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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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*bites thumb in suspense*

For the record I don't think Funky has read the books based on his posting history. And that is a pretty reasonable prediction all things considered.

Was just going to post this in the main GoT thread, then realized that Funky reads both threads and I would have inadvertently spoiled it for him! Nice call posting it here.

And yes, I can't wait to see the end result of this one. Haha!


I've started reading Iain M Bank again with "Matter" after coming from months of A Song of Ice and Fire... I really need to stop imagining crossovers.

Melisandre's full name is not Masd-Nadutersa Melisandre Amblen Tam dam Marenhide. There are no Special Circumstances.



*bites thumb in suspense*

For the record I don't think Funky has read the books based on his posting history. And that is a pretty reasonable prediction all things considered.

well, I think the show did make that a lot more obvious than the books did. That scene between Margery and Littlefinger last episode pretty much telegraphed the whole thing, I thought. Then again, that's coming from the perspective of someone who already knows what's coming.
Yeah, the show put it out there in a not so subtle way. But blahblah...blah is, I believe, the poster that thinks that anybody that guesses correctly has read the book and is just pretending to guess.


Why do people hate Darkstar so much? I certainly don't like him, but he doesn't really have enough screen time or significance to garner so much hatred. Daario is much, much worse.
Not trying to look in this thread but I just got done reading the part in "ASoS" with what is called the Red Wedding. What the fuck... I am so pissed off right now... There are so many people I hope and pray receive a terrible death by the end of this series....
I've talked to many non-readers who guessed the same thing. One of my friends even brought up Littlefinger seems to like Sansa, and he thinks LF will somehow try to marry her heh

Lol, closet reader? I don't even remember a scene between him and Sansa :s

My non-reader cousins had the most awful guesses. They thought after episode 9, the Lannisters would be killed off by Robb's army. Then season 2 would have Robb vs the Others.
Lol, closet reader? I don't even remember a scene between him and Sansa :s

My non-reader cousins had the most awful guesses. They thought after episode 9, the Lannisters would be killed off by Robb's army. Then season 2 would have Robb vs the Others.

The scene with LF creeping on Sansa at the tournament really left an impression on him, I was surprised.

Another thing I find interesting is just how popular Dany is with people. Mormont's mini speech to her in the last episode pretty much mirrors what I've heard non-book readers say on facebook or at school, it's amazing. Interestingly some seem to think she'll sail to Westeros asap and start owning shit, while others have figured out she has to get an army first and wait for the dragons to grow.
The scene with LF creeping on Sansa at the tournament really left an impression on him, I was surprised.

Another thing I find interesting is just how popular Dany is with people. Mormont's mini speech to her in the last episode pretty much mirrors what I've heard non-book readers say on facebook or at school, it's amazing. Interestingly some seem to think she'll sail to Westeros asap and start owning shit, while others have figured out she has to get an army first and wait for the dragons to grow.

Props to Emilia Clarke and the writers and the producers for making her an interesting character in the show though. I experience the same thing, people that haven't read the books love her, and a lot of people that had are meh. I do love Emilia Clarke as her in the show though, and I love Emilia Clarke in general for obvious reasons.
I liked Dany in the first three books overall, but she was never a favorite character of mine (although her ASOS arc was amazing).

I really like how the recent episodes have created an almost foreboding atmosphere for her in Qarth; it's too perfect, and even non-viewers can tell something is up. Also her guard seems down as she attempts to socialize with a more...refined culture than she's used to. I can't wait to see the rest of this season, and her eventual return to being a conqueror.
I liked Dany in the first three books overall, but she was never a favorite character of mine (although her ASOS arc was amazing).

I really like how the recent episodes have created an almost foreboding atmosphere for her in Qarth; it's too perfect, and even non-viewers can tell something is up. Also her guard seems down as she attempts to socialize with a more...refined culture than she's used to. I can't wait to see the rest of this season, and her eventual return to being a conqueror.

Yeah I really liked what they did with her and the characters around her in season 1, and although she had virtually no part in the first few episodes this season, I really liked all of her scenes in The Ghost of Harrenhal.

