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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Rapid Response Threadmaker
God, Theon is the best part of Dragons.

"He had known the miller's wife for years, had even bedded her. Big heavy breasts with wide dark nipples, a sweet mouth, a merry laugh. Joys that I will never taste again.

Which, to me, confirms that Ramsay castrated him :/.

And Robb, Robb who had been more a brother to Theon than any son born of Balon Greyjoy's loins. Murdered at the Red Wedding, butchered by the Freys. I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him."

Man, Theon made a lot of mistakes. But I want him to atone so bad.

There's also a line in this chapter (the first titled as "Theon") where he says that he thinks of himself as Theon because he heard the old gods (probably Bran) call him that in the godswood. Loved that.

He mentions Ramsay Snow chopped off his thing at one point. Whether that's his member, his testicles, or something else entirely we don't know.
Damn, I can never remember these dreams. Is there anything in the first four books hinting towards the new Targaryen? That was quite a surprise.

I think there was either a dream or someone prophesizing about a "Mummer's dragon" which many took to be that there was another Targaryen out there.
The Dunk and Egg stories have never been published outside of the US as far as I'm aware. That makes me sad.

Damn that sucks. There will eventually be a collection of just Dunk and Egg stories published in one book, and that will probably make it outside the US. Of course there's no telling how long that will take to happen.

Was really proud I guessed it before the book came out. It dawned on me one day and when I read the book I felt good.

I was pretty happy when I figured out that Abel was Mance pretty much right away. Some of my friends that read it never picked up on that. Of course my happiness was dashed when I realized that I was too slow to realize that Abel is an anagram of Bael.
I was pretty happy when I figured out that Abel was Mance pretty much right away. Some of my friends that read it never picked up on that. Of course my happiness was dashed when I realized that I was too slow to realize that Abel is an anagram of Bael.

I felt so dumb when I got to the letter in the final Jon chapter and then went "of course, Abel is Mance!"

I felt good about picking up on the Frey pies right away, though.


Does the no spoiler-tags policy also apply to the Dunk and Egg novellas?

I think I know why I don't pick up as many hints. It's because I usually read at night before I go to sleep and then I'm only able to read a couple of pages, sometimes only two before I get sleepy. While I can follow the main plot this way I often miss the hints I suppose. Sometimes I take a whole afternoon to read a couple of chapters but yeah, my usual style is a couple of pages before sleep.

Abel = Mance was pretty obvious I thought. I didn't realise that with the Frey pies though.


May contain jokes =>
All the time. We just need 2 players to catch up in reading. The idea of Stannis at the Wall is awesome.

If you get 6 players a lot then the mini-expansion is absolutely worth it. It's a really interesting setup and some of the new House cards are really cool. But make sure everybody is caught up, as you mentioned. I'd be happy to answer any specific questions too.

I bought it because I'm an ASOIAF nutjob as well as a board game nutjob. But I still haven't gotten to use it because I'm almost always playing 3-5 players, and even when I get 6 players they're all show-watchers only.


If you get 6 players a lot then the mini-expansion is absolutely worth it. It's a really interesting setup and some of the new House cards are really cool. But make sure everybody is caught up, as you mentioned. I'd be happy to answer any specific questions too.

I bought it because I'm an ASOIAF nutjob as well as a board game nutjob. But I still haven't gotten to use it because I'm almost always playing 3-5 players, and even when I get 6 players they're all show-watchers only.
Sucks that it is online only. I wonder if hobby shops stock some


She’s usually dead before the story opens… Nobody wants to hear about King Arthur’s mother and what she thought or what she was doing, so they get her off the stage and I wanted it too. And that’s Catelyn.
Even GRRM hates catelyn.
George R.R. Martin said:
Before the Internet, one reader could guess the ending you wanna do for your novel, but the other 10.000 wouldn’t know anything and they would be surprised. However, now, those 10.000 people use the Internet and read the right theories. They say: “Oh God, the butler did it!”, to use an example of a mystery novel. Then, you think: “I have to change the ending! The maiden would be the criminal!” To my mind that way is a disaster because if you are doing well you work, the books are full of clues that point to the butler doing it and help you to figure up the butler did it, but if you change the ending to point the maiden, the clues make no sense anymore; they are wrong or are lies, and I am not a liar.
R + L = J confirmed :p


Hunky Nostradamus
Q: Your last book was first named A Time for Wolves...
A: Time or Wolves was an earlier title. But it will finally be named A Dream of Spring.

