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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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The ironic thing about Cersei is that due to her hiding the fact the Joffery, Mycella, and Tommen are children of incest, if the prophecy is true she is likely dooming them. The implication is that before they die they will all be crowned. And if they were reveled to not be Robert Baratheon's children, they would of course not become Kings/Queen, and would likely survive.

Clearly, either Cersei doesn't realize this or all she really cares about is accumulating power for herself.

I don't know how Tommen will die. Perhaps sickness through some plague that has been hinted at. But I bet it will have something to do with a decision that Cersei either made in the past, or will in the future. When Tommen dies it will not necessarily destroy the Lannister-Tyrell alliance, after all, Willis Tyrell could marry Myrcella. But at that point a "virgin-innocence proven" Maergery-Aegon marriage could be more attractive to the Tyrells. But let's see if Arianne Martell doesn't get there first.

They would have to somehow get Myrcella away from the Dornish to pursue a marriage alliance through her. An Aegon-Margaery or Aegon-Arianne alliance would be interesting. I imagine Connington would be against it and want him to wait for Dany, but Aegon is cocky enough that if he has a good battle or two he could start to believe that he doesn't need her and the dragons anymore. (For the record, I know he could claim a polygamous marriage with one of those two and Dany, but it seems like it would be considered insulting to marry the outsider before you marry your Targaryen wife)

If Tommen dies, Dorne would get interesting. They would have to choose between declaring for their supposed cousin, Aegon, and fulfilling Doran's goal of destroying Tywin's legacy by killing his last viable heir in Myrcella, or they could declare Myrcella queen, marry her to Trystane and declare him king, and make Doran his regent, giving then direct control and their son on the throne. It seems like Doran, given his hatred of the Lannisters and grief over his sister would be for the former, while Arianne would be for the latter given her seeming fondness for Myrcella.
Also, Winds spoilers seem to indicate that Arianne is pretty suspicious of Aegon.


Neo Member
Ah I forgot about Trystane. The South is much more complicated than the North right now. The Dornish movements in light of ADWD and Quentyn's death, the possibility that some of Mace's bannermen might betray him (my guess is Tarly & Hightower), the High Septon, Aegon going after Storm's End, Cersei's trial and what will she do in the aftermath of Kevan's death, and who knows what Euron is up to.

I wonder what Littlefinger will think of these developments. He plans on marrying Sansa the Harry the heiri, but Aegon would be attractive proposition. Of course if he knows/when he finds out about this all being Vary's plan he might work against Aegon instead.


So not worth it
What if Tommen isn't murdered, but dies of dissease or by falling down a flight of stairs chasing one of his kittens?

I don't see anyone plotting to murder him in any case, so for him to die it would need to be either an impulsive killing by Cersei out of paranoia or a natural/accidental death.

Wh0 N0se

Anybody seen how Aegon conquered Westeros? There's a piece on it on the Westeros Citadel thing.

My favourite bit is this
'She told her to leave and return at her peril. Rhaenys warned that if she left, she would return with fire and blood. Mirram answered with words of House Martell.'
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

I love this! It now goes alongside my favourite house words, the Lannisters 'Hear me roar!'

Any other awesome House words? You know, other than 'Winter is coming'

(Here's the post for anyone who wants it, don't think it's been posted but I may be wrong - http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Month/2012/09/)


Anybody seen how Aegon conquered Westeros? There's a piece on it on the Westeros Citadel thing.

My favourite bit is this
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

I love this! It now goes alongside my favourite house words, the Lannisters 'Hear me roar!'

Any other awesome House words? You know, other than 'Winter is coming'

(Here's the post for anyone who wants it, don't think it's been posted but I may be wrong - http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Month/2012/09/)

There are tons of awesome house words. Here is the list of all we know so far: http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/Heraldry/Mottoes/

I like House Plumm's motto, which is essentially the Westeros version of, "Come at me, bro!"


100 bucks on Big Bucket Wull, that he's gonna slay Roose or Ramsay.

"Winter is almost upon us, boy. And winter is death. I would sooner my men die fighting for the Ned’s little girl than alone and hungry in the snow, weeping tears that freeze upon their cheeks. No one sings songs of men who die like that. As for me, I am old. This will be my last winter. Let me bathe in Bolton blood before I die. I want to feel it spatter across my face when my axe bites deep into a Bolton skull. I want to lick it off my lips and die with the taste of it on my tongue."

He is awesome.
Anybody seen how Aegon conquered Westeros? There's a piece on it on the Westeros Citadel thing.

My favourite bit is this
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

I love this! It now goes alongside my favourite house words, the Lannisters 'Hear me roar!'

Any other awesome House words? You know, other than 'Winter is coming'

(Here's the post for anyone who wants it, don't think it's been posted but I may be wrong - http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Month/2012/09/)

The Martells and Greyjoys easily have the two best mottoes of the major houses. We Do Not Sow.


I think I liked the first two Hunger Games books...and I liked part of how the last one ended. I just didn't really like what the author did with Katniss and a lot of the characters in the third book. =/
What say you guys, re-read ASOIF or read The Hunger Games?

