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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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of course the starks are the heroes, the only question is which one of them will be the winner in the end.

and since there are people predicting future events here. anyone got a theory on what jaquen is doing in oldtown?


The only one of thos that occurred in DwD was the assassination attempt on Jon. Arya lost her sight in AFFC 9and then regained it in one of he rlike 3 chapters of DwD), Stoneheart was hardly referenced in DwD and Bran became a shrub. Sansa stuff occurred in AFFC

Kind of a random, but this has got me thinking ...

As someone who is a big fan of Sansa's story, I'm still pissed that she was shoved aside in FfC and DwD. Only like one chapter in FfC, and none in DwD, no? It's weird to think the last time she was a major pov character and had an overall arc was in SOS. I wonder how they'll deal with her in the show, when it comes to Feast/Dance.
Kind of a random, but this has got me thinking ...

As someone who is a big fan of Sansa's story, I'm still pissed that she was shoved aside in FfC and DwD. Only like one chapter in FfC, and none in DwD, no? It's weird to think the last time she was a major pov character and had an overall arc was in SOS. I wonder how they'll deal with her in the show, when it comes to Feast/Dance.

She'll be pregnant.
Kind of a random, but this has got me thinking ...

As someone who is a big fan of Sansa's story, I'm still pissed that she was shoved aside in FfC and DwD. Only like one chapter in FfC, and none in DwD, no? It's weird to think the last time she was a major pov character and had an overall arc was in SOS. I wonder how they'll deal with her in the show, when it comes to Feast/Dance.

She was originally supposed to have some chapters in ADWD, and I think they were even finished, but he decided to push them to TWOW.
So that article with GRRM the other day had some interesting discussion on the next books.

The bit I like is how George says we'll be very surprised who's sitting the throne. I've been going over every single character and finding that many of them may have ways of sitting it.

Lannisters don't really control shit, now.

Even if Cersei wins her life back:

Jaime turned his back on her
Tyrion hates her
Tywin, her kids, husband, and now her uncle are dead.

She has literally no one anymore.

Cersei's time is ticking away very very fast.

Yet with Kevan dead she returns to the power level she had in AFFC (defacto Queen Reagent). Also Kevan arrived in KL before Mace, and was able to ensure that much of the Tyrell force wasn't able to enter the city. The small council is certainly more formidable than it was in AFFC, but still Cersei holds the king, the city guard, Kevan's men, and the Red Cloaks.

I'm not saying Cersei is going to become some amazing queen, just that she holds considerable power again; that was the point of Varys killing Kevan. And with Aegon on the field it's only a matter of time before the Tyrells have to defend their lands from being flanked (Euron's men on one side, Aegon's on the other). Cersei is certainly smart enough to realize she needs to get Tarly out of King's Landing; she can handle Mace.


Heroes? You said it yourself. They're either blind, captive, stuck in a tree, dead or undead. These books don't have heroes at this point. There is literally nobody to root for.

Of course you have a hero to cheer for


Lord Stannis Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm


Yet with Kevan dead she returns to the power level she had in AFFC (defacto Queen Reagent). Also Kevan arrived in KL before Mace, and was able to ensure that much of the Tyrell force wasn't able to enter the city. The small council is certainly more formidable than it was in AFFC, but still Cersei holds the king, the city guard, Kevan's men, and the Red Cloaks.

I'm not saying Cersei is going to become some amazing queen, just that she holds considerable power again; that was the point of Varys killing Kevan. And with Aegon on the field it's only a matter of time before the Tyrells have to defend their lands from being flanked (Euron's men on one side, Aegon's on the other). Cersei is certainly smart enough to realize she needs to get Tarly out of King's Landing; she can handle Mace.

I don't know about that. I think her public humiliation greatly undermines her ability to exert her will going forward. Recall that when Tyrion was Hand, he was able to subvert a great deal of her power, despite her being Queen Regent then, too. I think the Tyrells, similarly, will be the true influence behind the throne for the time being.
Interesting theories. I think there would need to be some explanation for why Jaime kills Cersei, though. Because while he doesn't care for her at this point, I can't see him outright killing her unless something drastic happens.

I've been assuming this ever since Cersei has been freaking out about the "valonqar". Then again it seemed too obvious so I kind of put aside for a while.

Conor 419

The Stark's aren't the heroes?

Each one is on the road to becoming a complete powerhouse, you can't sanely rule out the Starks till Sansa is dead.


The Stark's aren't the heroes?

Each one is on the road to becoming a complete powerhouse, you can't sanely rule out the Starks till Sansa is dead.


