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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Different stokes.

I like Essos stuff because it's more varied than Westeros in culture and history. Some of the stuff happening there is dull, but the world itself is not.

Well yeah, Westeros is mainly medieval England with some vikings. And with Essos, it's everything else from ancient history renamed. Count me in as one of those guys that don't care at all about his history book. If I wanted interesting history, I look up actual history. I read the series for the characters but at this point I don't expect him to finish it anytime soon so I aint even mad.


I'm looking forward to the history book.

Hopefully it fleshes out Essos a bit more. At the moment Essos is, well, shit.

I really liked Braavos, Qarth and Volantis. The problem is not the setting per se, but rather that there are really few compelling characters in Essos and that the plotlines advance little there. But the locales theirselves are really fleshed out, I loved the crazy mixture of Rome and Thailand with a dash of proto - democracy that was Volantis. I really hope that these lands gets somehow dragged into the Westeros conflict for a Great War type of conflict.
I liked Barriston and the Martell POVs in Dance, but most of Dany's chapters were average at best. Lots of political machinations I just couldn't care about, and a puzzling level of obliviousness on her part in terms of occupying a city and throwing their customs out the window (not expecting blow back).

I also really liked Tyrion's chapters.


I liked Barriston and the Martell POVs in Dance, but most of Dany's chapters were average at best. Lots of political machinations I just couldn't care about, and a puzzling level of obliviousness on her part in terms of occupying a city and throwing their customs out the window (not expecting blow back).

Seems like believable behavior of a 16 year old girl with a sense of entitlement because she's from royal blood and has command of 3 dragons.

Chris R

Friend got into the books after I let him borrow the first season of the TV show. Didn't realize how late into ASOS the RW really was (he is ~200 pages away, so I'm expecting a call sometime this week telling me I'm a bastard and that he hates my guts).


i know several people who are watching the show and have never read the books. i cant wait until the red wedding episode.

I can't wait for the red viper/mountain fight after the red wedding. People might quit the show after seeing both events ... assuming they'll both be in the same season.
I can't wait for the red viper/mountain fight after the red wedding. People might quit the show after seeing both events ... assuming they'll both be in the same season.

good point, that should also be great. especially if whoever plays the red viper does a good job.

i have only read the books once, but i am considering a reread. i was trying to hold off until we have a firm date on the winds of winter, but recently i have been really tempted. the more i think about the series the more i feel like i was blinded by stark love and lannister hatred and i think i would get more out of them on a reread, knowing what i do now.


I can't wait for the red viper/mountain fight after the red wedding. People might quit the show after seeing both events ... assuming they'll both be in the same season.

I think that part will be in season four along with Joffrey's wedding.


good point, that should also be great. especially if whoever plays the red viper does a good job.

i have only read the books once, but i am considering a reread. i was trying to hold off until we have a firm date on the winds of winter, but recently i have been really tempted. the more i think about the series the more i feel like i was blinded by stark love and lannister hatred and i think i would get more out of them on a reread, knowing what i do now.

Yeah I'm considering it also. I mostly want to get more glimpses into Ned's perspective in book 1 to see if I understand him/his dreams better.

Also the details between the show and the book are getting kind of blurry, it'd be nice to be reminded of small details I may have forgotten since the show came out.


I need to do a re-read soon too. I think I may have glossed over some of the history sections, which I know are more important than I initially made them out to be.
Yeah I'm considering it also. I mostly want to get more glimpses into Ned's perspective in book 1 to see if I understand him/his dreams better.

Also the details between the show and the book are getting kind of blurry, it'd be nice to be reminded of small details I may have forgotten since the show came out.

i just finished watching the show a few hours ago. some of the grander scenes from the book (blackwater, house of the undying) are pretty weak in the show. arya is consistently awesome though, which helps.

i also just think that knowing what i know now, i might notice different things in the books.


some of the grander scenes from the book (blackwater, house of the undying) are pretty weak in the show.
I thought they did a good job with Blackwater on the show. I've read ACoK a few times now, but I still tend to run through the House of the Undying chapter without getting that worked up.

Wh0 N0se

I thought they did a good job with Blackwater on the show. I've read ACoK a few times now, but I still tend to run through the House of the Undying chapter without getting that worked up.

Yeah I thought the shows Blackwater episode was pretty damn good for the budget they had, they can't do everything and it got the main storyline into the actual episode.

I was disappointed with the House of the Undying but I've only actually read that chapter once so the re-read may make it seem like they missed a lot from the actual book chapter.


i know several people who are watching the show and have never read the books. i cant wait until the red wedding episode.
it will be glorious
I can't wait for the red viper/mountain fight after the red wedding. People might quit the show after seeing both events ... assuming they'll both be in the same season.
why the fuck does everyone like that guy? he didn't do shit until the whole fight part (where he got his ass kicked and only "won" (well more of a draw) due to poison), his popularity is so puzzling to me
I thought they did a good job with Blackwater on the show. I've read ACoK a few times now, but I still tend to run through the House of the Undying chapter without getting that worked up.

