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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Martin should figure out to not tell his plot points to any actors associated with the show at this point.


I wasn't able to read much over the past week, but I'll make up for that this weekend :)
Even tho I'm at the first book and relatively early into the book, I still forget the names of some characters and other things. Can someone remind me
what was the first dream of Dany? The one with Viserys and the dragons in it.

I don't want to search it. I already know too much
(Robb and Catelyn deaths. WHY DID I READ THAT WHY OH GOD WHY :( Oh, and also about Tyrion killing his father... hopefully I will forget all of that by the time I actually read it in the books)
, and I'm staying away from this and any other GOT related threads as much as possible.


Hunky Nostradamus
I wasn't able to read much over the past week, but I'll make up for that this weekend :)
Even tho I'm at the first book and relatively early into the book, I still forget the names of some characters and other things. Can someone remind me
what was the first dream of Dany? The one with Viserys and the dragons in it.

I don't want to search it. I already know too much
(Robb and Catelyn deaths. WHY DID I READ THAT WHY OH GOD WHY :( Oh, and also about Tyrion killing his father... hopefully I will forget all of that by the time I actually read it in the books)
, and I'm staying away from this and any other GOT related threads as much as possible.

You'd probably be better off in the OK nerds, you win. Song of Ice and Fire is gud thread. This one has tons of unmarked spoilers, so if you keep posting you're bound to get spoiled.


Name one character who is, in your opinion, a lock to survive the series.

Name one character who you feel is certain to perish.


Long GRRM video interview over on Sword & Laser[/url] (youtube video)

I'm not sure how much is show discussion and what's book discussion, so I posted it over here.

They asked my question! I'm the Levi who submitted the question about which book to show changes GRRM liked or disliked. I'll admit I'm pretty shocked he called out the Varys/Littlefinger scenes as being a particularly good addition, since I find all the overt scheming LF does in the show pretty out-of-character.

As far as who will survive the series, I think Arya is the only lock to be alive when all is said and done, if for no other reason than she is Parris' favorite character.

Sure to die? LF. The higher he rises, the farther he's got to fall.


Name one character who is, in your opinion, a lock to survive the series.

Name one character who you feel is certain to perish.

Jon snow


Yea jon isnt going to come back and then die again.

Jaime is fucked. Oh and Cersei's kids are dead too as much as it sucks they aren't making the end of the series. Actually I like to think of it this way from the way I see it the younger generation is taking over. Starks leaders are dead, Baratheon leaders will die (stannis is a goner), the only tully to survive will be edmure, lannisters already lost tywin and will lose cersei and jaime. I see Doran biting it and the queen of thorns and mace tyrell.

Just seems like the theme is a new set of leaders for a new summer. The older players will not survive the winter and will be replaced by their kids or successors.


Name one character who is, in your opinion, a lock to survive the series.

Tyrion. If he dies, it better be after doing something even more boss than killing Tywin and Shae. I feel like one of the Lannister siblings has to live from the original trio and he has the best odds right now I think.

Name one character who you feel is certain to perish.


Arya is fucked. Her death was foreshadowed in the first book.




I'm going to guess and say he is referencing the comment Jon made to arya about her doing needlework throughout the winter until she is found frozen with a needle in her fingers.

Aryas first chapter actually which is kind of fucked up but something martin would totally do if it does come out to be true.


I'm going to guess and say he is referencing the comment Jon made to arya about her doing needlework throughout the winter until she is found frozen with a needle in her fingers.

Aryas first chapter actually which is kind of fucked up but something martin would totally do if it does come out to be true.

"When the spring thaw comes, they will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers." - Jon, GoT Arya1

Went ahead and looked for it. That definitely could be some nice foreshadowing.
I think Arya is the one character that if she dies I'll be completely ticked off, more than any other character. Just because she's been put through the grinder so much at such a young age. Seriously, nobody goes through worse than her, except Theon. But Theon brought it on himself and Arya didn't deserve any of it.

If GRRM puts her through all that and doesn't give her some little bit of happiness at the end it's going to really upset me.


jon snow is going to be the only stark to survive. when the pups were found, bran wonders why ghost was the only pup to open its eyes and crawl away from the others/dead mother.


