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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Quick summary of my history with the series

I've always been a huuuuuge reader my entire life, but especially so in highschool. Anywho, someway or another I heard of ASOIAF, and picked up the books. As far as I can remember, I liked them a hell of a lot, and picked up Feast the first day the paperback was out. I remember my mom driving me to BnN to pick it up.

Of course, it bored me so hard I never finished it, so I really don't remember anything about it at all.

Reread the series when GOT started airing (didn't have intentions to before then), but this time, being older I guess, I LOVED IT. It engulfed me. The timing worked out because it was right before Dance was coming out. I finished rereading ASOS right before Dance came out, and the hype blinded me and made me skip Feast (again!), and jumped right to Dance. Which I love/d.

Anywho, just finished my third read of the first 3 books, and now I'm onto Feast. Still in the prologue, but I'm very excited to read it. All I recall was a Jaime/Cersei sex scene, and one of the Greyjoys doing fucked up shit. Don't recall anything else, though I did read a refresher somewhere before I hopped into Dance.


Meh, she says she didn't care that much about Robb. Sad.
I was the same way. I didn't really care about Ned (seemed dumb/naive), didn't really care about Cat (annoying), didn't really care about Rob (out of the picture most of the time, might have been harsh towards his brothers). Sansa was annoying and stupid a lot of the time. Arya and Brienne were two of the very few semi-likeable characters in the books for me. Although, I guess it's good to have most characters be unlikeable assholes since everyone is constantly dying (and coming back to life and dying again).

And zombie Cat having no mercy would be fine if she weren't stupid and blind about it. Though presumably Brienne said something off-page that made her finally come to her zombie senses.


So I first heard about Game of Thrones in a random post on a random board. I wiki'd it and it seemed cool so I saw season one a while after the airing concluded. It was fucking amazing, and I just had to read the books. Got an e-reader and I read them all in the span of about a month. First three books in about a week and the last two on and off also in about a week. So actually read the series in two weeks. lol. Read the released bits of The Winds of Winter, and saw the first episode of season 2. That's about it. Oh and I read the Tales of Dunk and Egg stories. Wasn't one supposed to come out this year?


So I first heard about Game of Thrones in a random post on a random board. I wiki'd it and it seemed cool so I saw season one a while after the airing concluded. It was fucking amazing, and I just had to read the books. Got an e-reader and I read them all in the span of about a month. First three books in about a week and the last two on and off also in about a week. So actually read the series in two weeks. lol. Read the released bits of The Winds of Winter, and saw the first episode of season 2. That's about it. Oh and I read the Tales of Dunk and Egg stories. Wasn't one supposed to come out this year?

I don't know if there was ever a date given. Here was GRRM's last update on the project, from Jun 23.

Dunk & Egg #4, An original novella of Dunk & Egg. Working on it. Hope to have it done by worldcon. It's scheduled to be published in

DANGEROUS WOMEN. A huge crossgenre anthology that Gardner Dozois and I are doing for Tor. Largely complete, except for Dunk & Egg. Well, we're waiting for three rewrites, but my own story will likely be the last one in, then we can move this one to "done and delivered."


Do you guys think we will get to see the Isle of Faces in the future books? Possibly through Bran's vision or something. It's one of the most mysterious places on Westeros along with the Lands of Always Winter.


corporate swill
I was the same way. I didn't really care about Ned (seemed dumb/naive), didn't really care about Cat (annoying), didn't really care about Rob (out of the picture most of the time, might have been harsh towards his brothers). Sansa was annoying and stupid a lot of the time. Arya and Brienne were two of the very few semi-likeable characters in the books for me. Although, I guess it's good to have most characters be unlikeable assholes since everyone is constantly dying (and coming back to life and dying again).

And zombie Cat having no mercy would be fine if she weren't stupid and blind about it. Though presumably Brienne said something off-page that made her finally come to her zombie senses.

GRRM has said in interviews that when Cat gave her a choice, Brienne yelled sword.


