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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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bengraven said:
I don't know. Most of the "good" people in the books hate him. Even Sansa, who was married to him and around him for hours every day; even her heart fluttered when the idea of him being killed so she can become a widow first dawned.

Then again, Selmy is a better judge of character than Sansa, but still. I think people unanimously hate Tyrion.

Even readers. I've seen in reviews/discussions where people call Tyrion an "anti-hero" or even worse, a straight up "villain".

Thank you. But no, just drama with the wife, the kind of thing that comes up and will be washed away in a week and not matter, but feels "gravely serious" right now. lol

K just checking. Good luck with the drama. As for the villain comment, I can't see it...he's one of the least villainous people in the book.


elrechazao said:
I dunno, I think barristan hates the lannisters, and only knew tyrion as a drunken whoremonger during his time at the court of Robert. I seriously doubt he'll get any benefit of the doubt from Barristan, and probably just the opposite. Barristan also knows that tyrion was super close to jaime, and barristan hates jaime, and obviously hates cersei.

I'm not saying tyrion can't address this with a "well cersei tried to kill me, and I was "convicted' of killing joffrey" explanation.

I think this is why Tyrion being a slave all of a sudden will actually help his case. Who knows, with the missing nose, shave his head, and maybe Jorah and Selmy (who haven't been in Westeros or had news of it in over a year) won't know who he is. He can earn their trust.

Also I had a weird thought while watching the last episode. I don't know why, but part of me thinks Tyrion is going to fuck Dany. Not just because it would be interesting/shocking as GRRM is wont to do, but GRRM would be living out his own creepy fantasies since he says Tyrion is "him".

zmoney said:
K just checking. Good luck with the drama. As for the villain comment, I can't see it...he's one of the least villainous people in the book.


And yeah, the villain (or as TV tropes called him: "anti-villain") are likely because of his family and his part serving his father in Game and later as Hand, fighting against Robb and then Stannis.


LetsGoKiting said:
I felt like Joffrey deserved a worse death. I don't understand why he's so bratty compared to Tommen.

Well, he choked to death very painfully, and tore the skin off his neck trying to breathe before finally dying. It could be worse, but it still seemed like a pretty bad death.

What pissed me off is Sansa not even enjoying it or being happy about it. She's just like "Oh, how awful! I can't watch!"
bengraven said:
Also I had a weird thought while watching the last episode. I don't know why, but part of me thinks Tyrion is going to fuck Dany. Not just because it would be interesting/shocking as GRRM is wont to do, but GRRM would be living out his own creepy fantasies since he says Tyrion is "him".

Tyrion is the last person Dany would want to fuck. She's into masculine alpha males like Drogo and Daario. I suspect she'll end up bedding Euron who fits that mold, he'll be her mount "to dread."

I suspect that Tyrion is on the path to becoming more of a "villain." That Tysha revelation broke him. He's going to be a mad dwarf out for revenge.


Basileus777 said:
Tyrion is the last person Dany would want to fuck. She's into masculine alpha males like Drogo and Daario. I suspect she'll end up bedding Euron who fits that mold, he'll be her mount "to dread."

I suspect that Tyrion is on the path to becoming more of a "villain." That Tysha revelation broke him. He's going to be a mad dwarf out for revenge.
I can't wait to see what happens with Euron/Dany/and the Dragon Horn.

Tyrion is broken, but for that reason I can see him really helping Dany retake her throne.


No bald cap? Lies!
Basileus777 said:
Tyrion is the last person Dany would want to fuck. She's into masculine alpha males like Drogo and Daario. I suspect she'll end up bedding Euron who fits that mold, he'll be her mount "to dread."

I suspect that Tyrion is on the path to becoming more of a "villain." That Tysha revelation broke him. He's going to be a mad dwarf out for revenge.

You mean Shae dont you? Tysha was the whore he married at 16 who turned out to be a set up by Jaime to get him to lose his virginity, Shae was the whore he fell in love with as the Hand and then betrayed him by testifying that he killed Joffrey in exchange for some land and a knight to wed and he killed her after finding her in his fathers bed after he killed him.
Meus Renaissance said:
not a real spoiler, and now he's fucking with you. Ignore him.

