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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I completely disagree. Murdering Freys left and right is a good thing in my book. Things are just kicking off on that front as I see it, given the whole Jaime/Brienne reunion. There's also the easy to miss crown storyline involving her that was resolved in AFFC, which I had to be told about before I noticed it.

Crown storyline? Please elaborate if you could

And then the Summer Islands ofc.

And there she will learn of their incredible religion and will just stay fucking Daario till the end of time.


I completely disagree. Murdering Freys left and right is a good thing in my book. Things are just kicking off on that front as I see it, given the whole Jaime/Brienne reunion. There's also the easy to miss crown storyline involving her that was resolved in AFFC, which I had to be told about before I noticed it.

the easy to miss what now
the easy to miss what now

Robb's crown in ASOS is described as : 'the dark gleam of bronze, the circle of iron swords'

Ryman Frey, commander of the Frey forces during the siege of Riverrun [and sat next to Cateyln during the Red Wedding] meets with Jaime to discuss siege strategy [in AFFC] drunk and accompanied by a prostitute who wears a crown and proclaims herself 'The Queen of the Whores'. The crown is described as "circlet of hammered bronze... ringed with small black swords' - it's likely Robb's crown. Later Ryman and his party [having been sent home by Jaime] are killed by the Brotherhood without banners; Brienne notices a crown, described in an identical way ["a crown, a bronze circlet ringed by iron swords], held by Stoneheart.


Robb's crown in ASOS is described as : 'the dark gleam of bronze, the circle of iron swords'

Ryman Frey, commander of the Frey forces during the siege of Riverrun [and sat next to Cateyln during the Red Wedding] meets with Jaime to discuss siege strategy [in AFFC] drunk and accompanied by a prostitute who wears a crown and proclaims herself 'The Queen of the Whores'. The crown is described as "circlet of hammered bronze... ringed with small black swords' - it's likely Robb's crown. Later Ryman and his prostitute are killed by the Brotherhood without banners; Brienne notices a crown, described in an identical way, held in Stoneheart's hands.

I see, thanks

I guess I gave it no importance because, well, it's not.
If Cat had been quiet Ned would never have left the North.

If Cat had sense, Rob would not have gone for the crown...

How is Robb going for the crown Catelyn's fault? She pleaded with Robb and his bannerman to trade Jaime for the girls and go home. Robb refused, Greatjon crowned him, and the rest is history.

What a shame. If only Robb was gay, he just might still be alive :(
How is Robb going for the crown Catelyn's fault? She pleaded with Robb and his bannerman to trade Jaime for the girls and go home. Robb refused, Greatjon crowned him, and the rest is history.

What a shame. If only Robb was gay, he just might still be alive :(

Robb may have had Tully features but he was a Northman. He had no other choice but to fight for the honor of his house. Catelyn should have known better by fully embracing Robb's cause.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Robb's crown in ASOS is described as : 'the dark gleam of bronze, the circle of iron swords'

Ryman Frey, commander of the Frey forces during the siege of Riverrun [and sat next to Cateyln during the Red Wedding] meets with Jaime to discuss siege strategy [in AFFC] drunk and accompanied by a prostitute who wears a crown and proclaims herself 'The Queen of the Whores'. The crown is described as "circlet of hammered bronze... ringed with small black swords' - it's likely Robb's crown. Later Ryman and his party [having been sent home by Jaime] are killed by the Brotherhood without banners; Brienne notices a crown, described in an identical way ["a crown, a bronze circlet ringed by iron swords], held by Stoneheart.
this is very cool
Robb may have had Tully features but he was a Northman. He had no other choice but to fight for the honor of his house. Catelyn should have known better by fully embracing Robb's cause.

Robb was an idiot for accepting a crown, especially when he had very little hope of holding the Riverlands thanks to the wonders of geography. If he was smart he would have bent the knee to Renly or Stannis.


special needs, sexual needs
So last night I finished A Dance with Dragons and I don’t know what to think. My immediate thought was it wasn’t as bad as AFFC. Then I thought some more and realized a AFFC was better not by much though. I’ve been a fan of the series since 2003 and I feel Martin is slowly losing his ability to write. This was a chore to get through. I read ASOS in a week which to me was super fast. ADWD took MONTHS!

