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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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They didn't fair much better. Cersei had to do the walk of shame and she's never going to rule again. Dany was all but kicked out of the city.

You think so? I know what Kevan says, but who's going to rule? The Tyrells? The king is a Lannister.


You think so? I know what Kevan says, but who's going to rule? The Tyrells? The king is a Lannister.

Maergery is probably just going to control him and tell him what to do, so pretty much the tyrells. Unless cersei makes a power grab using robert strong and varys pulls some strings to get her crazy ass back in control so she can fuck things up even more.

Another possibility is the new high septon pretty much running the show and pulling a religion vs king power struggle
Hey, I'm sure there are plenty Wild Cards fans somewhere out there, in places we don't know, in populated numbers we might be shocked over, saying the exact opposite. "Quit this Song of Ice and Fire lark, get cracking with more Wild Cards, GRRM!" Or not.
Hey, I'm sure there are plenty Wild Cards fans somewhere out there, in places we don't know, in populated numbers we might be shocked over, saying the exact opposite. "Quit this Song of Ice and Fire lark, get cracking with more Wild Cards, GRRM!" Or not.

Obviously he wants to bring it into the forefront and ride his GoT prominence to another big franchise. He puts out a new WC book now that GoT is massif, everyone reads it, he gets another adaptation series deal, $_$

Seems obvious to me at least.


I don't mind that he is writing the World book. I've been waiting for the World book longer than Dance. I also don't mind him writing Dunk & Egg since those stories are awesome, and this one in particular sounds great. Other than that, yeah, he needs to be writing Winds.


I never get the Cersei hate in AFFC. Her chapters are amazing, and in hindsight are even more interesting now that ADWD is out. Both books, which at one time were one, feature a lot of thematic focus on leadership. In both books we're presented with the reign of Cersei, Jon Snow, and Dany - and each of which fails to varying degrees.

I don't hate Cersei's chapters as much as other people do. Sometime, I don't understand the hatred, I may hate her, but her chapters are fun to read because she is batshit insane.


I've read some of his short stories. A Song for Lya and Sandkings were both excellent. Ice Dragon was pretty good too. Did GRRM ever mention ice dragons in ASOIAF? Because if so, they might be like the ones described in that short story. Which would make things...interesting.
I've read some of his short stories. A Song for Lya and Sandkings were both excellent. Ice Dragon was pretty good too. Did GRRM ever mention ice dragons in ASOIAF? Because if so, they might be like the ones described in that short story. Which would make things...interesting.

Don't think so. But they may show up now that winter has come and the others are doing shit.
Obviously he wants to bring it into the forefront and ride his GoT prominence to another big franchise. He puts out a new WC book now that GoT is massif, everyone reads it, he gets another adaptation series deal, $_$

Seems obvious to me at least.

Haha, maybe. I doubt it though. It's frustrating definitely, but he's been editing Wild Cards since the 80s and its content is obviously never going to be mainstream. The sf/f community can be pretty insular and I'm sure he's doing it to please his clique and OG fans who were following him pre-Song of Ice and Fire. It's a shared-universe series based on a RPG campaign so I bet the sense of community around it makes it a personal project for him. Wish he'd just acknowledge that ASoIaF has to get done first and let someone else hold its reigns for a while.


I've read some of his short stories. A Song for Lya and Sandkings were both excellent. Ice Dragon was pretty good too. Did GRRM ever mention ice dragons in ASOIAF? Because if so, they might be like the ones described in that short story. Which would make things...interesting.

I don't think so, but he mentioned Ice Spiders which gives me the creeps, big time.

I don't even want to imagine them U_U


Jaime is such a boss throughout Feast. Punching Brienne's betrothed, and telling Peck to be kind to Pia. Fucking Jamie Lannister, who would've figured?


Jaime is such a boss throughout Feast. Punching Brienne's betrothed, and telling Peck to be kind to Pia. Fucking Jamie Lannister, who would've figured?
I sure as well didn't. When I started his POV's I thought I'd hate him, but Jamie is just too damn awesome to hate, even with only 1 hand.