Enduin said:
You mean Shae dont you? Tysha was the whore he married at 16 who turned out to be a set up by Jaime to get him to lose his virginity, Shae was the whore he fell in love with as the Hand and then betrayed him by testifying that he killed Joffrey in exchange for some land and a knight to wed and he killed her after finding her in his fathers bed after he killed him.

Uhhh... you might want to leave this thread or not keep reading...................................................."the tysha revelation" was learning that tysha wasn't a setup, that she really did love him and wasn't actually a whore. Did you not read sos? What he's saying is that finding this out from jaime broke tyrion's brain.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Basileus777 said:
Changing the thread rules now seems premature. We're going to see someone pulling a jon bones and posting a bunch of unmarked ADWD spoilers from reviews or leaks.
woah man im more jamie than joffery... not tryin to be a buzzkill for us cool kids


No bald cap? Lies!
elrechazao said:
not a real spoiler, and now he's fucking with you. Ignore him.

Uhhh... you might want to leave this thread or not keep reading...................................................."the tysha revelation" was learning that tysha wasn't a setup, that she really did love him and wasn't actually a whore. Did you not read sos? What he's saying is that finding this out from jaime broke tyrion's brain.

Yeah I read them, I just totally forgot that bit. Im rereading the books again for this very reason. Good to know.
Enduin said:
Yeah I read them, I just totally forgot that bit. Im rereading the books again for this very reason. Good to know.
ok I would have felt bad if you got spoiled on that :)

Yeah, jaime admits that tywin told him to lie about it later. I personally think it won't turn tyrion into some villain, he'll just make sure to "pay his debts" in full.


Basileus777 said:
Tyrion is the last person Dany would want to fuck. She's into masculine alpha males like Drogo and Daario. I suspect she'll end up bedding Euron who fits that mold, he'll be her mount "to dread."

I suspect that Tyrion is on the path to becoming more of a "villain." That Tysha revelation broke him. He's going to be a mad dwarf out for revenge.

No way Dany gets with Euron. Euron is a very bad guy who keeps slaves and rapes women. Then again..so was Drogo. But I don't see Euron and Dany teaming up. If anything, Euron steals one of her dragons or something. Also, Euron wants complete control over the realm, and so does Dany. Neither wants to play second fiddle to another so I don't see how they could work together.

I think Tyrion will be one of Danys companions and ride one of her dragons. It was foreshadowed in one of Tyrion's first chapters where he tells Jon about how he always used to have dreams about riding dragons and killing his sister/father. GRRM loves to foreshadow shit in dreams like that.


No bald cap? Lies!
elrechazao said:
ok I would have felt bad if you got spoiled on that :)

Yeah, jaime admits that tywin told him to lie about it later. I personally think it won't turn tyrion into some villain, he'll just make sure to "pay his debts" in full.

Yeah its all coming back to me now, I dont see it as character breaking as others might. I mean Tysha still took a shit ton of silver to fuck the whole house guard and a dragon to then fuck Tyrion one last time. She might have been grateful for him for saving her and everything but I still wouldnt consider that true love. He may be a dwarf but hes still the son of the richest man in the Seven Kingdoms and for a poor peasant girl thats a pretty good marriage deal.
Enduin said:
Yeah its all coming back to me now, I dont see it as character breaking as others might. I mean Tysha still took a shit ton of silver to fuck the whole house guard and a dragon to then fuck Tyrion one last time. She might have been grateful for him for saving her and everything but I still wouldnt consider that true love. He may be a dwarf but hes still the son of the richest man in the Seven Kingdoms and for a poor peasant girl thats a pretty good marriage deal.
She didn't take the silver, she was forced. Think 'I'm fucking you, then tossing a coin on you as the next guy lines up". This is why it was so breaking and tragic, because she really was what she seemed like...a smallfolk girl who truly loved tyrion for who he was.


Enduin said:
Yeah its all coming back to me now, I dont see it as character breaking as others might. I mean Tysha still took a shit ton of silver to fuck the whole house guard and a dragon to then fuck Tyrion one last time. She might have been grateful for him for saving her and everything but I still wouldnt consider that true love. He may be a dwarf but hes still the son of the richest man in the Seven Kingdoms and for a poor peasant girl thats a pretty good marriage deal.

