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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Neo Member
It's awful, rereading the series and realizing the Westerlings were in cahoots with Tywin the whole time. Jeyne seemed sincere but who knows? Her parents are dicks.


My wife liked Robb as a character, but really started to hate Cat towards the end (the circle of life) so the deaths didn't really bother her.

I think Tywin dying will upset her a bit, though, despite her seeing him as more of an asshole and not the "kind of grandfather" he was for Arya for a few episodes of the show.


It's awful, rereading the series and realizing the Westerlings were in cahoots with Tywin the whole time. Jeyne seemed sincere but who knows? Her parents are dicks.

It was only her parents that were conspiring. Poor Jeyne and her brother were totally down with the King in the North and got screwed over, too. :(
I never really liked Catelyn so her dying was an awesome moment for me. Did feel kind of bad for Robb and Greywind though. It'll be different for the show where I kind if like Catelyn, or her actress at least. And Robb is more deserving of his fate, and the direwolves are nonexistent.


I'm watching Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves: The Director's Cut and she's reading the Kindle next to me in her chair.

She: *frustrated look*

Me: ?

She: Hold on...I have to re-read that...I'm really confused...

Me: (grinning) What did you just read?

She: I'll be right back. *goes out on the porch to re-read parts of the chapter and smoke a cigarette...she smokes TWO*

She comes in and gives me a cock-eyed look: Okay...seriously...? Did Robb, Cat, AND Arya just die?

Me: *Grinch grin*

She: Arya's alive, right? I mean, he didn't have a reason to kill her...

Me: No, I will say he just whacked on her the head...kind of stupid for him to kill her when he could just have turned and left and let her get killed on her own.

She: Whew, okay, because she was being stupid.

Me: Yep...

She: .........that's FUCKED UPPPP.

Me: *grins*

She: What the HECK is going to happen now? Wait, this means bitch face evil brat king is going to die right?

Me: Wait...what?

She: Well, the leeches (I always forget about the fucking leeches). One for Greyjoy, who was thrown off a bridge. One for Robb, and then there was one for the bitch king. Wait, you said there are FOUR major deaths in this book. So there was Robb, Cat, and the Old Bear...and now one more.

Me: Sure, babe. Just one more major death (I had forgotten to count Mormont in my death count, which leaves Joff and Tywin, but she's going to get a shock now because she's expecting Joff to die, BUT she LOVES Tywin's character)

Lysa going out the Moon Door is fairly huge.


Does anyone think that Torrhen bending the knee to Aegon was premature?
Like, maybe if he took the path of the dornish, they might have been able to hold out for a period of time?
The north has its mountainous regions, and its barren regions, which would make any it hell for any occupying armies.
Not to mention winter looming.
Does anyone think that Torrhen bending the knee to Aegon was premature?
Like, maybe if he took the path of the dornish, they might have been able to hold out for a period of time?
The north has its mountainous regions, and its barren regions, which would make any it hell for any occupying armies.
Not to mention winter looming.

The Neck and Moat Cailin give a strong advantage against any army invading from the south but what use would it be against dragons that could just fly over it? And by that point I think the other kingdoms would all be subservient to Aegon and I don't think the North could fight all those kingdoms at once.


:( I was hoping for a more bombastic reaction.

I was, too, but I should have known better. We had a long distance relationship for a few months and she didn't even cry when we seperated - she really doesn't let things bother her very much.

But then again, she's not completely a robot. Her eyes needed to be seen, not described. She was saying a lot in her eyes that I couldn't tell.


Does anyone think that Torrhen bending the knee to Aegon was premature?
Like, maybe if he took the path of the dornish, they might have been able to hold out for a period of time?
The north has its mountainous regions, and its barren regions, which would make any it hell for any occupying armies.
Not to mention winter looming.

How were the Dornish able to hold out as long as they did?


I wish the bit about the leeches wasn't in the book. I had guessed Joffrey was going to die at that point too, so I was just like "oh ok" when it happened. =/


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
ok, I finally caved in and started reading the books despite not being fond of Martin's writing. I don't want to wait for 7+ years and watch actors grow old to know WHAT'S NEXT. Also the dialogue is my favourite part in the series and it's fairly well presented in the books.

I started reading Storm of Swords and I can't figure out what the fuck is happening. How Ser Piggy is back at The Wall? Last time I saw him he was watching advancing undead. Can somebody fill me in? Do I need to read the second book to get more clear picture? Not really thrilled if it is the case because I'm in for the story, not writing.


