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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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My main theory with them is Martin uses them to wrap up several storylines. Like they arrive, decimate Stannis completely. They kill several other main characters aswell. Then Dany arrives at some point and forms the resistance with say Jon and Aegon.

I'd be okay with that. I'd appreciate the idea that the deaths of those who have been trying to warn the rest of the kingdom are the ultimate wake up call to those in the south. Although I can't help but think Daenerys fighting the Others is too predictable. It's telegraphed right there in the name.


Jon is 100% alive in Ghost, that's why Varamyr was the prologue. How he goes from wolf to man is what can vary, but Melisandre has to play a part.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I thought of this before, but it would be fucked up if Beric Dondarrion was Azor Ahai Reborn and he fucked up everything by giving his power away.


Has there been any speculation that Hodor is related to the Cleganes? He is the only other character that matches their strength/stature. I'm trying to recall Hodor's origin story...

EDIT: thanks to the wikis it turns out his name is Walder and may have Giant's blood in him.

It has been suggested that Hodor is a descendant of Ser Duncan the Tall through Nan, since we know Dunk is on his way to the wall ( and winterfell ), that may very well be the case.
Whether or not the Clegane's are related to Ser Duncan I don't know, but it may be since they are a recent house from an up-jumped kennelmaster.

Other than that, Brienne knows Ser Duncan's shield ( which she found in her fathers armory ) and has been referred to as 'thick as a castle wall', so she could be related to him somehow too. Small Paul on the wall has also been referred to as thick as a castle wall.
Ok, what possible story progression could come from Jon Dying?

Not much that I can think of, other than his absence being the straw that breaks the Wall's back. That can happen anyway, because regardless if he wargs into Ghost or not if he's alive he won't be in any position to help the Watch.


One thing I don't get: why are we assuming that the Azor Ahai prophecy is true? What if it's just a BS story from Asshai? I never paid that much attention to it tbh.


Not much that I can think of, other than his absence being the straw that breaks the Wall's back. That can happen anyway, because regardless if he wargs into Ghost or not if he's alive he won't be in any position to help the Watch.

One thing is for sure, after this season ends on HBO the next books needs to be released shortly after.
I need my fix.


One thing I don't get: why are we assuming that the Azor Ahai prophecy is true? What if it's just a load of BS story from Asshai? I never payed that much attention to it tbh.

Yeah, I'm of the mind that it's either Dany or no one. She's the best ""born amidst salt and smoke" fit, and Lightbringer could either be her dragons or some Valyrian sword she has yet to find. Remember, there are least 2 still floating around Essos somewhere. If it's not her, then the whole story is just bullshit.
One thing is for sure, after this season ends on HBO the next books needs to be released shortly after.
I need my fix.
I do too. I prefer to be optimistic, so I'm going to stick by my prediction of a late 2014 release. If he gets it out by then he'll have 3 to 4 years to get the last one out. Really if he has any hope of finishing before the show.catches up to him Winds has to be out sometime around the end of next year.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm totally writing my fan-fiction where Jon had died but put his consciousness into Ghost. Jon and Ghost are one now. Jon wargs from Wolf to Human form (Warging in this sense is what people thought warging actually did). He looks exactly like Jon did before but now he has white hair and red eyes.
I'm totally writing my fan-fiction where Jon had died but put his consciousness into Ghost. Jon and Ghost are one now. Jon wargs from Wolf to Human form (Warging in this sense is what people thought warging actually did). He looks exactly like Jon did before but now he has white hair and red eyes.

I think Robin Hobb already wrote this one.


I do too. I prefer to be optimistic, so I'm going to stick by my prediction of a late 2014 release. If he gets it out by then he'll have 3 to 4 years to get the last one out.

Are we still operating under the assumption that this saga will be wrapped up in approximately 2000 pages?


Just re-reading Storm of Swords before third season of the show. Got to the part of Meera/Jojen telling Bran the story of the Knight of the Laughing Tree and the Tourney at Harrenhall.

Dogs. Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. No doubt.

Which also makes him the Prince that was Promised / Azor Ahai or some shit? I have no idea how he and Dany are going to come together, but Jon Snow ends up mounted on a dragon before the end of the thing, for sure. Also there's the business of that Aegon/Griff kid. I mostly listened to the audiobook of ADWD while driving cross-country, so it didn't sink in. excited to get there as I'm reading through again.

sorry if I'm late to the party on this one, y'all probably knew this pages ago :) just excited to have figured it out.

Wh0 N0se

I know, which pretty much confirms him as alive in some capacity :p

So yeah, Stannis gets killed by the White Walkers because Lightbringer is worthless and he's exposed for a sham.

