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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Wh0 N0se

IIRC, his name was Ser Shadrich the Mouse (or something like that). I completely missed over him on my first read, but definitely picked up on my second. I'm sure he will be important in the future. He did seem to have a pretty good head on his shoulders when he talked to Brienne.

I'm pretty sure that's his name, thanks. Hoping he doesn't do anything too drastic, would hate for Sansa to reveal herself at the wedding and everyone be like 'Fuck Yeah!!' Only to have him kidnap her and take her to Kings Landing!!!

I like Theon and Littlefinger, haha. I don't browse many ASOIAF related discussions, so I don't really know about the hate for him.

I'm sure there are people out there that like Ramsay Bolton (boo this man!).
I have a feeling fangirls will jump on this when he shows up on the show because of Iwan Rheon playing him. Oh man, I can totally see the horrible shipping now. lol.

If people don't think he's as bad as Joffrey then the show hasn't done a good enough job, he's crazy.

You read almost a 100 pages of this? Damn, son.

When I was at work I would just scroll through reading this thread, it was good, I got to read most of the little things that I missed from the first read (I missed a LOT!). It did take awhile and now I'm glad I can finally discuss things!!!

And in case no one has posted it, the GoT Mod for Crusader Kings is now 0.3 and features the War of the 5 Kings! I haven't played the new version yet though.


I just re-read the winds of winter sample chapter that GRRM has on his website. Soooooo good, but yet soooooo far away. :(


Posting from my phone so I can't say much, but the except grrm read from world of ice and fire was excellent. One of the things I love most about asoiaf is its world. You could tell hundreds of stories in it. The part he read could easily be a trilogy of books onto itself. Look forward to it.
Posting from my phone so I can't say much, but the except grrm read from world of ice and fire was excellent. One of the things I love most about asoiaf is its world. You could tell hundreds of stories in it. The part he read could easily be a trilogy of books onto itself. Look forward to it.

Daario sex scene confirmed.
This is a guy who took a 3 book series and has somehow turned it into 5 books than need upwards of 8 to possibly finish in a coherent manner. So no, I'm not kidding. The guy has repeatedly said he doesn't have notes or outlines, that the reason he takes so long is because he is basically thinking this shit up as he writes it and sometimes he works his way into corners and has to start over.

He's incredibly disorganized and unprofessional and likely got really lucky with his first 3 books and probably won't ever recreate that magic.

That's factually inaccurate. Martin has said multiple times that he knows how the series will end, and many of the major plots to get there. He has also said that he lets the story grow at the same time, thus allowing him to come up with the "how" as he writes. He had a clear plan for ADWD, the problem is that it didn't work - thus forcing him to scrap hundreds of pages and eventually split the book into two. It's not like he was blindly writing, had too many pages, and decided to split the novel into two.

Martin wrote the gist of Jon's last ADWD chapter shortly after finishing ASOS, for instance. He's had most of this stuff planned for awhile. And given the way he wanted to end ADWD (with the battles of Winterfell and Mereen) it's clear to me that the story is progressing, and he knows what he wants to do. Based on what we know will be in TWOW, I have no doubt it'll be a return to form; that's not to say ADWD was bad, I loved it, but it's not on par with the first three novels.

My only narrative issue with the series is The Others. Regardless of whether Stannis retakes the Wall, or whether Jon is revived, and regardless of who wins the throne...a giant army of zombies is going to descend on everyone and fuck shit up. That seems so at odds with so much of the political strife in the novels. Right now I would probably prefer a story focused on the (apparent) revival of the north, Aegon's war, the Lannister/Tyrell struggle, Littlefinger's end game, and the return of Dany; all those stories blend together nicely and would certainly create an impressive tale. Instead we have the possibility of someone winning the throne only to be threatened by winter and Others, and Dany swooping in to save the day. I hope that's not the case.

I trust Martin, and I'm sure he can weave a compelling story with the Others. Still, I can't help but wish the threat of the Others could simply be dealt with in the north and have little impact on the south. Hell, I'd be fine with Dany showing up on the Wall and helping out before moving south. Instead I kind of think we're heading for a cataclysmic battle far from the Wall, on the Trident (if Dany's visions are to be believed). And in the aftermath we'll get some bittersweet ending - perhaps the death of multiple characters, the breaking of the Seven Kingdoms, no pure leader to rebuild (perhaps Dany dies), etc.