Read the second book, yes.

And if it's the prolouge your talking about, it's at the same place season 2 ended. Only the setting is a creepy forest instead of a tundra.
ok, I finally caved in and started reading the books despite not being fond of Martin's writing. I don't want to wait for 7+ years and watch actors grow old to know WHAT'S NEXT. Also the dialogue is my favourite part in the series and it's fairly well presented in the books.

I started reading Storm of Swords and I can't figure out what the fuck is happening. How Ser Piggy is back at The Wall? Last time I saw him he was watching advancing undead. Can somebody fill me in? Do I need to read the second book to get more clear picture? Not really thrilled if it is the case because I'm in for the story, not writing.

You should read all the books if you're going to read any of them. And you shouldnt be in this thread. If I wasn't drunk I'd post a huge spoiler in this response. And I may still so you should get out.
ok, I finally caved in and started reading the books despite not being fond of Martin's writing. I don't want to wait for 7+ years and watch actors grow old to know WHAT'S NEXT. Also the dialogue is my favourite part in the series and it's fairly well presented in the books.

I started reading Storm of Swords and I can't figure out what the fuck is happening. How Ser Piggy is back at The Wall? Last time I saw him he was watching advancing undead. Can somebody fill me in? Do I need to read the second book to get more clear picture? Not really thrilled if it is the case because I'm in for the story, not writing.
The TV series has different pacing to the books. Some character arcs start and end in a different order and some storyline's get altered due to time/budgets or because scenes that work in books don't work on film and vice versa.

You're better off starting again from the beginning, to be honest, though if you insist on skipping books, start from ASoS.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
damn, I don't want to read the second book. Usually I prefer books to movies, not the case here.

bailing out of this thread.


Of course you will be confused if you start from the third book. lol. I wonder how many non-book people skipped straight to ASOS after watching season 2 and ended up wondering who and what was going on.
Of course you will be confused if you start from the third book. lol. I wonder how many non-book people skipped straight to ASOS after watching season 2 and ended up wondering who and what was going on.

A friend of mine did even though I strongly advised him not to do so. He read the first 200 pages, and called me and said he had no idea what the fuck was going on or who half the characters were.


Hunky Nostradamus
I started reading Storm of Swords and I can't figure out what the fuck is happening. How Ser Piggy is back at The Wall? Last time I saw him he was watching advancing undead. Can somebody fill me in? Do I need to read the second book to get more clear picture? Not really thrilled if it is the case because I'm in for the story, not writing.

Oh my god.


ok, I finally caved in and started reading the books despite not being fond of Martin's writing. I don't want to wait for 7+ years and watch actors grow old to know WHAT'S NEXT. Also the dialogue is my favourite part in the series and it's fairly well presented in the books.

I started reading Storm of Swords and I can't figure out what the fuck is happening. How Ser Piggy is back at The Wall? Last time I saw him he was watching advancing undead. Can somebody fill me in? Do I need to read the second book to get more clear picture? Not really thrilled if it is the case because I'm in for the story, not writing.
And this kids is why we tell you to read the books.

Also this is the unmarked spoiler thread, get out.


Ugh, some people...starting at the third book and expecting to know what's going on. This actually pisses me off, ASOIAF is very easily accessible as far as the writing goes. It's a lot of material, some plots may be convoluted, but the story simply zooms by (at least until AFFC).
If you read books and like the TV series, there is no reason not to read the real deal.

Also the dialogue is my favourite part in the series and it's fairly well presented in the books.

This is particulary lol-worthy. It's the source material of the series!

Also, Sam was not "back at the wall", he was still at The Fist. One of the many changes to the TV series. It seems like the books are actually somewhat behind on the plot, but God knows what Benioff & Weiss are planning.


Random thoughts while rereading ACOK:

Woah, the scenes from The House of the Undying sure kind of hint at alot. Jon is Azor Azai reborn, this fucking early? Damn Martin. Damn.

When Jon first wargs into Ghost, in the Skirling Pass, he says that he sees a tree with his Brother's face. And he mentions the Three Eyed Crow. Is that somehow connected to the events in Book 5, where Bran can see/interact with the past?


Random thoughts while rereading ACOK:

Woah, the scenes from The House of the Undying sure kind of hint at alot. Jon is Azor Azai reborn, this fucking early? Damn Martin. Damn.

