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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Neo Member
I think the autumn would have been the 5 years. I mean, summer lasts for 10 but autumn lasts, what? A few months? A year?


I think that's kind of impossible to say. We don't know where characters would have been after the 5 year gap. I'm sure a lot of stuff changed after he decided against doing it.

It's hard to say, but it's pretty obvious that it would have solved a lot of age/time issues. Rickon is still few years old damn it. And you don't become a master assasin, a great greenseer, or a master tactician in half a year. Yet that's what happening.

I think the autumn would have been the 5 years. I mean, summer lasts for 10 but autumn lasts, what? A few months? A year?

I believe it was supposed to be brief autumn after a long summer. I don't have any quote at hand, but I remember something like that being foretold or prophesized or whatever. A 6 year long autumn after a decade of summer doesn't really fit that description very well.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Finished DwD today. At times it's an incredibly impressive book, but unfortunately it gets bogged down by POV's having too many (sometimes unnecessary) chapters. And the reverse is true as well.

I do think some of the finest moments in the series are in this book, and overall Martins writing seems to be improving over the years, at least the chapters set in the North are proof of that. The POV's there were mostly amazing, Essos was hit or miss. Breakdown per POV.

Jon : I loved his story. You could say most of Jon's chapters were slow like Dany's, but in each chapter the NW seemed to change a bit, and in the end he'd completely reformed it. After Slynt's beheading (second fav. chapter) he never looked back and took one ballsy decision after the other, and for the first time in the series I really liked Jon Snow chapters. Then of course that happened, thanks George.
Theon : best arc of the book. Maybe my favorite since Jaime in SoS. I could've read five more Theon chapters, they were so well written.
Davos : his final chapter is legendary. I kept waiting for Davos V to pop up, but that was it.
Bran : also big things happening in few chapters. Got the impression that Bran's not getting out there anytime soon... But as we've seen in the Theon chapters, he doesn't have to move anymore to play a big part in this.
Asha : meh, her chapters didn't do that much for me. Unlike...
Victarion : rolls with two gods now and sets women on fire to prove it. He's insane, got a kick out of his chapters, wished there were more.
Jaime : cliffhanger switcheroo, cruel
Arya : only two chapters, but they kicked ass. I loved how she killed her first real target. She's got a gift for this.
Cersei : thank god she's still alive. Her chapters continue to be amazing, safe bet she'll still be a POV in WoW.
Quentyn : 'THE DRAGONTAMER'... 'Oh'.
Some people seemed to be upset about his chapters, claiming it a waste of space, but I liked them as a cautionary tale. Playing the hero and acting on impulse has nasty results in this world.
Barristan : kinda let down by his POV, although things actually started happening in Meereen with Dany out of the picture. Loved the insights into the Harrenhal tourney and Ashara Dayne...
Hotah : always love reading about Dorne, but Hotah is the most boring POV ever. Glad he was a one-off here.
Connington : impressive progression he's making. [WoW]
Even captured Storm's End!
Tyrion : there's a first time for everything, and DwD had the first disappointing Tyrion POV. Aside from his spooky trip on the Rhoyne, which was one of the better chapters of the book, I felt his arc had few highlights. Luckily we see the real Tyrion returning near the end, and The Second Sons seem like a good fit for him now. But 12 (!) chapters for Tyrion in this book may have been a bit much.
Dany : She's probably been discussed to death, but her arc brought the whole book down for me. I get that GRRM was trying to prove how hard it was for someone in her position to rule and make the right decisions, but that point could've been made in 5 chapters or so.
On the other hand, we did get a lot of insight into Meereen and Slaver's bay. The Yunkai/Meereen battle will be something to look forward to in WoW.

I have to mention how much of a badass Strong Belwas is though. Eats tons of poisoned locusts, still survives. You can't bring this guy down. If he ever dies I'll only accept Blaze of glory.
But of course Wyman Manderly is the biggest hero. "Had he lived, he would have grown up to be a Frey." Balls of steel.