Posting from my phone so I can't say much, but the except grrm read from world of ice and fire was excellent. One of the things I love most about asoiaf is its world. You could tell hundreds of stories in it. The part he read could easily be a trilogy of books onto itself. Look forward to it.

I'm dying for that book. Huge books of lore are fucking fantastic to me: I actually collect D&D/World of Darkness sourcebooks, despite never having played a pen and paper before.

Also, I'm ashamed to admit but I've had daydreams about where I would be in the ASoIAF universe and ended up telling a little story about it. It takes me forever to get to sleep, so i need something to think about, sue me. lol

Wh0 N0se

I'm dying for that book. Huge books of lore are fucking fantastic to me: I actually collect D&D/World of Darkness sourcebooks, despite never having played a pen and paper before.

Also, I'm ashamed to admit but I've had daydreams about where I would be in the ASoIAF universe and ended up telling a little story about it. It takes me forever to get to sleep, so i need something to think about, sue me. lol

Is there any rough date for that yet? I.E. This year or next?

Also, has the 4th Dunk & Egg Tale been released? I haven't read any of those yet but I'd like to buy that collection once it's released.


Is there any rough date for that yet? I.E. This year or next?

Also, has the 4th Dunk & Egg Tale been released? I haven't read any of those yet but I'd like to buy that collection once it's released.

I believe GRRM finished his work a few months ago. Waiting on artists, editors, production, marketing...probably 2013 or 14. :p


The release date for the book has been listed in the Bantam catalog as 30 October 2012, however sometime after George R.R. Martin's editor has released a tentative publication date of October 2013.


Is there any rough date for that yet? I.E. This year or next?

Also, has the 4th Dunk & Egg Tale been released? I haven't read any of those yet but I'd like to buy that collection once it's released.

The 4th Dunk & Egg will be in Warriors II, which is all finished, except for GRRM's story (shocking, I know). Assuming he finishes it soon, the book should be published in early 2013.

The D&E collection probably won't be out for another year or two after that (they won't want it cannibalizing the sales of Warriors II). So if I were you, I would just try to read them now. They really are quite good.


The 4th Dunk & Egg will be in Warriors II, which is all finished, except for GRRM's story (shocking, I know). Assuming he finishes it soon, the book should be published in early 2013.

The D&E collection probably won't be out for another year or two after that (they won't want it cannibalizing the sales of Warriors II). So if I were you, I would just try to read them now. They really are quite good.

I thought D&E4 was going to be in Dangerous Women?

Wh0 N0se

The 4th Dunk & Egg will be in Warriors II, which is all finished, except for GRRM's story (shocking, I know). Assuming he finishes it soon, the book should be published in early 2013.

The D&E collection probably won't be out for another year or two after that (they won't want it cannibalizing the sales of Warriors II). So if I were you, I would just try to read them now. They really are quite good.

I believe GRRM finished his work a few months ago. Waiting on artists, editors, production, marketing...probably 2013 or 14. :p

Ok, thanks for the info, either way I'll leave it, I don't mind waiting for the full collection to be released.


I thought D&E4 was going to be in Dangerous Women?

Oh yes, my mistake. The anthology that D&E4 will be published in is entitled "Dangerous Women."

GRRM's Not A Blog said:
Dunk & Egg #4, An original novella of Dunk & Egg. Working on it. Hope to have it done by worldcon. It's scheduled to be published in

DANGEROUS WOMEN. A huge crossgenre anthology that Gardner Dozois and I are doing for Tor. Largely complete, except for Dunk & Egg. Well, we're waiting for three rewrites, but my own story will likely be the last one in, then we can move this one to "done and delivered."
A few stuff on TWOW:

Littlefinger will not have a POV

Arya will have a POV

"Only the principal POVs have been known by GRRM from the start. Some POVs have been added when needed. The Meereenese Knot, for instance, was broken only when Barristan Selmy got his own chapters. He was ideally positioned to deal with all the relevant characters and events, and was one of the few that spoke the language. GRRM does not intend to add any more POVs. In fact, the number of POVs is about to decline. "Take your bets," GRRM warned."

And so it begins

Arianne Martell, Barristan Selmy, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly, Areo Hotah, Daenerys Targeryen, Barristan Selmy, Davos Seaworth, Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Catelyn Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Asha Greyjoy Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Connington and Melisandre


Does that mean that POV are going to start dying by the truckload or is there going to be less POV characters because storylines are going to be converging?


Does that mean that POV are going to start dying by the truckload or is there going to be less POV characters because storylines are going to be converging?

