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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Who would you guys like to see take the Iron Throne? (if it could be absolutely anyone).
Littlefinger is the only person I see who would have the brains to run the throne.

He liked Robb and he loved his brother. He only killed them because they were contending for the throne, which is rightfully his. Stannis was never fond of doing the things he did, but he knew he had to. Davos is a prime example of his justice.

And don't forget he also took a hiatus to defend the Wall while he was in the middle of a war. This man represents the integrity of a leader looking after his kingdom.

Stannis only went to the wall in hopes it would gain him favor with the north.
He is a hollow husk of a man and a kinslayer, there is nothing honorable about him.

Real Hero

Plus he only bothered because of Davos bringing him the letter. I think without Davos by his side, and now Melisandre not with him either, he is in a very bad position.


Neo Member
Didn't Stannis explicitly say that he did not like his brother(s)? And that he felt cold indifference toward Robb for being a traitor to his kingship?

He wasn't Mr. Extrovert when it came to his feelings, for sure, but I'm almost positive that he expressed a subtle remorse for having killed Renly. He wasn't grieving, but felt as though it was a shame that it turned out this way. He didn't particularly like him, but he still loved him to a certain extent as a brother. Stannis has always been a very cynical man and quick to point out the flaws of those around him.

And you're right about Robb as well, but Stannis certainly didn't hate him. Somewhere around the leech scene he definitely mentioned that he bore no personal ill-will against him.


Corporate Apologist
Plus he only bothered because of Davos bringing him the letter. I think without Davos by his side, and now Melisandre not with him either, he is in a very bad position.

I think Melisandre doesn't know as much as she leads on, and its going to cause some major issues later on.


Neo Member
Stannis only went to the wall in hopes it would gain him favor with the north.
He is a hollow husk of a man and a kinslayer, there is nothing honorable about him.

He doesn't want the throne for his personal gain. He wants the throne because he feels it's his obligation. Of course he's going to do what he can to rally forces behind him because that's what he needs to fulfill his duty.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Stannis is always described as humourless, but he's actually one of the funniest characters.

Yeah, he's got an unprecedentedly dry sense of humor that almost seems involuntary. It's pretty obvious that if he takes the time to argue and bicker with a character that he's at least fond of them, which usually end up being the characters who question his actions and decisions, like Davos and Jon.

He doesn't want the throne for his personal gain. He wants the throne because he feels it's his obligation. Of course he's going to do what he can to rally forces behind him because that's what he needs to fulfill his duty.

He may not covet wealth or power but there's still a certain greed to his desire to rule. He tells himself it's all obligation and duty but his obsession suggests otherwise.


Stannis may gain some favor with the northern lords if he helps throw the Boltons/Freys out of Winterfell, but that's where it will end. No one is marching south now that winter has come. He'll likely go back to the Wall at that point and probably get killed by the White Walkers or wildlings. He will never even sniff the Iron Throne.


Neo Member
Stannis may gain some favor with the northern lords if he helps throw the Boltons/Freys out of Winterfell, but that's where it will end. No one is marching south now that winter has come. He'll likely go back to the Wall at that point and probably get killed by the White Walkers or wildlings. He will never even sniff the Iron Throne.

Stannis' army and the Night's Watch battle the Others in the North. Dany shows up to Westeros and helps in the battle with her dragons, and dies either valiantly or meekly in the process. Stannis hops on a dragon and says, "Sup, guys?" at King's Landing.

Wh0 N0se

I'm interested to see if Littlefingers plan to announce Sansa at her wedding works and what implications that may have on the rest of the land. Of course, Weddings rarely go well in Westeros it would seem...


I still believe that the Iron Throne will be destroyed or something in favour of a system where the citizens actually have a say. I just can't see the series ending with Stannis/Dany/Aegon/anyone-else-I-may-have-forgotten ruling. The books have made it clear that the struggle for power exists only within the 7 main families, and that the citizens over whom they would rule don't really give a shit about who's ruling. And so I think, in this struggle for power, the 7 families will end up destroying themselves or something.

The Starks have already lost their 3 eldest members, and none of the remaining ones seem like they want to rule. The Lannisters have lost Joffrey and Tywin, the two Lannisters who have actually wanted to rule, and I think Cersei is almost definitely going to die by the end of the series. You could look at the rest of the big families and see that most of them, too, are slowly crumbling.


I still believe that the Iron Throne will be destroyed or something in favour of a system where the citizens actually have a say. I just can't see the series ending with Stannis/Dany/Aegon/anyone-else-I-may-have-forgotten ruling. The books have made it clear that the struggle for power exists only within the 7 main families, and that the citizens over whom they would rule don't really give a shit about who's ruling. And so I think, in this struggle for power, the 7 families will end up destroying themselves or something.

The Starks have already lost their 3 eldest members, and none of the remaining ones seem like they want to rule. The Lannisters have lost Joffrey and Tywin, the two Lannisters who have actually wanted to rule, and I think Cersei is almost definitely going to die by the end of the series. You could look at the rest of the big families and see that most of them, too, are slowly crumbling.

Maybe a new system of rule will be formed in Westeros similar to that of Volantis, without the madness of the voting period.
Bu-bu-bu Benjen!!!

Really though they'll kill Stannis after Lightbringer fails to burn them, and they'll all realize he was a sham.

Stannis has a breakdown after Melisandre and all his new northern allies leave him for Jon Targaryen so he murders Shireen and Selyse with Lightbringer to prove he's Azor Ahai. Stannis joins the others willingly as no-one else will have him.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
WTF Martin

I just found out that Arch Maester Marwyn was who taught Mirri Maz Duur.