Feels great to finally be caught up! Now I have to fill the void. Can't decide on Hyperion, Mistborn and Night Angel trilogy, American Gods or Wise Man's Fear to get my fix.


He has some real pacing issues in the second book, and it reads like fan fiction. I get that Kvothe is supposed to be a big hero, but you cant just have him be a master at everything with no shortcomings. I also found the Dina story cringeworthy. There are some nice bits here and there in the book, but he's almost a different writer than NoTW rothfuss.


May contain jokes =>
He has some real pacing issues in the second book, and it reads like fan fiction. I get that Kvothe is supposed to be a big hero, but you cant just have him be a master at everything with no shortcomings. I also found the Dina story cringeworthy. There are some nice bits here and there in the book, but he's almost a different writer than NoTW rothfuss.

It all reads like adolescent wish-fulfillment to me.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Sad to see Wise Man's Fear is getting such negative reactions all over... Loved Name of the Wind so much.

Anyway, was looking for decent pics of the deluxe hardcovers I saw on Bookdep recently and eh




Sad to see Wise Man's Fear is getting such negative reactions all over... Loved Name of the Wind so much.

Personally, I see it as superior to it's predecessor. Lots of really great moments in that book. There were parts I disliked, but it has no more pacing issues than Name of the Wind did imo.

Also, Dem deluxe cover, my god

He has some real pacing issues in the second book, and it reads like fan fiction. I get that Kvothe is supposed to be a big hero, but you cant just have him be a master at everything with no shortcomings. I also found the Dina story cringeworthy. There are some nice bits here and there in the book, but he's almost a different writer than NoTW rothfuss.

He doesn't.

It's clear that he sucks hard at the Adem fighting style, it's just that the fighting style itself is superior to all others for some reason so he is still a capable fighter despite being mediocre at it.

Otherwise, he is good at what he does do in the university, but that's not different from what he did in Name of the Wind. If anything, it shows him as less competant because he knows jack shit about something as important as Alchemy, which his 'idiot' friend Simmon is kind enough to demonstrate.

The Denna stuff was better done than it was in NotW because atleast here they have a history and risked they're lives for each other. In NotW, Kvothe was willing to go halfway around the world to bring her a flower for her despite not knowing here. In WMF, they atleast have some reason to like each other besides physical attraction.


What is with all the Rothfuss hate? I loved those books.

How about the part where Kvothe gets
teleported to fairy land to be trained for a year as a sex master while no time passes in the normal world
? I literally could not think of a more inane plot point if I was deliberately trying to sabotage the book. Somehow he has managed to create a more loathsome protagonist than Humbert Humbert, which would be something of a triumph if I thought it were intentional.


Holy shit, I was reading that Reek chapter from WOW and taken with something said in Dance with Dragons...did Theon
fuck Ramsay's dogs, or just lie in their filth with them
Night angel was great. I knew nothing about the series and was very happy and surprised at how it all escalated.

Wise mans fear was just as crazy as people said, but that didn't stop me from being crazy addicted to it. I just love the way he writes characters, even if kvothe is OP.


How about the part where Kvothe gets
teleported to fairy land to be trained for a year as a sex master while no time passes in the normal world
? I literally could not think of a more inane plot point if I was deliberately trying to sabotage the book. Somehow he has managed to create a more loathsome protagonist than Humbert Humbert, which would be something of a triumph if I thought it were intentional.

But the
time distortion is a typical aspect of Fae in myths and legends

Kvothe learning sex was probably the least significant thing he learned there. Even if he didn't do it, he'd probably learn how to have sex with the Adem later on. Getting the Shaed, connecting better to Naming, and talking to the Cthaeh were far more important.
Stannis sitting at the Wall would have been one of the least problems, it's not unusual for major powers to rest several years as a war winds down, even after losing.

On the other hand, this was to be a brief autumn, so by the time of ADWD we would have been well into winter, where the problem of dwindling resources would have to be brought up.

