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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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It is known.

Dany just seems like such an obvious "character of destiny" that it would be disappointing for her to ultimately reign victorious in a series known for surprising twists of fate. It just seems like it's going to be a given.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Really, the entire series seems to be leading to a collapse of almost all of the major houses.

The only major house that hasn't been severely compromised is House Tyrell, and with Margaery being tried for treason and Loras gravely injured, they're not exactly at full strength, either.

I believe that's just a ruse. Loras is fine, or at least his condition is overstated. Not sure why, though.

Also, this is just wishful thinking, but I hope the whole Khalasar doesn't just bow to Dany because she gots herself a big lizard. They probably will though, since she swore to murder the current leader back in AGOT, or maybe ACOK, so now's her chance. Funny how she has a problem with that particular murdering and raping Dothraki, but her hubby and the rest seem to be cool beans in her books.

But what gives me some hope that's not the case is that the last chapter made it pretty clear that Drogon always goes back to its nest when night comes, and the night was just falling when the Dothraki arrived. Would be so satisfying to have her start her "blood/mother of dragons, storm born, queen etc." speech to the horsey dudes with the dragon behind her, and then Drogon just look up at the sky and flies away, and both Dany and the Dothraki just stare as it becomes a tiny speck on the horizon. Then they drag her by the hair to Vaes Dothrak to be with the crones, where she belongs.

Downside is that then it would certainly take fucking forever to get her to Westeros. And a bit of rape and murder is certainly too much to ask for.


She deserves that though.

When I first got ADWD I slightly skimmed through the final 100 pages or so of the book and what caught my sight was "Daenerys" and "Dragonstone". OH MY!

Then I've started seeing some minor spoilers as I've made my trek through the earlier books about how Dany's arc in ADWD is supposedly boring, drawn out and pointless. But I still pressed on.

Finally, I made it to the final Dany chapter and read it.



I just want the Dothraki to recognize Dany as their leader so that we don't have 500 pages of the journey to Vaes Dothark, and then 100 more of her trying to escape and then the crones making more prophecies about her.
It would actually be fitting I think if Dany ends up as the Dothraki Khaleesi end in the end and gives up on conquering Westeros. She has never shown any real self-motivation to want to conquer Westeros. It was her brother's dream that she was perfectly willing to give up before her attempted assassination. And now that Robert is dead she really doesn't have any reason to believe anyone in Westeros actually sees her as a threat. Of course IF she still wants to go to Westeros the timing couldn't be better, but why would Dany actually want to?


I'd love for her to get the throne in the end, or maybe her with Jon at her side, but that's about as likely as Ned's skeleton showing up to ask Stoneheart to dance.
Finally finished ADWD this past week. I sincerely hope Dany starts doing some proper dragon queen shit, and that includes getting her shit together with dragons and telling Daario to fuck off.

I'm happy Strong Belwas is still alive and kicking.


Of course IF she still wants to go to Westeros the timing couldn't be better, but why would Dany actually want to?

Because her people need her. Because of impending zombie invasion.

There's very little reason for her to show up before The Wall is destroyed, but that will probably happen in the next book. Then Dany and Jon can team up, fight the darkness and make incestious love babies.


Finished my re-read of CoK earlier. Gotta find a copy of SoS stat, but that end chapter with the Tyrells and Sansa used to be so hope-inspiring, now I know what a giant tease it is. :(
I'd love for her to get the throne in the end, or maybe her with Jon at her side, but that's about as likely as Ned's skeleton showing up to ask Stoneheart to dance.

Thats exactly what I don't want to have happen. I don't care much for Dany, so I really wouldn't mind her dying or otherwise experiencing some major setback in her goals.

It just seems too predictable that she gathers up some big army with her dragons in tow, exposes Aegon as a fake and takes the throne, then goes and defeats the Others with her dragon and hooks up with Jon while up North. I'm counting on GRRM to toss a giant wrench into all of that.