Sansa is marrying Littlefinger
Jon is "dead". If he comes back alive as a human, his crow brothers don't want anything to do with him. If he comes back as a wolf then LOL.
Bran has merged with a tree.
Arya is stuck in the other side of the world.
Rickon is who the fuck knows or cares. Rickon lol.

Dem powerhouse paths.



Sansa is marrying Littlefinger
Jon is "dead". If he comes back alive as a human, his crow brothers don't want anything to do with him. If he comes back as a wolf then LOL.
Bran has merged with a tree.
Arya is stuck in the other side of the world.
Rickon is who the fuck knows or cares. Rickon lol.

Dem powerhouse paths.

You could easily switch this entire paragraph around with another perspective

Bran is getting some of the coolest powers in the whole story
Arya will become a Faceless which is awesome
Conspiracies about Jon being son of r+l leads one to believe he'll play a humongous role very soon. its about time he left the wall anyways
Rickon we cant tell enough about to dismiss, but we know he'll play a role in the upcoming book since he's important enough for Davos to retrieve
As for Sansa, her character being crapped on with virtually no upside IMO hints that she'll get some sweet revenge soon

Conor 419


Sansa is marrying Littlefinger
Jon is "dead". If he comes back alive as a human, his crow brothers don't want anything to do with him. If he comes back as a wolf then LOL.
Bran has merged with a tree.
Arya is stuck in the other side of the world.
Rickon is who the fuck knows or cares. Rickon lol.

Dem powerhouse paths.

Sansa has had the best education in the series. Ned, Cersei, Littlefinger, Tyrion are a few of those who have influenced her development as a character, combine her personal savvyness with her own potential attractiveness to other characters, as well as the fact that she could very well become a champion of power, backed by the Knights of the Vale, The North, The Riverlands and maybe even the Westerlands, and you have in incubation what could be one of the most powerful characters in Westeros.

Jon is looking to become Azor Ahai, enough said.

Arya has demonstrated numerous times to be incredibly intelligent and resourceful. She has at this point, a wealth of survival and combat experience, not excluding what learnt from the first sword of Bravos, Yoren, Jaqen H'ghar, Sandor Clegane and the Faceless men. The number of characters that could defend an assasination attempt from her are rapdily dwindling. She will kill the unkillable, and she will be laughing.

Edit - Oh shit, and let's not forget Nymeria and the however many thousand wolves she has ready on the sidelines.

Bran is essentially going to know everything, ever. It is also heavily implied he has influenced characters such as Jaime and Theon through the weirwood network. He is also at this stage, the most powerful warg in the series.

Rickon is going to remind Westeros that the word honour was not always known well to the Starks. With non of Jon Arryn's wisdom being passed to him through Ned, Rickon is going to go live up to the absolutely hardcore Rickard, Brandon and Lyanna. He is strong for his age and absolutely primed with fury, he is also on Skagos, the home of unicorns and cannibals. When Davos finds him, he's going to be terrified of what he sees.


Corporate Apologist
Actually talking a closer look at maps, I now realize the Reach and Oldtown are on the West Coast. I always assumed OldTown was on the East Coast.

Sansa is marrying Littlefinger
Jon is "dead". If he comes back alive as a human, his crow brothers don't want anything to do with him. If he comes back as a wolf then LOL.
Bran has merged with a tree.
Arya is stuck in the other side of the world.
Rickon is who the fuck knows or cares. Rickon lol.

Dem powerhouse paths.

To me:

Sansa's whole arc is about how she will end up outsmarting and using/killing littlefinger
Jon will be back for sure. The crows may have nothing to do with him, but they will be irrelevant soon. He'll end up in charge of all Stannis' armies after Melisandre decides he is the warrior of light or whatever.
Bran has all sorts of cool tree powers.
Arya will be a facelass man ...

Rickon will, yeah ok Rickon might not do much. I'll go with him becoming the king of wolves or something and leading thousands of them savagely into battle. That'll do.


I'd like to see some Ice and Fire take precedence but I think it will be more Game of Thrones while he figures out how to make his dragons grow faster. At this point I'd be willing to wait another twenty years before reading anything if more books are needed. Maybe they'll chew some ice demon gristle and have some rapid muscle growth...


To me:

Sansa's whole arc is about how she will end up outsmarting and using/killing littlefinger

Agreed. It seems Sansa is learning the tricks of the trade from Littlefinger and eventually will beat him at his own game. At least that's the direction I am anticipating


I shall make predictions regarding the story also. Some are possible, most probably not so.