Out of curiosity, does anybody remember how much it cost "in actual dragons/coins" to hire sellsword companies in Westeros or Essos? Like the Golden Company, Stormcrows, or Second Sons. I've been wondering why the warring houses never hired more than they did in the books.
Jaime is such a boss throughout Feast. Punching Brienne's betrothed, and telling Peck to be kind to Pia. Fucking Jamie Lannister, who would've figured?

And it's not done in a convoluted manner, or rushed in a manner that makes it unbelievable. The transition is gradual and makes perfect sense


Out of curiosity, does anybody remember how much it cost "in actual dragons/coins" to hire sellsword companies in Westeros or Essos? Like the Golden Company, Stormcrows, or Second Sons. I've been wondering why the warring houses never hired more than they did in the books.

Even the great houses don't have infinite wealth. Outside of the Tyrells and the Lannisters hiring the Golden Company would have hurt the pockets of the major houses even pretty hard.

Also Say you are Robb Stark fighting lannisters and manage to get enough coin to hire a big sell sword company. Odds are they will betray you for more money and all your banner men who mistrusted them will think you foolish as fuck if you even survive.

There are a shit ton of "free riders" who are essentially sell swords but less official and less organized than the groups in the east.


I am current re-reading the series, and am working my way through Storm of Swords. In one of the Jon chapters, where they scale the wall, Ygrette says at the end of the chapter that they disturbed a bunch of graves looking for the horn of winter. But she also says they "let all of those shades loose into the world". Does this mean the Wildlings released the Others?
I am current re-reading the series, and am working my way through Storm of Swords. In one of the Jon chapters, where they scale the wall, Ygrette says at the end of the chapter that they disturbed a bunch of graves looking for the horn of winter. But she also says they "let all of those shades loose into the world". Does this mean the Wildlings released the Others?
The disturbed corpses probably became wights.


Re reading SOS, I found the chapter where Mormont died really chilling especially when the wives tell Sam to take Gilly and run because Crasters boys are coming.


Modesty becomes a woman
I am current re-reading the series, and am working my way through Storm of Swords. In one of the Jon chapters, where they scale the wall, Ygrette says at the end of the chapter that they disturbed a bunch of graves looking for the horn of winter. But she also says they "let all of those shades loose into the world". Does this mean the Wildlings released the Others?

Probably just a coincidence, or the others just raise the nearest corpses when they need to.

Still know next to nothing about them. What they came for, what they want, what woke them up again. Nadda.


So, for after my series read is done, which do I pick up next, Way of Kings, or The Name of the Wind?

I only read the synopsis of Way of Kings, but it sounds like a very typical fantasy novel, so I'd go for Name of the Wind.


The disturbed corpses probably became wights.
Do we have any other reference to the wildlings referring to the white walkers as shades? If they were just simple corpses, wouldn't they have burned them as to their tradition?

EDIT: Wait, I am kind of confused on the names for the others. We have the main Others, which aren't dead but ice creatures. Then we have the white walkers/wights, who are re-animated corpses?


I am current re-reading the series, and am working my way through Storm of Swords. In one of the Jon chapters, where they scale the wall, Ygrette says at the end of the chapter that they disturbed a bunch of graves looking for the horn of winter. But she also says they "let all of those shades loose into the world". Does this mean the Wildlings released the Others?

They were pillaging the graves in order to escape the Others. So no, they did not release them.

The "Shades" Ygritte mentioned seemed like superstition to me. Disturbing a grave would be similar to breaking guest right. It is odd that the bodies were buried and not burned. Maybe that was just for plot purposes though, otherwise the Wildlings would have nowhere to search for the horn.

That whole Horn of Juramun business is fishy as hell btw. A ton of conflicting stories and accounts. Yet we know a magical dragonhorn exists. So we can't rule out the real Horn of Winter will still pop up somewhere.


I don't think I like this Lady Stoneheart business. It will lead to lots of despair for anyone who Catelyn had good relations with. Shes just a being of pure evil and vengenace at this point, it kind of shits on Catelyn. Maybe thats the point though.

Dollars to donuts, Arya kills Lady Stoneheart.

God, starting writing faster GRRM.


So, for after my series read is done, which do I pick up next, Way of Kings, or The Name of the Wind?

