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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Wh0 N0se

I wouldn't want the ending told to me, I'd much rather enjoy the wait and speculation and the actual reading of the books to see what happens.

This is assuming that the books do come out by GRRM's hand and within an acceptable time.


I wouldn't want the ending told to me, I'd much rather enjoy the wait and speculation and the actual reading of the books to see what happens.

This is assuming that the books do come out by GRRM's hand and within an acceptable time.

If HBO keeps splitting the books in half GRRM has about seven years to finish up the entire bitch. I suppose HBO could stretch the books even further without much problem. I'd say it's much less likely that the show would last that long. :p


Unconfirmed Member
Didn't want to post spoilers in the other thread, buuuuuut...


The new Pope is the High Sparrow!


Corporate Apologist
Assume he died of old age or whatever else the assassin made it look like. He is surrounded by thieves, murderers and rapists remember. I'm sure shit goes down there all the time.

So in other words, they have tons of people who likely can tell its an assassination.


I wish someone would ask Benioff and Weiss if it kind of sucks to know the ending. I'd hate to learn that info two books in advance. I would have just asked for like the most vague synopsis possible.

The way to go, clearly, is to have GRRM leave a letter in a safe to be opened in case something terrible/tragic happens.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Martin should write the last book now, so if anything bad happens to him we'll have the ending anyway. Throw it in a safe until needed.

Martin's said in the past that if he dies there'll be no ending, but I think if he legitimately saw the end coming and his life's work was going to go unresolved, he might think about going the Robert Jordan route. I think he's just offended that people straight up send him mail that says, "can you just write faster because you're fat and old."


If this video is correct, I take back alot of my criticism of the writers in season 2.


Basically Talisa in on a conspiracy to get Robb to lose the Freys/lose the war. Wrapping up Jeyne Westerling and her mother Sybil Spicer into one character.

On top of this all during the initial casting leaks she was listed as TALISA LANNISTER.


Tywin may have suspected and been unable to prove it(he mentions several times throughout the series that Tyrion isn't his son or that he isn't sure he is) or if he had attempted to force a miscarriage, it could possibly explain Tyrion's deformities.

Either way, I sort of hope that GRRM keeps it intentionally vague. I like that there are seeds planted, but I think the ambiguity is enough here, especially if Tyrion ends up on the wings of a dragon anyways.

That seems like a pretty simplistic reading of what Tywin says. Disappointed parents declaring "you're not son of mine" are pretty much a cliche at this point, and Tywin in particular hates seeing so much of himself in this deformed dwarf, and wishes that Tyrion weren't his son. I really don't think any of his attempts to claim Tyrion isn't his can be taken seriously. Tyrion as a Targ would pretty heavily undermine his character, I think.


That seems like a pretty simplistic reading of what Tywin says. Disappointed parents declaring "you're not son of mine" are pretty much a cliche at this point, and Tywin in particular hates seeing so much of himself in this deformed dwarf, and wishes that Tyrion weren't his son. I really don't think any of his attempts to claim Tyrion isn't his can be taken seriously. Tyrion as a Targ would pretty heavily undermine his character, I think.

I agree that it isn't something to be automatically taken as an accusation on Tywin's part, but that if it came to light that Tyrion is a Targ, it would be one of, quite frankly, a ton of details put into a new light. I'm not sure if Tyrion is a Targ, but it does feel intentional at this point that GRRM wants people to wonder. Whether that goes anywhere or not is a different matter entirely.

Personally, I think the dramatic irony from the twins being Targ would be much more delicious, even if it's less supported. I'd also say that Tyrion having Targ blood is of little consequence to things in general, and I have doubts that the narrative would gain more than it loses from it. Still, there does seem to be a very real chance that GRRM is moving in that direction.
Tyrion being a Targ would undermine a lot of character development and make his relationship with Tywin a lot less interesting. I really hope it doesn't happen.

GRRM has already gone way overboard with the false identities, I'd be happy if no one but Jon had a surprise heritage. I don't expect that to happen though.
If this video is correct, I take back alot of my criticism of the writers in season 2.


Basically Talisa in on a conspiracy to get Robb to lose the Freys/lose the war. Wrapping up Jeyne Westerling and her mother Sybil Spicer into one character.

On top of this all during the initial casting leaks she was listed as TALISA LANNISTER.

I wouldn't say that was better writing...frankly it is more believable that he falls for the girl (he is young afterall) and they have an ill-fated romance or, as in the original situation, she was innocent of the manipulations, than her being some devious schemer herself.


At the end of Storm of Swords, Lyssa tells Sansa that Baelish had impregnated her when he thought he deflowered Cat.

What the hell happened to the kid? Do we know, or did GRR leave that thread open? I don't remember anything about Baelish after he kills her and becomes Lord Protector of the Vale except he does some courtly scheming...

edit: oops. aborted.


Question about the popular fan theory about
Jon being the Prince that was Promised/Son of Ned's sister and Rhaegar.
If this were true,
how does one explain that Jon's hand was burned by the fire in Mormont's room? Aren't Targaryen's supposed to be immune to fire?
And while I grant that
Viserys is said not to be The Dragon since he's killed by the gold, it was also molten metal, and not technically flame, like the fire which touched Dany.


Neo Member
Not all Targaryens are resistant to fire or disease. The two times it happened to Daenerys may have just been flukes. Case in point: Aerion Brightflame killing himself from Wildfire or the fair number of Targaryens that died during the Great Spring Sickness.


