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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Conor 419

I mean, there's not even a doubt at this stage that the Starks are going to trash this shit? There are two non Stark main characters of the six, one of them is Tyrion, and his new goal in life is to become a rapist so he can fuck off. That leaves Daenarys, who I have a feeling will become an ally to them anyway. So assuming they don't start fighting eachother, the Starks are pretty much unopposed by anyone meaningful.
I mean, there's not even a doubt at this stage that the Starks are going to trash this shit? There are two non Stark main characters of the six, one of them is Tyrion, and his new goal in life is to become a rapist so he can fuck off. That leaves Daenarys, who I have a feeling will become an ally to them anyway. So assuming they don't start fighting eachother, the Starks are pretty much unopposed by anyone meaningful.

Well the Others probably don't care too much for them.


Who were the main Freys involved in the Red Wedding? Walder was obviously. Hosteen and Aenys I think.

Edit. It's the small details I can never bloody remember.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I mean, there's not even a doubt at this stage that the Starks are going to trash this shit? There are two non Stark main characters of the six, one of them is Tyrion, and his new goal in life is to become a rapist so he can fuck off. That leaves Daenarys, who I have a feeling will become an ally to them anyway. So assuming they don't start fighting eachother, the Starks are pretty much unopposed by anyone meaningful.

I'm pretty sure Tyrion was bullshitting when he mentioned wanting to rape Cersei. He probably (?) wouldn't hesitate to kill her but between his conscience and his past experience with rape I don't think he could do that again, even to her.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm pretty sure she'd even hang Jon if she could get her hands on him (and he's not dead).

I wouldn't even count out her doing something to Bran or Rickon if shes sees them. You're an imposter taking the form of my dead child!

Which of course wouldn't sound that way out of her own mouth lol.

Also Rickon is still a douche for being friends with the Walders.
Who were the main Freys involved in the Red Wedding? Walder was obviously. Hosteen and Aenys I think.

Edit. It's the small details I can never bloody remember.

The bastard one that seemed all nice.

Also when watching the show again the last couple of weeks, they seem to have completely forgotten about Olyvar who was supposed to squire for Robb.

I wouldn't even count out her doing something to Bran or Rickon if shes sees them. You're an imposter taking the form of my dead child!

Which of course wouldn't sound that way out of her own mouth lol.

Also Rickon is still a douche for being friends with the Walders.

Yeah, I think Catelyn has lost all traces of humanity and would basically kill anyone. Edmure better watch out.
Tyrion's in an extremely dark place for all of ADWD, and he really needs something to jolt him back to his senses. Basically, he needs a game he can play and win.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Tyrion's in an extremely dark place for all of ADWD, and he really needs something to jolt him back to his senses. Basically, he needs a game he can play and win.

He seems to have found just that by the end of Dance but you're right, he spends most of the book an alcoholic mess. Even for all that I don't think he's plotting to reach Dany just to rape Cersei. Kill her, probably, and almost certainly to attempt a grab at Casterly Rock with Dany's help but the comment about raping and killing Cersei struck me as a bitter exaggeration.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Someone mentioned that Cersei might think Tyrion Killed Kevin Lannister because Varys killed him with a Crossbow.

What if Catelyn gets close enough to a Weirwood tree for Bran to see her and he is like "Look it is Mom", then she turns around and he sees her face.

I wonder if Tyrion might run into his uncle Gerion Lannister who is presumed dead.


Man I don't even know what's up with Bran the Tree Internet Man... I'm really worried that becomes the jumping the shark thing.

I'll tolerate a lot of magickal nonsense, but tree Internet is a bit much.


So not worth it
Man I don't even know what's up with Bran the Tree Internet Man... I'm really worried that becomes the jumping the shark thing.

I'll tolerate a lot of magickal nonsense, but tree Internet is a bit much.

You are reading a fantasy book, which means fantastical things are gonna happen.

I really don't see where people are coming from when they say stuff like this, it's like they've picked up the book at the period drama section instead of the fantasy section lol.


woah cool your jets! I'm saying I feel it's kind of inconsistent with the rest of the fantasy. all the other magick and shit was pretty localized, now all of a sudden we have omniscience? mostly it puts me off 'cuz those damn Enders Game books after Ender went and met pig-tree-alien-things were all just so stupid. Tree-beings blow it on the regular.


