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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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True enough, but she's also a teenaged girl. She was 13 at the start so she can't be more than 18 by the start of ADWD.

It's amazing to me how people like to gloss over this fact. Also the Dornish shouldn't blame her for Quentyn being a dumbass and getting hisself fried.


Dany's an idiot. I hope the Dornish murder her. (Shut up let me hope!)
Same. She's a proper dickhead.

Hope she at least has some knowledge of the other Targaryen sibling who's doing shit right though, so she knows how badly she's fucked up, the meandering lug.


Same. She's a proper dickhead.

Hope she at least has some knowledge of the other Targaryen sibling who's doing shit right though, so she knows how badly she's fucked up, the meandering lug.

That's probably what's gonna get her to move her ass.

She'll be like fuck 'yall slaves, I'm out. Or better yet, burn the slave cities to the ground and let them clean up their shit.


question about adwd

maybe i'm just an idiot, but i cannot comprehend how arya killed that guy. i read it like four times, but i still don't understand. :( can someone explain it for me


question about adwd

maybe i'm just an idiot, but i cannot comprehend how arya killed that guy. i read it like four times, but i still don't understand. :( can someone explain it for me
She noticed that the guy always bit the coin to check if its real, so she coated the coin with poison. That's what I remember happening...
question about adwd

maybe i'm just an idiot, but i cannot comprehend how arya killed that guy. i read it like four times, but i still don't understand. :( can someone explain it for me
The coin was poisoned. The guy had a habit of biting coins to make sure they're not fakes, so when she slipped him her coin, he died.


question about adwd

maybe i'm just an idiot, but i cannot comprehend how arya killed that guy. i read it like four times, but i still don't understand. :( can someone explain it for me

She's a telepath. She explodes his heart with her warg powers.


question about adwd

maybe i'm just an idiot, but i cannot comprehend how arya killed that guy. i read it like four times, but i still don't understand. :( can someone explain it for me

she saw him checking coins by biting them so she got the waif to poison a coin. Then she bumped into the guy that was about to make a deal with her target and switched coins.
I said this before, probably in this thread even but, Dance gets better on a re read. I felt like i got a lot more from chapters I wouldn't have suspected or would never have mentioned if I were to describe the book to someone. It also made Dany's journey more real to me. She rose so fast that she had to fall. To grow from somewhere again like she did learning to be dothraki. It also made those last two chapters so much sweeter to read. Dragons do not sow motherfucker. She knows that now.


It's the pacing issues that bought Dance down for me. Most of the Essos chapters could have been divided in two with nothing lost. The Westerosi chapters were good, with the northern ones being ASoS+ level for me. Seriously, if the northern chapters by themselves were one book, and had a proper ending to all the storylines, it would be the best ASOIAF book by a good margin.

Wow, he gave away the Reek reveal in a sample chapter??

Nah, I don't think he did.

The DwD preview chapters I remember was Daenerys getting the news Drogon killed a child, Tyrion on the boat, and Jon killing Slint.
Finished up the series (what's released anyway).

I know I'm in the minority but I liked Feast and Dance more than Clash and Storm.

Loved everything about Dance. It was great. Well, except for Penny. I want her dead.
The DwD preview chapters I remember was Daenerys getting the news Drogon killed a child, Tyrion on the boat, and Jon killing Slint.

He did release Theon's first chapter as a preview, and it was named Reek (where Theon is summoned before Ramsay and unnamed characters who were later revealed to be Umbers.)


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
That's probably what's gonna get her to move her ass.

She'll be like fuck 'yall slaves, I'm out. Or better yet, burn the slave cities to the ground and let them clean up their shit.

Is what I'm hoping for. Dany has the dragons but Aegon had the education. While he's taking castles left and right it should be dawning on her that Essos can go fuck itself and head the fuck back to Westeros. I'm done with this 'to go west, travel east' Asshai bullshit. Westeros is where the party is at. Either a testament to Martin's writing or precisely the problem of Dany's chapters but I really don't care about anything and anyone in Essos, save imported/exiled Westerosi and the Unsullied. Wonder what part they'll play eventually.


Finished up the series (what's released anyway).

I know I'm in the minority but I liked Feast and Dance more than Clash and Storm.

Loved everything about Dance. It was great. Well, except for Penny. I want her dead.

Don't get me wrong: every book in the series is amazing. Feast is the most flawed, mostly because it ignores the main plot and expands the scope, yet it's a great book none the less. But Storm of Swords is a fucking masterpiece.


Dany's an idiot. I hope the Dornish murder her. (Shut up let me hope!)

If they want to go that route, I would like her to become a full flegded villain before. Go to Westeros, ruin its economy even more by being naive, Meeren - style, marry Daario (which would of course rule the non military part of her kingdom), all of this while archieving victory after victory in the battlefield against more cappable commanders (Tyrion, Connington, etc) due to her adult dragons. Her downfall would be even more epic then.


I saw THREE people with these books on the subway today. Two of them had the localized edition so I didn't see which volume it was, but one girl was reading just the first few pages of the cheap red-cover version of AFFC. And she looked like she was about to cry, so I'm sure she must have finished ASOS very recently as well.

This here in Brazil, mind you. HBO did wonders for the popularity of the series.


Just finished off ADWD. It was good, but definitely my least favorite of the series. I've never really gotten much out of Dany's storyline, and the geographic split put most of my favorite characters in AFFC. A good bit of ADWD just dragged.

A good bit of the Essos chapters seemed fairly pointless (or took their damn time getting anywhere).

Still, I enjoyed it. I want the next book now.


