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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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The whole Tree Bran thing sucks for him, but kind of makes sense for the series. You want super magical powers to see through time and warg anything? Fine, have them but now you're stuck in one spot as a tree person. Its like all magic in the series- there is some cost to it. I guess the shitty thing is that Bran hasn't had time to really live his life before becoming a tree, unlike Bloodraven.


The whole Tree Bran thing sucks for him, but kind of makes sense for the series. You want super magical powers to see through time and warg anything? Fine, have them but now you're stuck in one spot as a tree person. Its like all magic in the series- there is some cost to it. I guess the shitty thing is that Bran hasn't had time to really live his life before becoming a tree, unlike Bloodraven.

"You remember all that whining you did about losing your leg movement? Well, you're a tree now."

Just another Stark getting Stark'ed.
But the last line is the most likely thing in there.

Thanks for playing ;)

The whole Tree Bran thing sucks for him, but kind of makes sense for the series. You want super magical powers to see through time and warg anything? Fine, have them but now you're stuck in one spot as a tree person. Its like all magic in the series- there is some cost to it. I guess the shitty thing is that Bran hasn't had time to really live his life before becoming a tree, unlike Bloodraven.

The issue now will be not making his use of the power consistent and not too overpowered. He basically has an excuse now at any time for Bran to discover or reveal plot points or intervene in what is going on or just let it happen.


It seems that Bran will indeed be rooted to that cave. He will be the ultimate POV character, who will give us a glimpse into the past and the present. If I remember correctly, didn't he see Eddard by a heart tree while looking into the past. He also saw Theon 'Reek' Greyjoy and the mess he had become.

And if Howland Reed, Wylla or Ashara Dayne do not appear at all in the series, then Bran will be the most probable source for solving the mystery of Jon Snow's parentage.

And I agree that having Bran be rooted in the cave for eternity is not cool. I like Bran's arc quite a bit, always enjoyed reading his chapters.

You also left out that he was probably speaking to/calling out to Jon, through time, in ASOS. This was mindblowing to me on a re-read.


It seemed to me, while reading the Bran-tree chapters, that Bran didn't really like being there. So I think he'll want to leave. Although that's pretty difficult being miles beyond the wall with wights all around the entrance of the cave...

Maybe he'll warg a dragon to burn all the wights and fly it to get back south. I would like to see that.


It seems like Daenerys has control of one of the dragons. We know Victarion has a horn which can control another dragon. That leaves room for someone extremely powerful to warg into the third dragon. Right now that's a toss up between Jon Snow and Bran as the two with the strongest ability to warg. Could go either way.


So not worth it
I just don't see any non-Targaryen controlling a dragon really, so I'm gonna assume Aegon is legit and Jon is the son of Rhaegar and those two in charge of the remaining dragons.


Corporate Apologist
I just don't see any non-Targaryen controlling a dragon really, so I'm gonna assume Aegon is legit and Jon is the son of Rhaegar and those two in charge of the remaining dragons.

It should be noted that there has been Ice and Water Dragons reported in different stories. Old Nan tells of tales of Ice Dragons in the North, and they Greyjoy's original ancestor slayed a Water Dragon (Or at least a Dragon that lived at sea). Also, the Horn burned with fake Mance was likely a the same Horn Crow's Eye had, so I think there is a good chance of Ice Dragons showing up in the story.


It seems like Daenerys has control of one of the dragons. We know Victarion has a horn which can control another dragon. That leaves room for someone extremely powerful to warg into the third dragon. Right now that's a toss up between Jon Snow and Bran as the two with the strongest ability to warg. Could go either way.

goddamnit I hope GRR mounts a tree on a dragon's back.

also: wassup with Aegon's sister? I don't remember her being resolved? was she actually killed by the Mountain?


I think saving Aegon was more important because he was the heir, so they didn't bother finding a stunt baby for her. Or maybe there wasn't enough time to find a girl baby too, who knows. If they really switched Aegon at all.
also: wassup with Aegon's sister? I don't remember her being resolved? was she actually killed by the Mountain?

I believe it was Armory Lorch who killed her, with the Mountain killing Elia and Aegon. She was older, and her body was easily recognizable, unlike Aegon with the skull smashed in.

And years ago, when Martin was asked if Rhaegar's kids were really killed or not, his response was something like "All I'll say is that there's no doubt that Rhaenys was killed".


also: wassup with Aegon's sister? I don't remember her being resolved? was she actually killed by the Mountain?

Rhaenys was older, so it might have been harder to trick people. Two babies will look alike, but Tywin would have noticed if the girl was different.


Corporate Apologist
Ramsay does realized the kids he killed in aCoK were fakes, right? I assumed he did for a while, with the whole coverup and all, but in aDwD, his words seem to imply he doesn't, or that he is keeping it from his father.


Finally finished reading ADwD. After the whole "tell half the stories for all the characters, or tell all the story for half the characters" I'm not really sure why GRRM decided to land on "Tell half the story for half the characters.. and then the other half of the characters." Didn't see the need for a number of chapters to end up in ADwD that could have been in AFfC. Hitting the end of ADwD, I was shocked that was it, and a bit miffed that there wasn't another GRRM afterword to explain wtf he was thinking.


