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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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We know the Mereen battle starts in Barriston's second chapter. Scope wise it seems like it'll be as big as Blackwater and span multiple POVs. The only question I have is how long will Dany be fucking around with the dothraki. Is she going back to the crones to unite all the khalasars, will she track down that khal she promised to kill...and time wise how will that effect Mereen. Will she return to the city by the middle of the books? I think so...

Likewise we know the Winterfell battle happens early too. Based on that, and the winter weather making a long battle/siege impossible, I think it's safe to say the confrontation will be resolved before the halfway mark. The aftermath: assuming Stannis wins the battle and deposes the Boltons, winter will pretty much slow everything to a crawl right? I want to see how Davos gets a ship through that weather...

Not everything will be resolved in TWOW but I think it's clear a lot of heavy lifting will be done. Cersei won't be on trial for the entire book, for instance.

Potential Cliff ends:
-Tommen dies, Cersei becomes queen and dies by the end
-Aegon becomes king, greyscale erupts. Connington dies
-Dany captures Pentos and sets off for Westeros or Asshai
-Arya returns to Westeros
-The Wall falls
-Tyrion...dunno, survives I guess. He'll meet Dany lol

-Aegon and Arriane take the throne in the second to last chapter only to have Dany and her dragons suddenly appear in the last chapter and kill aegon.


Potential Cliff ends:
-Tommen dies, Cersei becomes queen and dies by the end
-Aegon becomes king, greyscale erupts. Connington dies
-Dany captures Pentos and sets off for Westeros or Asshai
-Arya returns to Westeros
-The Wall falls
-Tyrion...dunno, survives I guess. He'll meet Dany lol

1- I can see Tommen dieing a horrible death since he is a sweet kid and this is R.R.Martin that we are talking about, but I really can't see Cersei becoming Queen again, really :p
2- Yup, seems logical
3- Dany will likely travel towards Asshai, you know "going east in order to arrive to the west"
4- This is SO going to happen
5- See previous point :p
6- Just happen already, GAH

And now, I want to play too!:

- Jon will undoubtely, be reborn as Azor Azahi, after some Ghost - wharging

- Ayra will be then instructed to kill his brother by the faceless man. This will be a happy family reunion in true R.R.Martin's fashion :D

- Ayra will accomplish her mission, and thus, the only hope to stop the Others from invading Westeros will be lost. She will probably feel that her reponsability will be to end what his brother was tried to accomplish. Watch her become the female Azor Azahi

- Frankengregor will fight against the Hound in the Cersei trial, the Hound representing the faith of the Seven. Since he will kill his undead brother, the prophecy about Cersei's being killed by the Valonqar will be fullfilled

- Daenerys will travel further East running away from the greyscale, going trought Asshai and thus arriving to the West by circumnnavigating the globe. She will arrive to Westeros trought the Iron Islands

- Conninghton will ally with the Martells, take the Iron Throne and thus, take over the South of the Seven Kingdoms (Dorne + Stormlands + Lannisport + Tyrells?) while Daenerys will take the northern part of Westeros (Iron Islands + Riverlands + Invernalia + Eyrie). Stannis will bend the knee to her: he always putted the law over the people. I am pretty convinced on that

- Then a bitter north VS south civil war will broke out (ice and fire, remember?) with fan favourite characters and villians on each side. That will be the moment when the Others will strike down the 7 kingdoms

- The wall will fall, but even then peace talks between Daenerys and Connington will be fruitless. Only when shit hits the fan (and by the fan I mean "the neck") they will be able to snatch a last minute deal and contain the menace. One of the two Kings (either Daenerys or Connington) will give up their crown and mount for a final resistance (Daenerys, probably)

- The conflict will probably go global then, with intervention and support from outside powers such as Braavos and Volantis. There will probably be increased sightings of creatures similars to the Others in the outskirts of Valyria. The Faceless man will have almost reach their goal: all men should die

- A kind of a "plan Redeker" (see WWZ) will be executed. The 7 kingdoms will likely be overrun by the Others altogether sans from some safe location, probably the Eyre, becoming the "hope of spring" or Kingdom of Spring with Tyrion organizing the whole logistics and state building. Ayra will disband the faceless man by herself and die in the process, on a one man shadow war. Cue ending titles. Bittersweetness for us all!