She didn't take the silver for the fucking. She was raped while they threw silver at her. Tywin made Tyrion watch as all of his guards raped a woman who was actually just an innocent girl who fell in love with Tyrion. That's why Tyrion got pissed off enough once he heard the truth from Jaime that he killed Tywin.
How many preview chapters have been released? So far I have read Dany's, Tyrion's and Jons. I can't find Reek. I read
Janos Slynt is going to hang
yet I don't recall reading that in the preview Jon chapter. Can someone post a link to all preview chapters because the wait is honestly affecting my mental health hahaha

Edit: BTW I would love to see some GAF fan art of the various characters in the book.


shadowsdarknes said:
How many preview chapters have been released? So far I have read Dany's, Tyrion's and Jons. I can't find Reek. I read
Janos Slynt is going to hang
yet I don't recall reading that in the preview Jon chapter. Can someone post a link to all preview chapters because the wait is honestly affecting my mental health hahaha

Edit: BTW I would love to see some GAF fan art of the various characters in the book.
2nd this...I want to re-read them...its been ALONG time since I read them the first time.


So on episode 10 and I'm very happy about how particular scenes have turned out. The scene where Jon ran away as well as Ned's death is much better in the TV series. Just seeing certain emotions and actors playing it is much better than reading it in a book.

Oh btw in regards to Tysha if she was really in love with Tyrion why did she sleep with the guards? I can't remember them giving a reason for that.
Jarmel said:
So on episode 10 and I'm very happy about how particular scenes have turned out. The scene where Jon ran away as well as Ned's death is much better in the TV series. Just seeing certain emotions and actors playing it is much better than reading it in a book.

Oh btw in regards to Tysha if she was really in love with Tyrion why did she sleep with the guards? I can't remember them giving a reason for that.

She was forced.


Rabbit Lord said:
She was forced.
That and she may have loved Tyrion but she loved living more, me thinks. Tywin probably told her if she did that and didn't say anything then she would live, say anything and she's dead no matter what.


shadowsdarknes said:
How many preview chapters have been released? So far I have read Dany's, Tyrion's and Jons. I can't find Reek. I read
Janos Slynt is going to hang
yet I don't recall reading that in the preview Jon chapter. Can someone post a link to all preview chapters because the wait is honestly affecting my mental health hahaha

Edit: BTW I would love to see some GAF fan art of the various characters in the book.

Here's the Reek preview chapter

Almost feel sorry for him then I realized what he did.
Can't find the others though.


elrechazao said:
Yes it is, that's why it's kind of surprising that you thought she was a willing participant based on the books.
Tyrion saw what he wanted to see, and after he was told he was a whore and believed it all he saw was a whore.
zmoney said:
Tyrion saw what he wanted to see, and after he was told he was a whore and believed it all he saw was a whore.
I agree, he believed she was a whore because he trusted jaime more than anything. That's why the revelation was such a terrible betrayal to tyrion. He believed what his father said about the girl based on jaime's confirmation. I'm saying it's surprising that some readers did not see the overt truth of the matter once it was revealed.
bengraven said:
Yep, Tysha was raped by the guardsmen and later likely by Tyrion himself.
He did rape her, because he had to have sex with the girl after all the guardsmen were done. Tywin did give the girl a gold coin for Tyrion, instead of silver for the guardsmen, because a Lannister is worth more.


elrechazao said:
Uhhh... you might want to leave this thread or not keep reading...................................................."the tysha revelation" was learning that tysha wasn't a setup, that she really did love him and wasn't actually a whore. Did you not read sos? What he's saying is that finding this out from jaime broke tyrion's brain.

I have no recollection of this at all. Where was this revealed?
Hey guys, I'm three-fifths the way through the second book and I was thinking you should either spoiler tag everything that happens after the three-fifth part of the second book or AHH WHAT'S THE RED WEDDING YOU FUCKS JUST SPOILED ME i'm going to go complain about this in other threads now


Anybody else taking time off work for when the 5th book is released? I'm taking an extra two days off right before my weekend. I'll have 4 days to read the book--which I will finish in that time--and then I can proceed to wait another 5 years for the next book!
Puddles said:
I have no recollection of this at all. Where was this revealed?

