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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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You're confusing Smalljon with Greatjon. Smalljon was his son

Yes, this.

In any case, leaving the Greatjon out of the Red Wedding seems like a terrible idea, but that's to be expected of the producers.

Either use a character or kill him off, don't let them hanging in limbo.

Killing off the Greatjon in the RW would have worked fine. If that plot becomes relevant again they could always cast the Smalljon (who was made hostage instead). Less than ideal, but better than an invisible Greatjon for the next 4+ seasons.


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I didn't either. Still, 2014 seems like a dream.

It really doesn't seem that crazy to me. By those numbers he has roughly a third of the book written (in raw text) and that's with a year that's been almost nonstop travel. If he can chill out a bit in the next 2 years I don't think 2014 is unrealistic at all.
It really doesn't seem that crazy to me. By those numbers he has roughly a third of the book written (in raw text) and that's with a year that's been almost nonstop travel. If he can chill out a bit in the next 2 years I don't think 2014 is unrealistic at all.

That's a big IF, he's more popular than ever and football is about to start.


Sure, but all of that applied to the past year as well and he still got much more accomplished than anyone in this thread would have allowed the possibility of before.

ADWD needed more time in editing, but instead it was rushed out. At the very least he could have concluded either the Meereen or the Winterfell plot. The book could have been awesome, but instead is was just "ok".

Granted, his choices in AFFC are partly to blame in this. Here's hoping that he gets his stuff together and writes another ASOS.
That's a big IF, he's more popular than ever and football is about to start.

i have heard people mention football season a bunch when it comes to the delays in grrm's writing. is that half joking or does it actually slow him down significantly? i am a football fan as well; i spend a lot of my sundays watching games. yet i still have a job, as i assume most football fans do.


This guy is loving the attention haha. I'm sure most fans would rather he be home writing right now, stop asking for him to show up places guys!

I think it'll hit in 2014 too.

Could've been '13 if he stayed home this summer.


May contain jokes =>
i have heard people mention football season a bunch when it comes to the delays in grrm's writing. is that half joking or does it actually slow him down significantly? i am a football fan as well; i spend a lot of my sundays watching games. yet i still have a job, as i assume most football fans do.

It's because GRRM tends to blog constantly about the NFL during the season rather than about writing. But then he doesn't blog a ton about writing at this point anyway. Doesn't mean he isn't doing it.

I dunno if there's any factual evidence that he slows down during the season or not.
i have heard people mention football season a bunch when it comes to the delays in grrm's writing. is that half joking or does it actually slow him down significantly? i am a football fan as well; i spend a lot of my sundays watching games. yet i still have a job, as i assume most football fans do.

It's mostly a joke. And nowhere near as bad as presidential elections. When George W won his second term GRRM made it sound like he was never going to write again. So hopefully Obama takes it again, although I'm not sure how he feels about Romney.
Did Howland Reed stand witness to the promise Ned made to Lyanna?
(Silence) No.

uh oh lol

I'm actually glad. Many people view Reed as almost a deus ex machina. I'm sure he knows a lot of stuff
2014 for the Winds of Winter is a total pipe dream. 2015+

Fall 2015 or Summer 2016. That'd be my guess.

2014 would require GRRM to write a 350k+ word book in ~2.5 years...

It'd be nice if they actually give time for the book to be edited properly, rather rush it out again. ADWD could have used another 3-4 months of revision.


*damage control*Especially with the answer being preceded by silence, Howland Reed not being present for the promise itself doesn't change much. It can be simply GRRM toying with semantics.

Just a random, easiest way out - Howland stays outside of the tower. Ned comes out with the baby. Was he there for the promise? No. Does he know Lyanna had a baby? Yup.
*damage control*Especially with the answer being preceded by silence, Howland Reed not being present for the promise itself doesn't change much. It can be simply GRRM toying with semantics.

Just a random, easiest way out - Howland stays outside of the tower. Ned comes out with the baby. Was he there for the promise? No. Does he know Lyanna had a baby? Yup.

The actual text in AGOT says "they" found Ned afterward. Reed not being there isn't even new information.


I would assume its a reference to the Tower of Joy.

But I don't get how is it a reference to the Tower of Joy. Who found Ned at the Tower of Joy? For all we know, only Ned and Howland Reed know what happened there because they were the only ones to survive, following which they left for Starfall (at least Ned did). Nobody found Ned near ToJ. And Reed certainly was there, as he saved Ned from death.

PS. Oh boy, my girlfriend is nearing RW, she can sometimes get overly emotional about fiction so I wonder how she reacts to it
Ned could have pretended to switch the baby to throw off Reed, or some other way to cover his tracks.