D&D said that the Qarth stuff is expanded and fleshed out from what's in the book, I'm excited to see where they go with it.

I also thought she was pretty good in the first three books, but still much more enjoyable in the show I think (probably because we don't get into her head as much haha).


I was always pretty "meh" on Dany with the exception of her final chapter in GoT and a couple obvious chapters from Storm. After Robb died, I didn't really have any characters with actual chances that I supported, and then I started thinking, "you know, Dany just did some pretty awesome shit. Maybe I can get behind her after all."

Then Dance happened. I think I'm leaning towards Team Stannis now. Although I really wouldn't say he has an actual chance of winning.


So there will never be a "How many, how many, how many, how many, how many?" moment on the tv show. That was probably the scene I couldn't wait to see Maisie Williams translate to the screen. I'm still kind of in shock that it will never happen.

They'll probably give her someone else to kill, but it'll be a challenge to match the impact of the original scene.
I was always pretty "meh" on Dany with the exception of her final chapter in GoT and a couple obvious chapters from Storm. After Robb died, I didn't really have any characters with actual chances that I supported, and then I started thinking, "you know, Dany just did some pretty awesome shit. Maybe I can get behind her after all."

Then Dance happened. I think I'm leaning towards Team Stannis now. Although I really wouldn't say he has an actual chance of winning.

Stannis probably has no chance. And honestly, I don't really care who wins in the end as long as it's not Dany. She was never my favorite, but her chapters in ADWD were painful to read and demoted her to absolutely shitty character only slightly better than Darkstar and her Gold-toothed Stud Daario. I'd rather see Littlefinger, or hell even Cersei sit the damn thing rather than Dany.

So there will never be a "How many, how many, how many, how many, how many?" moment on the tv show. That was probably the scene I couldn't wait to see Maisie Williams translate to the screen. I'm still kind of in shock that it will never happen.

They'll probably give her someone else to kill, but it'll be a challenge to match the impact of the original scene.

They completely botched her first kill, hopefully they'll make up for it later. I hope they do justice to when she kills the Bolton man while escaping Harrenhal, that's her first real murder.
I don't really care who sits on the Iron Throne at this point, not unless it's Tywin's zombie or something, then I would really like that.


I think GRRM's hinting that the Iron Throne will be meaningless soon once shit actually hits the fan by the end of WoW.

Or at least I hope so...


I think GRRM's hinting that the Iron Throne will be meaningless soon once shit actually hits the fan by the end of WoW.

Or at least I hope so...

Why would you want that? It would mean that the entire series thus far was basically pointless.
He's made the point a few times in a few interviews that people have a general inability to look beyond petty disputes (Iron Throne) in order to come together to fight a larger danger (Wights/Others/Winter).

I certainly think SOMEONE will be on the throne at the end, it just won't mean anything or not have the same prestige.


He's made the point a few times in a few interviews that people have a general inability to look beyond petty disputes (Iron Throne) in order to come together to fight a larger danger (Wights/Others/Winter).

I certainly think SOMEONE will be on the throne at the end, it just won't mean anything or not have the same prestige.

Right. I think the "Game of Thrones" that has been going on is going to be an allegory of the Harrenhal story; Harren spends all this time building towards something massive, only to fall the very day he finishes.


I've said this before, but as long as there's a Stark in Winterfell at the end and the Boltons/Freys are killed/removed from power, I don't care if Patchface sits on the Iron Throne.


Democracy, steam engines, Hodor riding a dragon. All we need really.

Would be nice to see the North become an independent nation again though.


Would be nice to see the North become an independent nation again though.

Speculation: Bran, the CoF and whoever else sink the landmass above the Neck, preventing a massive army of wights invading and giving the armies of the south a fighting chance against the horde that already went through. I know, I know, oh, oh, oh.
If Stannis loses the ice battle I'm going to be rather disappointed; from a narrative point of view it won't add anything to the story imo. Everything has broken right for him. He found the traitors/got rid of them thanks to Jon's letter, he knows when Bolton's men will arrive for the most part, the Iron Bank plans to fully finance his claim, he controls the high ground, and he holds a key to the North's current loyalty hostage (Theon). All this while the Lannisters have to potentially deal with the Tyrells and "Aegon;" if Stannis wins the Winterfell battle he will essentially win the North.

