she goes to the Eyrie with Littlefinger/Sansa at this rate.

I realize the writers want to separate themselves from Martin at times, but this...is not working.

Nah, I think she's just going to be the whore from season 3 who will probably get beaten in the place of Shae. Maybe instead of Tywin dragging in the prostitute who he thinks is Shae and using her as leverage against Tyrion, it instead will be Ros. And maybe they'll kill her right there.

They only kept her because they liked her and her acting in that short scene with Tyrion. They wanted to keep her around...and she was totally open to pantamiming sex acts, which is a rarity for women who can act.
How the communication of that plan was never made to Edmure is one of the most frustrating things in the whole series for me, it just doesn't make in sense why they wouldn't fill him in on the plan.

I think he still would have meet Jenye at that point though, but I doubt that Frey would have betrayed him if he had defeated Tywin in the westerlands.

I think Robb and Brynden may have only come up with the plan or found the ambush spot while in the westerlands. They might not have been able to send a raven or chose not to out of fear of it being intercepted and giving away their plans so they went on the assumption that Edmure would follow his orders.
I'm hoping they put a nice chunk of Storm into this season so they don't split it up. Or add more episodes.

Feast and DWD alone need to be 2 seasons that cross over with each other.

I think they'll have to change a lot to spend 2 seasons on AFFC/ADWD. Too many new characters, too many new settings and not enough payoff to justify spending 2 seasons on. But I think they could possibly flex some creative muscles and alter the hell out of these books and make them work into a TV series.
They should cut down like 75% of Dany's story. Make her conquer 1 city instead of 3 and no more silly names. I wouldn't bat an eyelid if Reznak Mo Reznak was dropped from the show.
AFFC and ADWD could easily be condensed into one season. There's a ton of filler in those books (especially ADWD) that could be cut down.

Yeah I used to think that was crazy, but the more I though about it, and with possibly some stuff that makes sense being woven into the ASOS seasons, it probably could be done in one season. Most of the character arcs simple wouldn't support two seasons.
They should cut down like 75% of Dany's story. Make her conquer 1 city instead of 3 and no more silly names. I wouldn't bat an eyelid if Reznak Mo Reznak was dropped from the show.

That's my problem with a lot of Dany's storyline. So many characters and they all have weird names and not really well defined personalities to differentiate them from the other characters. GRRM was talking about the TV series and how because they killed "Mago" in season 1, and because he didn't die in the books, there could be problems down the line. My first thought was, "Who the fuck is Mago?" I've read the book several times and had no idea who he was talking about.


I think they'll have to change a lot to spend 2 seasons on AFFC/ADWD. Too many new characters, too many new settings and not enough payoff to justify spending 2 seasons on. But I think they could possibly flex some creative muscles and alter the hell out of these books and make them work into a TV series.

AFFC and ADWD could easily be condensed into one season. There's a ton of filler in those books (especially ADWD) that could be cut down.

Yes, there are a LOT of characters and they're already trimming this season. I can see a genocidal rampage going during Feast and Dance. Those books will likely follow only the main characters from these two seasons.

I can't think of anyone who NEEDS to be in the show who hasn't already had a POV in Game/Clash and who isn't already a major character by the end of this second season. Yes, even that person you're thinking of. And that one. Mhm, that one too.

They should cut down like 75% of Dany's story. Make her conquer 1 city instead of 3 and no more silly names. I wouldn't bat an eyelid if Reznak Mo Reznak was dropped from the show.

Ironically, aren't they ADDING more story to Dany this season?
That's my problem with a lot of Dany's storyline. So many characters and they all have weird names and not really well defined personalities to differentiate them from the other characters. GRRM was talking about the TV series and how because they killed "Mago" in season 1, and because he didn't die in the books, there could be problems down the line. My first thought was, "Who the fuck is Mago?" I've read the book several times and had no idea who he was talking about.

Most of the Essos characters are exoticist/orientalist stereotypes, condensing them into a few meaningful ones with actual characters would be an improvement.

Ironically, aren't they ADDING more story to Dany this season?

Dany does nothing in ACOK, they need to give one of their main characters and actresses something to do. I wish they'd have chosen just to move ASOS material forward and get the ball rolling sooner with Dany's stalled storyline.
That's my problem with a lot of Dany's storyline. So many characters and they all have weird names and not really well defined personalities to differentiate them from the other characters. GRRM was talking about the TV series and how because they killed "Mago" in season 1, and because he didn't die in the books, there could be problems down the line. My first thought was, "Who the fuck is Mago?" I've read the book several times and had no idea who he was talking about.