Yeah I thought the shows Blackwater episode was pretty damn good for the budget they had, they can't do everything and it got the main storyline into the actual episode.

I was disappointed with the House of the Undying but I've only actually read that chapter once so the re-read may make it seem like they missed a lot from the actual book chapter.

i should clarify. for the blackwater, i thought the part where they are on the water was pretty good (though different in strategy from how i remember the books; where was the chain?). once they were on land it just felt really small. especially once tyrion took stannis' forces from behind. once they flip over the ram there are like a dozen people on screen. i dont know anything about budget or whatever, just saying it felt a bit less impressive than it was in my minds eye. thats not really surprising though.

in the house of the undying there are far fewer visions than in the books. we get a lot of foreshadowing from that scene in the books that is completely absent from the show. also in the books a lot is made of the unimpressiveness of the house of the undying itself (i think, am i remembering this right?). it is pretty grand in the show, but that may be a bit nitpicky. my bigger complaint is the lack of content.


I think some of the visions just couldn't work on TV. In the books it's easier to describe a scene in a way that's accurate but still allows you to reveal it in more depth later. TV has to be more literal with its imagery.

Wh0 N0se

i should clarify. for the blackwater, i thought the part where they are on the water was pretty good (though different in strategy from how i remember the books; where was the chain?). once they were on land it just felt really small. especially once tyrion took stannis' forces from behind. once they flip over the ram there are like a dozen people on screen. i dont know anything about budget or whatever, just saying it felt a bit less impressive than it was in my minds eye. thats not really surprising though.

in the house of the undying there are far fewer visions than in the books. we get a lot of foreshadowing from that scene in the books that is completely absent from the show. also in the books a lot is made of the unimpressiveness of the house of the undying itself (i think, am i remembering this right?). it is pretty grand in the show, but that may be a bit nitpicky. my bigger complaint is the lack of content.

They have to budget a whole season which included the Blackwater episode so that's why it seemed small scale.
As to the House of the undying, I agree, I would've liked more but as it's been said above me, it's harder to translate it and I imagine putting a visual medium on that scene could spoil the book potentially.

RE the Red Wedding, it'll be awesome at first but then there won't be many people left in the world who hasn't seen/read that chapter so we'll get less of those awesome posts by people who have just read it and are in shock/raging!!


Didn't see this posted.

God...DAMN he's got 103 pages written of the SIDEBAR about the original dance of dragons for the fucking encylopedia?! AND HE'S NOT DONE.

There must be something about the words "dance" and "dragons."

We all know how long the last novel took. And now I am writing the "sidebar" (hoo hah) about the first Dance of the Dragons, the fratricidal civil war between King Aegon II and his half-sister Rhaenyra, for THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE, and it's turned into a monster too.

As of today, I have a hundred and three bloody manuscript pages (some VERY bloody) and still no end at hand. I had hoped to finish this one today, but... no, not even close. Lots more to write.

I think there's some good stuff here, and judging by the reception my reading got at Chicon, most of you seem to like the fake history too. But DAMN, there a lot of it.

Nothing to do but keep doing.

Dance, you dragons, dance, dance...

Just fucking write it as a prequel so we can get this volume sooner.
New Podcast of Ice and Fire ep, including an interview of Elio and Linda on the World of Ice and Fire novel. They're writing it alongside Martin
Episode 88 for the week of September 16th, in which we are joined by Elio M. García (aka Ran) and Linda Antonsson, the founders and managers of Westeros.org. We get caught up on their various ASOIAF projects, explore various fandom theories, and discuss their experiences with season 2 of HBO’s Game of Thrones. We also cover chapter 18 (Tyrion IV) of A Clash of Kings.

Notes: Sorry about the audio quality in the first part of the episode. The Melisandre/Jon theory was actually suggested by FTWard in the comments here. In other news, Amin is now on twitter!


Might as well consider the encyclopedia the next book in the series and Winds the following one.

I don't mind this arrangement.
At this point I think I'll take a book about the first Dance of Dragons before whatever Daario-fucking Dany does.

Get ready for multiple chapters of her traveling with her new khalasar, goes back to Vaes Dothrak, then rides all the way back to Mereen. 7 chapters here we come!


She goes back to Vaes Dothrak, like she saw in House of the Undying and actually joins the crones.

Victarion gets the dragons and takes them back to Westeros.
These books are just sooo damn good. Dance with Dragons was so fantastic and unpredictable. I truly can't remember ever reading any series where every assumption and predication I think of is proven so completely wrong. I also can't think of any series with so many character story arcs that I love and enjoy. There isn't one storyline going on in ADOD that I would do without. Some highlights of course:

-Jon getting stabbed literally stopped my heart when I was reading. "For the nights watch" I was shaking during that part.