I just don't see any non-Targaryen controlling a dragon really, so I'm gonna assume Aegon is legit and Jon is the son of Rhaegar and those two in charge of the remaining dragons.

Aegon is probably fake. Idk, it's very Martin-esque to make this boy and his ward completely believe that he is the rightful heir, devote their lives to it, and then turn out to be fake. And being burned alive in the process or something.

I still believe Tyrion is actually a Targaryen. Don't know if it's been discussed in this topic (new to GAF), but especially in ADWD I feel Martin has been setting this up. I've seen (or imagined) several hints throughout the book. Like his immunity to greyscale (Targs don't get sick), Aegon's affair at court (with Tyrion's mom) and the subsequent break with Tywin (speculation). And other things that would fit nicely.
Aegon is probably fake. Idk, it's very Martin-esque to make this boy and his ward completely believe that he is the rightful heir, devote their lives to it, and then turn out to be fake. And being burned alive in the process or something.

I still believe Tyrion is actually a Targaryen. Don't know if it's been discussed in this topic (new to GAF), but especially in ADWD I feel Martin has been setting this up. I've seen (or imagined) several hints throughout the book. Like his immunity to greyscale (Targs don't get sick), Aegon's affair at court (with Tyrion's mom) and the subsequent break with Tywin (speculation). And other things that would fit nicely.

Had not really considered that. It would set up a nice scene where the dragons burn him but he is unharmed (for yet another fake death). But I don't really see it adding a lot besides him perhaps becoming a dragon trainer.
Ramsay does realized the kids he killed in aCoK were fakes, right? I assumed he did for a while, with the whole coverup and all, but in aDwD, his words seem to imply he doesn't, or that he is keeping it from his father.

Of course he does. He was the one who came up with the idea of faking the corpses, after all. He just sometimes deliberately forgets during certain conversations. Him boasting about how he killed Bran and Rickon was clearly him just being obnoxious, rather than him actually thinking that.

It's also pretty clear that Roose knows the truth. When he and Ramsay talk, he wonders how the northern lords would react if one of Ned Stark's sons would turn up. Ramsay claims that he would just kill them again, and then Roose gets annoyed and reminds him that it was Theon who killed them and sacked Winterfell.


I've heard the "Tyrion is a Targaryen" theory but am not a massive fan of it. I don't believe it's not possible, but I hope GRRM doesn't go that route. One of the things that makes Tyrion appealing to me is that he's born into a family almost completely unlike him, and who (for the most part) detest him, and he's often wrongly judged just for bearing his name (and because he's a dwarf). He doesn't belong with the Lannisters, but I would like to think it's because he was born into the "wrong family" rather than because he literally isn't a Lannister.


Plus, with Aegon and potentially Jon, there are too many surprise Targaryens already.

I'd argue that although Jon seems legitimately likely to be a surprise Targ, Aegon screams fake and there's certainly room for a third(of Targ descent), especially considering how much surrounding the dragons seem to come in 3s.

This is probably widely known among people in this thread anyways, but this thread covers the arguments for/against Tywin as a Targ(as well as a few others) pretty nicely.
I still believe Tyrion is actually a Targaryen. Don't know if it's been discussed in this topic (new to GAF), but especially in ADWD I feel Martin has been setting this up. I've seen (or imagined) several hints throughout the book. Like his immunity to greyscale (Targs don't get sick), Aegon's affair at court (with Tyrion's mom) and the subsequent break with Tywin (speculation). And other things that would fit nicely.

Targaryens aren't immune to disease. That was just some bullshit that Viserys made up and Dany repeated because she didn't know better. There are even cases of Targaryens who died due to sickness.

The timing of the Aerys/Joanna stuff would fit better for thinking that Jaime and Cersei are Targaryens than Tyrion.


Corporate Apologist
Not to mention Aemon "He is part of the nights watch so we all forgot about him and just kind of leave him alone and go for more threatening unborn babies" Targaryen

Well Aemon double couldn't be King, he was both part of the Nights Watch and a Maester! Plus, he didn't want to do it, and was like 90 at the time Robert took the Throne.


The timing of the Aerys/Joanna stuff would fit better for thinking that Jaime and Cersei are Targaryens than Tyrion.
Especially because people keep making the point that Tyrion is the 'true' heir of Tywin. Unlike Jamie and Cersei he inherited the mental capabilities of their father. By the way, if Jamie and Cersei were children of Joanna and Aegon, wouldn't that make Tommen the rightful king all along?
Tyrion isn't a Targ IMO, I just can't buy that theory. Multiple character have pointed out he inherited Tywin's intelligence and I have a feeling Ttwin would know if the child wasn't his; if his wife was raped by the king, wouldn't he be smart enough to ensure she drank some moon tea to avoid any shame on his house (or another potential Blackfyre type situation)?

I do believe Aegon is a fraud though, the hints litter the last two books. He's likely Illyrio's son; his wife's description resembles the Blackfyre line. And considering Varys and Serra were both from Lys I wouldn't be surprised if they were siblings; perhaps that explains the bond he has with Illyrio.