I'll tolerate a lot of magickal nonsense, but tree Internet is a bit much.

my sides

Killing Freys isn't evil. And she at least doesn't feed them to people

What about hanging Podrick and Brienne? For all we know Pod died while Brienne was able to plea for her life

I see this has already been brought up... as for the "Podrick being related to Ilyn Payne" How the fuck would Catelyn have known? I don't recall them saying This is Podrick Payne. Catelyn simply strung him up because he was with Brienne who in her mind had betrayed her oath.

While Stoneheart may not be Ramsey Bolton evil, she has become souless and twisted. I suspect some sort of Darth Vader style redemption for her by the end. She will realize Sansa, Bran, Rickon and Arya are still alive, and sacrifice herself using whatever goodwill still remains with her to save them (and I am sure she will show some sort of compassion towards Jon before its all over)


Rapid Response Threadmaker
woah cool your jets! I'm saying I feel it's kind of inconsistent with the rest of the fantasy. all the other magick and shit was pretty localized, now all of a sudden we have omniscience? mostly it puts me off 'cuz those damn Enders Game books after Ender went and met pig-tree-alien-things were all just so stupid. Tree-beings blow it on the regular.

It fits with the lore of The Children of the forest and how people believed the old gods were listening to them.


Corporate Apologist
One thing that has always bugged me, is Robb actually older then Jon? Even before hearing the R+L=J thing, it always sounded to me that Jon was Ned's Firstborn, from before he had to Marry Cat.



Sansa is marrying Littlefinger
Jon is "dead". If he comes back alive as a human, his crow brothers don't want anything to do with him. If he comes back as a wolf then LOL.
Bran has merged with a tree.
Arya is stuck in the other side of the world.
Rickon is who the fuck knows or cares. Rickon lol.

Dem powerhouse paths.

what the fuck

Glad to see you guys boo this man


While Stoneheart may not be Ramsey Bolton evil, she has become souless and twisted. I suspect some sort of Darth Vader style redemption for her by the end. She will realize Sansa, Bran, Rickon and Arya are still alive, and sacrifice herself using whatever goodwill still remains with her to save them (and I am sure she will show some sort of compassion towards Jon before its all over)

Man I don't see that happening at all. If anything Jon's going to chop her head off and that'll be that.
Man I don't see that happening at all. If anything Jon's going to chop her head off and that'll be that.

No matter which way it goes, I doubt it will end with a "and thats that... Time to move on!"

I see it as a wasted opportunity if there is no redemption whatsoever


So I'm rereading A Game of Thrones.. why does Eddard take the girls with him to King's Landing? Why don't they stay in Winterfell save with their mother and brothers. A lot of shit could have been prevented, like Arya missing and Sansa becoming a hostage. It's never really explained why they go with him.


So I'm rereading A Game of Thrones.. why does Eddard take the girls with him to King's Landing? Why don't they stay in Winterfell save with their mother and brothers. A lot of shit could have been prevented, like Arya missing and Sansa becoming a hostage. It's never really explained why they go with him.

Sansa's going to be betrothed to Joff. And it's an adventure! sometimes families go on vacation, dog. Shit was supposed to be cool under the king's peace.


you speak so well
So I'm rereading A Game of Thrones.. why does Eddard take the girls with him to King's Landing? Why don't they stay in Winterfell save with their mother and brothers. A lot of shit could have been prevented, like Arya missing and Sansa becoming a hostage. It's never really explained why they go with him.

It's been a while since I've read GoT but IIRC:
- Robb had to stay because a Stark had to stay to be Lord of Winterfell with Catelyn staying to teach him how to rule
- Rickon was too young to leave his mother
- Bran was supposed to go to befriend Robert's children (and didn't for obvious reasons)
- Sansa was to be betrothed to Joff so she had to go
- Ned thought that time at court could tame Arya a bit and make her more of a "proper" lady.
So I'm rereading A Game of Thrones.. why does Eddard take the girls with him to King's Landing? Why don't they stay in Winterfell save with their mother and brothers. A lot of shit could have been prevented, like Arya missing and Sansa becoming a hostage. It's never really explained why they go with him.