Question about the popular fan theory about Jon being the Prince that was Promised/Son of Ned's sister and Rhaegar. If this were true, how does one explain that Jon's hand was burned by the fire in Mormont's room? Aren't Targaryen's supposed to be immune to fire? And while I grant that
Viserys is said not to be The Dragon since he's killed by the gold, it was also molten metal, and not technically flame, like the fire which touched Dany.
unmarked spoilers, brah. leave it fly free.

yeah the business about Targaryens being super human is kind of messy. dunno how much stock to put by it.


lol I just showed his website to a coworker last week.

About the Tarygaryen's, Martin has stated that both her not getting burned and the dragon's hatching were once in a lifetime events.

But wasn't she struck by Drogon's breath like, directly into face in ADWD? I'm pretty sure it was even described that her hair was burning and all.

Shame about the site, damn man, damn.


lol I just showed his website to a coworker last week.

About the Tarygaryen's, Martin has stated that both her not getting burned and the dragon's hatching were once in a lifetime events.

This is the second time someone has said this. The entire first book implies that she's unharmed by heat, and then in ADWD she takes dragon fire to the face. Where is this Martin quote?


This is the second time someone has said this. The entire first book implies that she's unharmed by heat, and then in ADWD she takes dragon fire to the face. Where is this Martin quote?

Granny Do Targaryens become immune to fire once they "bond" to their dragons?

George_RR_Martin Granny, thanks for asking that. It gives me a chance to clear up a common misconception. TARGARYENS ARE NOT IMMUNE TO FIRE! The birth of Dany's dragons was unique, magical, wonderous, a miracle. She is called The Unburnt because she walked into the flames and lived. But her brother sure as hell wasn't immune to that molten gold.

Revanshe So she won't be able to do it again?

George_RR_Martin Probably not.



He doesn't rule out the possibility of her doing it again, of course; this was before DWD.


Granny Do Targaryens become immune to fire once they "bond" to their dragons?

George_RR_Martin Granny, thanks for asking that. It gives me a chance to clear up a common misconception. TARGARYENS ARE NOT IMMUNE TO FIRE! The birth of Dany's dragons was unique, magical, wonderous, a miracle. She is called The Unburnt because she walked into the flames and lived. But her brother sure as hell wasn't immune to that molten gold.

Revanshe So she won't be able to do it again?

George_RR_Martin Probably not.



He doesn't rule out the possibility of her doing it again, of course; this was before DWD.

Targaryens clearly aren't immune to fire. Dany has been shown repeatedly to clearly be.


Targaryens clearly aren't immune to fire. Dany has been shown repeatedly to clearly be.

Twice, with one being mentioned by the author himself for over a decade that it would be a special one-time event. It's not something that gets drilled into the fanbase.


Ah yes, the ability to take hot baths. What was once a sign of her learning to endure is now proof of maxed out fire resistance.


Twice, with one being mentioned by the author himself for over a decade that it would be a special one-time event. It's not something that gets drilled into the fanbase.

The first book repeatedly drills in the idea that Dany isn't harmed by fire.

It's mentioned in the beginning with her baths being hotter than most can tolerate. She is capable of touching the eggs as they have sat on burning coals. When Viserys is killed it is said that fire cannot harm the dragon, alluding to the idea that Dany is the true "Dragon", and Viserys is not. This all before the funeral pyre, and before ADWD.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Did Dany take the blast to the face or did she tuck and roll with the possibility that her hair caught fire?


The first book repeatedly drills in the idea that Dany isn't harmed by fire.

It's mentioned in the beginning with her baths being hotter than most can tolerate. She is capable of touching the eggs as they have sat on burning coals. When Viserys is killed it is said that fire cannot harm the dragon, alluding to the idea that Dany is the true "Dragon", and Viserys is not. This all before the funeral pyre, and before ADWD.

Hmm, I guess it's been too long since I read GoT; I don't remember most of those other details. I'll take your word for it.
The first book repeatedly drills in the idea that Dany isn't harmed by fire.

It's mentioned in the beginning with her baths being hotter than most can tolerate. She is capable of touching the eggs as they have sat on burning coals. When Viserys is killed it is said that fire cannot harm the dragon, alluding to the idea that Dany is the true "Dragon", and Viserys is not. This all before the funeral pyre, and before ADWD.

I don't think the bath scene was in the book, nor was the scene with her putting the eggs in the brazier and her handmaiden getting burned. I'm pretty sure those were both added for the show. In the book she just likes to hold the eggs at night because she feels heat emanating from them and can sense something inside the stone or some shit. I don't think she puts any eggs in a brazier until the ending

Also, from ADWD:

It took Dany half the morning to climb down. By the time she reached the bottom she was winded. Her muscles ached, and she felt as if she had the beginnings of a fever. The rocks had scraped her hands raw. They are better than they were, though, she decided as she picked at a broken blister. Her skin was pink and tender, and a pale milky fluid was leaking from her cracked palms, but her burns were healing.

edit - just checked, the bath scene was in the book. I don't think it's really anything special though. She just likes to take really hot baths

John Dunbar

correct about everything
How does Dany's hands being burned at the end of ADWD fit into her being immune to fire? Fire/heat resistant she may be, but I doubt she's immune.

Just read the second paragraph of the last Dany chapter:

"...The rocks had scraped her hands raw. They are better than they were, though, she decided as she picked at a broken blister. Her skin was pink and tender, and a pale milky fluid was leaking from her cracked palms, but her burns were healing."

edit: beaten by blaine. but yeah, i agree that the TV show has probably made the book Dany seem more resistant to fire than she really is. I don't really understand how the dragon pit scene played out, though. Getting your hair burned by a blast of fire with no (as far as I can tell) damage to the scalp seems rather unlikely.
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