I am all for a Dornish Red Wedding for Dany :)

Lax Mike

Neo Member
For Dany, I think the best possible scenario would be eliminating her as a POV character. GRRM could have one or two Barriston chapters tie up the plot threads in Meereen, and eventually have Tyrion meet up with her and we get to see her story unfold from his perspective, which would admittedly be much more entertaining.


Dany and Jon together would be the worse thing ever to happen imo. Why do people like this pair anyway? lol.

I don't mind them teaming up to kick ass, but afterwards... Hell naaaaw.


That chapter made me stop reading the book... for 10 minutes.

That was just evil. Straight-up evil. Making us think Arya was dead. And it's also the kind of thing that makes people react to Jon's apparent death with "lol fuck off GRRM". He has really done this bullshit too many times.
Because her people need her. Because of impending zombie invasion.

There's very little reason for her to show up before The Wall is destroyed, but that will probably happen in the next book. Then Dany and Jon can team up, fight the darkness and make incestuous love babies.

Ugh, the only way I'd be happy with this is if Jon has to kill Dany to become Azor Azai (or however the hell it's supposed to be spelled).
Dany and Jon together would be the worse thing ever to happen imo. Why do people like this pair anyway? lol.

I don't mind them teaming up to kick ass, but afterwards... Hell naaaaw.

Other than the possible (read: most likely true) incest factor, I don't really mind it myself as long as it's not just thrown together at the last minute because wacky shippers wanted it. If Martin was really planning for it all along then it doesn't bug me.

Plus like you said, Jon and Dany wrecking Others would be awesome on so many levels.


So uh, I haven't watched season 2 in whole yet, but since Rodrik was killed by Theon, who's going to lead the north's attack against Winterfell?


I liked it. A surprising twist. And sad too, considering she turned into such a bitch.

It makes me think that he'll never kill for real any POV character. I like Cat, and to be honest, I like her even better now that she just went mad. It would be a fitting ending for any character in asoiaf, going insane and losing all their hopes and dreams in the process.
Jon and Dany team up, she dies. Everyone is happy.

Well there you go- since Jon being reincarnated by Mel will make him Azor Ahai reborn, he'll need a proper Lightbringer. So he'll hook up with Dany and in order to forge a proper Lightbringer to stop the Others, he'll have to stab her in the heart with it!


A few pages late on this but if that jojen thing is true is beats the Red Wedding for making me pissed at the books. It's like, let's take the youngest (I think?) most pure and innocent main character and have him eat his best friend. Holy shit. It's like if they had Robb eat Grey Wind at the Red Wedding or if they had Jon eat Samwell Tarly or something.
That was just evil. Straight-up evil. Making us think Arya was dead. And it's also the kind of thing that makes people react to Jon's apparent death with "lol fuck off GRRM". He has really done this bullshit too many times.
he really does dip into that well a cheap amount of times


You know what big change I'd approve of in the TV show? Catelyn staying dead for good. Mute Zombie Cat is such a monumentally fucking stupid idea, and it hasn't even gone anywhere.

I completely disagree. Murdering Freys left and right is a good thing in my book. Things are just kicking off on that front as I see it, given the whole Jaime/Brienne reunion. There's also the easy to miss crown storyline involving her that was resolved in AFFC, which I had to be told about before I noticed it.
I don't think that's how Cat ticks. That's like hoping Cersi will become a benevolent ruler who will win the others over with clover garlands.

Cat has (generally) her heart in the right place though, which is why you want something to work out for her at some point, eventually.

Cersei is just plain evil and deserves to die in the worst way possible.
Cat has (generally) her heart in the right place though, which is why you want something to work out for her at some point, eventually.

Cersei is just plain evil and deserves to die in the worst way possible.

I'm of the "Cat is kind of a douche and I chuckled a bit when she got ganked at the Red Wedding" persuasion.

