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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Alright so season three casting is starting. It's probably simpler to discuss it in here. On the Meera Reed tumblr there is a pic of an actress but I have no clue who she is. I know it is not the exact description of her in the book but this is similar to the image I had in my head for Meera when reading. Anyways if her personality fits maybe she should try out, does anyone know who she is?


Shouldn't Meera be much younger than that?


Shouldn't Meera be much younger than that?

I think Meera and Jojen if cast will probably be around 19-21 years old. A lot simpler to work with adult actors and their look doesn't change drastically. A lot of boys in their early teens have crushes on older girls so it would be normal for Bran to have a crush on Meera, remember he is aging as well. Isaac Hempstead Wright will be 13 by season 3 right?


Alright so season three casting is starting. It's probably simpler to discuss it in here. On the Meera Reed tumblr there is a pic of an actress but I have no clue who she is. I know it is not the exact description of her in the book but this is similar to the image I had in my head for Meera when reading. Anyways if her personality fits maybe she should try out, does anyone know who she is?

She was in Tomorrow when the War Began. Kinda old but not awful.
I want GRRM to make Ramsay Snow die a horrible horrible slow painful death.

Preferably tied to a stake on a hill and have birds claw at his gut and spill his entrails out. Either that, or strip him naked, cover him in honey and toss him into a pen full of starving pigs.
And of course prior to that, he would have all his teeth and nails pulled out.

It'll be funny whenever the TV show gets to Ramsay. I know a bunch of people who are absolutely disgusted with Joffrey on the show and Ramsay makes Joffrey look like a saint.

As for casting, Tormund Giantsbane should be Ron Perlman or (probably too old) Brian Blessed.


webster's defines wedding as the process of removing weeds from one's garden

btw, gtfo of this thread :D

You don't wanna be spoiled
I know I shouldn't be here, I'm not reading many of the posts just in case lol. I already got spoiled about something in the GoT season 2 thread, I was not happy about it :(. Although I had assumed that would be the 'Red Wedding' so yea, pretty shocked about what just happened.


It'll be funny whenever the TV show gets to Ramsay. I know a bunch of people who are absolutely disgusted with Joffrey on the show and Ramsay makes Joffrey look like a saint.

As for casting, Tormund Giantsbane should be Ron Perlman or (probably too old) Brian Blessed.
They are skipping the disfigurements so far. I doubt they will even modify tyrion's nose
They are skipping the disfigurements so far. I doubt they will even modify tyrion's nose

They'll probably just give Tyrion a scar or something. But they can't skip something like Jaime's hand or Theon getting all mutilated. Those disfigurements are central to their character development. I'm guessing they'll tone down Reek/Theon but if they skip it entirely, it'll be a completely different character and marginalize how screwed up Ramsay is too.


They'll probably just give Tyrion a scar or something. But they can't skip something like Jaime's hand or Theon getting all mutilated. Those disfigurements are central to their character development. I'm guessing they'll tone down Reek/Theon but if they skip it entirely, it'll be a completely different character and marginalize how screwed up Ramsay is too.

With Theon, they'll probably give you scenes of Ramsay mutilating fingers and toes and genitals, stuff that they can just cover with gloves and clothes later and give you a sense of Ramsay's cruelty that way. They'll probably only minimally do the broken teeth and any other facial damage that they would actually have to do makeup for. They'll just powder him up to make him look weak and sickly, maybe convince the actor to lose some weight for the role.

Tyrion, I doubt they'll do much to at all. His facial damage doesn't really alter his character in anyway, it just exacerbates the insecurity he already feels as a dwarf. No reason for them to really put much money into it other than out of faithfulness to the books.
I know I shouldn't be here, I'm not reading many of the posts just in case lol. I already got spoiled about something in the GoT season 2 thread, I was not happy about it :(. Although I had assumed that would be the 'Red Wedding' so yea, pretty shocked about what just happened.

I was incredibly close to making a (lame) joke about the characters that got weeded out and naming those characters, so you got lucky. and you shouldn't be here, and you shouldn't be reading this.


Just finished all the books (audiobooks to be specific) and really enjoy the series. So what is a realistic timeframe for the last two books to be finished?

When I was first recommended to the series (shortly after the release of the fourth book), I really didn't have much interest in starting the series because I honestly didn't think it would ever be completed. Looking at the release schedule of the current books still makes me skeptical but I'm hoping that with the popularity of the HBO series, GRRM will have greater motivation to complete the series.


Just finished all the books (audiobooks to be specific) and really enjoy the series. So what is a realistic timeframe for the last two books to be finished?

When I was first recommended to the series (shortly after the release of the fourth book), I really didn't have much interest in starting the series because I honestly didn't think it would ever be completed. Looking at the release schedule of the current books still makes me skeptical but I'm hoping that with the popularity of the HBO series, GRRM will have greater motivation to complete the series.