Yeah I remember reading GRRM's comments on that. Mago was the guy gets his throat ripped out by Drogo in 'The Pointy End' (ep 8) right?

Martin said Winds spoilers
That he will have a significant role in Winds, cause you know it's the sixth book in the series and clearly Martin has no intentions of Dany even thinking about going to Westeros lol.

Ironically, aren't they ADDING more story to Dany this season?

Well she doesn't really do anything in Clash lol.


AFFC and ADWD could easily be condensed into one season. There's a ton of filler in those books (especially ADWD) that could be cut down.

The Ironborn stuff could be shifted back into seasons 3/4, and the Dornish stuff could probably all be either cut or pushed to future seasons, and a lot of filler could be cut from Tyrion and Brienne's stories, since those are both mostly world building stuff, but even then, I think cramming everything that's left into 10 episodes would be pretty hard. Maybe if they can get an extended season it would work.

EDIT: Forgot Dany's story. That could be cut pretty significantly. Kind of goes hand in hand with cutting the entire Dornish portion of her story.
Yeah I remember reading GRRM's comments on that. Mago was the guy gets his throat ripped out by Drogo in 'The Pointy End' (ep 8) right?
Martin said Winds spoilers
That he will have a significant role in Winds, cause you know it's the sixth book in the series and clearly Martin has no intentions of Dany even thinking about going to Westeros lol.

Well she doesn't really do anything in Clash lol.

Yeah, thats the guy.

Yes, there are a LOT of characters and they're already trimming this season. I can see a genocidal rampage going during Feast and Dance. Those books will likely follow only the main characters from these two seasons.

I can't think of anyone who NEEDS to be in the show who hasn't already had a POV in Game/Clash and who isn't already a major character by the end of this second season. Yes, even that person you're thinking of. And that one. Mhm, that one too.

Ironically, aren't they ADDING more story to Dany this season?

Yeah, I think the show is just going to follow the characters that we've already established or will be established in S2 like Brienne. We'll get Iron Islands stuff, but I'll bet they cut out Dorne.
Yeah I remember reading GRRM's comments on that. Mago was the guy gets his throat ripped out by Drogo in 'The Pointy End' (ep 8) right?

Martin said Winds spoilers
That he will have a significant role in Winds, cause you know it's the sixth book in the series and clearly Martin has no intentions of Dany even thinking about going to Westeros lol.

So I'm guessing Mago is somehow involved with the Dothraki that find Dany at the end of ADWD?


Oh, this is the spoiler thread? I'm losing track these days and trying not to get banned like last season.

Good, I wasn't in the mood to fuck with spoilers.

But yes, Jaime and Cersei and Melisandre and Sam are already major characters on the show and we'll soon meet Brienne so she's exempt. Her story can be cut severely (though I honestly liked it...it reminded me of The Green Knight or the Hedge Knight shorts) and can literally be her leaving Jaime and heading up the river and running into Brienne. There really isn't anyone who needs extensive TV time.

They could probably cut a lot of Pike (or maybe send Yara/Asha to find Dany) from Feast and obviously can condense some of the other POVs from Dance like Connington into a small side story. The shit going on down in Dorne can be condensed.

It's going to get really hard for them, but I completely approve.


What would be the point of cutting AFFC/ADWD to one season when they need to spread out as much time as possible for Winds of Winter to be released? Best case scenario for this show is that Winds of Winter will be the last season. Leave everyone's plot line intact.
Brienne won't be a problem, cut out the filler and Crackclaw Point stuff and it's something that can be done without much screen time.

What would be the point of cutting AFFC/ADWD to one season when they need to spread out as much time as possible for Winds of Winter to be released? Best case scenario for this show is that Winds of Winter will be the last season.

Hahaha if you think HBO is going to sabotage their hit show for books that might never be written in time. They'd do their own thing with GRRM's input in it comes to that.


^^^ I think the worries are that HBO has never done more than 6 seasons of a show ever, and the only show to get 6 season was their darling hit: Sopranos.

I would really like to see the story told and as unrushed as possible, so I'm okay with a Feast/Dance mashup, some of Storm in this season, and maybe Winds and Dream being condensed as well. Then again, as it was said, GRRM still needs to write the fucking books.