They're both excellent, but way of kings is more epic like soiaf. It depends if you want more of a similar grand type of thing or a change of pace, something more focussed on one person.


They were pillaging the graves in order to escape the Others. So no, they did not release them.

The "Shades" Ygritte mentioned seemed like superstition to me. Disturbing a grave would be similar to breaking guest right. It is odd that the bodies were buried and not burned. Maybe that was just for plot purposes though, otherwise the Wildlings would have nowhere to search for the horn.

That whole Horn of Juramun business is fishy as hell btw. A ton of conflicting stories and accounts. Yet we know a magical dragonhorn exists. So we can't rule out the real Horn of Winter will still pop up somewhere.
It could be the bodies were buried/graves existed because the Others were not known/seen as a threat when the graves were made. I mean, Martin could have said they were searching for the horn anywhere. It didn't necessarily have to be a grave.

If the Wildlings did know of the Other's existence (and thus were searching for the horn), why would they not burn the bodies? So if the shades are not the animated corpses and the Others were the cause for the search for the horn (and thus the Wildlings did not bring about their return), then shades being a superstition is probably the best answer.

So Ygrette was reduced to tears over a superstition? I doubt she was brought to tears over the loss of Jarl and his men. Do we really have no other reference to shades by the wildlings or people of Westeroth throughout the novels?


I barely 1/3 of the way through Storm of Swords and I am trying not to spoil myself at all, but I figured this would be the best thread for my question:

As I understand it AFFC and ADWD are the same book, split into two books geographically. The events of ADWD happen at roughly the same time as the events in AFFC, but involve different characters in different regions of the world. I don't really like the idea of that.

Have there been any attempts at a fan-made edit, that merges both books into one volume, and presents all events strictly by chronology? As in, they take chapters from ADWD and put them into AFFC where they belong in the world's timeline. I'd love to read the books that way, since most people have said that ADWD is a little monotonous and AFFC got all the good material. Would there be any downside to reading the two books as a single volume? Obviously I'm assuming this can only be done as an eBook or PDF or whatever, but it wouldn't surprise me if someone has attempted it.

If you can answer or respond to my question, please quote this post first -- I'm not reading any other posts in the thread for obvious reasons. :)
I barely 1/3 of the way through Storm of Swords and I am trying not to spoil myself at all, but I figured this would be the best thread for my question:

As I understand it AFFC and ADWD are the same book, split into two books geographically. The events of ADWD happen at roughly the same time as the events in AFFC, but involve different characters in different regions of the world. I don't really like the idea of that.

Have there been any attempts at a fan-made edit, that merges both books into one volume, and presents all events strictly by chronology? As in, they take chapters from ADWD and put them into AFFC where they belong in the world's timeline. I'd love to read the books that way, since most people have said that ADWD is a little monotonous and AFFC got all the good material. Would there be any downside to reading the two books as a single volume? Obviously I'm assuming this can only be done as an eBook or PDF or whatever, but it wouldn't surprise me if someone has attempted it.

If you can answer or respond to my question, please quote this post first -- I'm not reading any other posts in the thread for obvious reasons. :)

A couple people have done this. Sean T Collins has his version, and someone from Towe Of The Hand (a popular fan site) made one as well. I'd link but I'm on my iPod right now in bed lol

I'd be curious to try it, but I dunno how well it would work. AFFC is considered slow and boring by many fans, although I disagree. Menwhile ADWD is more eventful overall but one of the major stories slows down the book significantly


A couple people have done this. Sean T Collins has his version, and someone from Towe Of The Hand (a popular fan site) made one as well. I'd link but I'm on my iPod right now in bed lol

I'd be curious to try it, but I dunno how well it would work. AFFC is considered slow and boring by many fans, although I disagree. Menwhile ADWD is more eventful overall but one of the major stories slows down the book significantly

My major concern is that inserting ADWD chapters into AFFC might somehow result in being spoiled early for major revelations in AFFC - this shouldn't happen if a strict chronology is adhered to, but perhaps moments of irony or foreshadowing in ADWD chapters would point to strongly towards events that are assumed knowledge (since ADWD probably assumes you've read AFFC). The lesser but still important concern is that that it would simply ruin the structure of AFFC. Maybe adding all that padding will make the merged book seem much more plodding and slow.