Ned and Cat have a detailed conversation about this very issue.
So I'm rereading A Game of Thrones.. why does Eddard take the girls with him to King's Landing? Why don't they stay in Winterfell save with their mother and brothers. A lot of shit could have been prevented, like Arya missing and Sansa becoming a hostage. It's never really explained why they go with him.

I don't think Ned really expected the events of A Game of Thrones to happen


So I'm rereading A Game of Thrones.. why does Eddard take the girls with him to King's Landing? Why don't they stay in Winterfell save with their mother and brothers. A lot of shit could have been prevented, like Arya missing and Sansa becoming a hostage. It's never really explained why they go with him.

And this is a "reread"?
Bran being a tree...dunno. I loved his arc in ADWD, especially the journey to the cave and the Walkers popping out of the snow. And when the Child of the Forest showed up I was like fffuuuu; that was one of my favorite moments of the series. Seriously, ADWD's entire Northern arc is balls to the walls awesome.

But the idea of Bran being stationary forever is troubling. Given that he barely got to the cave it's hard to imagine him leaving anytime soon, with winter raging. If he's there to provide exposition on the Others then that would be awesome. But I hoped for bigger things for Bran. I thought going to the three eyed raven would make him a badass, and he'd leave with some super power.


But the idea of Bran being stationary forever is troubling. Given that he barely got to the cave it's hard to imagine him leaving anytime soon, with winter raging. If he's there to provide exposition on the Others then that would be awesome. But I hoped for bigger things for Bran. I thought going to the three eyed raven would make him a badass, and he'd leave with some super power.

It seems that Bran will indeed be rooted to that cave. He will be the ultimate POV character, who will give us a glimpse into the past and the present. If I remember correctly, didn't he see Eddard by a heart tree while looking into the past. He also saw Theon 'Reek' Greyjoy and the mess he had become.

And if Howland Reed, Wylla or Ashara Dayne do not appear at all in the series, then Bran will be the most probable source for solving the mystery of Jon Snow's parentage.

And I agree that having Bran be rooted in the cave for eternity is not cool. I like Bran's arc quite a bit, always enjoyed reading his chapters.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Melisandre tries to resurrect Jon but ends up affixing Janos Slynt's soul to his body by mistake. Jonos Snow leads the wildlings to victory against Ramsay Bolton and the Others and reclaims Winterfell as King in the North.

Jorah Mormont enters as a shrouded contestant and defeats Daario in the first annual Tournament of Meereen, held after Daenerys's triumphant return. After revealing his identity Dany finally gets a Jorah boner, and, weary of the game of thrones, they go elope on dragonback for adventures in the Summer Isles.

Arya returns to King's Landing and assassinates Cersei, briefly stealing her face as she plots her next move. Lancel Lannister comes to her bedchamber in a moment of weakness, however, and she ends up impregnated with Lancel's baby. She abandons King's Landing and seeks out Nymeria in the forest, finding her in time to hand the baby off to the direwolf to be raised while she takes care of the rest of her list. The child grows up to be known as Ser Woofswood, the Hero on All Fours.

Bran becomes a tree.
Melisandre tries to resurrect Jon but ends up affixing Janos Slynt's soul to his body by mistake. Jonos Snow leads the wildlings to victory against Ramsay Bolton and the Others and reclaims Winterfell as King in the North.

Jorah Mormont enters as a shrouded contestant and defeats Daario in the first annual Tournament of Meereen, held after Daenerys's triumphant return. After revealing his identity Dany finally gets a Jorah boner, and, weary of the game of thrones, they go elope on dragonback for adventures in the Summer Isles.

Arya returns to King's Landing and assassinates Cersei, briefly stealing her face as she plots her next move. Lancel Lannister comes to her bedchamber in a moment of weakness, however, and she ends up impregnated with Lancel's baby. She abandons King's Landing and seeks out Nymeria in the forest, finding her in time to hand the baby off to the direwolf to be raised while she takes care of the rest of her list. The child grows up to be known as Ser Woofswood, the Hero on All Fours.

Bran becomes a tree.

I thought you were serious until I read the last line. Got me good.
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