I just don't want them to pull a Carnivale/Rome and realize they're going to cancel the show so they put a shitload of non-stop lore for two episodes to rush the characters to the endgame.

Dany does nothing in ACOK, they need to give one of their main characters and actresses something to do. I wish they'd have chosen just to move ASOS material forward and get the ball rolling sooner with Dany's stalled storyline.

Well she doesn't really do anything in Clash lol.

That's true. I swore her attack on the slavers was in Clash.

I have a feeling with this new episode they're going to set up a fight between her and another khalasar and maybe prove herself in Qarth or something. Unecessary if you ask me. They should have just had her meet Arstan, leave Qarth for Slaver's bay halfway through the season and do the Unsullied/Drogon fucks up slavers story line.

So I'm guessing Mago is somehow involved with the Dothraki that find Dany at the end of ADWD?

He IS the guy who finds her at the end.
What would be the point of cutting AFFC/ADWD to one season when they need to spread out as much time as possible for Winds of Winter to be released? Best case scenario for this show is that Winds of Winter will be the last season. Leave everyone's plot line intact.

If they can find a way to make the interminable bullshit in Meereen interesting, by all means, make it two seasons.

He IS the guy who finds her at the end.

Ahh, okay. Is that explicitly stated in the book? I frequently find myself forgetting significant details from the books.
What would be the point of cutting AFFC/ADWD to one season when they need to spread out as much time as possible for Winds of Winter to be released? Best case scenario for this show is that Winds of Winter will be the last season. Leave everyone's plot line intact.

AFFC/ADWD as they are will make for terrible TV.

If they can find a way to make the interminable bullshit in Meereen interesting, by all means, make it two seasons.

That would take an act of God. Can you imagine 19 episodes of Dany doing nothing except being a shitty ruler and thinking about how badly she wants to be fucked by Daario, and then in episode 20 something happens.


Hahaha if you think HBO is going to sabotage their hit show for books that might never be written in time. They'd do their own thing with GRRM's input in it comes to that.

"So... George, we've finished season 5 and it's already been 5 years since ADwD was released. When is your new book coming out so we can start on season 6?"

"Don't you see the Jets and Giants are in the playoffs right now!?"

FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. 10 year minimum. lol
That would take an act of God. Can you imagine 19 episodes of Dany doing nothing except being a shitty ruler and thinking about how badly she wants to be fucked by Daario, and then in episode 20 something happens.

Luckily it wouldn't be all that difficult to fix. Cut out all the BS and irrelevant characters and the ADWD Essos stuff could be done in a few episodes.


Ahh, okay. Is that explicitly stated in the book? I frequently find myself forgetting significant details from the books.

I'm 99% sure.

Wikiing it and...

"She and her dragon are eventually discovered by the khalasar of Khal Jhaqo."

But Jhaqo is Mago's boss. I'm not sure how that works. I need to hit the head, so I'll read up later. haha

abel anything from Winds of Winter, other than that, free reign on the first five books.

Yeah, I know, I just swore I was in the TV show thread.
This might be controversial, but I think they should kill off Theon in this season just to save us from the "Reek reek, it rhymes with meek" nonsense. Worst parts of the series for me, along with everything Dany does after Qarth.
Luckily it wouldn't be all that difficult to fix. Cut out all the BS and irrelevant characters and the ADWD Essos stuff could be done in a few episodes.

Definitely, and I think the same can be said for just about every storyline that has a significant amount of chapters in AFFC/ADWD. We don't need 20 weeks of Jon appeasing the wildlings and pissing off the Night's Watch. We don't need 20 weeks of the misadventures of Tyrion and Brienne (I liked Brienne's journey better though), or 20 weeks of Cersie being incompetent. These storylines can all be gutted and the point can be gotten across. To tell them all in detail would lead to two seasons of monotony.

Yeah, I know, I just swore I was in the TV show thread.

I'm constantly having to check the top of the page to check out which thread I'm in.

This might be controversial, but I think they should kill off Theon in this season just to save us from the "Reek reek, it rhymes with meek" nonsense. Worst parts of the series for me, along with everything Dany does after Qarth.

For me, I'd hope not. Theon had the only storyline in ADWD that had a significant amount of chapters that was consistently interesting. I think Jon has the best chapters in the book overall, but Theon's were more consistent.


If they can find a way to make the interminable bullshit in Meereen interesting, by all means, make it two seasons.

Ahh, okay. Is that explicitly stated in the book? I frequently find myself forgetting significant details from the books.