Tyrion isn't a Targ IMO, I just can't buy that theory. Multiple character have pointed out he inherited Tywin's intelligence and I have a feeling Ttwin would know if the child wasn't his; if his wife was raped by the king, wouldn't he be smart enough to ensure she drank some moon tea to avoid any shame on his house (or another potential Blackfyre type situation)?

I do believe Aegon is a fraud though, the hints litter the last two books. He's likely Illyrio's son; his wife's description resembles the Blackfyre line. And considering Varys and Serra were both from Lys I wouldn't be surprised if they were siblings; perhaps that explains the bond he has with Illyrio.

Tywin may have suspected and been unable to prove it(he mentions several times throughout the series that Tyrion isn't his son or that he isn't sure he is) or if he had attempted to force a miscarriage, it could possibly explain Tyrion's deformities.

Either way, I sort of hope that GRRM keeps it intentionally vague. I like that there are seeds planted, but I think the ambiguity is enough here, especially if Tyrion ends up on the wings of a dragon anyways.


So not worth it
Not to mention Aemon "He is part of the nights watch so we all forgot about him and just kind of leave him alone and go for more threatening unborn babies" Targaryen

Seems like a grand idea. "Hey, we just finished this war, lets go to war with our own Nights Watch so we can get this last near-blind, non-fertile, non-threatening Targaryen out of the way!"


Seems like a grand idea. "Hey, we just finished this war, lets go to war with our own Nights Watch so we can get this last near-blind, non-fertile, non-threatening Targaryen out of the way!"

"I'm sure my best friend won't mind us attacking the only force that is protecting his people from two really dangerous groups of enemies."
Seems like a grand idea. "Hey, we just finished this war, lets go to war with our own Nights Watch so we can get this last near-blind, non-fertile, non-threatening Targaryen out of the way!"

"I'm sure my best friend won't mind us attacking the only force that is protecting his people from two really dangerous groups of enemies."

Just hire an assassin and boom problem solved. You either want every last Targaryen dead or you don't.

I wouldn't be keeping the one with all that knowledge around.


Targaryens aren't immune to disease. That was just some bullshit that Viserys made up and Dany repeated because she didn't know better. There are even cases of Targaryens who died due to sickness.

The timing of the Aerys/Joanna stuff would fit better for thinking that Jaime and Cersei are Targaryens than Tyrion.

Are you sure? Do you have an example for the Targaryens who got sick?

I have to admit I don't have the timeline crystal clear in my head, is it actually impossible? For instance if Tywin already returned to Casterly Rock or something?

And somebody mentioned that Tyrion inherited Tywins mind, it could just be Targaryen greatness (that skipped a generation), combined with Tyrion picking up on some of Tywin's knowledge. It doesn't really debunk the theory.


So not worth it
Just hire an assassin and boom problem solved. You either want every last Targaryen dead or you don't.

I wouldn't be keeping the one with all that knowledge around.

And what do you expect a Lord Commander like Jeor Mormont to do when they assassinate his trusted confidant?
And what do you expect a Lord Commander like Jeor Mormont to do when they assassinate his trusted confidant?

Assume he died of old age or whatever else the assassin made it look like. He is surrounded by thieves, murderers and rapists remember. I'm sure shit goes down there all the time.


Interview with GRRM

‘My first three novels, I just wrote them and gave them to my publisher,’ he says. ‘Nobody was waiting for the next one and that was so nice.’ He says he wants to finish the series – he has always known how it is going to end – and will then ‘pretend I’m dead, so I can write in peace’. No one is safe in George RR Martin’s world, it seems. Not even Martin himself.


Nothing new in there really. He earned $15 mio last year, not bad.


Not to mention Aemon "He is part of the nights watch so we all forgot about him and just kind of leave him alone and go for more threatening unborn babies" Targaryen

The babies *were* more threatening to Robert's rule than an old man in the Nights Watch; their claims were still valid while those who join the Nights Watch give up their inheritance rights.
The babies *were* more threatening to Robert's rule than an old man in the Nights Watch; their claims were still valid while those who join the Nights Watch give up their inheritance rights.

Aemon was offered a chance to be released from his vows in the past, he was only a non-threat because he was old and blind.

Edit: I misremembered that, he was still just a maester when that happened.


Wow, I just reread the chapter where Ned tells Cersei that he knows about the bastards. Such a glorious conversation, maybe the best in the series yet.

Wh0 N0se

There's a few great individual chapters but for me I can't think of a better series of chapter/arc than Theons/Reeks in ADWD. I loved those.


There's a few great individual chapters but for me I can't think of a better series of chapter/arc than Theons/Reeks in ADWD. I loved those.
Oh yes, the scape from Winterfell was the best of all, I was so excited of what was happening, that was magical, I had a smile on my face the whole chapter
I wish someone would ask Benioff and Weiss if it kind of sucks to know the ending. I'd hate to learn that info two books in advance. I would have just asked for like the most vague synopsis possible.
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