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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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i just hope the kingslayer and Stannis are still kicking in the next book those are the best for me. Also i really hope Ramsay dies a horrible dead by Theon (i know is unlikely but one can dream.)

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Finally caught up to ADWD and I can see why people who've been following the books as they were released would be pretty pissed.

I'm no writer and certainly no editor but from a storyboard perspective I have a hard time understanding why Martin apparently fussed over AFFC and ADWD so much and came to his decision to split the story there. I finished AFFC a couple months ago and just wrapped up ADWD last night and I'm having a hard time seeing how he couldn't have condensed these two books into one. There just doesn't seem to be enough plot-critical stuff going on in each book to sustain them on their own and both felt pretty plodding and uneventful compared to the previous books. The fact that Martin waited until the last 20 or so pages of each book to make any serious plot advancement was a borderline dick move on his part.

Also, I think Ramsay replaces Joffrey as the most despicable character in the universe for me. Dude's just a straight up animal. At least Joffrey had a tiny amoeba of personality. Although the Boltons in general seem like degenerates.


Unconfirmed Member
While I certainly shared your point of view on the issue after finishing aDwD, upon further reflection I'm not sure whether or not you can wholly chalk many of the events that occured in aFfC/aDwD as largely non "plot critical" in nature. For instance, I initally dismissed Brienne's seemingly pointless adventures as being just that... pointless, since we as the audience know her search for Sansa will ultimately be in vain. However, it does allow Martin to insert more interest snippets in regards to the universe of aSoIaF as a whole, which I always appreciate.

Aside from that, "Plot critical stuff" is a term best reserved for after the series has concluded. Who knows? Maybe some of the minor characters Tyrion ran into during his wacky river-rafting adventures prove to be "plot critical" during tWoW/aDoS.


We don't know exactly what truly is plot critical until the story is completed and we can look back and see which parts mattered, but it is completely incorrect to say that nothing happened in either AFFC or ADWD.
I just finished reading Dance with Dragons last night, which I started after re-reading all the others. I had heard people were disappointed with it, so I didn't have extremely high expectations going in. But wow, this book blew me away. I think it's right up there with Storm of Swords as the best in the series.


Yeah, Dance might be my second favorite too. Can't wait to reread it.

The North Remembers.

Hot damn the Starks need to rise again.

when they do, so shall my penis rise as well


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
What do you guys expect from Moqorro and Marwyn, once they reach Dany/Mereen? I expect Marwyn'd sit better with Barristan/other Westerosi possibly, being an archmaester from the Citadel and all that. Might be he also has some good intel on dragon petkeeping 101. But Moqorro can do crazy fire god wizard tricks and comes with Victarion and mysterious horn. Maybe they'll compliment eachother.
What do you guys expect from Moqorro and Marwyn, once they reach Dany/Mereen? I expect Marwyn'd sit better with Barristan/other Westerosi possibly, being an archmaester from the Citadel and all that. Might be he also has some good intel on dragon petkeeping 101. But Moqorro can do crazy fire god wizard tricks and comes with Victarion and mysterious horn. Maybe they'll compliment eachother.

I think Marwyn is fucked considering he trained Miri Maz Dur; Dany won't trust him, and will probably burn him.

Dunno about Moqorro. On paper he seems like he'd be perfect for Dany - he's a representative for that priest guy who wants to free all the slaves, he believes she is a prophetic figure, etc. But is he simply what he says he is, or something else. I do believe he's tricking Victarion though lol


What do you guys expect from Moqorro and Marwyn, once they reach Dany/Mereen? I expect Marwyn'd sit better with Barristan/other Westerosi possibly, being an archmaester from the Citadel and all that. Might be he also has some good intel on dragon petkeeping 101. But Moqorro can do crazy fire god wizard tricks and comes with Victarion and mysterious horn. Maybe they'll compliment eachother.

Moqorro is more interested in Dany than Victarion. I suppose he'll ditch Victarion whenever he gets to her. I don't really know what to expect from Marwyn.


Just want to share this awesome fanart I came across:


Wallpaper size


Awesome pic. Pretty much the only good Dany chapter in the book lol.

I wonder if HBO's gonna fork up the budget for something like that.


Wow Drogon is huge in that picture, in ADWD I more or less viewed the dragons as being pony sized, maybe horse sized. I am kind of hoping for Martin to do a 5 year or so time gap at the start of the next book so we can already have full grown dragons, assassin Arya and Azor Ahai being the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch.


Wow Drogon is huge in that picture, in ADWD I more or less viewed the dragons as being pony sized, maybe horse sized. I am kind of hoping for Martin to do a 5 year or so time gap at the start of the next book so we can already have full grown dragons, assassin Arya and Azor Ahai being the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch.
I'm almost positive that's what they were described as.
I'm pretty sure Drogon is supposed to be about 20 feet across by ADWD.