May contain jokes =>
Storm is great, no doubt, but Zombie Catelyn is awful and Dany's bitching really hit critical mass of annoyance.

I understand people not liking Zombie Cat but I certainly didn't have that kind of feeling until after ASOS. In the epilogue, for me anyway, it was just awesome that she was back and killing Freys especially.


I think Ramsey was bluffing a little about Stannis' army in the letter. He asked for Shireen and Selyse so that he could have leverage against Stannis. Or it was something Roose would have thought of.

Ramsay was totally bluffing. The whole letter read like he was in a complete panic and enraged out of his mind and making a desperate grasp at straws. He specifically demands that Jon hand over Theon, but if he had actually routed Stannis he would know that Stannis had Theon, and he would already have him back.

The only thing we can take for fact from that letter, I think, is that Mance is captured and most likely going through a pretty awful ordeal.


Do we know for sure that Ramsey actually sent the letter? What if someone at the wall made that letter in a ploy to get Jon to break his vows? Then again, I don't recall anyone at the wall knowing theon was alive.
Ramsay was totally bluffing. The whole letter read like he was in a complete panic and enraged out of his mind and making a desperate grasp at straws. He specifically demands that Jon hand over Theon, but if he had actually routed Stannis he would know that Stannis had Theon, and he would already have him back.

The only thing we can take for fact from that letter, I think, is that Mance is captured and most likely going through a pretty awful ordeal.

Not necessarily on Mance. Ramsay could have just gotten the info from one of the captured ladies. Mance could easily be hanging out in the crypts like a certain bard.
Long, detailed interview with Martin.

Finally a full description of the Knot issues
Q: Now that we know how the "Meereenese knot" played out, what was the problem with this? For example, was it the order in which Dany met various characters, or who, when, and how someone would try to take the dragons?

A: Now I can explain things. It was a confluence of many, many factors: lets start with the offer from Xaro to give Dany ships, the refusal of which then leads to Qarth's declaration of war. Then there's the marriage of Daenerys to pacify the city. Then there's the arrival of the Yunkish army at the gates of Meereen, there's the order of arrival of various people going her way (Tyrion, Quentyn, Victarion, Aegon, Marwyn, etc.), and then there's Daario, this dangerous sellsword and the question of whether Dany really wants him or not, there's hte plague, there's Drogon's return to Meereen...

All of these things were balls I had thrown up into the air, and they're all linked and chronologically entwined. The return of Drogon to the city was something I explored as happening at different times. For example, I wrote three different versions of Quentyn's arrival at Meereen: one where he arrived long before Dany's marriage, one where he arrived much later, and one where he arrived just the day before the marriage (which is how it ended up being in the novel). And I had to write all three versions to be able to compare and see how these different arrival points affected the stories of the other characters. Including the story of a character who actually hasn't arrived yet.


Well I got a spoiler and found out about the red wedding a couple days ago, and honestly my usual interest to read the book at every little chance has faded. In all honesty its just a book but its got me pretty damn depressed, the same thing happened when Eddard died but I think this is even worst. I haven't read through it yet, but anyway....... Is there any redeeming reason for that to happen to Rob and Cat?
Is there anything that's going to cheer me up further on?


wait, I thought he previously said that there weren't going to be any new characters in the last two books?

He said no new POVs, not no new characters. That would be impossible.

Well I got a spoiler and found out about the red wedding a couple days ago, and honestly my usual interest to read the book at every little chance has faded. In all honesty its just a book but its got me pretty damn depressed, the same thing happened when Eddard died but I think this is even worst. I haven't read through it yet, but anyway....... Is there any redeeming reason for that to happen to Rob and Cat?
Is there anything that's going to cheer me up further on?

Keep going. There are plenty of things that make up for it by the end of book 3, and the North always remembers.


I haven't read through it yet, but anyway....... Is there any redeeming reason for that to happen to Rob and Cat?
Is there anything that's going to cheer me up further on?

keep reading and get out of this thread before you get spoiled by the robots and alien chapters.
Well I got a spoiler and found out about the red wedding a couple days ago, and honestly my usual interest to read the book at every little chance has faded. In all honesty its just a book but its got me pretty damn depressed, the same thing happened when Eddard died but I think this is even worst. I haven't read through it yet, but anyway....... Is there any redeeming reason for that to happen to Rob and Cat?
Is there anything that's going to cheer me up further on?

Not really

So you've already stumbled across major spoilers, and decide to post in a thread that features even more huge ones? Come on bro :(
Is there any redeeming reason for that to happen to Rob and Cat?
No, its war. People/Characters die, both Rob and Cat were too naive to trust that weasel of a lord. Rob's wolf was a lot more cautious about the faux wedding, unfortunately the wolf couldn't speak.

Is there anything that's going to cheer me up further on?
Gaze your eyes unto Arya,Tyrion and Davos' POV hopefully they will have a longer lifespan in the books :).

And I'm also familiar with that feel when a likeable character dies



Not really

So you've already stumbled across major spoilers, and decide to post in a thread that features even more huge ones? Come on bro :(
Blehh... I need the motivation, who better to ask.
No, its war. People/Characters die, both Rob and Cat were too naive to trust that weasel of a lord. Rob's wolf was a lot more cautious about the faux wedding, unfortunately the wolf couldn't speak.

Gaze your eyes unto Arya,Tyrion and Davos' POV hopefully they will have a longer lifespan in the books :).

And I'm also familiar with that feel when Ygritte died

My fav characters, one can only hope.
Indeed Rob was naive, I guess grey wolf is dead as well, I wonder if bran will sense it all.
Ok I'm out.
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