Basically, the gap causes as many problems to arise as it solves.

Stannis sitting around for awhile wouldn't have been the biggest problem, but if nothing major has happened on the Wall for five years, than that takes pretty much all the wind out of that plot line. Sam and Arya would have been well served by the gap (although there should have been more setup for that in Storm in that case, because Sam just suddenly showing up as a Maester in the next book would have been weird), but most other characters couldn't just have their stories skip ahead several years.

Based on his posts and readings we basically know he has:
-Four Victarion chapters http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/69778-seattle-reading-any-details/#entry3355377

-A Theon and Tyrion chapter. He also mentioned he moved a Sansa chapter from ADWD to TWOW
-Two Arianne chapters

There was also an Aeron chapter moved from Dance to Winds, and I believe he mentioned at one point that he wrote a third Arya chapter for Dance and then pushed it back into Winds.


Finally read Theon's chapter. Delicious hype.

I guess that was a prelude to Ramsay attacking and the letter he sent to Jon?

God I hope Stannis isn't dead.

I think Stannis will route the attacking party. He's laid some sort of trap in the ice if I'm parsing the chapter currently. Then if he can somehow get word to Manderley he could get inside Winterfell... and it's gg

John Dunbar

correct about everything
I think Stannis will route the attacking party. He's laid some sort of trap in the ice if I'm parsing the chapter currently. Then if he can somehow get word to Manderley he could get inside Winterfell... and it's gg

I think it's the other way around: Manderly has to get the word to Stannis. Stannis thinks Manderly is with the Boltons and killed Davos. It's possible that the Freys and Manderly's men will attack Stannis, but then Manderly's men will turn against the Freys and push them into the lake. But how to organize that without risking fighting against Stannis's men and how to make Stannis aware of the betrayal is a puzzle.


What should I invest in?

An index fund for the S&P 500 will do. No need to get all fancy now.

Barring a total economic collapse, the market should grow tremendously by the time Cyber-GRRM release his final novel. Adjusting for inflation, you should have enough money to buy all 17 books and maybe even a lemonade.


I think it's the other way around: Manderly has to get the word to Stannis. Stannis thinks Manderly is with the Boltons and killed Davos. It's possible that the Freys and Manderly's men will attack Stannis, but then Manderly's men will turn against the Freys and push them into the lake. But how to organize that without risking fighting against Stannis's men and how to make Stannis aware of the betrayal is a puzzle.

Oh yes, I wonder what made me write it that way.


Hunky Nostradamus
An index fund for the S&P 500 will do. No need to get all fancy now.

Barring a total economic collapse, the market should grow tremendously by the time Cyber-GRRM release his final novel. Adjusting for inflation, you should have enough money to buy all 17 books and maybe even a lemonade.

Thank you for your council.
Finally read Theon's chapter. Delicious hype.

I guess that was a prelude to Ramsay attacking and the letter he sent to Jon?

God I hope Stannis isn't dead.

I think Ramsey was bluffing a little about Stannis' army in the letter. He asked for Shireen and Selyse so that he could have leverage against Stannis. Or it was something Roose would have thought of.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Currently reading the Dunk & Egg novella's. Not exactly as engrossing as the ASOIAF books but I like the micro-level stuff, such as the feud between the Red Widow and Osgrey of Standfast.
Just finished ADWD a couple of days.

I don't get it. What does Dany see in a guy who has a gold tooth and likes to rub the breasts on the hilt of his swords. I kept picturing a first class pervert in my mind.


Just finished ADWD a couple of days.

I don't get it. What does Dany see in a guy who has a gold tooth and likes to rub the breasts on the hilt of his swords. I kept picturing a first class pervert in my mind.

He looks a lot like Drogo

And he has a purple beard. :Swoon


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Amok's drawings are amazing. It's a shame he apparently stopped doing them. It'd be great to get his art for characters introduced in FfC and DwD...
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