Strange that you should say ADWD is the meatier and more satisfying book -- I skimmed over the Bore thread and it seems like everyone thought it was much more tedious than its predecessor. But then, I only skimmed it for fear of spoilers.

It doesn't surprise me that someone has tried to merge the two books, but I'd be curious to hear impressions of the merged volume (particularly from people who had read neither AFFC or ADWD beforehand). Shoot me a link if you get the chance.
My major concern is that inserting ADWD chapters into AFFC might somehow result in being spoiled early for major revelations in AFFC - this shouldn't happen if a strict chronology is adhered to, but perhaps moments of irony or foreshadowing in ADWD chapters would point to strongly towards events that are assumed knowledge (since ADWD probably assumes you've read AFFC). The lesser but still important concern is that that it would simply ruin the structure of AFFC. Maybe adding all that padding will make the merged book seem much more plodding and slow.

It doesn't surprise me that someone has tried to merge the two books, but I'd be curious to hear impressions of the merged volume (particularly from people who had read neither AFFC or ADWD beforehand). Shoot me a link if you get the chance.

Half of ADWD takes place after AFFC, and I don't think there is much to be gained from reading it chronologically. On the other hand, ADWD isn't really coherent thematically, just a collection of chapters thrown together, so you don't really lose anything by merging the books either. I don't think you'll be spoiled, though you'll basically have to read a sequence twice because GRRM repeated it in each book for some odd reason.


Half of ADWD takes place after AFFC, and I don't think there is much to be gained from reading it chronologically. On the other hand, ADWD isn't really coherent thematically, just a collection of chapters thrown together, so you don't really lose anything by merging the books either. I don't think you'll be spoiled, though you'll basically have to read a sequence twice because GRRM repeated it in each book for some odd reason.

So in your opinion (or the opinion of anyone else reading this), would it be better to read the two books merged into one, or read them each separately? If spoilers aren't an issue, then the only problem would be how it affects pacing.

From the tone of your post, it sounds as though you don't think it will make much difference one way or the other. In which case I'd probably just ignore the fan edits and read the books in paperback, since I tend to prefer paperbacks over electronic versions.
So in your opinion (or the opinion of anyone else reading this), would it be better to read the two books merged into one, or read them each separately? If spoilers aren't an issue, then the only problem would be how it affects pacing.

From the tone of your post, it sounds as though you don't think it will make much difference one way or the other. In which case I'd probably just ignore the fan edits and read the books in paperback, since I tend to prefer paperbacks over electronic versions.

I'd just read it whatever way is most convenient for you. Reading it chronologically could be an interesting exercise, but with the way these two books are structured I don't really think there is really much to be gained from it.


Read them how they were released for the first time. Afterwards you can tinker around with chapters if you want, but it seems like it'd be a major pain for no reason. Both books are great, with Dance being my second favorite (at least after one read, just started rereading).

And, I'd say it's generally thought that Feast was the weaker one (its definitely the slowest and most uneventful book of the series, but its still great, very quiet character based book), with Dance being dragged down by one character's story.

Edit: And yeah, around the half way point of Dance, you're already passing Feast's timeline.


Man, I wonder how much of the stuff that fans pick up on GRRM actually intended. If it was just one or two posts like those, I'd believe it, but there are so many posts that go so deeply into themes and character arcs and relationships that it just seems impossible that this story is just THAT thought out.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat


The Jon vibes also stood out to me during that last Sansa chapter. He also came up in conversation. Thats a good post/analysis, if reaching'/stretching like a mofo.


Man, I wonder how much of the stuff that fans pick up on GRRM actually intended. If it was just one or two posts like those, I'd believe it, but there are so many posts that go so deeply into themes and character arcs and relationships that it just seems impossible that this story is just THAT thought out.

It could be quite a lot. This series has been years in the making. He probably thinks about these kinds of things all the time.


Saw this post on reddit and kinda got me amazed how the poster added more layers to Sansa and to Jon


Its a huge post but well worth the read

I've never considered Sansa as important but after reading it......damn. Something big might happen.

And he skips past it, but this further confirms my infamous theory, that Sansa and Jon, once they realize they're cousins, are going to marry.
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