1. Jon Snow's story is not over. He might be dead physically, but he resides within Ghost for the time being. The ice cells will keep him fresh and then a red priest/priestess will give him the kiss of life, and he will be reborn amidst Ice(Wall) and Fire(Melisandre).

2. Rickon Stark will be Lord of Winterfell. Manderly will make sure of it, after he finishes eating Frey Pie.

3. Bran will unfortunately never return to Winterfell, or meet his brothers or sisters again. But like the other Stark children, they will re-unite through their Direwolves. Summer ,Nymeria ,Shaggydog ,Ghost. Lady and Grey Wind :(

4. Arya will not survive to the end. Valar Morghulis.

5. Lady Stoneheart will also meet her end. How? By the hands of the BWB or possibly Brienne.

6. Lyanna's promise will be revealed by Howland Reed or Bran the Tree.

7. Aegon will get to the Iron Throne. He will rule but he will not sit long on that chair. Daenerys will arrive in Westeros, and the second Dance with Dragons will commence.

8. The Wall will fall, and no longer stand tall.

That is it for some crazy predictions. I wonder what truly will happen. Will Euron blow the dragon horn? Does Samwell posses the Horn of Joramun? Will Stannis live? Is there somebody or something roaming the cold crypts at Winterfell? Will Dorne get involved in the War? Where is Jaqen?..Oldtown? Find out in the next exciting book by George RR Martin coming in the year 2XXX.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Lady Stoneheart is actually pretty fucking terrifying if you think about it. She is immortal as far as we know like Beric Dondarrion was.

Brienne isn't going to kill her unless she does talk-no-jutsu or Valyrian Steel can kill one infused with the power of R'hllor.


My prediction is that Jaime is going to sit on the throne at the end. That's why he lost his right hand. Because he'll get a Hand. Hah.

Of the surviving Starks, I wonder how many will live to see the end. I think they'll all be dead except for Sansa.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Lady Stoneheart is actually pretty fucking terrifying if you think about it. She is immortal as far as we know like Beric Dondarrion was.

Brienne isn't going to kill her unless she does talk-no-jutsu or Valyrian Steel can kill one infused with the power of R'hllor.

Didn't Beric die multiple times, and every time he had to be brought back by Thoros? I don't think Catelyn is really immortal unless a red priest keeps casting res on her.

Wh0 N0se

That's not true: Sansa and Arya haven't been raped yet.
My prediction is that Jaime is going to sit on the throne at the end. That's why he lost his right hand. Because he'll get a Hand. Hah.

Of the surviving Starks, I wonder how many will live to see the end. I think they'll all be dead except for Sansa.
I can't see that many of them dying, Who's going to kill Bran? Also, Aryas not exactly in a dangerous situation at the moment.
Didn't Beric die multiple times, and every time he had to be brought back by Thoros? I don't think Catelyn is really immortal unless a red priest keeps casting res on her.
Thoros doesn't exactly seem happy with her either, I don't think he'd revive her if she was killed.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Didn't Beric die multiple times, and every time he had to be brought back by Thoros? I don't think Catelyn is really immortal unless a red priest keeps casting res on her.

Oh yeah forgot about that.

Arya's fucked the second she decides she doesn't want to stay with the Faceless Men.
Oh yeah forgot about that.

Arya's fucked the second she decides she doesn't want to stay with the Faceless Men.

Seems like it can only really end with her ditching them, followed by a game of cat and mouse as they hunt her down (with her killing them off one by one).

Not quite as exciting as watching children play around a tree in Dorne for half a book, but still, would read.


My prediction is that Jaime is going to sit on the throne at the end. That's why he lost his right hand. Because he'll get a Hand. Hah.

Of the surviving Starks, I wonder how many will live to see the end. I think they'll all be dead except for Sansa.

I personally think he's done with killing Starks. It's the other families who should be worried now.


To me:

Sansa's whole arc is about how she will end up outsmarting and using/killing littlefinger
Jon will be back for sure. The crows may have nothing to do with him, but they will be irrelevant soon. He'll end up in charge of all Stannis' armies after Melisandre decides he is the warrior of light or whatever.
Bran has all sorts of cool tree powers.
Arya will be a facelass man ...

Rickon will, yeah ok Rickon might not do much. I'll go with him becoming the king of wolves or something and leading thousands of them savagely into battle. That'll do.