I'd guess both, more due to the second part. For the time being Asha is useless if she is with Theon. Barristan will probably sadly have to go once Dany returns to Meereen. Jaime is with Brienne now.

Hopefully he gets rid of Areo and Aeron quickly. God I hate them.
And so it begins

Arianne Martell, Barristan Selmy, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly, Areo Hotah, Daenerys Targeryen, Barristan Selmy, Davos Seaworth, Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Catelyn Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Asha Greyjoy Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Connington and Melisandre

I like Barristan Selmy's odds of surviving based on your list.


Listening to the audio books for the first time (have read the books twice).

I just realized Jeor Mormont is a dumbass.

Jon and whores from mole town held the wall, think how easy a time they would have had with all their strength at the wall instead of getting butchered by wights and eachother at the fist/crasters.


Thank god Roy Dotrice did the audiobook for A Feast for Crows. I listened to a bit of John Lee before the break and he was just horrible


Arianne Martell, Barristan Selmy, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly, Areo Hotah, Daenerys Targeryen, Davos Seaworth, Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Catelyn Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Asha Greyjoy Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Connington and Melisandre

Bolded are my bets. Basically a Greyjoy massacre. Plus, I doubt Areo will die yet, but I don't think he'll be used as long as Arianne and he are both in Dorne.
Listening to the audio books for the first time (have read the books twice).

I just realized Jeor Mormont is a dumbass.

Jon and whores from mole town held the wall, think how easy a time they would have had with all their strength at the wall instead of getting butchered by wights and eachother at the fist/crasters.

AFAIK only one whore stood by the Men of the Nights Watch, she was wielding a crossbow

Also, can't wait for more The Other appearances :)


Bolded are my bets. Basically a Greyjoy massacre. Plus, I doubt Areo will die yet, but I don't think he'll be used as long as Arianne and he are both in Dorne.
Isn't the GRRM thing to kill off characters you like? So pick your favorites instead. :p

Also, if Catelyn dies again maybe the zombieness wraps back around and she comes back as a human, ultra twist!

You know, I think Asha is the only Greyjoy I even remember liking.


Listening to the audio books for the first time (have read the books twice).

I just realized Jeor Mormont is a dumbass.

Jon and whores from mole town held the wall, think how easy a time they would have had with all their strength at the wall instead of getting butchered by wights and eachother at the fist/crasters.

The Fist of the First Men was stated to be a pretty good defensive position. Also the purpose of the ranging was to find out what was going on with the wights/Ben Stark's disappearance which is kind of harder to figure out from the wall. Or at least that's how I remember it.


Also, one of the major reasons that they held the wall as well as they did is because Jon warned everyone about them coming.


The Fist of the First Men was stated to be a pretty good defensive position. Also the purpose of the ranging was to find out what was going on with the wights/Ben Stark's disappearance which is kind of harder to figure out from the wall. Or at least that's how I remember it.

You're right but once they knew Mance was amassing his forces in the frostfangs he had plenty of time to get back to the wall.


You're right but once they knew Mance was amassing his forces in the frostfangs he had plenty of times to get back to the wall.

This one is easy. Moving a giant army through that kind of weather isn't easy to do. He was on his way back and that was when he was attacked.


Arianne Martell, Barristan Selmy, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly, Areo Hotah, Daenerys Targeryen, Barristan Selmy, Davos Seaworth, Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Catelyn Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Asha Greyjoy Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Connington and Melisandre

The obvious ones.

I could see him killing off Jaime, if it's important to the story going forward (he's a bit of a catalyst for the series) or maybe Brienne (though he really likes her as a Dunk/true knight analogy).
I'd guess both, more due to the second part. For the time being Asha is useless if she is with Theon. Barristan will probably sadly have to go once Dany returns to Meereen. Jaime is with Brienne now.

Hopefully he gets rid of Areo and Aeron quickly. God I hate them.

I'm re-reading AFFC right now and the first 10% of the book is some of the worst filler in the entire series.

"Only a godly man may sit the Seastone Chair!"

"Prince Doran winced from the pain of his gouty limbs."

"What is dead may never die!"

"Areo reminded himself of the simple vows of the bearded priests of Norvos - 'Serve, Obey, Protect.' "

Repeated over and over again for about 50 pages. Areo's chapter is more forgivable because we the audience have never seen any of Dorne before, but you can honestly skip 90% of Aeron's first chapter and lose nothing.

The obvious ones.

