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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Brienne needs to go, especially with Jamie now back in her vicinity; I really hope they don't get separate missions or whatever. One needs to die, I vote Brienne.

Asha and Damphair too. We need a POV on the Iron Isles for a glimpse of Euron, but it shouldn't be permanent. And Asha is dead weight; either kill Theon or her, no point in both in same area. I'd vote Asha.

the hunt for Darkstar
and Dorne's reaction to Quentyn's death. I think he could stay around since he's the only POV in that area.

Connington: needed for Aegon. Personally I think Aegon will be king by the end of TWOW, and Connington could be his Hand; or he can die of greyscale.

she's on her way to meet Aegon, could provide a different opinion on Aegon.

Sam: I could see him dying

Barriston: I don't think he'll be alive by the time Dany returns to Westeros

Victarion: Depends on when Euron reveals he's been tricking him all along lol


Rapid Response Threadmaker
So is it generally assumed that Mormont's Raven was being Warg'd into by The Three-eyed Crow, as a way for The Three-eyed Crow to look over The Nights Watch he used to be Lord Commander over?


PhoenixPause, GRRM said once that Damphair has something "important" to do, so O wouldn't count on his death, or at least him dying soon
PhoenixPause, GRRM said once that Damphair has something "important" to do, so O wouldn't count on his death, or at least him dying soon

Got a link? That's interesting. Probably something to do with Euron? He could still die after revealing some major news, though.


A part of me hopes that for ADoS, we go back to the same number of POV's in GoT. The remaining original POV's, Davos to replace Ned, and Penny to replace Cat. :p

Also, for the TV show, I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to introduce Arianne, Doran, and a few of the Sand Snakes along with Oberyn and his crew. They play Arianne's plot along with Oberyn's in season 4 to get the viewers more warmed up to House Martell. They can end it with Dorne finding out about the Red Viper's death and have one of the last scenes in episode 10 be "vengeance, justice, fire and blood."This will be a good set up for Quentyn in season 5.

They could also do the Kingsmoot for season 4, but I don't think they'll be able to afford that much new cast or give them the appropriate amount of time. If I had a choice of putting a AFFC storyline in season 4, I'd obviously go with Dorne's just because it's connected to what's going on in Kings Landing.
AFFC is a fine book, apart from too much Cersei lesbian sex; ADWD is a fine book, except for Tyrion's pig-riding show and almost all of Dany's plot. Folding them together will solve a lot of their problems, and the Meereen material can probably be written a lot better for the show than GRRM handled it.

Simply the fact that the show isn't locked to certain characters' perspectives will do wonders for the King's Landing material especially; we've already had more characterization for Margaery in one season than we got in four books. The Margaery/Cersei rivalry stuff will play really well when it's not 100% from Cersei's perspective and possibly all in her head; I'm anticipating lots of fantastic shade being thrown.


AFFC is a fine book, apart from too much Cersei lesbian sex; ADWD is a fine book, except for Tyrion's pig-riding show and almost all of Dany's plot. Folding them together will solve a lot of their problems, and the Meereen material can probably be written a lot better for the show than GRRM handled it.

Simply the fact that the show isn't locked to certain characters' perspectives will do wonders for the King's Landing material especially; we've already had more characterization for Margaery in one season than we got in four books. The Margaery/Cersei rivalry stuff will play really well when it's not 100% from Cersei's perspective and possibly all in her head; I'm anticipating lots of fantastic shade being thrown.

The Meereen bits stumbled for me because the character names of the Meereenese were far too homogenous. Too many Zs and Qs. Naming them all in the show is going to be a nightmare, I'd imagine.

Wh0 N0se

The Meereen bits stumbled for me because the character names of the Meereenese were far too homogenous. Too many Zs and Qs. Naming them all in the show is going to be a nightmare, I'd imagine.

They'll probably reduce the amount of them and change most of their names to make it easier for the audience.
I hope they don't kill off the Dorne characters for no reason. I love reading about House Martell, all the Sands and all that. Cool stuff.

I'm hoping Cersei dies off in the next one, her downfall complete. Also: Asha should probably die. Theon has a lot of potential if he can redeem himself. Otherwise just kill him already in a way that gives motivation to somebody else.

Also in my fires I see Stannis dying in the next book.


Don't really care about minor POV characters getting offed, but Winds better have a Stark death.

Still think Arya isn't going to survive to the end.


A part of me hopes that for ADoS, we go back to the same number of POV's in GoT. The remaining original POV's, Davos to replace Ned, and Penny to replace Cat. :p

Also, for the TV show, I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to introduce Arianne, Doran, and a few of the Sand Snakes along with Oberyn and his crew. They play Arianne's plot along with Oberyn's in season 4 to get the viewers more warmed up to House Martell. They can end it with Dorne finding out about the Red Viper's death and have one of the last scenes in episode 10 be "vengeance, justice, fire and blood."This will be a good set up for Quentyn in season 5.

