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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Random question: Does Jaime's speech to Alton about squiring for Barristan in the tv show appear in the books anywhere?

Don't think so. Pretty sure he wasn't a squire for Barristan in the books.

The knight he always admired most in the books was Ser Arthur Dayne. They probably switched it to Barristan since he's a) a character the audience is familiar with and b) he needs to be re-established so he can be effectively reintroduced.


Random question: Does Jaime's speech to Alton about squiring for Barristan in the tv show appear in the books anywhere?I don't know, someone brought it up and they started discussing it.

Yes, but not out loud by Jaime. It's when Jaime is reading through the Jaime section of the Kingsguard white book that the narrator mentions it.

Don't think so. Pretty sure he wasn't a squire for Barristan in the books.

The knight he always admired most in the books was Ser Arthur Dayne. They probably switched it to Barristan since he's a) a character the audience is familiar with and b) he needs to be re-established so he can be effectively reintroduced.

Yeah, he doesn't squire for Barristan, but he went with him to fight the Kingswood Brotherhood.

And yeah, he doesn't say anything about admiring anyone but Dayne and Cersei. Though I could see him respecting Barristan. It doesn't seem too out of character.


Random question: Does Jaime's speech to Alton about squiring for Barristan in the tv show appear in the books anywhere?I don't know, someone brought it up and they started discussing it.

Don't think so, IIRC Barristan was against Jaime even being in the Kingsguard.
Thanks, guys. I liked that scene and it was smart of them to bring up Barristan so people don't forget about him. Going to be awesome to have him back whenever he shows up next season. It's sort of odd that we'll immediately know who he is - interesting how stuff like this changes within a different medium.


Don't think so, IIRC Barristan was against Jaime even being in the Kingsguard.

You are correct and he said later that Jaime should trade in his white cloak for a black one.

I still stand by Jaime perhaps respecting Barristan, though he likely didn't like the attitude he received and rebelled when he could.

Also just realized it's the unmarked thread, so editing an old post with more information.
Haha! Someone is bitter about the adaptation this season!

No, from the very beginning, D&D have been looking forward to filming the Red Wedding. I don't think they will change it much, as it seems to me they really like it as it is.

I remember them saying they were looking forward to filming Arya's ACOK arc too :(

I'm not flipping tables level yet, but I'm getting there. Feels bad man
Don't think so. Pretty sure he wasn't a squire for Barristan in the books.

The knight he always admired most in the books was Ser Arthur Dayne. They probably switched it to Barristan since he's a) a character the audience is familiar with and b) he needs to be re-established so he can be effectively reintroduced.

Do you know if Ian McElhinney is in this season?

They better have Strong Belwas on the show, or heads will roll. He's one of the few characters in Dany's storyline I like, along with Barristan and Ben Plumm.

I think that Strong Belwas is a character that is likely to get cut in my opinion.


I remember them saying they were looking forward to filming Arya's ACOK arc too :(

I'm not flipping tables level yet, but I'm getting there. Feels bad man

I'm fine with most of the changes but cutting down Arya's story so much does suck. It was the best part of COK.

I'm anxious to see how they finish it out.


I remember them saying they were looking forward to filming Arya's ACOK arc too :(

I'm not flipping tables level yet, but I'm getting there. Feels bad man

True. But Arya's ACOK arc was much more convoluted and required the casting of a number of minor characters. Basically, there was always a good chance it was going to get condensed and changed in the adaptation.

The Red Wedding arc will be much simpler to pull off and can be done with all existing cast members (with the exception of Edmure, who we already know they're casting).
True. But Arya's ACOK arc was much more convoluted and required the casting of a number of minor characters. Basically, there was always a good chance it was going to get condensed and changed in the adaptation.

The Red Wedding arc will be much simpler to pull off and can be done with all existing cast members (with the exception of Edmure, who we already know they're casting).

Refresh my memory. Edmure's epic fail where he disobeys Robb and blows the war for everyone ever is in ASOS, correct ?
He's not listed anywhere, so I think that reintroduction is pushed back into next season. I'm assuming they'll end Dany's season with her stumbling out of the House of the Undying.

The only potentially weird thing with ending Dany's arc this season with her just wrecking the House of the Undying is that she'd still be stuck in Qarth. I kind of doubt they'd want to keep Qarth sets around just for her to get on a ship for season 3.

Considering how Jorah mentioned they have a ship ready to go, I wouldn't be surprised if they had Dany get her dragons back, do the whole House of the Undying thing and then get on a boat to Astapor.