I could see him killing off Jaime, if it's important to the story going forward (he's a bit of a catalyst for the series) or maybe Brienne (though he really likes her as a Dunk/true knight analogy).

Jaime can't die yet.
According to Maggy's prophecy, he is probably the "valonquar".


Hunky Nostradamus
GRRM does not intend to add any more POVs. In fact, the number of POVs is about to decline. "Take your bets," GRRM warned."

The fact that the number of POVs is about to decline doesn't necessarily indicate that GRRM is going to start killing them off, though his "Take your bets" comment certainly raises suspicions...

Arianne Martell, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly, Areo Hotah, Daenerys Targeryen, Barristan Selmy, Davos Seaworth, Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Catelyn Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Asha Greyjoy, Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Connington and Melisandre.

Arianne will get a chapter, so I don't think Aero's POV is necessary. Barristan probably won't be necessary either after Daenerys returns. (which might not be for quite a while depending how long she stays in the Dothraki Sea.) Jamie and Brienne are together now, so it's likely that only one of them will get a POV, with my bets being on Jamie. Same with Theon and Asha, with Theon probably getting the POV. I'd wager that Melisandre will also get a few chapters, though they'll probably disappear if/when Jon is revived.

I think that Catelyn is unlikely, as is Damphair. Connington is up in the air, though he'll probably get at least a few chapters.

Bran, Sam, Davos, Cersei, Sansa, Arya, Victarion, and Tyrion are all locks.

“Sooner or later, they will have to deal with Rhaegar and Lyanna and the Mad King.”

:O Yes!

He acknowledges the practical aspects of the adaptation, and that showing prophecies may cause issues down the road if a character or part of a storyline has to be moved or changed. That isn’t an issue for George when writing a book but it is on a TV show.

I figured as much. I'm honestly not bothered by the exclusion of the prophecies. It's a little impractical for a TV show.


Can someone recommend a cool ASoIaF / Game of Thrones t-shirt?

Preferably it should have:
NO sports team themes
NO logos or copyright notices
NO words other than subtle references to the show ("Winter is Coming" and the like would be acceptable, but I do not want it to have character names or the words "Game of Thrones")
NO corny jokes or puns

Here are some designs I've liked so far:




Bolded are my bets. Basically a Greyjoy massacre. Plus, I doubt Areo will die yet, but I don't think he'll be used as long as Arianne and he are both in Dorne.

We already know that Arianne is leaving Dorne early in TWOW (as said in late ADWD). Question is how important is it going to be to have insight into Doran's action, except for his reaction to his son's what's-his-face death.

Wh0 N0se

Arianne Martell - Can't see her dying straight away if she does,
she's got to go meet Jon C and (Maybe) Aegon
, but after that I can't really see what her story will be, perhaps to stay with Aegon and continue his story?
Barristan Selmy - Whilst Dany is away he may continue the Meereen story but once she's back there's no need for a POV from him, while I'd like him to stay alive there's probably just as much chance of him dying.
Bran Stark - Bran won't die in this book, I'd be very surprised if he did.
Jon Snow - We may not see Jon at the start, although it's possible we see him as Ghost but I don't think I'd like that.
Samwell Tarly - Sam is placed in the Citadel, we may get to see him learning and finding out about Jaqen and the maesters plans.
Areo Hotah - Most likely to not be a POV, Doran's gout makes it an easy way to kill Doran and then have Areo leave the story, most likely by death.
Daenerys Targeryen - Probably won't die in this book, although there are a few who would like that!!
Davos Seaworth - We kinda know that we'll probably see him, as GRRM said that he was going to write bit more Osha because of Natalia Tena's performance in the show, plus it would be completely pointless to have the North Remembers storyline and have nothing come of it. Once we find out what has happened to Rickon and maybe Davos brings him back that will probably be the end of Davos much as I like him.
Jaime Lannister - Jaime is in a precarious position, he could die by Lady Stoneheart but it's just as likely that he could escape, he's probably more of an important character than Brienne of Tarth so she may be the POV we lose there
Sansa Stark - Can't wait to see Sansa's POV's, can't see her dying.
Arya Stark - Arya will be fine as well, although her story is a little too removed from the plot at the moment, so hopefully she can come back to Westeros and get involved.
Theon Greyjoy - I hope Theon doesn't die, but it's more than likely that he will die before the end of the series, I don't see him dying early in TWOW though.
Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy - If Aeron doesn't die then he's got some big role left in the story. I hate his chapters and hopefully once he reveals the "Secret" with the screeching hinges then we can end his story with a death!
Victarion Greyjoy - He's an idiot but so badass, once he wins the battle I imagine him to try to control the dragons. I can see him dying but maybe he will bring Dany back to Westeros before he does.
Asha Greyjoy - I like Asha in the books but her POV probably isn't needed with Theon there, if Theon dies then she won't because we'll need her POV to show Stannis and his conquest. If Theon doesn't die then perhaps she'll die in the battle for Winterfell.
Cersei Lannister - Likely to die at some point in the books, maybe not so early on in TWOW though, but she's in a weak position at the moment with her trial coming up.
Tyrion Lannister - Tyrion very unlikely to die this book, he's going to be a big help to Dany, but knowing her she'll probably kill him and complain about the Usurpers dogs!
Jon Connington - Destined to die,
with Arianne coming to meet up it's likely that she'll continue that story.
Melisandre - Positioned to Revive Jon and realise that he's Azor Ahai, her POV won't be needed unless GRRM decides that Azor Ahai should not have a POV and she continues it from hers. Can't see her dying this book though.