I don’t care about Jon’s parents anymore at this point. I want Dany to succeed as I like her character but OMG her story line sucked in this one; though it has since she went to Meereen. ADWD just felt disjointed. Arya, got what, one or two chapters. Bran a few. It didn't get good till the last 200 pages or so.



The major war will be over by next season or the one after, but an even bigger one between another faction is on the horizon and another starts overseas.
A very shocking moment happens at a gathering where two major characters meet untimely fates.
Someone chokes and people cheer.
A major character gets his cock chopped off and becomes a psychopath, but to some people a very redeemable psychopath.
A major character returns from the dead as a vengeance seeking zombie.
People eat other people accidently or to survive.
Someone gains an army of eunuchs.
You should really read the books, because they're fantastic.
East meets west when several characters from Westeros go to meet up with Dany.

Can you, or anyone, PLEASE tell me if the assassin appears again (jaque, was his name?). I LOVE that character and I want to know everything about him. He is my Auron (FF10) of TV!
Dude you shouldn't be in this thread. The S2 thread has a list of people you can PM for non-spoiler questions, info, etc

Stuff happened well before that.

Like what? She wanted to send Robb back to Winterfell the minute he entered the battle. And while it's true she fucked up by releasing Jaime, if Robb had kept his dick in his pants...
Like what? She wanted to send Robb back to Winterfell the minute he entered the battle. And while it's true she fucked up by releasing Jaime, if Robb had kept his dick in his pants...

Would Tywin have risked attempting to murder Robb if the Northmen still held Jaime? They probably would have killed him once they heard the news.

There are countless "ifs" in this series, especially in anything involving the War of Five Kings.
Would Tywin have risked attempting to murder Robb if the Northmen still held Jaime? They probably would have killed him once they heard the news.

There are countless "ifs" in this series, especially in anything involving the War of Five Kings.

True. The original plan was just for him to be killed by a stray arrow in battle which might have been subtle enough for the Freys to get away with. They could have still done it even if Robb had indeed married a Frey, but I'd imagine they would wait for her to become pregnant before making a move.
True. The original plan was just for him to be killed by a stray arrow in battle which might have been subtle enough for the Freys to get away with. They could have still done it even if Robb had indeed married a Frey, but I'd imagine they would wait for her to become pregnant before making a move.

Arrows in battle didn't stop Robb before. Too much of a badass.


I’ve been a fan of the series since 2003 and I feel Martin is slowly losing his ability to write.

Martin has lost his ability to edit, not to write. Taken as stand alone pieces, some chapters of ADWD are the very best that the series has to offer. However, if you put them together with a bajillion nonconsequential chapters about how much of a bad ruler Dany is, Tyrion getting drunk and Essos aimless wandering, and cut the conclussion of the plots initiated in the book, well, said writting skills gets nullified. Seriously, the whole divide between Westeros and Essos POVS was a stupid decision, and the whole "let's move the conclussion of AFFC storylines into ADWD, and the ones of ADWD to the Winds of Winter" is a move that turns the editing problem into a whole new level.


Can you, or anyone, PLEASE tell me if the assassin appears again (jaque, was his name?). I LOVE that character and I want to know everything about him. He is my Auron (FF10) of TV!

He's not a major character so far, though, so I'm sorry about that. That said, they may use him as Arya's teacher on the TV show when she eventually decides to become a ninja. Who knows.

But I will say that he shows up again in the prologue and then epilogue of book 4. He has a different face in both scenes, but it's him, the same man. He's being set up like a pawn for some reason that we don't know about yet. But don't hold your breath for him to appear on the show until at least seasons 5 or 6 and again, he'll be played by a different actor.


He's not a major character so far, though, so I'm sorry about that. That said, they may use him as Arya's teacher on the TV show when she eventually decides to become a ninja. Who knows.

But I will say that he shows up again in the prologue and then epilogue of book 4. He has a different face in both scenes, but it's him, the same man. He's being set up like a pawn for some reason that we don't know about yet. But don't hold your breath for him to appear on the show until at least seasons 5 or 6 and again, he'll be played by a different actor.

I think they should bring back Tom Wlaschiha to play the Alchemist. It would make the connection easier for new viewers to pick up and allows them to bring back an actor who many fans love.