Rickon is going to be the Stark ruling Winterfell while all the rest of them are doing that cool stuff. You know GRRM invented him as an afterthought for this reason. He was like "well all the other starks will be dead and the ones alive will be doing this cool supernatural/assassin shit...uh oh who is going to be running Winterfell....better create a 3 year old boy"
Lady Stoneheart is actually pretty fucking terrifying if you think about it. She is immortal as far as we know like Beric Dondarrion was.

She's one of my favorite characters/twists in the series. Seeing someone like Cat utterly twisted and broken by fury, despair and insanity, turning her in to one of the major forces of evil in the books was an incredible idea. There's no coming back from that in my opinion, at least I hope not. I love the utter tragedy of her.


Neo Member
She's one of my favorite characters/twists in the series. Seeing someone like Cat utterly twisted and broken by fury, despair and insanity, turning her in to one of the major forces of evil in the books was an incredible idea. There's no coming back from that in my opinion, at least I hope not. I love the utter tragedy of her.

Killing Freys isn't evil. And she at least doesn't feed them to people

Sansa is marrying Littlefinger
Jon is "dead". If he comes back alive as a human, his crow brothers don't want anything to do with him. If he comes back as a wolf then LOL.
Bran has merged with a tree.
Arya is stuck in the other side of the world.
Rickon is who the fuck knows or cares. Rickon lol.

Dem powerhouse paths.

The original title of "A Dream of Summer" was
"A Time for Wolves". The Starks are gonna wreck some shit before the end, no doubt.


She's one of my favorite characters/twists in the series. Seeing someone like Cat utterly twisted and broken by fury, despair and insanity, turning her in to one of the major forces of evil in the books was an incredible idea. There's no coming back from that in my opinion, at least I hope not. I love the utter tragedy of her.

There's also the chance that she'll bump into one of her missing children. That would totally destroy her.

But until then, she's going to bring some righteous vengeance to the Riverlands. I'm thinking mass executions after liberating Riverrun. I'd be very surprised if house Frey still exists after the next 2 books. Between the North and the Riverlands and the Eyrie (and without their Lannister allies) they are so fucked.
There's also the chance that she'll bump into one of her missing children. That would totally destroy her.

But until then, she's going to bring some righteous vengeance to the Riverlands. I'm thinking mass executions after liberating Riverrun. I'd be very surprised if house Frey still exists after the next 2 books. Between the North and the Riverlands and the Eyrie (and without their Lannister allies) they are so fucked.

Walder Frey will sit the Iron Throne at the very end. The last word of the series will be, "Heh."
Killing Freys isn't evil. And she at least doesn't feed them to people

She's not just killing Frey's though. Her definition of Frey has expanded and nearly included Brienne and almost certainly included Poderick. Mark my words she will not simply stop killing once the Frey's are done. Vengeance always has a reason to continue.


She's not just killing Frey's though. Her definition of Frey has expanded and nearly included Brienne and almost certainly included Poderick. Mark my words she will not simply stop killing once the Frey's are done. Vengeance always has a reason to continue.
Brienne: someone who betrayed her by joining the Lannisters as she is travelling under royal decree.
Podrick Payne: A Lannister squire, family of Ilyn Payne who killed her husband.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Brienne: someone who betrayed her by joining the Lannisters as she is travelling under royal decree.
Podrick Payne: A Lannister squire, family of Ilyn Payne who killed her husband.

Being able to kill someone you thought of as a friend at the tip of a hat without giving them time to explain properly is bordering on evil.

Also Pod had nothing to do with Ned being executed. How is that not evil?


There's also the chance that she'll bump into one of her missing children. That would totally destroy her.

But until then, she's going to bring some righteous vengeance to the Riverlands. I'm thinking mass executions after liberating Riverrun. I'd be very surprised if house Frey still exists after the next 2 books. Between the North and the Riverlands and the Eyrie (and without their Lannister allies) they are so fucked.

I think she will give the Freys thier very own Red wedding at Rivverun. Lure them all there and boom. She does have that singer in place.


Being able to kill someone you thought of as a friend at the tip of a hat without giving them time to explain properly is bordering on evil.

Also Pod had nothing to do with Ned being executed. How is that not evil?

Petyr and Merrett got drunk and were passed out during the Red Wedding. She is waging a war against the Freys, the Lannisters, The Boltons and everybody allied to them. That includes house Payne and Brienne who couldn't explain why she was allied to the Lannisters.
Being able to kill someone you thought of as a friend at the tip of a hat without giving them time to explain properly is bordering on evil.

Also Pod had nothing to do with Ned being executed. How is that not evil?

Bingo. If she can justify it for Breinne she can justify it for anyone. Cat's gone.
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