I wouldn't expect Winds to come out any earlier than 2015, probably much later than that. I don't think George has written anything new for the book since Dance came out. He's been busy going to conventions, watching football, and writing other shit nobody really cares about.
Just finished Dance tonight.

First of all, great book. Do not understand the general dislike for it. It dragged during some segments, sure, but overall it was well written, enjoyable, and really set up the final two books.

Some thoughts:

1. HOLY SHIT at Jon dying????? WTF?!?!??!

2. The Varys appearance in the Epilogue was FANTASTIC. He is easily one of my favorite characters. Would have liked to see some H'gar, but I'll take what I can get.

3. So Aegon lives, eh? Pretty interesting. I know it was theorized for some time, but it's cool to see it confirmed.

4. Barristan Selmy is SUCH a badass. His fight scene was so sick.

5. I really enjoyed the Tyrion chapters. His wit and dialogue continues to make for a really enjoyable read.

6. The Reek = Theon revelation was pretty insane. So was the Abel = Mance. I did not put the latter one together until it was mentioned in Ramsay's letter. Abel was a singer...so was Mance. Brilliant little Easter Egg that Martin threw in there for careful readers.

7. The single Melisandre chapter was pretty cool. Still want to know more about her.

8. I'm curious: there is R'llor and "the god who must not be named." I'm thinking it's the Many Faced God. What's the theory on this?

9. Arya is training to be an assassin? So cool.

10. The Bran chapters were really great, in my opinion. Got to see a lot of lore and mythology of the world.

And with that final white raven, winter arrives.

Cannot wait for the next book.


Hunky Nostradamus
Abel = Mance. I did not put the latter one together until it was mentioned in Ramsay's letter. Abel was a singer...so was Mance. Brilliant little Easter Egg that Martin threw in there for careful readers.

Huh? It was explicitly stated that Abel was Mance. Remember the chapter where Rattleshirt is revealed to be Mance? And Melisandre is sending him to Winterfell with 6 women?
I don't think it was explicit. Context clues give it away early, but it is never stated outright until Ramsay's letter.

To Dark Chronic:
It seems like you missed a few things. Read through the last few pages to get some ideas, then come back to discuss. There are some theories on Jon, on Aegon, and so on.

There was also a link in the recent few pages about subtle points of the book, and I think you probably missed a lot of those, too.

Also, you probably won't know the character unless you have some familiarity with the Dunk & Egg books, but the greenseer with Bran (The Three Eyed-Crow) is Bloodraven, who was the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch before he disappeared. Before that he was the King's Hand, and fought in the Blackfyre Rebellions- The Golden Company was formed by the Blackfyres that survived and fled.
Huh? It was explicitly stated that Abel was Mance. Remember the chapter where Rattleshirt is revealed to be Mance? And Melisandre is sending him to Winterfell with 6 women?

Yup, but I didn't put the two together for some reason until after I read the letter from Ramsay.

I started reading this book back in December (lol) and finally ploughed through the rest of it tonight, so my memory is a bit choppy. Forgive me. :p

I don't think it was explicit. Context clues give it away early, but it is never stated outright until Ramsay's letter.

Yeah, that's what I thought. I knew Mance could change appearances, but I don't remember if it was stated out right that Mance was Abel. Regardless, I didn't make the connection until the letter.

EDIT: ArthurDayne,

Reading through that thread now that someone posted a link to. Wow. Some of the stuff I caught, some stuff I missed. Maybe 60/40? I do not know who Bloodraven is, as I have not read the Dunk & Egg books. I usually fill in these little gaps with Wikipedia entries or the entries from Tower of the Hand.

I have only read through the series once (GoT back in the early 2000s, then finally the others straight through when the TV show was announced) so I will admit my knowledge of the series is a bit bare.

I do love these little details that Martin throws in, and I love reading about them online. I'm sure I'll be kept super busy this weekend reading theories and catching up on all these little details that I might have missed.


I just got past the Red Wedding, I'm so fucking pissed. SO PISSED :mad: FUCK YOU GEORGE, FUCK YOU. YOU'LL GET WHAT'S COMING TO YOU. I'll continue reading, but I'm not going to be happy about it.
-Mance Rayder's Winterfell infiltration plan was a direct ripoff of Bael the Bard's one right down to the fake name (Abel). Maybe Mance hid from Ramsey down in the crypts as well?

Holy shit!! This stuff is insane! I would NEVER have picked that up!
Yeah, Mance is a troll. He mentions in Storm that he pulled the same stunt, and was hanging out with the King's Caravan for a few days during Game of Thrones.
Yeah, Mance is a troll. He mentions in Storm that he pulled the same stunt, and was hanging out with the King's Caravan for a few days during Game of Thrones.