To me the big thing about this is that it's unlikely Reed or (potentially) anyone can 100% Jon as a Targ,
Wait, who found Ned where? What are you referring to?

“I was with her when she died,” Ned re­mind­ed the king. “She want­ed to come home, to rest be­side Bran­don and Fa­ther.” He could hear her still at times. Promise me, she had cried, in a room that smelled of blood and ros­es. Promise me, Ned. The fever had tak­en her strength and her voice had been faint as a whis­per, but when he gave her his word, the fear had gone out of his sis­ter’s eyes. Ned re­mem­bered the way she had smiled then, how tight­ly her fin­gers had clutched his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petals spilling from her palm, dead and black. Af­ter that he re­mem­bered noth­ing. They had found him still hold­ing her body, silent with grief. The lit­tle crannog­man, How­land Reed, had tak­en her hand from his. Ned could re­call none of it. “I bring her flow­ers when I can,” he said. “Lyan­na was … fond of flow­ers.”

It's in AGOT, Reed came to Ned after whatever promise Ned made to the dying Lyanna. GRRM's interview doesn't introduce any new information.


But I don't get how is it a reference to the Tower of Joy. Who found Ned at the Tower of Joy? For all we know, only Ned and Howland Reed know what happened there because they were the only ones to survive, following which they left for Starfall (at least Ned did). Nobody found Ned near ToJ. And Reed certainly was there, as he saved Ned from death.

PS. Oh boy, my girlfriend is nearing RW, she can sometimes get overly emotional about fiction so I wonder how she reacts to it

Your girlfriend is in for a bit of depression.
I'm hoping Arya uses all of Tommen's cats to spy. Cats come up too much in the castle for them not to pay off down the line.

That.....does make a lot of sense.

But, really all I care about is this:


So I suppose George finally got around to editing the last 200 ADWD pages.

Awesome that he started Winds of Winter proper though. 2016, here we come!

I'm hoping Arya uses all of Tommen's cats to spy. Cats come up too much in the castle for them not to pay off down the line.

It's theorized that the old black cat in the Red Keep that Arya saw (and has been mentioned a number of times afterward) is Balerion, Rheanys' cat. Which Bloodraven is using to spy on the happenings of the castle.


It really doesn't seem that crazy to me. By those numbers he has roughly a third of the book written (in raw text) and that's with a year that's been almost nonstop travel. If he can chill out a bit in the next 2 years I don't think 2014 is unrealistic at all.

By his own reckoning, he started ADWD with 50% of the book already written as chapters that were pulled from AFFC, and it still took him 6 years.

Believe me, if there's one thing I've learned from the last 11 years of this series, it's not to get optimistic.
200 finished pages and another 200 pages of rough material is a long long ways from a 1500 page finished and edited down manuscript. A third of the way there he is not.


Fucking Lysa. When she meets Sansa on The Fingers for the first(ish) time and calls her a beggar.

Sansa Stark? A beggar?

GTFO. Can't wait till Sansa starts serving some fuckers up. At least Littlefinger is teaching her well.


Yeah and I hope Petyr is on the hit list

Like shoving his tongue down Sansa's mouth. Nuh uh

He'll get his. But at the end at least Sansa will know how to play the game. All of the Starks are going through training montages/anime training, so at the end they'll fuck shit up. Rickon too.

Chris R

Wait, are the wolves really going to grow to be that large???

Give them a fucking suit of armor (made of dragonscales maybe...) and watch them dominate.


He might've meant horse.

I don't think they're supposed to grow that large anyway. Would be fucking cool though.


storafötter;40929422 said:
So I just got into this series and I want to buy a complete book set so I can start to read the books.
Is this set a good purchase?

Aren't 7 books yet.

Get this http://www.amazon.com/Books-Thrones-Feast-Crows-Swords/dp/0345529057/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1344767454&sr=8-1&keywords=a+song+of+ice+and+fire

Then get the HC of the fifth book. Or wait till the end of march to get the paperback.

And STAY OUT OF THIS THREAD. This really isn't the right thread for you.
Aren't 7 books yet.

Get this http://www.amazon.com/Books-Thrones-Feast-Crows-Swords/dp/0345529057/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1344767454&sr=8-1&keywords=a+song+of+ice+and+fire

Then get the HC of the fifth book. Or wait till the end of march to get the paperback.

And STAY OUT OF THIS THREAD. This really isn't the right thread for you.

I know this thread is spoiler but I wasnt sure where to ask on GAF. Well I read the reason why there are 7 books in the collection is because 2 of the books are split into 2 but I guess thats a bad thing then. Thanks for your help.
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