I also found out that Alleras is likely to be one of Oberyn Martel's bastard daughters. One of his daughter's is named Sarella, and Alleras is Sarella backwards. Plus her mother is a Summer Islander.

Wh0 N0se

Crazy how the Ironborn are the most democratic people...
Only because they were forced into that decision by the lack of Theon being there, Damphair would not have called the Kingsmoot because Theon is a man of the Drowned God.

Stannis has a breakdown after Melisandre and all his new northern allies leave him for Jon Targaryen so he murders Shireen and Selyse with Lightbringer to prove he's Azor Ahai. Stannis joins the others willingly as no-one else will have him.
Man, that would be pretty cool, Stannis is a perfect Lord Commander of the Nights Watch.
WTF Martin

I just found out that Arch Maester Marwyn was who taught Mirri Maz Duur.

I also found out that Alleras is likely to be one of Oberyn Martel's bastard daughters. One of his daughter's is named Sarella, and Alleras is Sarella backwards. Plus her mother is a Summer Islander.
Yes and yes. Why is Sarella down in Oldtown?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Only because they were forced into that decision by the lack of Theon being there, Damphair would not have called the Kingsmoot because Theon is a man of the Drowned God.

Man, that would be pretty cool, Stannis is a perfect Lord Commander of the Nights Watch.

Yes and yes. Why is Sarella down in Oldtown?

She's known to be very curious and Doran mentions "Letting her keep playing her game". She might just want to learn about the world and forge or chain or she might be looking at getting arcane knowledge through association with Arch Maester Marwyn. Plus being a female maester without Old Town realizing it might be hilarious to her.

Man this series is so good with characters starting in completely different parts at the beginning crossing paths.

Samwell Tarly, Jaquen H'ghar, and one of the Sand Snakes are in one room. Sam doesn't even know lol.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Good list, but he forgot to include Dany's vision of the throne room ruined and covered in snow. Unless that was meant to be figurative, but I read it in a literal sense.

Been a while since I've read A Clash of Kings, but was that in the book? I was under the impression it was added for the show.


Been a while since I've read A Clash of Kings, but was that in the book? I was under the impression it was added for the show.

The question now is, was it with GRRMs approval? Does he want to tell us something, did he forget to include it in the original prophecy? Why do they have to fuck with us like that?


I hope we don't get the Lost treatment.

You guys should all temper your expectations now. Not all of these need to be resolved to have a satisfactory conclusion... nor are they likely to be all resolved.

The question now is, was it with GRRMs approval? Does he want to tell us something, did he forget to include it in the original prophecy? Why do they have to fuck with us like that?

Uh, take it easy man. It's more likely that the show did their own thing that they thought was:

1) within their means/not CG-crazy-fest
2) cool enough but didn't infringe any of the book material,
3) was highly cost-effective (reusing sets and old shots)
I don't think every single thing will be answered but I do expect answers to the main stuff. Jon Snow's parents will be revealed eventually for those who care. We'll certainly learn more about the Others, what Blood Raven wants with Bran, more about Varys/Illyrio, Cersei's prophecy, Robb's heir, Euron's end game, whether Stannis truly is the chosen one, what Dany's prophesies mean, etc. I think all the major stuff can be addressed in the last two books, and I'm willing to bet TWOW will be paced like ASOS based off the stuff that we know happens (Winterfell/Mereen battles, Cersei's trial, Rickon, Jon's transformation, Aegon's conquest, Dorne's reaction to Quentyn's death, etc).

Stuff like the identity of Coldhands doesn't strike me as a major plot point but I'm sure we'll find out or get some big hints. I think Benjen mus play a role in the Others story somehow, given that Martin keeps bringing him up.

Will we learn what Littlefinger is doing with those tapestries, or why Ashara Dayne killed herself? Dunno, I hope so. But perhaps those things are less important than we think.


This would be pretty fascinating, especially considering that Martin railed the Lost ending.

I don't know, there are a lot of huge things to start tidying up ASAP in the story, but some of those items on that page are just not necessary to explain or don't actually exist as questions. Like. what kind of answers is everyone going to really NEED concerning the Gods, seasons, & Magic of the story in order to feel satisfied? It's highly subjective, I bet...

And what's so mysterious and unresolved about the actual ASOIAF Title? The words represent balance, a dichotomy (among many other things), and the ice and fire is persistent theme and motif, one the series wears it on its sleeve. It's ongoing and endlessly applicable. Dragons/White Walkers, North/South, old gods and new, etc...
I have a bad habit of reading fast and not completely reading every single word. 'Specially bad for a series like this, where detail is important. Seriously blew my mind. And I thought I was sharp when it came to asoiaf


No fuckin way. How did I miss this...

I remember something clicking in my head whilst I read the description of the mysterious man fucking about with Pate. Grabbed my copy of ASoS, flipped to the part where Jaquen changes faces, and went apeshit.

GRRM y u so gud


I have a bad habit of reading fast and not completely reading every single word. 'Specially bad for a series like this, where detail is important. Seriously blew my mind. And I thought I was sharp when it came to asoiaf

this is what I'm saying, rereading Storm of Swords right now. helps a ton to have the full breadth of the other books to clue you into what's worth keeping an eye on and what doesn't matter so much--cough Rob Stark cough.

Wh0 N0se

I missed pretty much everything when I read through the books lol

Will we learn what Littlefinger is doing with those tapestries, or why Ashara Dayne killed herself? Dunno, I hope so. But perhaps those things are less important than we think.

What was this? I don't remember reading about it or seeing anyone post about it before?


I know it just boils down to a plot point in keeping a location for Rickon, but why didn't WEX follow Bran instead.
Incedentally, I have no clear idea how time flows in the book, between the fall of Winterfell and the Onion night sets off for Rickon how much time has passed?
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