That's my view on the POV's, probably completely wrong and there's probably a lot of incorrect info in there but that's my rough guess!

Going through that made me remember a couple of things I wanted to ask:
If there was another RW event, what characters would cause you the most pain if they died? I imiagine Tyrion and Arya dying in the same chapter would piss a lot of people off but are there any characters where they are within reach of each other and it could happen to them? I.E. If you like Asha, Tyrion and Stannis or something like that.

My other question is Who told Areo/Doran about Ariannes Myrcella plot? Was it Darkstar or someone else? I can't remember anywhere where it states it other than 'Someone always tells'


Gold Member
My bets:

Well, Jon Connington is dead man walking. Also the Targ prince he was protecting (was it Aegon?) is good as dead too. Barristan Selmy will probably punch his ticket momentarily. I think Aeron could go soon, and I think Victarion is probably dead... but possibly later rather than sooner. I think the plot with Euron/Dany/Victarion is going to go for longer. Sucks too cause I really like Victarion lol. But anyway, won't be surprised at all if these guys get killed.

I would put Davos, Arienne, Asha, Melisandre, Theo, and Areo in the second Tier of likely deaths. Would be a little suprised to see them go, but not shocked.

And the usual suspects of Jon, Dany, Bran, Arya, Sansa, Jaime, Cersie, Tyrion & co aren't going anywhere till the last book. I do think some of these character will die, but not till the end.

Specifically for WoW I would guess Jon Connington, Barristan Selmy, Targ Prince (Aegon?), and one member of the Greyjoy family all kick the bucket.


GRRM sends all his manuscripts and papers to some college (forget which one) so you could always go there to see early drafts and how it all came together, etc.

Edit: it's Texas A&M


Can't wait to read all those manuscripts and drafts after the series is over.

2000 page Storm of Swords here I come. More food descriptions for everybody!


More detailed breakdown of the POVs and why I would bet on some dying and not others. I look forward to seeing how hilariously wrong I am.