His wingspan. Which means his body wasn't very big at all, compared to how they are described in relation to their wings in earlier books. Remember, quentyn was going to steal one with a cart or some crap.


May contain jokes =>
His wingspan. Which means his body wasn't very big at all, compared to how they are described in relation to their wings in earlier books. Remember, quentyn was going to steal one with a cart or some crap.

Right, though I do believe Drogon is supposed to be substantially larger than the other 2 dragons.

In any case, I still think Drogon is bigger than what was implied above. The picture may be a bit exaggerated but it's not all that far off really.
Well I'm finally allowed to come in here, just finished ADWD today. Personally didn't think it was as good as it was talked up by my friends but better than Crows for sure.
Finally caught up to ADWD and I can see why people who've been following the books as they were released would be pretty pissed.

I'm no writer and certainly no editor but from a storyboard perspective I have a hard time understanding why Martin apparently fussed over AFFC and ADWD so much and came to his decision to split the story there. I finished AFFC a couple months ago and just wrapped up ADWD last night and I'm having a hard time seeing how he couldn't have condensed these two books into one. There just doesn't seem to be enough plot-critical stuff going on in each book to sustain them on their own and both felt pretty plodding and uneventful compared to the previous books. The fact that Martin waited until the last 20 or so pages of each book to make any serious plot advancement was a borderline dick move on his part.

Also, I think Ramsay replaces Joffrey as the most despicable character in the universe for me. Dude's just a straight up animal. At least Joffrey had a tiny amoeba of personality. Although the Boltons in general seem like degenerates.

I think you're very right. And it's not just plot critical stories, it's just -- IMO -- wastes of pages when you've read thousands of pages, and you know you're getting to the end of a book, and he's wasting language on the emotions that Dany is feeling in some green field. I remember being so pissed reading that last Dany chapter and being like "JEsus Christ George just get on with it..." And then, boom, Dany is back to the end of book 1. Her dragons got big and killed some people, she dated some people, some guy who is supposedly another guy shows up and thinks he's cool, and that's it.
I think you're very right. And it's not just plot critical stories, it's just -- IMO -- wastes of pages when you've read thousands of pages, and you know you're getting to the end of a book, and he's wasting language on the emotions that Dany is feeling in some green field. I remember being so pissed reading that last Dany chapter and being like "JEsus Christ George just get on with it..." And then, boom, Dany is back to the end of book 1. Her dragons got big and killed some people, she dated some people, some guy who is supposedly another guy shows up and thinks he's cool, and that's it.

Another example, how many times do I have to hear about how Tywin expelled his father's mistress? The fact that he's still wasting time writing about this in the epilogue of ADWD pisses me off. I definitely get that "COME ON GEORGE" thought in my head all the time, like when I'm reading the names of EVERY SHIP in Stannis' fleet.


The last several posts are reasons why AFfC is better than ADwD. ADwD did not have to be a complete tease. Martin has stated several times that whole battles were pulled from ADwD. AFfC may not be the greatest but it is exactly what it is suppose to be. I cannot say the same for ADwD.


The Reek arc is better than the entirety of AFFC.

ADwD was the first time I abhorred Tyrion's story. That makes it worse by default. Plus I can tell you countless names of roles of the new characters from Dorne and the Iron Islands. Can anyone honestly tell me the same for those in ADwD?


The Reek arc is better than the entirety of AFFC.


So is all the stuff in the North, The Wall, Bran, etc etc etc.

Granted, I haven't read Feast in years (almost done with my third read of SOS, so thats next) but I remember being bored to tears by large portions of it. Of course, I was in high school at the time, so that could've added to it.
ADwD was the first time I abhorred Tyrion's story. That makes it worse by default. Plus I can tell you countless names of roles of the new characters from Dorne and the Iron Islands. Can anyone honestly tell me the same for those in ADwD?

Yeah, the first time in the series I dreaded the next Tyrion chapter rather than be excited for it.



So is all the stuff in the North, The Wall, Bran, etc etc etc.

Granted, I haven't read Feast in years (almost done with my third read of SOS, so thats next) but I remember being bored to tears by large portions of it. Of course, I was in high school at the time, so that could've added to it.

OTOH, the other half of the book that doesnt happen in the North is boring as fuck most of the time. At least Feast had only one boring POV, Brienne.
Just want to share this awesome fanart I came across:


Wallpaper size

The dragon is way too big and the wings are pretty bad. It has 2 bones come out of its elbow. Then the other wing only has 1. It's bad enough that there are bones coming out of the elbow, then they don't even match.

How is it supporting itself? The wing claws are the part that should be touching the ground.

