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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I read somewhere that the prophecy doesn't specify Cersei's younger brother just a younger brother but I'm not sure where.
Hmm, im not sure Jaime will survive long in book six though. I'm expecting he'll meet Lady Stoneheart and she will have Brienne kill him.

I don't think Brienne will let Stoneheart kill Jaimie; he saved her life and she'll do the same for him. If I had to bet I'd say he'll be used to help the Brotherhood take over Riverrun.

Wh0 N0se

Don't see why people assume Sansa will kill Littlefinger, also, why they don't like him other than a threat that hasn't even happened yet, of him forcing himself upon Sansa.

I could see her killing him because she seems to be his one weakness but I don't really see a reason as to why she would do it at the moment when he's promising her that she'll announce herself as Sansa soon. She's actually happy when she figures out one of his little plots when he asks her if she understands why he did whatever it was (Can't remember what it was).
Don't see why people assume Sansa will kill Littlefinger, also, why they don't like him other than a threat that hasn't even happened yet, of him forcing himself upon Sansa.

I could see her killing him because she seems to be his one weakness but I don't really see a reason as to why she would do it at the moment when he's promising her that she'll announce herself as Sansa soon. She's actually happy when she figures out one of his little plots when he asks her if she understands why he did whatever it was (Can't remember what it was).

Ned Stark's death?
I like Littlefinger, aside from his interest in Sansa. He's managed to play everyone as fools, and plus he got rid of Lysa for us. Still, I do think Sansa will play a significant role in his eventual downfall, and I'll be fine with that. I like Sansa too.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
She doesn't know that as far as I know.

EDIT: Also, in none of her POV's does she harbour any bad will towards him.

You said "they don't like him", meaning the readers. They know what he has done.

Also, Sansa did hear Lysa's confession to murdering Jon Arryn because Littlefinger told her to, and I'm pretty sure she knows how close Ned was to him.


Sansa learning of Littlefinger's role in Ned's death, and using the skills she learned from Petyr to betray him in turn, would be beautiful.

Wh0 N0se

You said "they don't like him", meaning the readers. They know what he has done.

Also, Sansa did hear Lysa's confession to murdering Jon Arryn because Littlefinger told her to, and I'm pretty sure she knows how close Ned was to him.

Ok I guess I can understand peoples reaction to him betraying Ned but it was Neds own fault not Littlefingers, I guess I just don't see it as big of a thing as other people do.

I still don't think Sansa would kill him over that but it is a possibility that she could find out about what happened and that could be a motivation for her.
I'd much rather see Sansa go evil. She can outmaneuver and kill Littlefinger, sure, but I don't want her to just be a benevolent master of the Game.


Ok I guess I can understand peoples reaction to him betraying Ned but it was Neds own fault not Littlefingers, I guess I just don't see it as big of a thing as other people do.

I still don't think Sansa would kill him over that but it is a possibility that she could find out about what happened and that could be a motivation for her.

Yeah, why would Sansa seek revenge against a guy who played a role in her father's death? I certainly wouldn't mind if someone had betrayed my father to his death. I wouldn't be mad about that at all.
I'd much rather see Sansa go evil. She can outmaneuver and kill Littlefinger, sure, but I don't want her to just be a benevolent master of the Game.

I don't think Sansa's capable of that, not yet

Baelish is a master of his own craft and probably this skill of his took a while for him to develop. And besides both has different upbringings. Sansa born to a high lord and Baelish had to work his way up the ladder

The only way Sansa can outmaneurver Baelish is if he lets his guard down even for a moment


My big problem with a A Feast For Crows are all the new characters. Let's take The Soiled Knight. He has but one chapter in the entire book. What is the point?

This is my biggest issue with that book, why do they show an Arys Oakhearth POV when he is far from being important? He didn't even have an interesting personality. Same goes to Areo Hotah, but he is more useful for the way the story is written

muahahahahaha the red wedding is going to hit him very hard

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Didn't like that he did that.

The exception to this being that the names were used really well for Theon in ADWD.
Agreed, I'm not a fan of the "titles" for chapters, but for Theon it was brilliant. The best part of the book for me was probably when I turned a page over to a chapter's end, peeked at the title of the next one, and instead of seeing "Reek", "The Ghost of Winterfell", etc, it simply said: Theon. I had a chill down my spine.

Except that Sandor's dead.
The hell he is! He's totally the gravedigger spotted by Brienne in AFFC. It is known.
It might be real. I've met four people irl recently who believe Robb will join forces with Dany. They point to the Starks bowing to Aegon The Conqueror as proof, which they learned about in the Blu Ray histories; I must say I was impressed lol.

I heard one guy go so far as to say Dany will fall in love with Robb and defeat the Lannisters. She then makes Jorah her regent to rule Westeros while she goes to the Wall to kill the Others. When she gets there she falls in love with Jon too, and a bloody love triangle results in Robb joining the Others, kidnapping Dany, and ultimately being defeated by Jon in a huge battle.

That shit would be kind of cool, I'm not gonna lie.

To be fair, I ask a lot of non-book reader friends for their thoughts on the future of the series and such, and I often get stuff pretty similar to this. Might now be a troll.

I hope he is, his "death" was fitting, but everyone else on earth seems convinced that he isn't dead, just so he can kill the Mountain, who is also dead, but revived.

I hope he isn't. He seemed like he was ready for a "sort-of" redemption arc, but at the same time it's so heavily implied he's dead at this point that it'd be just as stupid to bring him back now.
Is Robb presented as the character in the show? I was more surprised by Catelyn's death than his when the Red Wedding happened since he wasn't present for a lot of the action in the novels.

It'd be pretty great if they were building him up as the main protagonist in the show after Ned's death.
It might be real. I've met four people irl recently who believe Robb will join forces with Dany. They point to the Starks bowing to Aegon The Conqueror as proof, which they learned about in the Blu Ray histories; I must say I was impressed lol.

I heard one guy go so far as to say Dany will fall in love with Robb and defeat the Lannisters. She then makes Jorah her regent to rule Westeros while she goes to the Wall to kill the Others. When she gets there she falls in love with Jon too, and a bloody love triangle results in Robb joining the Others, kidnapping Dany, and ultimately being defeated by Jon in a huge battle.

That shit would be kind of cool, I'm not gonna lie.

I disagree... Sounds like something Stephanie Meyer would write.


Corporate Apologist
Is Robb presented as the character in the show? I was more surprised by Catelyn's death than his when the Red Wedding happened since he wasn't present for a lot of the action in the novels.

It'd be pretty great if they were building him up as the main protagonist in the show after Ned's death.

Yeah, to me, Robb Dying was just a plot device, I didn't really care that him as a character was gone, because I barely knew him. I also dislikeled Catelyn, so her dying was a bit moot.

If Tyrion dies though, I'm burning the book.

Also, with how crappy the Freys are, I wonder if them becoming enemies to almost everyone will be the best in the end. Only a small amount of them seem like decent people.
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