If Stannis can secure Winterfell, it sets the stage for the return of a Stark, probably Rickon. It also puts a wrench in Littlefinger's plans for Sansa, potentially at least. Will Littlefinger risk sending the Eyrie host off to siege Winterfell now that winter is here? And when Sansa is revealed, how will the Northern lords respond?

Holding the North might not matter much at all when/if the Wall falls though


Why do people hate Darkstar so much? I certainly don't like him, but he doesn't really have enough screen time or significance to garner so much hatred. Daario is much, much worse.

I think for a lot of people it's because they feel he is a very cliched character: the corny "badass" nickname, his brooding nature, the dark good looks, the fighting prowess.

Oh, and there's also the fact that he tried to kill an innocent little girl.

Yeah I really liked what they did with her and the characters around her in season 1, and although she had virtually no part in the first few episodes this season, I really liked all of her scenes in The Ghost of Harrenhal.

D&D said that the Qarth stuff is expanded and fleshed out from what's in the book, I'm excited to see where they go with it.

I also thought she was pretty good in the first three books, but still much more enjoyable in the show I think (probably because we don't get into her head as much haha).

(TV show spoiler)
I know one of the additions is that Pyat Pree steals one of Dany's dragons.




- WiC.net with a few more details: Casting for season three begins

Alright so season three casting is starting. It's probably simpler to discuss it in here. On the Meera Reed tumblr there is a pic of an actress but I have no clue who she is. I know it is not the exact description of her in the book but this is similar to the image I had in my head for Meera when reading. Anyways if her personality fits maybe she should try out, does anyone know who she is?

I just hope the first person they announce is Reek/Ramsay just to get that over with. I'm probably wrong but I can't think of a bigger bit of casting for an as yet unseen character in the show.

edit: ok fine, maybe Mance, Euron and Victarion too!


Alright so season three casting is starting. It's probably simpler to discuss it in here. On the Meera Reed tumblr there is a pic of an actress but I have no clue who she is. I know it is not the exact description of her in the book but this is similar to the image I had in my head for Meera when reading. Anyways if her personality fits maybe she should try out, does anyone know who she is?


edit: nvm, have no idea of who she is


I just hope the first person they announce is Reek/Ramsay just to get that over with. I'm probably wrong but I can't think of a bigger bit of casting for an as yet unseen character in the show.

edit: ok fine, maybe Mance, Euron and Victarion too!

why would they recast Reek, what's wrong with Alfie ?


Alright so season three casting is starting. It's probably simpler to discuss it in here. On the Meera Reed tumblr there is a pic of an actress but I have no clue who she is. I know it is not the exact description of her in the book but this is similar to the image I had in my head for Meera when reading. Anyways if her personality fits maybe she should try out, does anyone know who she is?


Found out who she is, Caitlin Stasey.

Oh and Joseph Gordon Levitt should be Jojen Reed!

edit: nvm, have no idea of who she is

I agree she would work as Mya Stone.


I want GRRM to make Ramsay Snow die a horrible horrible slow painful death.

Preferably tied to a stake on a hill and have birds claw at his gut and spill his entrails out. Either that, or strip him naked, cover him in honey and toss him into a pen full of starving pigs.
And of course prior to that, he would have all his teeth and nails pulled out.


I want GRRM to make Ramsay Snow die a horrible horrible slow painful death.

Preferably tied to a stake on a hill and have birds claw at his gut and spill his entrails out. Either that, or strip him naked, cover him in honey and toss him into a pen full of starving pigs.
And of course prior to that, he would have all his teeth and nails pulled out.

I just want to see Stannis capture him and just keep calling him a bastard, that's bound to make him suffer more than anything.

Stannis is a pretty funny guy when he's not in Mel's vicinity.
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