So not worth it
- Ayra will be then instructed to kill his brother by the faceless man. This will be a happy family reunion in true R.R.Martin's fashion :D

- Ayra will accomplish her mission, and thus, the only hope to stop the Others from invading Westeros will be lost. She will probably feel that her reponsability will be to end what his brother was tried to accomplish. Watch her become the female Azor Azahi

I know Arya looks like a boy, but referring to "his brother" when talking about her and Jon, that's just not very nice. :lol


It's surprising that so many of the actors have not read the books, yet they complain about being confused.

The showrunners discourage the actors from reading them because they want the actors to base their performances solely on their directions and scripts and not what is written in the books.
I hate how George has become such a fan of ending his books with cliffhangers. These aren't serials, we have to wait several years to find out what happens. Hell it took 10 between Storm and Dance. No more shitty cliffhangers for Winds please.


That was the editors fault. There were supposed to be some battles in ADWD but she cut it out. Don't know what the fuck she was thinking. Fire her damn it.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
- Conninghton will ally with the Martells, take the Iron Throne and thus, take over the South of the Seven Kingdoms (Dorne + Stormlands + Lannisport + Tyrells?) while Daenerys will take the northern part of Westeros (Iron Islands + Riverlands + Invernalia + Eyrie).

And where is Aegon in all this? Connington is doing it all for him, because he wuvs Rhaegar.

Stannis will bend the knee to her: he always putted the law over the people. I am pretty convinced on that

Stannis is the rightful king if we go by the law, so why should he bend the knee? Robert took the realm by right of conquest, and Stannis is his heir. If Daenerys wants to take it back from him, it'll be by force. And I can't see Stannis abandon his claim as long as he lives even if he loses a battle or two, since not even the defeat at Blackwater was enough to make him give up.


That was the editors fault. There were supposed to be some battles in ADWD but she cut it out. Don't know what the fuck she was thinking. Fire her damn it.

I would punch the editors in the gut. Both AFFC and ADWD were inferior books to the rest of the series due to editing, not writting.


That was the editors fault. There were supposed to be some battles in ADWD but she cut it out. Don't know what the fuck she was thinking. Fire her damn it.

It's even more annoying when 2 barristan chapters, 1 tyrion chapter, and 2 victarion chapters are read at cons in the year or two after release. That battle needed to be in the book
ADWD would have had a much better reception if it had a resolution to either of the big battles that were set up.


I would punch the editors in the gut. Both AFFC and ADWD were inferior books to the rest of the series due to editing, not writting.

For some reason I quickly realised what was going on in AFFC. I knew a reshuffling, a resetting of the board was taking place after the phenomenal ending of ASOS, which is why I didn't mind the slow pace. But I was expecting some shit to go down in ADWD especially after the whole build up. But then... nothing.


A few predictions for the last two books:

- The dusky woman on Victarion's ship is a glamoured Pyat Pree. Victarion is going to be killed and Pyat Pree and Moqorro will fight for the horn and one of Dany's dragons.

- Jon's soul is warged in Ghost. Melisandre will attempt to give Jon the kiss of life, but because Jon's body no longer has a soul, the ritual will go wrong, and the Night's King will be reborn in Jon's body.

- Ramsay was defeated by Stannis, but survived and wrote the letter to Jon, hoping to take Stannis' family hostage and use them to escape. Ghost/Jon will track him. Ramsay sends his hounds after Ghost, but Ghost manages to subdue the alpha and take control of the pack. Ramsay is killed by Ghost and his dogs.

- Ghost and Nymeria will be reunited. They will lead the great wolf pack in an attack on The Twins. The castle will be overrun with wolves and the Freys slaughtered.

- To stop the Night's King, Ghost will need to be recovered and Jon's soul returned to his body. He will then become Azor Ahai reborn and destroy the White Walkers.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Oh God, this would make me so sad.

But it seems extremely likely to happen, so I'll just have to deal with it.

I figured that Cersei's rampant idiocy somehow gets both Tommen and Myrcella killed which finally drives Jaime to kill her, fulfilling Cersei's prophesy. By the last Jamie chapter it's clear he's determined to try and take his remaining kids - Tommen especially - under his wing more to make sure they don't turn out like Joffrey or Cersei.
That was the editors fault. There were supposed to be some battles in ADWD but she cut it out. Don't know what the fuck she was thinking. Fire her damn it.