When Jon first wargs into Ghost, in the Skirling Pass, he says that he sees a tree with his Brother's face. And he mentions the Three Eyed Crow. Is that somehow connected to the events in Book 5, where Bran can see/interact with the past?
he can see them but can't interact with them. He's a tree in a sense.

But yes.
Wait, what?

If you read the prophesies in the House of the Undying, it's pretty clear that is what is to happen. Especially the "Bride of Death" sequence, when you tie it in with Jon's backstory.

I'd wager good money Dany is going to fall for Victarion, marry him, and then Victarion dies. Same will happen with Jon.


will gain confidence one day
Dany and Victarion? I mean, I hate Daario but I can at least find some plausibility in her attraction to him.


Neo Member
he can see them but can't interact with them. He's a tree in a sense.

But yes.

I really think he can interact, despite what Brynden said. The voices that Theon hears and that dream of Jon's especially make me think that Bran can do more than Bloodraven


Neo Member
My favorite theory: Jon is legitimized, turns out to be Rhaegar's son with Lyanna, and rules the iron throne. Possibly with Dany and Aegon if he's not the mummer's dragon.

The dragon has three heads!
Time wise, I wonder if Dany is even going to have time to fall in love or marry Jon. Seems like she'll just show up with her dragons and head for the Trident for the battle. Unless she goes to Pyke first to kick ass


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
My favorite theory: Jon is legitimized, turns out to be Rhaegar's son with Lyanna, and rules the iron throne. Possibly with Dany and Aegon if he's not the mummer's dragon.

The dragon has three heads!

How do you legitimize a bastard? Even if your dad is a Targaryen, you're still a bastard.


Neo Member
How do you legitimize a bastard? Even if your dad is a Targaryen, you're still a bastard.

It's happened. Robb sent the paperwork because he wanted Jon to be his heir after Bran and Rickon "died", and the people carrying it are somewhere in the north. Legitimization is what started the Blackfyre rebellion in the Dunk & Egg novels
How do you legitimize a bastard? Even if your dad is a Targaryen, you're still a bastard.

Only the King can grant a bastard legitimization, as Robb probably legitimized Jon as a Stark, and his heir as King in the North.

As for the Iron Throne though, obviously the King on the Iron Throne is not going to legitimize Jon as a Targ, but Targ loyalists might fight for him to take the Iron Throne by force if it was indeed discovered that he is Rhaegar's son (if that is the case).


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Ugh, some people...starting at the third book and expecting to know what's going on. This actually pisses me off, ASOIAF is very easily accessible as far as the writing goes.

yeah, and that is why I don't really like it.

I started reading the first book, it's ok but... something is missing. The scene in the forest is much more tense in the movie. Martin just doesn't have enough talent to pull something like this in the book. He is a good storyteller, he makes brilliant characters, he's good at dialogues but his prose lacks visual punch.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
It's happened. Robb sent the paperwork because he wanted Jon to be his heir after Bran and Rickon "died", and the people carrying it are somewhere in the north. Legitimization is what started the Blackfyre rebellion in the Dunk & Egg novels

I forgot about the paperwork, but I wonder if it's still around. I also wonder if Howland Reed will finally pop up in Winds of Winter to give some closure. I was kinda hoping Jon will stick to the North/Wall/Watch and play a huge role in the upcoming battle with the Others. But looking at the current situation, I don't really see the Watch keeping the Wall.

Re-reading ADWD I was more annoyed then before by Jon's decision to want to march to Winterfell with (mostly) Wildlings. Don't really get how he's all Watch this and Watch that and then have the Bolton letter put him over the edge. He's pretty aware tensions are running high between him and the more conservative leading figures within the Watch. Should've figured out it wouldn't sit well with them to, you know, play fast and loose with Watch tradition a little bit more.
The fact that all the video games set in the ASoIaF universe are gigantic, unpolished and unfocused suck-fests makes me a sad panda.

The main story though, would be impossible to do right in a video game. Maybe the kind of political fiction that sets this series apart just can't be done well in games.
The fact that all the video games set in the ASoIaF universe are gigantic, unpolished and unfocused suck-fests makes me a sad panda.

The main story though, would be impossible to do right in a video game. Maybe the kind of political fiction that sets this series apart just can't be done well in games.

The setting is versatile enough that you could do all sorts of stories. I wouldn't even want an adaptation of the events of the book, I'd be much more interested in say something set during the time of the 7 kingdoms with a bunch of a new characters.
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