Are you just generally looking for other stuff to read as well? I read The Black Company after ASOIAF and I really liked it. It was really different though. I want to check out Malazan at some point. Other stuff i'd recommend...The Dark Tower, Mistborn, The Stormlight Archive, Hyperion, Dune, The First Law, The Witcher books, Conan, Dragonriders of Pern, Gormenghast, The Forever War, The Windup girl, Perdido Street Station
Anybody seen how Aegon conquered Westeros? There's a piece on it on the Westeros Citadel thing.

My favourite bit is this
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

I love this! It now goes alongside my favourite house words, the Lannisters 'Hear me roar!'

Any other awesome House words? You know, other than 'Winter is coming'

(Here's the post for anyone who wants it, don't think it's been posted but I may be wrong - http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Month/2012/09/)

I love "we do not sow"


*In before 'Quentyn was a waste*

Quentyn wasn't a waste for me because he really nailed it why I hope Dany dies a horrible worse than red wedding death and that her dragons are taken for her leaving her a beggar queen or some khal's whore before she dies.

I root for crazy fucking cersei/Joff more than her.
I think I liked the first two Hunger Games books...and I liked part of how the last one ended. I just didn't really like what the author did with Katniss and a lot of the characters in the third book. =/

Yeah I'm kind of on the same page, really enjoyed the first two, didn't like the last one.

Wh0 N0se

Quentyn wasn't a waste for me because he really nailed it why I hope Dany dies a horrible worse than red wedding death and that her dragons are taken for her leaving her a beggar queen or some khal's whore before she dies.

I root for crazy fucking cersei/Joff more than her.

I don't think he was a waste either but I know that there are plenty of people who are/were disappointed with his story in ADWD.

Is that going to be in the The World of Ice and Fire? If yes then I'm not going to read it now.

EDIT: (Slightly misread your post)
I think it will be in the World book but from reading it it's not 100% definite, if anyone can confirm it then that'd be helpful. I haven't watched the video in the description so the answer may be in there.
Gotten a little further into AFFC again, and it got me thinking about the Many Faced God. Could it be possible that the Many Faced God is the same "Great Other" that Melisandre spoke of? "He who must not be named?" When the kindly man describes him to Arya, he says,

The Kindly Man said:
“Seven? No. He has faces beyond count, little one, as many faces as there are stars in the sky. In Braavos, men worship as they will . . . but at the end of every road stands Him of Many Faces, waiting. He will be there for you one day, do not fear. You need not rush to his embrace.”

Syrio Forel makes a similar statement, that there is only one God - The God of Death. Jaqen H'ghar worships the same god of Many Faces, but also acknowledges the existence of R'hllor.

Melisandra describes him as such in A Storm of Swords:

Melisandre said:
“The war,” she affirmed. “There are two, Onion Knight. Not seven, not one, not a hundred or a thousand. Two! Do you think I crossed half the world to put yet another vain king on yet another empty throne? The war has been waged since time began, and before it is done, all men must choose where they will stand. On one side is R’hllor, the Lord of Light, the Heart of Fire, the God of Flame and Shadow. Against him stands the Great Other whose name may not be spoken, the Lord of Darkness, the Soul of Ice, the God of Night and Terror. Ours is not a choice between Baratheon and Lannister, between Greyjoy and Stark. It is death we choose, or life. Darkness, or light.”

The "priests" in the temple of Black and White give the gift of death to those who enter. The Faceless Men give the gift of death to any who can pay the appropriate price. This obviously stands in stark contrast to the followers of R'hllor, who give the gift of life to their followers. Followers of both faiths have the ability to see through deceptions, and to cast basic illusion charms on appearance (as we see with the Mance/Lord of Bones swap and the face-swapping of Jaqen, the Kindly Man, and Arya).

So my guess is that the God of Many Faces is in fact the Lord of Darkness, the God of Night, the God of Death that Melisandre believes is orchestrating the destruction of mankind. The various incarnations of the God of Death in religions around the known world (The Black Goat, the Lion of Night, the Stranger) are temples to him, hiding in plain sight. And while she focuses all of her attention to the obvious and open hostilities in the North, the Faceless Men in the meantime have murdered Balon Greyjoy (replaced with Euron, a man whom Moqorro the Red Priest described as "A tall and twisted thing with one black eye and ten long arms, sailing on a sea of blood") and infiltrated the Oldtown Citadel, seemingly with great interest in Archmaester Marwyn's interpretation of the Azor Ahai prophecy.

All of this points to a time down the road where Arya is going to be asked to kill one of the three heads of the dragon, mark my words.

Quentyn wasn't a waste for me because he really nailed it why I hope Dany dies a horrible worse than red wedding death and that her dragons are taken for her leaving her a beggar queen or some khal's whore before she dies.

I root for crazy fucking cersei/Joff more than her.

It really is funny that Dany finally had an out to gain a foothold in Westeros, which was geographically secure (due to the mountains in the North) and would have given her a Lannister princess as a hostage, and she turned it down. FFS.

Of course, all of this could have gone much smoother if Varys, Illyrio, and Doran Martell had told any of their plans to Viserys and Dany when they were growing up. Puppetmaster fail.