I'm not sure what you're referring to here, in what ways has UnCat come to her senses? Do you mean by sparing Brienne, or something else?
Sparing Brienne was what I was thinking of, yeah. If I remember correctly she was like I WILL BLINDLY MURDER YOU WITHOUT LISTENING TO ANYTHING YOU SAY, but then presumably Brienne says something that's not mentioned that somehow makes Cat not kill her.

*edit* Interesting, vitaminwateryum, can you explain the reference (in spoiler tags if you want) a little more? My memory is hazy.
Sparing Brienne was what I was thinking of, yeah. If I remember correctly she was like I WILL BLINDLY MURDER YOU WITHOUT LISTENING TO ANYTHING YOU SAY, but then presumably Brienne says something that's not mentioned that somehow makes Cat not kill her.

*edit* Interesting, vitaminwateryum, can you explain the reference (in spoiler tags if you want) a little more? My memory is hazy.

OK, got ya. I don't think she was ever going to listen to Brienne about how much Jamie Lannister had changed, given that she heard Roose Bolton say "Jamie Lannister sends his regards" as he slit Robb's throat. Cat or Uncat, she was always going to demand his death and the fact that Brienne had let him go without getting either Stark girl was always going to put her (Brienne) in the shit.


Why are some people posting WoW spoilers? I'm not criticizing, I just want to know if there is more reliable info besides the Theon chapter.


corporate swill
Sparing Brienne was what I was thinking of, yeah. If I remember correctly she was like I WILL BLINDLY MURDER YOU WITHOUT LISTENING TO ANYTHING YOU SAY, but then presumably Brienne says something that's not mentioned that somehow makes Cat not kill her.

*edit* Interesting, vitaminwateryum, can you explain the reference (in spoiler tags if you want) a little more? My memory is hazy.

When Cat has Pod and Brienne tied up and ready to hang from a tree, Cat gives Brienne the choice of either killing Jaime or Pod and her being hanged. I don't know if it's something that'll be in WoW or if it's just clarification from GRRM,
but at a recent con, he said that Brienne did indeed shout "sword".

Why are some people posting WoW spoilers? I'm not criticizing, I just want to know if there is more reliable info besides the Theon chapter.

The question was answered after a reading of two WoW chapters. It's not much of a spoiler, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Link to the thread from westeros.org

While I don't agree with all of his predictions, it's stuff like this that makes me kind of depressed that the overall wars and politics of the series are kind of irrelevant with a giant army of zombies on the horizon. Whoever "wins" the Iron Throne is just going to be depleted right in time for winter and the Others.

I kind of wish the Others either didn't exist or were more of a regional threat (north). Obviously Martin can blow us away with an amazing story focused on the Others but I'd love to see two (or three...) books focused on the second phase of war: from Stannis' campaign in the north to Aegon in the south to Lannister v Tyrells, and Dany arriving in Westeros


I want to see a few POV chapters at Eastwatch or Hardhome, or wherever it was that sent a letter to Castle Black saying "things getting very bad" regarding the Others and Wights.

Could and should be the greatest zombie fiction of all time.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I want to see a few POV chapters at Eastwatch or Hardhome, or wherever it was that sent a letter to Castle Black saying "things getting very bad" regarding the Others and Wights.

Could and should be the greatest zombie fiction of all time.

Hardhome sounded like a total FUBAR. Dead things in the woods, dead things in the water, Wildlings dying by the thousands. Yup, grim.


Hardhome sounded like a total FUBAR. Dead things in the woods, dead things in the water, Wildlings dying by the thousands. Yup, grim.

We don't have a POV character there currently, do we? It would be a huge waste to never see that situation as it goes down.


Not if George follows the Beyond-the-Wall/Maester pattern.



As a sidenote, someone on GAF has a GRRM avatar now. Not like, a troll GRRM or something like that, just a photo of GRRM.

GRRM making the Time 100 list, having his political views make it onto HuffPo, attending the Emmys,his picture as someone's avatar... as a fan of this series since 2002, it all seems so strange to me.
I don't get this, would someone mind explaining please?