His broth­er looked away. “Tysha,” he said soft­ly.

“Tysha?” His stom­ach tight­ened. “What of her?”

“She was no whore. I nev­er bought her for you. That was a lie that Fa­ther com­mand­ed me to tell. Tysha was . . . she was what she seemed to be. A crofter’s daugh­ter, chance met on the road.”

Tyri­on could hear the faint sound of his own breath whistling hol­low­ly through the scar of his nose. Jaime could not meet his eyes. Tysha. He tried to re­mem­ber what she had looked like. A girl, she was on­ly a girl, no old­er than Sansa. “My wife,” he croaked. “She wed me.”

“For your gold, Fa­ther said. She was low­born, you were a Lan­nis­ter of Cast­er­ly Rock. All she want­ed was the gold, which made her no dif­fer­ent from a whore, so . . . so it would not be a lie, not tru­ly, and . . . he said that you re­quired a sharp les­son. That you would learn from it, and thank me lat­er . . .”

“Thank you?” Tyri­on’s voice was choked. “He gave her to his guards. A bar­racks full of guards. He made me . . . watch.” Aye, and more than watch. I took her too . . . my wife . . .

Here's the sequence.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
ugh, I definitely forgot about that Tysha revelation.

it's odd, Tywin got his come uppins but it doesn't make me feel better about what he did. so much for retribution

shadowsdarknes said:
Edit: BTW I would love to see some GAF fan art of the various characters in the book.

semi-related... i always thought this was a bad ass picture of snow & ghost



shadowsdarknes said:
How many preview chapters have been released? So far I have read Dany's, Tyrion's and Jons. I can't find Reek. I read
Janos Slynt is going to hang
yet I don't recall reading that in the preview Jon chapter. Can someone post a link to all preview chapters because the wait is honestly affecting my mental health hahaha

Edit: BTW I would love to see some GAF fan art of the various characters in the book.

That happens in one of the first Jon chapters, but not the preview chapter. The summaries have been available for a couple years at Westeros.


Hmm, judging from the thread title it is bail out time. Too many preview chapters out there that I'd rather be able to read fresh.


Honorary Canadian.
elrechazao said:
She didn't take the silver, she was forced. Think 'I'm fucking you, then tossing a coin on you as the next guy lines up". This is why it was so breaking and tragic, because she really was what she seemed like...a smallfolk girl who truly loved tyrion for who he was.
Yeah. That's fucking awful. Thanks for ruining my day by reminding me that I read that shit, haha.

I'm gonna have to go read the Tyrian rampage against father now, as well.
Say I obtained the book earlier than July 12th and I finished it in a couple of days, can I talk about it in here without marked spoilers? I mean, I'm going to need to go crazy/vent somewhere.


Deadly Monk said:
Say I obtained the book earlier than July 12th and I finished it in a couple of days, can I talk about it in here without marked spoilers? I mean, I'm going to need to go crazy/vent somewhere.

Yes you can, technically. But we've kind of made a "gentlemen's agreement" to not talk about it until July 12. After 7/12 no holds barred.


bengraven said:
Yes you can, technically. But we've kind of made a "gentlemen's agreement" to not talk about it until July 12. After 7/12 no holds barred.
This. Unless its related to preview chapters which should be in spoiler tags until July 12, then after than anythings game.


yacobod said:
i wonder if its jeyne poole who is the imposter arya stark that is going to be married off to the boltons

That's the major theory. She was used since she's been to Winterfell and knows the STarks. She seems sad as she's leaving, but I wonder if part of her is doing it willingly in order to get Winterfell.

zmoney said:
This. Unless its related to preview chapters which should be in spoiler tags until July 12, then after than anythings game.

I think I'm taking a vacation from even GAF until I finish the books after July 12th though. lol


bengraven said:
That's the major theory. She was used since she's been to Winterfell and knows the STarks. She seems sad as she's leaving, but I wonder if part of her is doing it willingly in order to get Winterfell.

I think I'm taking a vacation from even GAF until I finish the books after July 12th though. lol
My question is what kind of fucked up shit have they been doing to Jeyne Pool for the last 4 books. God damn. Hope she wasn't given to Qyborn.

Also once July 12 hits I'm going to be off GAF as well for a few days till I finish the book.
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