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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Its not just the complaining that's tiresome, its the fact that he keeps pretending that GRRM supports him and hates all the changes.

You've implied it several times in the show thread, e.g. "GRRM's original script didn't have Mago die," as though that automatically means he disapproved of it but D&D did it anyways because they don't respect the books.
Again, I implied no such thing. Some people have asked how deep GRRM's involvement was in the show, and I answered, citing sources. Whatever you choose to read as "implications" is a product of your own imagination. I'd kindly ask that you refrain from attributing to me things I never said, though. That's rude.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I didn't realize the guy who Melissandre burned to get favorable winds on their journey to the Wall was Sam's maternal grandfather.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Mind Blown!


Lord Alester Florent, Lord of Brightwater Keep and the head of the House Florent. He is married to Melara Crane and is the brother of Ser Axell Florent. He is also Samwell Tarly's grandfather.

A Clash of Kings
After following Tyrell in supporting Renly Baratheon, he rallies his house and is the first of those who swore to Renly to go over to Stannis Baratheon's cause. He was the first of the new lords to discard the Faith of the Seven and take up the worship of R'hllor. After joining with Stannis, he briefly becomes Stannis's Hand of the King.

A Storm of Swords
After the defeat at the Battle of the Blackwater, it was left to Queen Selyse and Lord Alester to rule in Stannis's name while he brooded. Alester was given the king's seal by Selyse, to speak in Stannis's name. He is imprisoned in Dragonstone after he attempted to make peace with House Lannister after the defeat of the Battle of the Blackwater. When Stannis decides to cast off to the Wall following the advice of his new Hand, Lord Davos Seaworth, Melisandre burns him alive in order to obtain favorable winds for this expedition to the North.


Corporate Apologist
It also took me the longest time to realize how the Mormont family was everywhere and all related. Jorah Mormont was with Dany, who is the son of Jeor Mormont, Commander of the Nights Watch (Who gives his Family Sword to Jon since he can no longer give it to Jorah), his sister was Maege Mormont, who was with Robb's Army and one of the couriers of his will, and she is the Mother of Alysane Mormont, Asha's Guard.

It is also to noted that Maege Mormont was confirmed to be alive by Alysane, and likely made it to Greywater to tell Howland Robb's will. She is likely now on some sort of mission with her daughters Lyra and Jorelle, who are confirmed to be with her.
It is also to noted that Maege Mormont was confirmed to be alive by Alysane, and likely made it to Greywater to tell Howland Robb's will. She is likely now on some sort of mission with her daughters Lyra and Jorelle, who are confirmed to be with her.

Holy crap, I didn't remember that!

So Howland Reed not only is the only one in the series who knows the true story of Jon's parentage (if the rumours are true), but also is the only one who knows Robb may have named Jon his heir?

Wow. It looks like Howland Reed is going to be making some big waves in the series in the future, at least I hope!

Wh0 N0se

Holy crap, I didn't remember that!

So Howland Reed not only is the only one in the series who knows the true story of Jon's parentage (if the rumours are true), but also is the only one who knows Robb may have named Jon his heir?

Wow. It looks like Howland Reed is going to be making some big waves in the series in the future, at least I hope!

Assuming Robb named Jon, it'd be a neat tie-in to have him go to the wall (Obviously not knowing what has happened) and speak to Jon telling him he is Robb's heir and the son of R+L. (If Jon isn't still dead when arrives, at any rate)


Holy crap, I didn't remember that!

So Howland Reed not only is the only one in the series who knows the true story of Jon's parentage (if the rumours are true), but also is the only one who knows Robb may have named Jon his heir?

Wow. It looks like Howland Reed is going to be making some big waves in the series in the future, at least I hope!

Assuming Robb named Jon, it'd be a neat tie-in to have him go to the wall (Obviously not knowing what has happened) and speak to Jon telling him he is Robb's heir and the son of R+L. (If Jon isn't still dead when arrives, at any rate)

Howland Reed, King in my Heart.

Seriously this guy's some kinda Ed Stark honorable, magician kid having, ironborn murdering, frog-magic casting bog boss. can't wait to get him on camera.



Did GRRM just forget Galbart Glover exists?

When I was first struggling to deal with the Red Wedding, this post from Martin gave me a little bit of hope:

George RR Martin said:
...you are forgetting the envoys that Robb sent to Howland Reed... Galbart Glover, Maege Mormont, Jason Mallister... they are all alive and free.

But yeah, now I'm starting to think that Martin forgot. It just reminds me of what a clusterfuck the story has become post-ASoS.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I was gonna say she's way too old even with aged up characters, but then Dormer's like 30 and Margaery was meant to be 16, so who knows. xD

I'd prefer Rhaegar to look at least kind of handsome, but maybe that's just me.

This guy would work better.


Ragnar from Vikings would be a good Rhaegar, he's got that tough pretty boy look plus they already use eye effects on him in that show
The great northern conspiracy is fucking awesome. I need to finish my re-read of ADwD.

It's definitely a conspiracy I pretty much believe. I don't subscribe to every portion (for instance I don't believe Rickon/Osha went to White Harbor, and Manderly sent them to Skagos to hide them from the Freys) though. When reading ADWD I did find it odd that Lady Dustin wanted to go into the Winterfell crypts and noted many swords were missing. There are just too many hints that something is brewing, and the only reason the Boltons haven't been killed is due to hospitality rules.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
I still keep wondering how Roose Bolton fits into all of this. He just doesn't seem like the kind to not know that he is totally fucked with the Northerners. He must know they hate him, and that he has no chance keeping them under control, especially if the Iron Throne changes bums.