Ah, yes, I do remember that, actually. Led to one my favorite lines from Jon, for some reason.... "Do you remember where they sat the bastard?" (something along those lines, at least)

It's almost dizzying how deep some of this stuff really goes. Layers upon layers upon layers. I could get sucked into reading this stuff for hours.
That is my favorite part of it. I love the lore and the history and all that stuff. The mentions of things like Lyanna and (presumably) Brandon, little stuff like that is awesome to me. I can't fucking wait until Howland Reed shows up. If he isn't awesome I will be very disappoint.


I said a couple of weeks ago about how i thought the Reeds/Crannog/Bogmen wouldn't be in the show at all, i think Bran now having the "greendream" of the sea crashing into Winterfell proves that shit. It'll be him, Hodor and Osha on the merry trip up north. Rickon will be killed off.

How the hell does that prove anything? Bran had that dream in the novels as well. And going with Osha is going to have an entirely different dynamic than going with Joren.

And no, they are not going to kill off what is definitely going to become one of the most significant piece of the story. Rickon is obviously going to be important and doing that will change the story so drastically that it'd be impossible to properly adapt it.

My next prediction, Bronn will be the one at Tyrions side and saves him at the end of the Battle of the Blackwater.
We've had Poderick Payne name-checked in the 2nd ep, then fuck-all of him, so he can be considered another no-show.

Wat. Why would they bother including and naming him if he is not going to do anything? And it's only been 3 episodes since then. Besides, it's not like Pod did much else in the books either, but given his presence with Brienne, I'm willing to bet he does something significant at some point.

You are by far the strangest fan I've ever met. Again, not being insulting, but you put out the most bizarre opinions.
Based on the various interviews with the actor that plays Podrick, it would seem he will get some more screen time in the second half of the season and play the role he did in Blackwater that he did in the book.


It'll be the Jaime and Brienne show for at least half a season, and there will be much comedy and playful dryhumping/fighting.
I just hope her acting improves.

What are you talking about? Brienne separates from Jaime. It's a major plot point. Why would she travel again with him during her journey in Feasts? They got 2 entirely separate ways because their journeys have nothing to do with each other anymore.

But the Tyrion & Bronn bromance is the best thing about the show right now, such chemistry.
I always thought it crazy that Bronn wouldn't be at his side during the siege. I mean i know that the chain-towers were vital to hold onto, but its not like Bronn was a master-tactician, he was Tyrions bodyguard, above all else.

No, he is a sellsword above all else. Did you forget how he helped Tyrion out in his fight with the Mountain? He does what he is paid to do. They do go great together, but one of the strengths of the books is that they don't do things merely for pleasing purposes. If it makes no sense for Bronn to be there, he shouldn't be there. And Bronn wouldn't go out of his way for Tyrion just because they're friends.

That said, will we even see the mighty chain? There has been no hint so far. If, on Sunday, we don't see a bit with him ordering every blacksmith to get making some mysterious rings then we'll know they thought it too expensive to film/CG and instead will just have one big explosion.

That won't work. They already talked about how too far spread apart the ships are. They'll need to find some way to bring them together. And I'm relatively sure that a chain has atleast been mentioned by tyrion at some point, but I can't recall where.


Just finished Dance tonight.

First of all, great book. Do not understand the general dislike for it. It dragged during some segments, sure, but overall it was well written, enjoyable, and really set up the final two books.

Some thoughts:

1. HOLY SHIT at Jon dying????? WTF?!?!??!

2. The Varys appearance in the Epilogue was FANTASTIC. He is easily one of my favorite characters. Would have liked to see some H'gar, but I'll take what I can get.

3. So Aegon lives, eh? Pretty interesting. I know it was theorized for some time, but it's cool to see it confirmed.

4. Barristan Selmy is SUCH a badass. His fight scene was so sick.

5. I really enjoyed the Tyrion chapters. His wit and dialogue continues to make for a really enjoyable read.

6. The Reek = Theon revelation was pretty insane. So was the Abel = Mance. I did not put the latter one together until it was mentioned in Ramsay's letter. Abel was a singer...so was Mance. Brilliant little Easter Egg that Martin threw in there for careful readers.

7. The single Melisandre chapter was pretty cool. Still want to know more about her.

8. I'm curious: there is R'llor and "the god who must not be named." I'm thinking it's the Many Faced God. What's the theory on this?

9. Arya is training to be an assassin? So cool.

10. The Bran chapters were really great, in my opinion. Got to see a lot of lore and mythology of the world.

And with that final white raven, winter arrives.

Cannot wait for the next book.

Jon's not dead. Most likely scenario is that he's warged into Ghost for a bit until his body gets healed or revived by Melisandre. Melisandre looked into her flames and saw Jon transform from a man to a wolf then back into a man.
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