Quentyn wasn't a waste for me because he really nailed it why I hope Dany dies a horrible worse than red wedding death and that her dragons are taken for her leaving her a beggar queen or some khal's whore before she dies.

I root for crazy fucking cersei/Joff more than her.

I will never understand this line of thought about Dany.

Are you just generally looking for other stuff to read as well? I read The Black Company after ASOIAF and I really liked it. It was really different though. I want to check out Malazan at some point. Other stuff i'd recommend...The Dark Tower, Mistborn, The Stormlight Archive, Hyperion, Dune, The First Law, The Witcher books, Conan, Dragonriders of Pern, Gormenghast, The Forever War, The Windup girl, Perdido Street Station

Well I've had the books on my iPad for awhile so was curious as to how they were. I've generally heard good things.


It really is funny that Dany finally had an out to gain a foothold in Westeros, which was geographically secure (due to the mountains in the North) and would have given her a Lannister princess as a hostage, and she turned it down. FFS.

As if she could have just dropped everything and go. After changing Meereen around so much and then promising her hand in marriage, she is just going to say "Lol no thanks" and then leave? The people of Meereen would tear her apart. And if not that, then news of her actions would spread to the point where no one in Westeros would trust her. Not to mention that it'd go against her character in that she is there in Meereen out of compassion rather than for a military advantage.

I will never understand this line of thought about Dany.
Don't bother trying to. It doesn't make any sense.

Wh0 N0se

stannis is gunna become King in the North or get close and Aryas gonnna kill him and put Rikkon on there or Jon

Jon Stark and Val - King of the North!!!!

Seriously though, when he said no to that I was REALLY annoyed at him, stupid Stark honour!! It ruins everything!
ShoNuff82 said:
All of this points to a time down the road where Arya is going to be asked to kill one of the three heads of the dragon, mark my words.

I agree with your assessment, and that's why I believe she's going to be asked to kill Jon. It will be the true test to see if she really is "no one" or if she is still Arya of House Stark.

I want bolton's words.

"wearing you for a cloak"

I thought theirs was "Guess where we stand on circumcision?"


So not worth it
I wish GRRM would just write the damn main story. Sure it's great to read all the backstory, but write that stuff AFTER you finish the last book. This waiting kills me and all these sideprojects he does only increases his writing time that much more. Before you know it another 5 years are gone. besides, all these distractions can't really be helping with the flow of the book either.

Maybe that's just me. But I'd just love for him to just get on with the next two books. I guess it's a compliment to GRRM's writing. Still though...


I wish GRRM would just write the damn main story. Sure it's great to read all the backstory, but write that stuff AFTER you finish the last book. This waiting kills me and all these sideprojects he does only increases his writing time that much more. Before you know it another 5 years are gone. besides, all these distractions can't really be helping with the flow of the book either.

Maybe that's just me. But I'd just love for him to just get on with the next two books. I guess it's a compliment to GRRM's writing. Still though...



I wish GRRM would just write the damn main story. Sure it's great to read all the backstory, but write that stuff AFTER you finish the last book. This waiting kills me and all these sideprojects he does only increases his writing time that much more. Before you know it another 5 years are gone. besides, all these distractions can't really be helping with the flow of the book either.

Maybe that's just me. But I'd just love for him to just get on with the next two books. I guess it's a compliment to GRRM's writing. Still though...

naw man youre prob wrong about that. If he didnt finish his side projects he wuld just be distracted thinkging baout how he would rather be doing the sideprojects so naw ti prob doesent effect the overall wait between book or the quality of the righting


I agree with your assessment, and that's why I believe she's going to be asked to kill Jon. It will be the true test to see if she really is "no one" or if she is still Arya of House Stark.

I think Arya will be asked to kill Lady Stoneheart. It will be a test to see if she is still holding on to Arya Stark and will fulfill the whole "All men must die" thing.


Everyone keeps saying Arya will kill all these people she knows. I thought the faceless men can't kill anyone they know. Wasn't that why all those men on the boat she took to Bravvos kept saying their name to her?
Everyone keeps saying Arya will kill all these people she knows. I thought the faceless men can't kill anyone they know. Wasn't that why all those men on the boat she took to Bravvos kept saying their name to her?

Ah, I forgot that little tidbit. Okay then.
Well Arya doesn't know that she knows Lady Stoneheart. As far as she knows her mother is dead.

Same with Jon, when he comes back and looks all different because Melisandre changed what he looks like or some shit, like Mance/Bonesey.
She's gonna kill Jon thinking it was someone else, and be all "awwww shiiiiiiit"


So not worth it
Actually, the only reason Catelyn looks different now is because she was dead for 3 days in the river. There's a good chance Jon will be revived in time so his look won't have changed that much.

His personality however? I'm gonna take a guess and say they will put into motion their plan to make him King in the North, now that he's free of his vow and duties as Lord Commander and all. But he's either gonna be a ruthless bastard, or he's gonna be pretty much the same.

Alternatively, he could have moved his soul into Ghost and ressurected Jon is just a soulless pawn of Mellisandre.
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