Stadium looks too large. But that's probably to make the size of the dragon fit into it.


OTOH, the other half of the book that doesnt happen in the North is boring as fuck most of the time. At least Feast had only one boring POV, Brienne.

Can't say that at all, to me. Tyrion's chapters were good (though certainly not as good as before), and I *liked* Dany's chapters.


I enjoyed AFFC a lot more the second time I read it. Maester Aemon's parts in the book especially struck a chord with, and I really would not mind knowing more about him.

"Egg, I dreamed that I was old..."


Does anyone else feel like not bringing back The Greatjon for Season 3 is a fucking horrible mistake? Like a god-awful mistake so glaringly obvious a toddler could see it?


Aside from Robb and Catelyn, he is the most significant character in the Red Wedding.

His death scene should have been an all-time great, but no, the show-runners had to prove their mediocrity again.

Oh, also I see there was a debate going on.

ADWD > AFFC. Case closed.


Aside from Robb and Catelyn, he is the most significant character in the Red Wedding.

His death scene should have been an all-time great, but no, the show-runners had to prove their mediocrity again.

"His" death scene? Do you mean the Greatjon? He is still alive IIRC.
Aside from Robb and Catelyn, he is the most significant character in the Red Wedding.

His death scene should have been an all-time great, but no, the show-runners had to prove their mediocrity again.

Oh, also I see there was a debate going on.

ADWD > AFFC. Case closed.

It's more like aside from Catelyn, Robb, Roose Bolton, Walder Frey, Edmure Tully, Roslin Frey, Greywind...
Even the minor Freys and the Westerling brother play larger roles in that chapter.

He's a background character that does nothing of significance related to the Red Wedding.


Wait, the Greatjon survives? Wasn't there some Frey who was tasked with getting him so hammered that he couldn't fight, and then doesn't he overturn a table to use it as a shield and end up taking multiple arrows to the body before dying? Was that someone else? Somehow I remember the Greatjon going out like a boss protecting Robb, but it's been nearly two years since I read the book.

In any case ADWD > AFFC.


Wait, the Greatjob survives? Wasn't there some Frey who was tasked with getting him so hammered that he couldn't fight, and then doesn't he overturn a table to use it as a shield and end up taking multiple arrows to the body before dying? Was that someone else? Somehow I remember the Greatjob going out like a boss protecting Robb, but it's been nearly two years since I read the book.

In any case ADWD > AFFC.

I think he was wounded the freys hold him as hostage as far as i recall.


Wait, the Greatjob survives? Wasn't there some Frey who was tasked with getting him so hammered that he couldn't fight, and then doesn't he overturn a table to use it as a shield and end up taking multiple arrows to the body before dying? Was that someone else? Somehow I remember the Greatjob going out like a boss protecting Robb, but it's been nearly two years since I read the book.

In any case ADWD > AFFC.

You're confusing Smalljon with Greatjon. Smalljon was his son
Wait, the Greatjob survives? Wasn't there some Frey who was tasked with getting him so hammered that he couldn't fight, and then doesn't he overturn a table to use it as a shield and end up taking multiple arrows to the body before dying? Was that someone else? Somehow I remember the Greatjob going out like a boss protecting Robb, but it's been nearly two years since I read the book.

In any case ADWD > AFFC.

Greatjon was restrained though he did manage to cut off an ear from someone afaik


I enjoyed both AFFC and ADWD but I didn't have to wait for them. I read the whole series in one go and the only problem I had was Briennes pointless boring search, which I assume was supposed to show the plight of the little people in this grand world but I felt that Aryas previous arcs did a well enough job of that. Also Sams story was a bore until he arrived in oldtown.

I feel that alot of the negative reaction to these last two books stems from them being delayed for so long and lacking the payoff ASOS had.
Does anyone else feel like not bringing back The Greatjon for Season 3 is a fucking horrible mistake? Like a god-awful mistake so glaringly obvious a toddler could see it?

Yeah I'm pretty disappointed in that. The Greatjon is one of my favorite minor characters in the series and he was great in season 1.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
GRRM interview

Are the Faceless Men under contract to kill Dany’s dragons?
Not yet.

Did Howland Reed stand witness to the promise Ned made to Lyanna?
(Silence) No.

On WoW :

"I have 200 pages of Winds of Winter in their definitive version, and another 200 more that I am revising. They are in an early stage, so they need more work and I need to polish more details until they read the way I want."

"As soon as I am done with the long tour I hope to go back home, lock myself up, and write like hell. At any rate, let it be clear that the sixth book won’t hit the shelves for a long time. It won’t be out in 2012 or 2013, either. I trust it can be published in 2014."

Didn't know he had 200 more 'done' as well...
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