Q: That’s the current title but first you thought the other title...
A: Yes, but it was just a working title. I decided I would use Dream of Spring.

Q: Is that for any special reason? The other was too revealing?
A: No. It’s just I thing Dream of Spring is a better title.



Blackwater made me a huge fan.

I think it's more that the writers of the show don't understand Cersei well enough to give her good material like GRRM did.


I believe that's what I said, isn't it?

It's the other times I have complaints with. Cersei is not that emotionless and flat, and the fucker would know that if she'd read the book.


Benioff and Weiss are. I hope they can do it justice.

They wrote Baelor, I suppose they can handle it.

There are so many problems with the show that I don't understand why anyone would feel the need to bitch about Headey's Cersei. It isn't one of my favorite performances on television or anything, but she's doing a pretty good job.

Lena's awful most of the time, but she was brilliant in Blackwater.
The shows version of Cersei is different from the books, and for the version presented I've always thought she did a good job.

Agreed. D & D have made a clear choice to make Cersei a bit different in the show, and I know they've stated that they wanted to have her transform into the crazy paranoid person that she is in the books over the course of the show.

I always felt like Lena's done a good job with what was written for her, especially in season 2.
The Headey hate is so ridiculously overblown.

She has been great, and will only get better as the material she is given improves. (As we all know it will.)


I haven't seen the discussion on Westeros.org, but does "the Targ dragons" refer to real dragons or is it just a way to call the Targaryens?
Either way, there are quite a few Brandons in the Stark lineage - the one that stands out the most is Ned's older brother. There isn't anything about the Starks in the Dunk and Egg novellas (yet).

I don't remember that. I don't think that was in Bran's vision was it? I think I would have remembered a kid cutting arrows to assassinate dragons since it's such a great idea.

The real dragons of Aegon the Conquerer. Brandon Snow was a brother to Torrhen Stark, the Kneeling King, apparently.


It seems weirwood (arrows) can kill/hurt dragons and the young man with the angry eyes in Bran's vision might be that Brandon Snow who planned to sneak up to the Targ's camp and kill the dragons with the arrows made from Winterfell's Heart Tree. All this is from the Westeros forum, where I don't have an account.

But the wiki just references the Worl of ASoIaF book, which isn't out?!

Just checking, but everyone knows the identity of the Three Eyed Crow right?

Yeah, but no thanks to the novellas I can't read, having to rely on an internet forum to even KNOW that the Blackfyres are probably a big fucking deal in Martin's mind and not something that was just thrown out into the story to have a few more ancient battles and a convenient army of sellswords in Essos just sucks.

Ye gods, amazing. Now I have to figure out how to order from the UK without paying a stupid amount of mail fees.

The only editions you can find on Amazon Germany's English books section are going for over a hundred 100€ used, at least last time I checked.


I don't like TV Cersei, but after watching Dredd I'd be willing to consider that it's not Heaedy's fault, entirely.


Took some time, but just five minutes ago I finally finished ADWD (And now my watch wait begins). The epilogue was great; Varys is one of my three favorite characters amongst Littlefinger and Arya.
I think I'm going to read a bunch of pages in this thread now and compare my theories with those posted.

Wh0 N0se

What you got to remember is that Lena is only going on the books so far (If she has read them), it's only after you get her POV's that you get more into her head. This would make Lena's job much easier if she had read all the way through.

Saying that, I don't watch the show and boo her every time she's on the screen, she's fine. I have other characters that I dislike but there's no point in moaning, they're not going to be replaced and they may get better.
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