AFFC/ADWD as they are will make for terrible TV.

That would take an act of God.

Well they can alter some things around, add new scenes with Dany, let Bran journey more in the North or maybe George can show us the training that he left out of the books, have Arya and the Night's Watch members interact more than they did. There are a lot of fragmented storylines running off on their own but they are still interesting. I don't know, maybe I'm the only one but as a fan I'd like to see all of it.
This might be controversial, but I think they should kill off Theon in this season just to save us from the "Reek reek, it rhymes with meek" nonsense. Worst parts of the series for me, along with everything Dany does after Qarth.

The dumb catchphrase and puns aside, I like Theon's ADWD arch. But I don't know how well it would translate to TV where we don't see Theon's thoughts. Can Alfie Allen pull that off?


This might be controversial, but I think they should kill off Theon in this season just to save us from the "Reek reek, it rhymes with meek" nonsense. Worst parts of the series for me, along with everything Dany does after Qarth.

what? no! [/Marky Mark]

Theon's chapters were some of the best in the entire saga, I feel. It was amazing to witness how his personality was pretty much destroyed by that sick bastard and how he starts to slowly regain it, chapter by chapter.


We will likely get to see Theon's torture scenes in seasons 3 and 4, mostly 4. I loved Theon's story in ADWD. I felt some smypathy for him eventhough I hated him before and thought he deserved a lot of what he got. His ADWD scenes are the ones I am most eager to see.


I'm 99% sure.

Wikiing it and...

"She and her dragon are eventually discovered by the khalasar of Khal Jhaqo."

But Jhaqo is Mago's boss. I'm not sure how that works. I need to hit the head, so I'll read up later. haha

Yep, Mago is still alive in the books and is bloodrider to Jhaqo, who finds Dany at the end of her Dance chapters.

When Khal Drogo's khalasar destroyed a Lhazareen settlement, Mago began raping a woman, Eroeh, until she was rescued by Daenerys Targaryen.[2]

After Drogo fell ill, Jhaqo declared himself khal and named Mago a Bloodrider. Mago then stole Eroeh back and raped her. He then gave her to Jhaqo where she was raped again by him and his other Bloodriders. When they were done, they cut her throat.[3] Daenerys upon hearing of Eroeh fate stated:

"It was a cruel fate, Yet not so cruel as Mago's will be. I promise you that, by the old gods and the new, by the lamb god and the horse god and every god that lives. I swear by the Mother of Mountains and the Womb of the World. Before I am done with them, Mago and Ko Jhaqo will plead for the mercy they showed Eroeh." [4] ”

Jhaqo's khalasar discovers Daenerys Targaryen and her dragon Drogon in the Dothraki Sea.
Mago, the character so notable that not even dedicated fans of the books remember who he is.

Maybe it's because all the Dothraki characters are exactly the same.


Did Theon actually (episode 2/2 spoiler)
finger Asha in the books? I swore he just played with her breasts.

Mago, the character so notable that not even dedicated fans of the books remember who he is.

Maybe it's because all the Dothraki characters are exactly the same.

Only the hardcore like Ran at Westeros and George himself noticed. I wasn't even sure who he was when I saw the show.
Did Theon actually (episode 2/2 spoiler)
finger Asha in the books? I swore he just played with her breasts.

Only the hardcore like Ran at Westeros and George himself noticed. I wasn't even sure who he was when I saw the show.

I just thought he was random Dothraki guy on the show. Had no idea he was an actual character from the book.


This might be controversial, but I think they should kill off Theon in this season just to save us from the "Reek reek, it rhymes with meek" nonsense. Worst parts of the series for me, along with everything Dany does after Qarth.

Hell no. Theon's arc is one of the most interesting in the series. It's also the primary way that we're given to build up a healthy hatred for the Boltons. Plus, there's just something cathartic about seeing those brief moments when Theon allows himself to feel remorse for what's happened, and realizing how much of his downfall was just bitterness over his lack of a real paternal relationship with Ned and his futile desire to have that relationship with Balon. The violence of Theon's story goes from feeling senseless and psychopathic to feeling much more fully tragic.
Well how would you tell the difference between a random Dothraki and a Dothraki from the books not named Drogo? Can you even describe a Dothraki character without mentioning the word rape?

Also one of my problems with Dany was that she actually intended to unleash these guys on Westeros. Maybe she thought she could control them... but still.
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