They could also do the Kingsmoot for season 4, but I don't think they'll be able to afford that much new cast or give them the appropriate amount of time. If I had a choice of putting a AFFC storyline in season 4, I'd obviously go with Dorne's just because it's connected to what's going on in Kings Landing.

I don't see any way the Kingsmoot isn't season 4. It's important to the plot that Euron arrives immediately after Balon's death, Euron is supposed to be the first of the kings to die after Stannis' curse. Delaying it to season five would make viewers feel like the islands just sat around for a year without a king.

And the Arianne plot can't really begin until Oberyn is dead. It's a direct reaction to that. I would have her travel with Oberyn and lay the groundwork for her Feast plot by confiding in Oberyn about her suspicions about her father and brother. Then after Oberyn dies we see her leaving to return to Dorne where she can pick up with her Feast plot in season 5. Also in season 5 you can introduce Quentyn and his journey to Dany, but have him and his friends operating under pseudonyms, so to the viewer he's just some crazy kid convinced he's off to marry his dragon queen. Then at the end of the season, Doran reveals his scheme to Arianne at the same time Quentyn presents himself to Dany, and the viewer realizes what's really been going on.

As for deaths, I know I'm pretty much alone here, but I really hope we don't lose Asha Greyjoy. She's always been a favorite of mine. I would hate to lose Davos, as well. And Stannis I know is dead in the long run, but I hope he makes it close to the end.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Deciding to raze all of Dorne with hellfire was a bold move by Martin but, unsurprisingly, most of his readership appreciated it.
Please don't kill Sansa, Stannis, Olena, Bran, Jaime, Theon, Littlefinger, Varys and Manderly. The rest can be stabbed in the back by the Others
I love Stannis but I really can't see him surviving another two books. Littlefinger is surely getting pushed out of the Moon Door by Sansa.
Deciding to raze all of Dorne with hellfire was a bold move by Martin, but unsurprisingly, most of his readership appreciated it.

Man what do you have against darker skinned people :(

Raze the Iron Islands with Hellfire when Dany goes east to go west
I don't see any way the Kingsmoot isn't season 4. It's important to the plot that Euron arrives immediately after Balon's death, Euron is supposed to be the first of the kings to die after Stannis' curse. Delaying it to season five would make viewers feel like the islands just sat around for a year without a king.

And the Arianne plot can't really begin until Oberyn is dead. It's a direct reaction to that. I would have her travel with Oberyn and lay the groundwork for her Feast plot by confiding in Oberyn about her suspicions about her father and brother. Then after Oberyn dies we see her leaving to return to Dorne where she can pick up with her Feast plot in season 5. Also in season 5 you can introduce Quentyn and his journey to Dany, but have him and his friends operating under pseudonyms, so to the viewer he's just some crazy kid convinced he's off to marry his dragon queen. Then at the end of the season, Doran reveals his scheme to Arianne at the same time Quentyn presents himself to Dany, and the viewer realizes what's really been going on.

As for deaths, I know I'm pretty much alone here, but I really hope we don't lose Asha Greyjoy. She's always been a favorite of mine. I would hate to lose Davos, as well. And Stannis I know is dead in the long run, but I hope he makes it close to the end.

S3 spoiler:
Balon's funeral occurs in S3, so I'd imagine it will also set the stage for Euron's appearance next season. Similar to how Stannis is mentioned many times towards the end of S1


I would seriously become pissed off if AFFC + ADWD last for more than 1 season. Seriously, 2 seaons for these books would already be bad TV, unless they somehow fit scenes from TWOW on it. People talk about how the thing that they want to see the most is the Red Wedding, but thing that I want to see the most is a proper edited and trimmed version of these two books.

Deciding to raze all of Dorne with hellfire was a bold move by Martin but, unsurprisingly, most of his readership appreciated it.

I hope he razes the ironboring islands first along with its troves of marysue inhabitants. The Ironborn are the most freaking stupid faction of the series, yet somehow they always come on top. Gah.


Bran is becoming a Tree.
Arya will perish it seems. I hope not though."When the spring thaw comes, they will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers."- Jon

Sansa will live.
Rickon will rule Winterfell somewhere down the line.

Robb is obviously...you know.
Jon is also...you know.


Arya will perish it seems. I hope not though."When the spring thaw comes, they will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers."- Jon

The constant comparisons to Lyanna aren't doing her any good either.

If she dies, a part of me will die too and I will hate GRRM forever.


You know how people always tend to say that history repeats itself, well I believe that Westerosi history also tends to repeat itself.