Scenario A: The Alchemist reveals himself to Pate and the audience recognizes him as Jaqen and immediately realizes he is a Faceless Man. Their reaction is "Oh shit! Jaqen is back! And he's stealing Pate's identity!"
Scenario B: The Alchemist reveals himself to Pate and it's the guy that Jaqen morphed into 3 seasons ago, who was on-screen for all of 2 seconds. The audience reaction is "..."


Can someone clarify something I find a little weird? I am rereading AFFC, and in chapter 20 (Brienne, just after Euron is crowned), on page 351 in my copy:

"It was a harsh lesson, one that left her weeping, but it had stood her in good stead at Harrenhal when Ser Hyle and his friends had played their game."

Ser Hyle is one of the guys who courted her as part of a bet when she was in Renly's camp. Why does it say Harrenhal? They were at Bitterbridge. It doesn't seem to make sense as 'at Harrenhal AND when Ser Hyle played his game' either. Is this just a goof?
Can someone clarify something I find a little weird? I am rereading AFFC, and in chapter 20 (Brienne, just after Euron is crowned), on page 351 in my copy:

"It was a harsh lesson, one that left her weeping, but it had stood her in good stead at Harrenhal when Ser Hyle and his friends had played their game."

Ser Hyle is one of the guys who courted her as part of a bet when she was in Renly's camp. Why does it say Harrenhal? They were at Bitterbridge. It doesn't seem to make sense as 'at Harrenhal AND when Ser Hyle played his game' either. Is this just a goof?

I think it's meant to say Highgarden. Boy, I sure hope someone was fired for that.


I feel like the show should bring back Jaqen for whenever Arya decides to head over to Braavos. ...But only if it's going to be the same actor though, haha.


Well I started watching the show/reading the books about 4 months or so ago and I have now caught up completely. I cannot imagine how hard the waiting has been for new content but I feel like I am about to find out.


Well I started watching the show/reading the books about 4 months or so ago and I have now caught up completely. I cannot imagine how hard the waiting has been for new content but I feel like I am about to find out.

After a while you just become numb to the waiting and just say itll be done when its done


Well I started watching the show/reading the books about 4 months or so ago and I have now caught up completely. I cannot imagine how hard the waiting has been for new content but I feel like I am about to find out.

As Pkaz01 said, you do get used to the waiting. When I read through all the books in the course of two months last summer, I did not know how I could stand the inevitable waiting. For "A Song of Fire and Ice" had become an integral part of my literary world. Yet, after a few months had gone by, I was already used to waiting and was no longer worried with how long it would take. Now, so long as GRRM finishes the series, I will be content.
I've been "waiting" for ASOIAF books for like 12 years now, once it was clear AFFC was just going to keep on being delayed, I just set no expectations and managed to be pleasantly surprised when AFFC and ADWD were actually published.


Well I started watching the show/reading the books about 4 months or so ago and I have now caught up completely. I cannot imagine how hard the waiting has been for new content but I feel like I am about to find out.

Read the Dunk and Egg novellas, familiarize yourself with the major theories, do a reread. I got into the books a couple years before AFFC but waiting hasn't bothered me too much. There are tons of good books to read in the meantime, and ASOIAF sticks with you long after the final page has been turned.
Dunno how we overlooked this, but Martin did a reading and Q&A last week where he read the Victarion and Tyrion chapters we're familiar with...but he also confirmed the word Brienne screamed at the end of AFFC
anyway after he finished reading the chapters, he opened the floor to some discussion about the plot of asoiaf, and some amazing genius girl said: you know my friends and i were debating this pretty heavily in the lobby just today, brienne screams “one word” as she is being hung by lady stoneheart’s men in a feast for crows - what was the word?
george turned the question on the audience and asked if anyone had figured it out - we shouted all kinds of dumb stuff, “jaime”, “sapphires”, etc. but some other genius in the second row said “sword”!

george confirmed that the word brienne screamed was “sword”; lady stoneheart gave brienne the choice of either swearing her sword to her or being hung, saying “sword or noose”, and as brienne was being hung she screamed “sword”
the questions moved on for some time, but then a girl asked “well what about podrick payne? he was getting hung with brienne!” and george confirmed that brienne had made the decision to swear her sword to stoneheart in order to save the innocent podrick payne from the noose

Good to hear Pod is still alive woot


Dunno how we overlooked this, but Martin did a reading and Q&A last week where he read the Victarion and Tyrion chapters we're familiar with...but he also confirmed the word Brienne screamed at the end of AFFC


Good to hear Pod is still alive woot

We had discussion about this a week ago, check two pages before. Also you should probably spoiler the last sentence as this is kind of TWOW spoilers.