His love of cliffhangers is a long-running thing, it has nothing to do with his editor.

And in this case, cutting that content was probably a business decision. They could get the book out then and there, or wait an undetermined amount of time for GRRM to finish even more content. ADWD was a structureless collection of chapters anyway, GRRM is ultimately to blame for this.


Neo Member
A few predictions for the last two books:

- The dusky woman on Victarion's ship is a glamoured Pyat Pree. Victarion is going to be killed and Pyat Pree and Moqorro will fight for the horn and one of Dany's dragons.

Didn't Euron kill Pyat Pree though? Or was that just a random Qarthean warlock?


I think Dany will get her ships via Victarion and the Volantines. She sides with Victarion and destroys the Volantines which then leaves all thier navy unmanned.
A few predictions for the last two books:

- The dusky woman on Victarion's ship is a glamoured Pyat Pree. Victarion is going to be killed and Pyat Pree and Moqorro will fight for the horn and one of Dany's dragons.

Dunno about this

But I'm pretty sure Victarion sleeps/had sex with this woman and Pyat Pree doesn't have a vagina. Unless there's some kind of super natural shit going on Pyat Pree

John Dunbar

correct about everything
He killed some warlock, but not Pyat Pree. Xaro warns Dany in Dance that Pyat Pree set off after her and is seeking revenge.

Dany was told that Pyat Pree and three other warlocks left Qarth, and Euron captured a ship from Qarth that had a group of four warlocks on board. So it's heavily implied it's the same group, and it would give Euron more info on the dragons, as Euron said they told him an interesting story. It's not known however which of the warlocks was killed, but the one that was killed threatened Euron, so it was probably Pyat Pree.


You know some people still think Ned is alive?

lol I read this right before getting to the part of Storm of Swords where Cat reflects on not knowing if Ned's bones made it back to Winterfell or not.



Rapid Response Threadmaker
People think Ned might be alive because the only POV during that scene was Arya who couldn't get the best view and said that it didn't look like her father (assumably because his time in the dungeon).

That's a big stretch


So not worth it
People think Ned might be alive because the only POV during that scene was Arya who couldn't get the best view and said that it didn't look like her father (assumably because his time in the dungeon).

That's a big stretch

There were hundreds of people there. Heh.
People think Ned might be alive because the only POV during that scene was Arya who couldn't get the best view and said that it didn't look like her father (assumably because his time in the dungeon).

That's a big stretch

Which also doesn't explain why someone like Cersei wouldn't have an internal monologue talking about the deception. You would think that if Ned wasn't the person executed, some major POV characters would have reflected on it at some point.


I don't mind books ending with cliffhangers, but I'm not very much into the fact that almost every chapter ends with one or in a similar tone. Kinda stops working after a while.

Wh0 N0se

If Ned Stark isn't dead then I'd leave the series, I can put up with most things but that'd be ridiculous, it'd also ruin Sean Beans record in dying in (mostly) everything he's in.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I only mentioned it because of how farfetched it sounds and how I was surprised people believe it.

Let's talk about another theory.

Some people believe Robb's wife was switched before she was taken. The evidence to support this is that when Catelyn first met her she commented on how she had wide hips. When Jaime later sees her he comments that she has small hips.


So not worth it
She might be, but I don't think she'll produce him a (male) offspring. If anyone is going to be Robb's heir it'll be Jon (Stark or Targaryen), who will rule as King in the North, while Dany rules in the South.

Something like that would make the most sense to me at least, why convolute the story even further by adding yet another contender in the mix with only two books to go.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm going to lol if Littlefinger tries to crown Sansa as Queen of the North and then the letter arrives, after Jon has resurrected, saying Jon is the heir.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Doesn't really matter though, they haven't shown him nearly enough for anyone to notice.

lol well yeah. I remember watching the first season, before I read the books, and saying who the fuck is this kid when he popped up in the crypts.

His storyline might be important now that Davos is going to get him. I wonder if Unicorns are actually supposed to be strong. They are going extinct.
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