Sucked that Robb had to bite it along with her though.
I believe that's just a ruse. Loras is fine, or at least his condition is overstated. Not sure why, though.

Also, this is just wishful thinking, but I hope the whole Khalasar doesn't just bow to Dany because she gots herself a big lizard. They probably will though, since she swore to murder the current leader back in AGOT, or maybe ACOK, so now's her chance. Funny how she has a problem with that particular murdering and raping Dothraki, but her hubby and the rest seem to be cool beans in her books.

But what gives me some hope that's not the case is that the last chapter made it pretty clear that Drogon always goes back to its nest when night comes, and the night was just falling when the Dothraki arrived. Would be so satisfying to have her start her "blood/mother of dragons, storm born, queen etc." speech to the horsey dudes with the dragon behind her, and then Drogon just look up at the sky and flies away, and both Dany and the Dothraki just stare as it becomes a tiny speck on the horizon. Then they drag her by the hair to Vaes Dothrak to be with the crones, where she belongs.

Downside is that then it would certainly take fucking forever to get her to Westeros. And a bit of rape and murder is certainly too much to ask for.

That last chapter pretty much confirms that she has fully control of Drogon now so I doubt he'll leave her.

She's definitely gonna kill that khal, but after that who knows. I'd imagine they'll surrender rather than get burned to death, plus her acquiring another khalasar would allow her to return to Meereen and free the city...

...and yet I have a feeling Dany will acquire the khalasar, roam around finding more khalasars to take, go visit the crones, etc etc before going back to Meereen 500 pages later...


That last chapter pretty much confirms that she has fully control of Drogon now so I doubt he'll leave her.

She's definitely gonna kill that khal, but after that who knows. I'd imagine they'll surrender rather than get burned to death, plus her acquiring another khalasar would allow her to return to Meereen and free the city...

...and yet I have a feeling Dany will acquire the khalasar, roam around finding more khalasars to take, go visit the crones, etc etc before going back to Meereen 500 pages later...

She should just head to Asshai.


She'll go first to Valyria and find a magical item that will help her win the iron throne. GRRM always gives her everything.


The thing that I hate about the Daenery's storyline is that it is transparent how Martin got himself stuck on an alley with her plot. I know that she cannot just say "fuck it, I am going to Westeros just because" since this is not how real life works, and that a magical deus ex machina amounts to bad narration, but when I was reading ADAW and Tyrion started to explain the whole backstory about the Royne and the great Nymeria migration / evacuation of her people I was like "yes, yes, draw a paralel between the two queens now put it in practice". But nope, we got moar dragon roaming instead *sigh* so now that we are discussing possible / ficticious plots:

1- Get her to do something really stupid (yet understandable) like say, burning the great Pyramid of Meeren (symbol and pride of the Meeren culture) out of spite (vengeance for Daario's death at the hand of the slavers / Great Harpy betrayal / Missandrei's demise, choose your pick). It would be a quite Tagaryen thing to do, me thinks, destroying a wonder of the world.

2- Say action leads to a greyscale massive outbreak (pyramids containing deadly fungus or illnesses acting as "curses" or traps are not unheard of) and the Qarth army is about to strike. She knows that she has to get the hell out of here, but her sense of responsability wouldn't let her to abbandon her people since, afterall she caused the whole mess in the first place

3- She starts a Nymeria - like massive migration, running away from the Qarth forces and the greyscale outbreak towards the opposite side of the world (Valyria plus Asshai) and, ultimately, circumventing it ("you shall go east if you want to reach the west, as the prophecy" said). She reaches Westeros trougth the Iron Islands, and then the games finally begins onces for all.

Just get it done, already. If someone has a better idea than my crappy suggestion please foward it to Martin so we can finish this series in some decades.

She'll go first to Valyria and find a magical item that will help her win the iron throne. GRRM always gives her everything.

Still less of a Mary -sue than the Iroborn "we have no army, no territory no culture, no agriculture no wealth no intelligence yet we win all" :p
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