"When the spring thaw comes, they will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers." - Jon, GoT Arya1

Went ahead and looked for it. That definitely could be some nice foreshadowing.

I don't know technically you could look at it if your an optimist and say that is just a way of saying she will hold on to needle and thats how Jon will identify her but thats a bit of a reach. Idk I just see it going either way with that quote Martin likes to put things out of context and the foreshadowing of death just seems too blatant especially in the first chapter. I'd personally prefer it if it was saying they would find her in spring still fighting with needle in her hands.

and honestly if arya is going to go down its going to be because of something big, I wouldn't mind her ditching the faceless men and then after the fight with the others they surround her nazgul and frodo style and thats when she bites it.


May contain jokes =>
Sticking to the most major characters, I think Tyrion is the best survivor lock. At the very least he won't be dying before the end of the series IMO.

Cersei is probably going to die.


GRRM should troll everyone and go with vanilla Ned + Wylla = Jon at this point.

Rhaegar + Lyanna only made sense if it could be a surprise. That's fucking ruined now, so you might as well go with Option B.
GRRM should troll everyone and go with vanilla Ned + Wylla = Jon at this point.

Rhaegar + Lyanna only made sense if it could be a surprise. That's fucking ruined now, so you might as well go with Option B.

The internet has accepted R+L=J as the truth since the 90s, why worry about it now, especially when there isn't really an alternative that makes sense?


How about this: it was actually a clone who died on the Trident. Rhaegar is still alive, and he personally reveals to Jon that he is his father.

That might be a cool twist.


How about this: it was actually a clone who died on the Trident. Rhaegar is still alive, and he personally reveals to Jon that he is his father.

That might be a cool twist.
That would play pretty much perfectly into the "darth vader" thing by alfie earlier. Someone could have been wearing Rhaegar's armor.
One of my friends posted this video with the caption "Robb Stark 2012":

Daenerys Targaryen: Wrong for Dragons, Wrong for the Realm.

Her friend: "I'm in love with Robb Stark"
Her: ":D I'm reading the books before I start the show. I'm on the third one right now and its WONDERFUL."

I wanted to post a trollface or something, but I figure I'll see the status update when she gets to that part.

Post an update after she finishes reading the book please :)


Saw this on Tumblr and just had to share it here...

That feels like a troll.

Meh, I watch and discuss the TV show with plenty of people that haven't read the book and they pretty much all expect Dany to become a major player in Westeros pretty quick. They certainly don't expect at this point for the show to reach the end of season 5 or 6 and have her no closer to Westeros than she is now.


Astapor and Yunkai should satisfy people if they translate it onto the screen well.

I don't have a whole lot of confidence in the showrunners right now, but I'm pretty sure Astapor was one of the story arcs they were most excited about doing.

If they can pull off this moment, I'll forget every Season 2 transgression:

She stood in her stirrups and raised the harpy’s fingers above her head for all the Unsullied to see. “IT IS DONE!” she cried at the top of her lungs. “YOU ARE MINE!” She gave the mare her heels and galloped along the first rank, holding the fingers high. “YOU ARE THE DRAGON’S NOW! YOU’RE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR! IT IS DONE! IT IS DONE!”

She glimpsed old Grazdan turn his grey head sharply. He hears me speak Valyrian. The other slavers were not listening. They crowded around Kraznys and the dragon, shouting advice. Though the Astapori yanked and tugged, Drogon would not budge off the litter. Smoke rose grey from his open jaws, and his long neck curled and straightened as he snapped at the slaver’s face.

It is time to cross the Trident, Dany thought, as she wheeled and rode her silver back. Her bloodriders moved in close around her. “You are in difficulty,” she observed.

“He will not come,” Kraznys said.

“There is a reason. A dragon is no slave.” And Dany swept the lash down as hard as she could across the slaver’s face. Kraznys screamed and staggered back, the blood running red down his cheeks into his perfumed beard. The harpy’s fingers had tom his features half to pieces with one slash, but she did not pause to contemplate the ruin. “Drogon,” she sang out loudly, sweetly, all her fear forgotten. “Dracarys.”

The black dragon spread his wings and roared.

Top 5 moment in the series. All 5 of those would come from ASOS.
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