Arianne Martell - If Arianne dies, it basically renders the hundreds of pages we've spent on Dornish characters useless. Quentyn in particular is a trivial story unless Dornish anger over his death becomes a major plot point once Dany arrives. There's something bigger intended for her.
Barristan Selmy - The fact that he wasn't a POV at all in the initial draft of the story doesn't bode well for him. It suggests he's more a storytelling device than someone with a larger destiny. He's also one of the only popular characters who is expendable right now, since most of the others seem to be developing stories of their own, so if Martin wants some tragedy, here's the way to go. I'd probably rank him as the most likely death.
Bran Stark - Bran has a lot of mysteries to resolve and obviously has some larger role to play to justify his continued presence in the story. He could potentially die late in the book once he's served Bloodraven's purposes, so I would say he's the most likely Stark death, but that's not saying much.
Jon Snow - Jon is coming back one way or another, but depending on how much work needs to be done to revive him, he could spend most or all of this book in limbo and only be revived for the final volume. Or he could be only wounded and get back into things quickly. Hard to say.
Samwell Tarly - Sam has a lot to uncover in the Citadel and is our eye on whatever Jaqen is up to. Think he probably has a larger role to play.
Areo Hotah - Useless character right now, but hard to come up with a scenario for his death. Would require someone making an attempt on Doran's life from inside Sunspear. I mean, Cersei supposedly attempted an assassination on Trystane, but she doesn't seem to hold the power to pull that off anymore, and even then the plot seemed designed to give her and Doran common cause, probably to use him as a check against Tyrell ambitions, so I doubt she'd go for Doran himself. Maybe the Tyrells could instigated it if the Dornish gain too much influence in Kings Landing. Or maybe Darkstar will come back and kill him to prove he is of the night? I think he'll be written out for the time being, but probably not killed.
Daenerys Targeryen - I would bet on Dany dying by the end, but not until the very end. She still has a lot to do before her story's done. No way she dies by the end of this book.
Davos Seaworth - Once Davos brings back Rickon, he's expendable, so he's a definite possibility. Davos is the one really decent character we have, so he's useful if you want to turn someone into a monster by having them kill him. His fate seems intertwined with the Greyjoys at this point, if Asha and Theon either die or are sent away, he becomes necessary as the narrator to Stannis' plot again. And really, as Stannis morphs into the hero of the North, having a narrator who's emotionally invested in him, like Catelyn was while narrating Robb, is probably more useful than turning the role over to a cynical Greyjoy. So Davos is expendable, but I'd still bet on him living, with the Greyjoys either dying or branching off into their own plot.
Jaime Lannister - Jaime is in trouble, but I can't see Brienne allowing him to die without completely betraying all the character development that's happened to the two of them. I think she's got some kind of plan to get all of her people, Jaime included, away from Catelyn.
Brienne of Tarth Brienne is the more likely death of the two. Her sacrificing herself to save Jaime, and Jaime taking whatever lesson from that that he will fits better with both characters arcs than Brienne sacrificing Jaime to save her companions. But both surviving also works, so I'd put Brienne as only a slight favorite to die.
Sansa Stark - Sansa is our eye on Littlefinger and most likely has a larger role for herself. Can't see her dying.
Arya Stark - Arya's work as an assassin has to come to some plot relevance before she can go. She may die by the end of the series if she becomes too consumed by violence, but for now she's safe.
Theon Greyjoy - Theon is a tough call. It seems like he has to die eventually, as he's really beyond salvation, but at the same time his character arc, the most interesting in the series for my money, would feel incomplete given where Theon is at right now.
Winds sets up pretty clearly that both Stannis and Bran need Theon dead, Stannis for politics and Bran for some sort of magic, but I think we need some kind of watershed moment for Theon's character before his plot would feel emotionally resolved. Still, money's on Theon not making it through the book.
Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy - Aeron is our eye on Euron, but seems to be actively conspiring against Euron, too. Given the importance Euron seems to have to the plot and the power he seems to wield, I think its unlikely his schemes will succeed. I think its way more likely Euron kills him and in doing so shows us a bit more of what he's capable of and what his long term plan is. Damphair's a goner.
Victarion Greyjoy - Vic is being played by like 3 different people at once. If Moqorro doesn't throw him under the bus at some point, Euron will finish the job. Dead.
Asha Greyjoy - Asha doesn't make much sense as a character if she isn't building towards something. If she was just a one-off to make Theon jealous of the respect that the ironborn afforded her and not him, then her purpose was served long ago, and there was no need to bring her back in Dance. The Kingsmoot set her up as the one level headed Greyjoy, so I think she could be moving towards a more prominent role. My bet would be that Stannis sends her (with a force of his men, to keep her loyal) to take the Isles in his name, and she becomes our eyes into Euron's later game in the course of that mission.
Cersei Lannister - A goner in the long run, just a matter of how soon. Possible she could die towards the end of Winds, but book 7 more likely, given the number of events that need to happen (Tommen and Myrcella dying) beforehand.
Tyrion Lannister - Tyrion has a lot to do. Maybe his ambition will kill him in the end, but I doubt it, and there's no way it happens anytime soon even if he is doomed to die.
Jon Connington - Connington's eventual death is already established. All that really needs to happen is an alternate narrator for Aegon entering the scene and then he'll most likely be removed. Alternatively, he could make it all the way until whenever Aegon himself is defeated, which I doubt will be until the last book, so he maybe has some time, but his odds aren't good.
Melisandre - Can't see her biting the dust soon. If Jon's revival is to be a long process, I think she's going to be the narrator for that story, and could potentially evolve a lot as a character in doing so as she becomes more and more connected with Jon and loses her faith in Stannis in doing so. Then she'd be free to die once that's completed. Or she could give up on Jon and return to Stannis, in which case I figure she ceases to be a POV and then dies whenever events bring Stannis' claim to an end. Either way, if she's to die, it doesn't seem like it'd be til late.