-Danaerys last chapter was riveting

-Prince of Dorne getting bbq'ed
I thought Dany's last chapter sucked. Hooking up with a new Khalasar after taming a dragon? And this after sitting through all the Meereen nesting and Daario nonsense... Ugh. The best part of the Dany stuff was getting Selmy POVs. I love that guy.

The Quent stuff would have been a bit more shocking if every reference of him hadn't been about how weaksauce he is. The writing was on the wall for the Frog when Dany met him and couldn't think about anybody but Drink.


The new khalasar wants to drag her back to vas dothraki at best and rape and murder her at worst. I don't really see that as "hooking up".
Dany's last chapter was awesome, and I'm really looking forward to seeing where things go. Dany swore vengeance against Jhaqo and Mago way back in the first book (saying that they would die screaming), and I think that should provide her with some good direction in her arc.


Hunky Nostradamus
The new khalasar wants to drag her back to vas dothraki at best and rape and murder her at worst. I don't really see that as "hooking up".

"I promise you that, by the old gods and the new, by the lamb god and the horse god and every god that lives. I swear by the Mother of Mountains and the Womb of the World. Before I am done with [him], Ko Jhaqo will plead for the mercy they showed Eroeh."

Drogon is gonna eat him and Dany will claim his Khalasar.
They found her knawing on a horse bone with a dragon at her back. I doubt they see her as a rape prospect.

Just fucking head towards Westeros for fucks sake!

Edit: Jon Connington (who?) is considered more of a threat than Daenerys Targaryen at this point!
I thought Dany's last chapter sucked. Hooking up with a new Khalasar after taming a dragon? And this after sitting through all the Meereen nesting and Daario nonsense... Ugh. The best part of the Dany stuff was getting Selmy POVs. I love that guy.

The Quent stuff would have been a bit more shocking if every reference of him hadn't been about how weaksauce he is. The writing was on the wall for the Frog when Dany met him and couldn't think about anybody but Drink.

At the time I read it I was still bitter at Jon's "death" and yet the most boring girl in the world still lives and has explosive diarrhea to boot. I really need to reread ADWD. I started a reread of the series this summer, but got to ACOK when I realized I've read this series way too much and stopped. AFFC/ADWD in order may be in the near future though.
At the time I read it I was still bitter at Jon's "death" and yet the most boring girl in the world still lives and has explosive diarrhea to boot. I really need to reread ADWD. I started a reread of the series this summer, but got to ACOK when I realized I've read this series way too much and stopped. AFFC/ADWD in order may be in the near future though.

I think I'm going to read those two in chronological order. It should be interesting.


"I promise you that, by the old gods and the new, by the lamb god and the horse god and every god that lives. I swear by the Mother of Mountains and the Womb of the World. Before I am done with [him], Ko Jhaqo will plead for the mercy they showed Eroeh."

Drogon is gonna eat him and Dany will claim his Khalasar.

Does the khalasar's line of succession work like that? I thought after the khal dies they splinter up and follow the bloodriders.
Does the khalasar's line of succession work like that? I thought after the khal dies they splinter up and follow the bloodriders.

Things seem to be pointing at Dany fulfilling the Stallion that Mounts the World prophecy, rather than her son. That would put her at the head of the largest Dothraki horde in history. Getting her revenge on Jhqo and Mago and showing their khalasar that she doesn't fuck around will just be the start of that.
I hated Dany's last chapter. I was still reeling from Jon's death, and had realized Dany had the last chapter (outside of the epilogue). It starts off so bad, with some questionably written descriptions (you know the one I'm talking about). I was so upset that the alleged prophesy coming true didn't even occur to me

It was pretty awesome when Drogon showed up and she found the khalasar though. Still, I couldn't help but feel like the entire book wasted a lot of time in her arc. I thought she would be going back to Mereen ready to rumble. I wasn't particularly upset Tyrion didn't meet Dany, but I was upset the battle didn't occur. It's even more frustrating when you consider it was removed from the novel, as was the Winterfell battle. Imagine a better edited ADWD with fewer Dany chapters and both battles - it would probably be the best novel in the series, or at least on par with ASOS.

That's not to say I didn't like ADWD: I think it's great. But I didn't like a lot of Dany's chapters, which felt repetitive to me. It felt like Martin was slowing her story down to prepare for upcoming events (Quentyn arriving, the assassination attempt, her flying away, etc).


Isn't Melisandre supposed to be like the best priestess ever or something? She's really incompetent compared to Victarion's human weather vane.

I don't think so. According to whom? All the people she comes into contact with would have no way of qualifying that, since they've likely never seen any other red priest or priestess with any power. So, to them, she might be the best ever. But to the other followers of R'hllor, she might be average, at best.
Mil is definitely bush league.

A POV from one of the black brothers would have been interesting. I guess it would have given away the surprise, but you could build a pretty solid case for intervening against our protagonist Jon. I can see why they thought he was going to ruin the Watch.


I think it's pretty telling that people who saw the show and then read all the books back to back like me were annoyed by Dany's arc in ADWD but people who waited all those years were furious.

I'm already chomping at the bit for the next book :(
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