Then they could maybe introduce Barristan and Strong Belwas on the ship or in Astapor. I do wonder if they'll bother trying to disguise Barristan as Whitebeard or not? Cause doesn't Jorah not like Barristan?


For the record, Jaime was Lord Sumner Crakehall's squire. He served for four years before being knighted by Arthur Dayne after he saved Crakehall from Big Belly Ben. It was only a few months later, I believe, that Cersei helped raise him to the Kingsguard.

Refresh my memory. Edmure's epic fail where he disobeys Robb and blows the war for everyone ever is in ASOS, correct ?

I can't remember which fail you're thinking about, because I can't get his shitty archery skills and him being captured naked after his nephew and sister were just murdered out of my head.

That said, Tullys better be in Season 3. Sitting around Robb's camp is getting old.
Refresh my memory. Edmure's epic fail where he disobeys Robb and blows the war for everyone ever is in ASOS, correct ?

The battle at stone mill occurs during ACOK but Robb and Brynden confront Edmure about disobeying him in ASOS.

I don't recall him ever believing Gendry would be a successor. Simply that that even Gendry had more claim to the thrown than Joff, but natural order would say his true brother would have claim since he didn't have true born sons. Gendry would only come into succession if Stannis were dead, I believe.

As a bastard Gendry would have no claim at all. If Stannis were dead Shireen would be the heir.
True. But Arya's ACOK arc was much more convoluted and required the casting of a number of minor characters. Basically, there was always a good chance it was going to get condensed and changed in the adaptation.

The Red Wedding arc will be much simpler to pull off and can be done with all existing cast members (with the exception of Edmure, who we already know they're casting).

I feel like they could have done it with the characters presented. Perhaps with Polliver or The Tickler taking the role of Weasel, and one small female role for the girl Yoren and company find on the side of the road. I like the dialogue between Arya and Tywin but there's just no tension in those scenes,; to me the arc was completely ruined. Sure I would have loved to see every minor character cast, but I think giving Gendry/Hot Pie/Polliver/Tickler more scenes would have created an accurate enough adaption, and would be financially viable.


I can't remember which fail you're thinking about, because I can't get his shitty archery skills and him being captured naked after his nephew and sister were just murdered out of my head.

That said, Tullys better be in Season 3. Sitting around Robb's camp is getting old.

Edmure Tully - A Clash of Kings

He(Edmure Tully) sheltered the common people in Riverrun when Tywin Lannister was burning and pillaging through the Riverlands, although this meant his supplies were drastically reduced.[5] In disregard of the orders he had received from King Robb, Edmure defended the crossing against the Lannisters, a fierce battle fought at Stone Mill where Gregor Clegane is pushed back. By doing so he unwittingly thwarted the plans of Robb, who had planned to allow Tywin to cross the river and then trap him between his and Edmure's army.[6][7]


Leaked audition tape confirms Edmure Tully will be cast


Whatever they do, the title for the Red Wedding episode NEEDS to be titled "The Rains of Castamere."

I've said it before and I'll say it again: YES. It's the perfect title for the episode.

Also, I just love how soul-crushing that chapter is - it keeps a really oppresive and foreboding atmosphere until Cat realizes the musicians are actually archers and then it goes to hell. The ending ("no, not my hair, Ned loves my hair...") is amazing and depressing at the same time.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: YES. It's the perfect title for the episode.

Also, I just love how soul-crushing that chapter is - it keeps a really oppresive and foreboding atmosphere until Cat realizes the musicians are actually archers and then it goes to hell. The ending ("no, not my hair, Ned loves my hair...") is amazing and depressing at the same time.

And what's awesome is that The National is doing a cover of The Rains that will likely be in the last episode.

Basically a prologue to season 3. >:D

Ah, I remember that now.

Also, we had some leaks of people reading for Edmure last year too if I remember correctly. Didn't the redhead that played Van Gogh on Doctor Who audition for that part? Maybe I'm wrong and he was reading a Stannis script.


No Alton speech in COK like in the show, at that point Jamie is under riverrun in a cell by himself and unlike the show when he tries to escape its wiht the help of the envoy or w/e that rides back to deliver the denial of Robbs terms of surrender.
I feel like they could have done it with the characters presented. Perhaps with Polliver or The Tickler taking the role of Weasel, and one small female role for the girl Yoren and company find on the side of the road. I like the dialogue between Arya and Tywin but there's just no tension in those scenes,; to me the arc was completely ruined. Sure I would have loved to see every minor character cast, but I think giving Gendry/Hot Pie/Polliver/Tickler more scenes would have created an accurate enough adaption, and would be financially viable.