I can't remember anyone specifically, but has anyone died that actually has caused say, a hundred pages of book to be wasted?

Because if GRRM wanted to be funny he could do that. Character development for 100 pages, but it's realistic, life's tough, he died when a random bandit stabbed him, sorry readers.


I can't remember anyone specifically, but has anyone died that actually has caused say, a hundred pages of book to be wasted?

Because if GRRM wanted to be funny he could do that. Character development for 100 pages, but it's realistic, life's tough, he died when a random bandit stabbed him, sorry readers.

I was writing a fantasy parody one time and I introduced a Glorfindel like character who rescued the heroes. After saving them, I then wrote a long chapter introducing his backstory, the great battles he won, the honors, the glories, and you got a feeling he was going to be a hugely helpful guy.

Then an arrow killed him in the first line of the next chapter.

Best part: you later learn that it was the most idiotic member of the enemy archers, literally mentally handicapped, who just got lucky.

Wh0 N0se

I can't remember anyone specifically, but has anyone died that actually has caused say, a hundred pages of book to be wasted?

Because if GRRM wanted to be funny he could do that. Character development for 100 pages, but it's realistic, life's tough, he died when a random bandit stabbed him, sorry readers.

I was writing a fantasy parody one time and I introduced a Glorfindel like character who rescued the heroes. After saving them, I then wrote a long chapter introducing his backstory, the great battles he won, the honors, the glories, and you got a feeling he was going to be a hugely helpful guy.

Then an arrow killed him in the first line of the next chapter.

Best part: you later learn that it was the most idiotic member of the enemy archers, literally mentally handicapped, who just got lucky.

Haha, would be funny, but GRRM struggles enough to fit everything into one book at the moment, so I would say that I definitely wouldn't want him to do that.
*In before 'Quentyn was a waste*


Arianne Martell - Can't see her dying straight away if she does,
she's got to go meet Jon C and (Maybe) Aegon
, but after that I can't really see what her story will be, perhaps to stay with Aegon and continue his story?
Barristan Selmy - Whilst Dany is away he may continue the Meereen story but once she's back there's no need for a POV from him, while I'd like him to stay alive there's probably just as much chance of him dying.
Bran Stark - Bran won't die in this book, I'd be very surprised if he did.
Jon Snow - We may not see Jon at the start, although it's possible we see him as Ghost but I don't think I'd like that.
Samwell Tarly - Sam is placed in the Citadel, we may get to see him learning and finding out about Jaqen and the maesters plans.
Areo Hotah - Most likely to not be a POV, Doran's gout makes it an easy way to kill Doran and then have Areo leave the story, most likely by death.
Daenerys Targeryen - Probably won't die in this book, although there are a few who would like that!!
Davos Seaworth - We kinda know that we'll probably see him, as GRRM said that he was going to write bit more Osha because of Natalia Tena's performance in the show, plus it would be completely pointless to have the North Remembers storyline and have nothing come of it. Once we find out what has happened to Rickon and maybe Davos brings him back that will probably be the end of Davos much as I like him.
Jaime Lannister - Jaime is in a precarious position, he could die by Lady Stoneheart but it's just as likely that he could escape, he's probably more of an important character than Brienne of Tarth so she may be the POV we lose there
Sansa Stark - Can't wait to see Sansa's POV's, can't see her dying.
Arya Stark - Arya will be fine as well, although her story is a little too removed from the plot at the moment, so hopefully she can come back to Westeros and get involved.
Theon Greyjoy - I hope Theon doesn't die, but it's more than likely that he will die before the end of the series, I don't see him dying early in TWOW though.
Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy - If Aeron doesn't die then he's got some big role left in the story. I hate his chapters and hopefully once he reveals the "Secret" with the screeching hinges then we can end his story with a death!
Victarion Greyjoy - He's an idiot but so badass, once he wins the battle I imagine him to try to control the dragons. I can see him dying but maybe he will bring Dany back to Westeros before he does.
Asha Greyjoy - I like Asha in the books but her POV probably isn't needed with Theon there, if Theon dies then she won't because we'll need her POV to show Stannis and his conquest. If Theon doesn't die then perhaps she'll die in the battle for Winterfell.
Cersei Lannister - Likely to die at some point in the books, maybe not so early on in TWOW though, but she's in a weak position at the moment with her trial coming up.
Tyrion Lannister - Tyrion very unlikely to die this book, he's going to be a big help to Dany, but knowing her she'll probably kill him and complain about the Usurpers dogs!
Jon Connington - Destined to die,
with Arianne coming to meet up it's likely that she'll continue that story.
Melisandre - Positioned to Revive Jon and realise that he's Azor Ahai, her POV won't be needed unless GRRM decides that Azor Ahai should not have a POV and she continues it from hers. Can't see her dying this book though.