1. Lyanna and Arya as stated above. They share similar traits and possibly fates.
2. The Others and the Long Night, are upon the realm yet again.
3. A Hero also known as Azor Ahai, with a sword called Lightbringer saved the realm, and now we wait to find out who this hero in the current Westerosi time-line is.

4. The Wall might fall and may need to be build again.By whom? Perhaps a Stark, just like Brandon the Builder before.
5. Dance of the Dragons will happen yet again. Daenaryes vs whom? Aegon and Jon?(assuming both have Targaryen blood.) Stannis?(He does have Targaryen blood, right?).
6. Rickard and Brandon Stark are summoned to Kings Landing and never return home alive, just like Eddard Stark.

If you have some examples, please feel free to add anything. These are probably only a fraction of the examples and some may even be wrong, but it is fun trying to find a link to the past.

Wh0 N0se

The constant comparisons to Lyanna aren't doing her any good either.

If she dies, a part of me will die too and I will hate GRRM forever.

I've always thought that the comparisons were also a hint at the R+L=J theory, because Arya looks like Lyanna and Jon looks like Arya
It was depressing reading about his writing process.

Sounds like even when he finds time to write he moves at a snail's pace.

Of course not. It's just depressing to read about the limited amount of time he spends writing coupled with his process, that's all.

I love it when people think writing books is as easy as reading them. How do you think writers work?

I'm not worried about the television version differing from the books if the two catch up. Martin will still be the one deciding the plot points. Maybe he will get that chance to write more episode scripts and then novelizing them later.


I love it when people think writing books is as easy as reading them. How do you think writers work?

I'm not worried about the television version differing from the books if the two catch up. Martin will still be the one deciding the plot points. Maybe he will get that chance to write more episode scripts and then novelizing them later.
I don't think writing a book is as easy as reading one and nor did I post it.


So not worth it
I've always thought that the comparisons were also a hint at the R+L=J theory, because Arya looks like Lyanna and Jon looks like Arya

So much in the story hints to R+L=J (hell, in essence I think the title of the series itself does that (A Song of Ice and Fire in my book means the story is about Jon's ascend to the throne), but I don't think Arya looking Lyanna has anything to do with that. They all look like Starks, that's the point.


Well Arya and Jon look more like traditional Starks compared to Robb, Bran, Sansa, and presumably Rickon who carry the Tully traits

John Dunbar

correct about everything
About the whole Jon being Rhaegar and Lyanna's kid, how obvious did everyone find it the first time they read the books? The reason I ask is because I've seen several fans of the series claim it's not actually that obvious, and most only know about if from the Internet. But that wasn't my experience at all. I've missed tons of stuff in the series, but I thought it was clear as hell even halfway through A Game of Thrones. I don't remember exactly at what point it became totally obvious, but when you get as far as the Tower of Joy dream sequence, I can't really see any other interpretation one can have, unless the reader just doesn't think at all about what they've just read.
About the whole Jon being Rhaegar and Lyanna's kid, how obvious did everyone find it the first time they read the books? The reason I ask is because I've seen several fans of the series claim it's not actually that obvious, and most only know about if from the Internet. But that wasn't my experience at all. I've missed tons of stuff in the series, but I thought it was clear as hell even halfway through A Game of Thrones. I don't remember exactly at what point it became totally obvious, but when you get as far as the Tower of Joy dream sequence, I can't really see any other interpretation one can have, unless the reader just doesn't think at all about what they've just read.
Yeah, pretty much guessed it at the "promise me!" stuff. The hints later on are probably a little more obscure; if anything, the most obvious hints are in the first book, IMO.
I didn't get it at all. Seemed obvious as hell on reread.

I missed Renly/Loras also.

But I think Jaquen/Pate is as plain as day (same with Varys/Illirio), to the point that I didn't think they were meant to be surprising at all.


Yeah, to me the most obvious bit is the presence of the Kingsguard. Why the hell else would they be there if not to protect the queen and crown prince.
I agree Arya will probably die, although I don't think it will happen in TWOW. Sansa will probably survive but I doubt she'll be able to live with herself; IMO she's on a dark path.

Rickon...dunno. Him becoming king of the North seems too obvious, Martin could be laughing at us all. And Bran...I doubt he'll remain a tree but I can't figure out how he'd leave the cave. Maybe after the battle is won/winter ends, he leaves the cave. Hodor says "our home is long gone bro" then Bran replies "guess I have some building to do." THE END.


I don't know why people get excited about Jaqen/Pate? Like Jaqen is a cool operator and all, but he and Pate are both pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme, and it's not like Pate seems like he'll have anything to do with Arya. What does it matter if they're the same dude except that we like Jaqen?