Yeah, I don't think they really needed much more to at least get the spirit of Arya's arc. It could have been done with the Tickler, Polliver and Lorch. One week away from Tywin and one murdered guard on the way out could have helped. I had expected they would extend Arya's ACOK arc into season 3 by leaving her at Harrenhal, but it appears they'd rather just ignore it.


For the record, Jaime was Lord Sumner Crakehall's squire. He served for four years before being knighted by Arthur Dayne after he saved Crakehall from Big Belly Ben. It was only a few months later, I believe, that Cersei helped raise him to the Kingsguard.


Cersei doesn't raise him to the Kingsguard.

The mad King puts Jamie on the Kingsguard as a way to fuck with/control/threaten Tywin. Cersei isn't queen until years after that.

The Quentyn plotline is pretty huge actually. With Quentyn dead there is no way that the Martells will side with Daenerys; Doran might even turn against her. I also think the plotline was pretty good, even though he died. It was about a young boy thinking he could become a hero easily, but it really backfired when he got too brave. But the relationship between the Martells and Daenerys is the major thing here. We still haven't seen the whole aftermath either. It might serve as a wake-up call for Daenerys to finally get her ass away from Essos.

I loved that plotline because

A. It shows Doran isn't just a coward

B. It is the perfect example of why Dany is more Aerys than Rhaegar no matter how much Jorah/Barristan wish otherwise. She is a fool who will probably be as dumb/insane as Aerys-Cersei when she is 30+


Whatever they do, the title for the Red Wedding episode NEEDS to be titled "The Rains of Castamere."

I just hope they don't end up telegraphing that its going to be a bloodbath. One of my non book reader friends, as soon as Robb went to town with Talisa just said "Frey is going to be pissed." Even when I read the books I had had the RW spoiled before hand so I knew Robb and Cat died but not the specifics, so I was reading that chapter in suspense, thinking maybe there is another wedding they have to go to?

At least my memory of reading it is that it goes along without a hitch for a while, with Cat being relieved once they've had bread and salt, only for the actual shit to hit the fan when the main dining room has kind of cleared out a little bit.

The way its written is so memorable though since there is that point where Cat knows something isn't right when everyone starts leaving and the one Frey gets all testy towards Dacey Mormont. I really hope the show keeps it mostly from Cat's point of view, since thats what made it so memorable.

I mean, damn:

The RW works on a lot of levels though too, cause it kind of trolls you into thinking you'll have one big Stark family reunion with Arya too, only for that to go to hell in a handbasket.

The book foreshadowed the Red Wedding out the ass. If the TV show doesn't have Robb say "I'm not dead yet mother!" then it is an epic failure.


Wait, the Red Wedding will be part of this season?

no, I think they'll introduce this song this season during the credits or some shit like that. Maybe a character will mention the song (and what it means) after Tywin and the Tyrell army win the Battle of the Blackwater and we'll hear the full song in the credits.
The book foreshadowed the Red Wedding out the ass. If the TV show doesn't have Robb say "I'm not dead yet mother!" then it is an epic failure.

The show doesn't seem to have much interest in any type of foreshadowing or subtlety, so I doubt we'll get much of anything on that account; I suppose I could imagine the "I'm not dead yet" line happening though.

I seriously doubt we'll see a king with a wolf's head during the HOTU scene, for instance.


The show doesn't seem to have much interest in any type of foreshadowing or subtlety, so I doubt we'll get much of anything on that account; I suppose I could imagine the "I'm not dead yet" line happening though.

I seriously doubt we'll see a king with a wolf's head during the HOTU scene, for instance.
Eh, the scene at the Twin Towers was a bit obvious with Theon's lines. "...stab you."


I can't wait for the end of the season, with the three blasts on top of the fist. I'm just imagining we're going to see Sam go through multiple emotions in a short amount of time.

Yay! Jon is back! What? Wildlings!? Oh... oh no. "...three blasts for white walkers", fade to black.


I can't wait for the end of the season, with the three blasts on top of the fist. I'm just imagining we're going to see Sam go through multiple emotions in a short amount of time.

Yay! Jon is back! What? Wildlings!? Oh... oh no. "...three blasts for white walkers", fade to black.

Also a good way to avoid showing the actual battle that follows. Next season we can just start up again with Sam running in the snow.


Didn't they have wights riding in on dead horses and bears?

Ah, right. I kinda meant to say that they didn't really need to show much to convey what happened though.

But cutting to Sam just running through the snow and then using the dragonglass dagger when he's about to be overtaken will do just fine.
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