That's my view on the POV's, probably completely wrong and there's probably a lot of incorrect info in there but that's my rough guess!

Going through that made me remember a couple of things I wanted to ask:
If there was another RW event, what characters would cause you the most pain if they died? I imiagine Tyrion and Arya dying in the same chapter would piss a lot of people off but are there any characters where they are within reach of each other and it could happen to them? I.E. If you like Asha, Tyrion and Stannis or something like that.

My other question is Who told Areo/Doran about Ariannes Myrcella plot? Was it Darkstar or someone else? I can't remember anywhere where it states it other than 'Someone always tells'

Keep in mind that GRRM stated that Winds is going to have a PoV in Casterly Rock and Highgarden. So if no new PoV's really arent going to be added, then some characters are going to get moved around. My personal prediction is that Cersei is going to leave KL and return to Casterly Rock and the KL stuff will be covered through the Dornish/Aegon plot.

I have no idea for Highgarden though.


If I had to guess, highgarden POV would be Connington trying to drum up support for Aegon and he figured Highgarden would be pretty safe since the Tyrells were loyal to the end of the Targaryans.
If I had to guess, highgarden POV would be Connington trying to drum up support for Aegon and he figured Highgarden would be pretty safe since the Tyrells were loyal to the end of the Targaryans.

Yeah, but haven't the Tyrells and Martells always been enemies to some extent? I feel like him strolling into Highgarden and saying "here's Elia's boy, he's your new king" might be a little bit questionable.


Yeah, but haven't the Tyrells and Martells always been enemies to some extent? I feel like him strolling into Highgarden and saying "here's Elia's boy, he's your new king" might be a little bit questionable.

As long as Tommen is alive and Cersei marginalized, they have no reason to look elsewhere for a king. Mace is Hand and Margaery could pretty much control Tommen, what more could they want? It'd take some big events to put the Tyrells on Team Aegon.


Keep in mind that GRRM stated that Winds is going to have a PoV in Casterly Rock and Highgarden. So if no new PoV's really arent going to be added, then some characters are going to get moved around. My personal prediction is that Cersei is going to leave KL and return to Casterly Rock and the KL stuff will be covered through the Dornish/Aegon plot.

I have no idea for Highgarden though.

Fuck that, Dany is finally going to get her off her ass and go all blood and fire to westeros. The Casterly Rock PV will be Tyrion who will be assisting the invasion since it's been highlighted for ages that he knows the CR drains from inside out.


As long as Tommen is alive and Cersei marginalized, they have no reason to look elsewhere for a king. Mace is Hand and Margaery could pretty much control Tommen, what more could they want? It'd take some big events to put the Tyrells on Team Aegon.

Possibly Tommen dying as per the prophecy? Although I don't know who would want to kill the kid.


Neo Member
The ironic thing about Cersei is that due to her hiding the fact the Joffery, Mycella, and Tommen are children of incest, if the prophecy is true she is likely dooming them. The implication is that before they die they will all be crowned. And if they were reveled to not be Robert Baratheon's children, they would of course not become Kings/Queen, and would likely survive.

Clearly, either Cersei doesn't realize this or all she really cares about is accumulating power for herself.

I don't know how Tommen will die. Perhaps sickness through some plague that has been hinted at. But I bet it will have something to do with a decision that Cersei either made in the past, or will in the future. When Tommen dies it will not necessarily destroy the Lannister-Tyrell alliance, after all, Willis Tyrell could marry Myrcella. But at that point a "virgin-innocence proven" Maergery-Aegon marriage could be more attractive to the Tyrells. But let's see if Arianne Martell doesn't get there first.


So not worth it
Cersei's fate was sealed the second she heard the prophecy from Maggy the Frog when she was young. Pretty much everything she did after hearing it was as a response to make it happen or to avoid it (later on).
Cersei's fate was sealed the second she heard the prophecy from Maggy the Frog when she was young. Pretty much everything she did after hearing it was as a response to make it happen or to avoid it (later on).
Why did GRRM have to inflict this awful plot device known as Maggie the Frog on us?
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