AGOT - Will the prologue character is beyond the Wall
ACOK - Cressen is a Maester
ASOS - Chett is beyond the Wall
AFFC - Pate is training to be a Maester
ADWD - Varamyr is beyond the Wall

so it kind of alternates between characters beyond the wall and maesters
AGOT - Will the prologue character is beyond the Wall
ACOK - Cressen is a Maester
ASOS - Chett is beyond the Wall
AFFC - Pate is training to be a Maester
ADWD - Varamyr is beyond the Wall

so it kind of alternates between characters beyond the wall and maesters

Eh, I doubt this is something set in stone. If GRRM needs/wants to write from a different sort of prologue POV, he will do so.
Marwyn TWOW prologue confirmed!

I want to see this, but it would be really weird to see a guy just stroll up to the city gates when all this shit is happening around him. "let me in, I need to advise you. I happen to also be the guy that trained the witch that fucked with your family." Then he finds out Dani isn't even there.


I keep forgetting that Pycelle is dead.

That sudden one-two punch of Pycelle and Kevan is so shocking and right at the end of the novel.


My wishlist for TWOW:

- I really want to see Bob Strong fuck some shit up. I don't want him to die in this book either. Hopefully he owns whoever he goes up against in the trial and continues to factor in until Book 7.

- Zombie action. Either at Hardhome or Castle Black.

- Littlefinger's plan for Sansa to unite the Vale and the North put into action. Also, fuck having Littlefinger die. He's one of the best characters, and he isn't a pedo in the GRRM-verse; it's old enough to bleed... in that world. If Littlefinger dies, hopefully it's in Book 7.

- Victarion fucking shit up.

- Stannis fucking shit up.

- Dragons fucking shit up.

- Jaime finally getting good with his left hand and fucking shit up.

- Some real scenes with UnCat.

- GTFO of Mereen, head to Asshai, then east around the world to Casterly Rock to fuck shit up. I figure there's a reason GRRM put the Lannister seat of power in the west, when logically the wealthiest of the kingdoms should be in the east where there are more trading opportunities.


All I want is for Arya to reunite with Nymeria somehow. More dead Fresh wouldn't hurt either.

Hell yeah, forgot about that. Arya needs to complete her Jedi training, reunite with her dog, and go cross some names off her list (although I think most of her list is dead at this point).


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Then dies.

That would be such a waste of a potentially very interesting character. All the other interesting Maesters that got screentime already have been offed. I hope Marwyn gets to hang around for a while. Interesting things might happen when he, Vicky and Vicky's red priest show up wherever Dany's chillin'. Barristan would shit on them all though.

My wishlist for TWOW:

- I really want to see Bob Strong fuck some shit up. I don't want him to die in this book either. Hopefully he owns whoever he goes up against in the trial and continues to factor in until Book 7.

- Zombie action. Either at Hardhome or Castle Black.

- Littlefinger's plan for Sansa to unite the Vale and the North put into action. Also, fuck having Littlefinger die. He's one of the best characters, and he isn't a pedo in the GRRM-verse; it's old enough to bleed... in that world. If Littlefinger dies, hopefully it's in Book 7.

- Victarion fucking shit up.

- Stannis fucking shit up.

- Dragons fucking shit up.

- Jaime finally getting good with his left hand and fucking shit up.

- Some real scenes with UnCat.

- GTFO of Mereen, head to Asshai, then east around the world to Casterly Rock to fuck shit up. I figure there's a reason GRRM put the Lannister seat of power in the west, when logically the wealthiest of the kingdoms should be in the east where there are more trading opportunities.

Yes, YES (it's about time!), BIG FUCKING YES (I've been waiting forever for the Vale to go all-out. Declaring for Sansa and go crazy. With the right coalition-building they have the potential to dominate the North and the riverlands; yes x5.

Regarding your last point: interesting idea. Asshai by now is a larger-then-life place but with the whole 'magic is returning' theme it should be interesting. Last thing GRRM said about it is that he isn't really sure anybody'll end up there though, right? Maybe Dunk and Egg :). CR's dominance on the west is because of the goldmines, but Lannisport as a place of relevance isn't that clear (although you could say gold = near so harbour = important).
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