I don't know why people get excited about Jaqen/Pate? Like Jaqen is a cool operator and all, but he and Pate are both pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme, and it's not like Pate seems like he'll have anything to do with Arya. What does it matter if they're the same dude except that we like Jaqen?

Well it matters because that would mean that Jaqen has the Citadel key and has access to the "How to kill a dragon" book, and since he is a faceless man and a super assasin, we may be in a mission to kill Danny's dragons, and that would be very interesting to read... Faceless men are supposed to be super effective you know...

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Rickon...dunno. Him becoming king of the North seems too obvious, Martin could be laughing at us all. And Bran...I doubt he'll remain a tree but I can't figure out how he'd leave the cave. Maybe after the battle is won/winter ends, he leaves the cave. Hodor says "our home is long gone bro" then Bran replies "guess I have some building to do." THE END.

Bran will become the Lord of Winterfell, and in his last POV chapter he has to execute Jon for desertion. His last words to Jon will be "Don't look away. Father will know if you do".


About the whole Jon being Rhaegar and Lyanna's kid, how obvious did everyone find it the first time they read the books?

I'm not entirely sure, but I think I got the gist of it when I first read the book. The bloody bed, Ned's promise, Jon appearing out of nowhere, Ned's surprisingly high opinion of Rhaegar, there are a ridiculous number of clues really. But it was never obvious to me until someone on a message board actually listed all the clues. And the implications.

Truth to be told, I was also a little taken aback by the quality of the mystery, it's not something you'd expect from a series called Song of Ice & Fire. All the unexpected drama (Ned's death and Dany's dragons) are also a huge distraction from all the little hidden mysteries.


I'm not entirely sure, but I think I got the gist of it when I first read the book. The bloody bed, Ned's promise, Jon appearing out of nowhere, Ned's surprisingly high opinion of Rhaegar, there are a ridiculous number of clues really. But it was never obvious to me until someone on a message board actually listed all the clues. And the implications.

Truth to be told, I was also a little taken aback by the quality of the mystery, it's not something you'd expect from a series called Song of Ice & Fire. All the unexpected drama (Ned's death and Dany's dragons) are also a huge distraction from all the little hidden mysteries.

That's exactly how it was for me as well. A total 'biff' moment.

That said, I am at a loss as to how they're going to weave the 'Jon's parents' storyline back into the show considering they have gone to great lengths to not mention 99% of what the books do. This is all assuming that tidbit is going to play a role in things to come, which seems to be what George suggests with his comments.


I agree Arya will probably die, although I don't think it will happen in TWOW. Sansa will probably survive but I doubt she'll be able to live with herself; IMO she's on a dark path.

Rickon...dunno. Him becoming king of the North seems too obvious, Martin could be laughing at us all. And Bran...I doubt he'll remain a tree but I can't figure out how he'd leave the cave. Maybe after the battle is won/winter ends, he leaves the cave. Hodor says "our home is long gone bro" then Bran replies "guess I have some building to do." THE END.

I don't think this will be her fate. I think we'll see her get put in a position, or see her put herself in a position, where she can no longer lay claim to her true identity. And in the process, no longer reunite with any of her siblings when she learns who's still alive.This would be a more tragic outcome than dying and I think Arya's been on a path of choices that are leading to grand tragedy.


If you jumped from Season 1 of the TV show to the first book you plow through alot of chapters and I totally missed R+L=J until I read it online.


Corporate Apologist
If you jumped from Season 1 of the TV show to the first book you plow through alot of chapters and I totally missed R+L=J until I read it online.

Trust me, 99% of people will never notice it on their own, its not even certain to be the truth. Its a fan theory using a bunch of supposed context clues to come to the conclusion. Maybe Lyanna's Secret was simply that she left on her own free will, but did love Robert.


About the whole Jon being Rhaegar and Lyanna's kid, how obvious did everyone find it the first time they read the books?

It's very clear due to two early hints: Jorah's opinion of Rhaegar and "Promise me, Ned."

When Dany saves the women from being further raped/assaulted by the Dothraki in AGOT, Jorah's comment that she reminds him of Rhaegar is a very obvious hint to the character of this man whom we've been told, from Robert's point of view, is a rapist and scoundrel (Robert being an epically unreliable source of information). There is no reason to see Jorah's comment as anything but accurate, so the conclusion you have to draw is that Lyanna was with Rhaegar because she loved him.

Then there's "Promise me, Ned," which couldn't be a clearer way of saying Jon is Lyanna's son. Oh it just so happens that Ned brought home a baby under mysterious circumstances when he came home from the war, and it just so happens that his dead sister had him swear to secrecy about something, and he is constantly reminded about this and feels guilt around Robert.

I will admit that I wasn't 100% certain of it until the Reeds tell the story of the Knight of the Laughing Tree in ASOS, but up to that point I was already 95% sure.
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