Why is GAF ignoooriiiing meeee ;_;



Why!? Why is there a Team for this?



Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
About 10% in ADWD, first re-read after first reading it last year. Is the whole part where Sam tells Jon about what (little) he has found out about the Others and wights in the library in both books?

Also, completely satisfying part truly when Jon decides it's time for Slynt to fuck off. About to hang him, makes up his mind, Slynt meets Longclaw, Stannis looks on approvingly. All acording to keikaku.
About 10% in ADWD, first re-read after first reading it last year. Is the whole part where Sam tells Jon about what (little) he has found out about the Others and wights in the library in both books?

Also, completely satisfying part truly when Jon decides it's time for Slynt to fuck off. About to hang him, makes up his mind, Slynt meets Longclaw, Stannis looks on approvingly. All acording to keikaku.

Fucking loved that part where he pleaded for his life at the end, so much for his "friends" :)

"Please, mercy my lord" Janos Slynt

Also, I finished ADWD a couple of weeks ago and its a lot better compared to AFFC. I was quite surprised when the red witch revealed the Lord of Bones as Mance Rayder and Mance defeating Jon on a sparring match was awesome

There's just so many likeable characters in the A Song of Ice and Fire books, amazing

Team Stannis Barantheon here


I saw that one coming a mile away. GRRM has gone back to the 'death fakeout' well a few too many times.

yeah, he's got to start killing off some main characters again. i'd love for him to kill off dany. she's worthless. let someone else have her dragons.
Just a question if anyone thinks that GRRM would finally reveal Jon's parentage, since there were many claims of Jon Snow's parentage and the promise that Eddard was forced to keep made my Lyanna Stark

And the House Reed has been really quiet for a long time, last I read Robb sent a force to House Reed and well nothing yet, sadly
yeah, he's got to start killing off some main characters again. i'd love for him to kill off dany. she's worthless. let someone else have her dragons.

Unfortunately she seems like the one character GRRM would never kill off.

And yeah, he's gone to that well too many times. Nobody thinks Jon is actually dead, for instance.


Killing off Dany would be the worst plot decision of all time. It would turn her story from something that is going somewhere but has unfortunately got stuck in idle for a bit into the biggest waste of time ever. It would be the only thing stupider than Jon being actually dead.

It would be like following Quentyn for 4 books instead of 4 chapters and then offing him after having the same impact on the story.
Killing off Dany would be the worst plot decision of all time. It would turn her story from something that is going somewhere but has unfortunately got stuck in idle for a bit into the biggest waste of time ever. It would be the only thing stupider than Jon being actually dead.

Agreed. I could see her dying towards the end of the series but not right now. Her, Tyrion, and Jon are most likely safe for TWOW and the next book imo.

Perhaps the most exciting thing about TWOW could be the return to a more centralized, focused narration. Since GoT multiple characters splintered into the wind, and now many are finally coming together. Dany, Tyrion, Barriston, and Victarion will be in the same vicinity and perhaps meet each other; that should allow for fewer POVs (perhaps even eliminate Barriston's entirely). Then you have Brienne and Jaime traveling together again, Cersei again surrounded by a host of characters, Theon and Asha (one has to die, come on), etc. I wonder if Melisandre will continue being The Wall POV with Jon indisposed for now.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
It'd be pretty pointless to have Dany go down before she sets foot on Westeros again. Why suffer through all that shitty Essos material for naught? I'm okay with here burning a gazillion Wights and others with team Targ then bite the dust. Go down in flames, at least. With the hundreds of pages of grooming I want to see her in Westeros and intereact with the factions we by now know so well. It'd be rather interesting to see if there's still Targaryen loyalism around and how much of a military factor the dragons will be.

Knowing Martin, she'll probably sit down on the Iron Throne for the first time after all is said and done, when Drogon accidentally burps out some dragonfire after digesting a Dornish flock of sheep, melting the throne around here. Henceforward a Targaryen sits the Iron Throne forever and all's well and swell in good ol' Westeros.


Dany will die just before she takes the throne. The house of the undying scene in the show had her getting really close to touching it, but dragons made her stop. The writers know how the story ends, so this is obviously foreshadowing.
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