It'd be pretty funny if one of the last chapters in the book showed the discovery of Benjen's body!

Stannis does seem like a likely candidate to be killed by them, but he's down by Winterfell and we still don't know what definitely happened in the battle, he'd still have to travel back to the wall if he survives the battle.
With Winter arriving it seems likely to me that he may stay at Winterfell after the battle and plan his next move, the snow makes it hard to travel long distances with a lot of people.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Has there been any speculation that Hodor is related to the Cleganes? He is the only other character that matches their strength/stature. I'm trying to recall Hodor's origin story...

EDIT: thanks to the wikis it turns out his name is Walder and may have Giant's blood in him.
Nah man, he's totally a descendent of Ser Duncan the Tall. When Bran was looking through the weirwood-internet, he saw a young girl (possibly a younger Old Nan) kissing a super-tall dude, and it had to be Ser Duncan. We know Dunk went to Winterfell at some point, too.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Stoneheart somehow makes it up to the Wall before his body starts decomposing? I know the cold preserves the body, but damn. I guess we don't know where she is technically right now, but she is supposed to be hunting Frey's. Also Stoneheart wouldn't do that lol.


At this point what is there really left for Arya to do?
Will there be anyone left to seek vengeance on by the time she has finished her training?

Wh0 N0se

Does anyone expect Arya to actually join up with Nymeria at this point?

It doesn't seem like something GRRM would do in my opinion, although she could meet up with Nymeria but Nymeria attacks her having forgotten who she is/remembering who she is and taking revenge


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Does anyone expect Arya to actually join up with Nymeria at this point?

It doesn't seem like something GRRM would do in my opinion, although she could meet up with Nymeria but Nymeria attacks her having forgotten who she is/remembering who she is and taking revenge

err.... I don't think that's likely. Their souls are bonded. She is still having vivid wolf dreams all the way in Braavos.


Neo Member
Who would you guys like to see take the Iron Throne? (if it could be absolutely anyone).

Stannis. I still stand by my theory that he will end up sitting atop the throne in the end.

In my opinion, Stannis is the one who deserves it. It's his by right, and he's done everything by the books. Statistically, he should die for doing so, but I think GRRM has personified justice as Stannis throughout this series. I don't think the throne will mean as much come the end of the series -- I'm guessing the seven kingdoms will be divided in some manner when it's all said and done -- but I think the Iron Throne itself will be his. He's earned it.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
If Jon Snow is a Stark/Tarygaryen, then Jon Targaryen.

I still think Stannis is missing something since the shadow magic assassinations were performed. I can't see that not having a downside in the long run.


1. Kill some Lannisters

2. Deliver Jaqen's dragonegg to someone?

Only Cersi is left worth killing and beneath Arya at this point, IMO she needs a greater purpose.
As for the EGG we have enough Dragons.

err.... I don't think that's likely. Their souls are bonded. She is still having vivid wolf dreams all the way in Braavos.

I don't think Arya would know what to do with Nymeria at this point.

Wh0 N0se

Strangely enough, I don't care. I just care about the characters I'm invested in having satisfying conclusions to their stories.

Yeah, I guess it doesn't really matter too much considering we won't really see much of the world after the Throne is won, I'd like to see Sansa be the queen but as to the king I don't know who I'd like.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Stannis. I still stand by my theory that he will end up sitting atop the throne in the end.

In my opinion, Stannis is the one who deserves it. It's his by right, and he's done everything by the books. Statistically, he should die for doing so, but I think GRRM has personified justice as Stannis throughout this series. I don't think the throne will mean as much come the end of the series -- I'm guessing the seven kingdoms will be divided in some manner when it's all said and done -- but I think the Iron Throne itself will be his. He's earned it.

It'd be fitting if he finally made it when the kingdom is shattered and the Iron Throne is just a chair.


Neo Member
Everything by the books? What about shadow babies and the leeches into the fire etc

He liked Robb and he loved his brother. He only killed them (or wanted them dead) because they were contending for the throne, which is rightfully his. Stannis was never fond of doing the things he did, but he knew he had to. Davos is a prime example of his justice.

And don't forget he also took a hiatus to defend the Wall while he was in the middle of a war. This man represents the integrity of a leader looking after his kingdom.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
He liked Robb and he loved his brother. He only killed them because they were contending for the throne, which is rightfully his. Stannis was never fond of doing the things he did, but he knew he had to. Davos is a prime example of his justice.

And don't forget he also took a hiatus to defend the Wall while he was in the middle of a war. This man represents the integrity of a leader looking after his kingdom.

Didn't Stannis explicitly say that he did not like his brother(s)? And that he felt cold indifference toward Robb for being a traitor to his kingship?
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