I read a theory that's kind of out there, but I liked it. It went something like the whole thing has been Roose's plan to get back at Ramsay for murdering his son. Killing a bastard would not have been good enough, so he has intentionally done everything to raise Ramsay to be " the trueborn lord of Winterfell", just so his fall will be that much harder. The comment about child heirs being the death of a house doesn't seem an adequate reason to give someone like Ramsay Dreadfort, so I could believe the whole thing has been an epic takedown of Ramsay, even if it means Roose will die as well.


That is one fucked up dude then. He broke guestright at the Twins, allowed/arranged for the sack of Winterfell, and guaranteed his own death just to emotionally destroy a fucked up monster who by all evidence doesn't have emotions? Roose is the pettiest dude around town then. I don't like it, too many moving parts to that plan.
I was gonna say she's way too old even with aged up characters, but then Dormer's like 30 and Margaery was meant to be 16, so who knows. xD

I'd prefer Rhaegar to look at least kind of handsome, but maybe that's just me.

This guy would work better.
Are you arguing that the dude who married and had a kid with Miranda Kerr isn't handsome?

Rhaegar wasn't even interested in fighting until he found our about the Azor-Ahai-having-a-magic-fire-sword prophecy. Before that, he sat around brooding, playing his harp and reading books. Even when Dany asked Jorah about him, assuming he was the greatest fighter of all time, Jorah told her he wasn't actually that good, he just had an amazing streak of victories on the day of the Tourney at Harrenhall.

Aleksander Sarskard (sp?) is too rugged for that kind of a role. Rhaegar was a bit of a soft-hearted artist type, deep down, not a Viking warrior.
Robett Glover has a big army poised to attack Winterfell. I wonder if he has had contact with anyone at Greywater.

One of my favorite ADWD conspiracies is the Northern one about an alleged giant betrayal about to occur against the Boltons.

man this would be great. i like the scheming on one side and the brute force of the wulls and other northern clans that have joined with stannis on the other adding up to a reckoning for the freys and boltons.

"Let me bathe in Bolton blood before I die. I want to feel it spatter across my face when my axe bites deep into a Bolton skull. I want to lick it off my lips and die with the taste of it on my tongue."


Robett Glover has a big army poised to attack Winterfell. I wonder if he has had contact with anyone at Greywater.

One of my favorite ADWD conspiracies is the Northern one about an alleged giant betrayal about to occur against the Boltons.

Pretty cool stuff, and I think a lot of it makes sense.

But that one guy's theory about Benjen being the hooded figure in WF might be a huge stretch...lol. I don't think Benjen is south of the wall if he is anywhere at all.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Anyone think anything bad is going to happen to Dickon Tarly, Sam's brother? Randyll Tarly is going to be over his head in King's Landing and I could see something bad happening to Dickon. It would fit for a guy that disowned his son so that the other one could be heir, to have the second die. I don't think he is the type of guy to be happy with one of his daughters becoming heir, I could even see him naturalizing the Wildling Prince, not realizing he isn't his grandson.

Everyone at that castle had to know Sam was threatened to join The Nights Watch. You are telling me a kid that is afraid of his own shadow is going to join a lifetime appointment to a military group miles away to the North? Rickon has to know. And its weird in a world where Kinslaying is so taboo, that Randyll Tarly would even say he is going to have him killed if he doesn't join The Nights Watch. Though I guess he was betting that he would be craven and go North, but I wonder if he would have truly done it.


Corporate Apologist
Rereading a few chapters from the first book, I didn't realize Littlefinger stated he wanted Renly on the Throne, and basically wanted anyone who wasn't Stannis. I have a hunch he is going to to meddle with the war thats about to break out in the North. He also is clearly the one who came up with the plan to have Garlan disguised as Renly.

Though I bet the main reason was simply to keep him self in a position of power, since its very likely Stannis would have sacked him from the Small Counsel and made sure he was only the lord to his pile of rocks.

Wh0 N0se

Rereading a few chapters from the first book, I didn't realize Littlefinger stated he wanted Renly on the Throne, and basically wanted anyone who wasn't Stannis. I have a hunch he is going to to meddle with the war thats about to break out in the North He also is clearly the one who came up with the plan to have Garlan disquised as Renly.

Though I bet the main reason was simply to keep him self in a position of power, since its very likely Stannis would have sacked him from the Small Counsel and made sure he was only the lord to his pile of rocks.

Yeah, I recently reread that bit, he really would have sided with Ned if Ned hadn't been an idiot. Goddamn Ned and his honour!!


I am unreasonably excited to see Littlefinger kick Lysa out the window on the show. That might be my favorite chapter ending cliffhanger.


Though I bet the main reason was simply to keep him self in a position of power, since its very likely Stannis would have sacked him from the Small Counsel and made sure he was only the lord to his pile of rocks.

Yeah, it was outright stated by the man himself.

"I am king. Wants do not enter into it. I have a duty to my daughter. To the realm. Even to Robert. He loved me but little, I know, yet he was my brother. The Lannister woman gave him horns and made a motley fool of him. She may have murdered him as well, as she murdered Jon Arryn and Ned Stark. For such crimes there must be justice. Starting with Cersei and her abominations. But only starting. I mean to scour that court clean. As Robert should have done after the Trident."

And I doubt he made that much a secret either. Even Ned realized that once Stannis came into power he would relinquished of his position as hand.


Yeah, it was outright stated by the man himself.

"I am king. Wants do not enter into it. I have a duty to my daughter. To the realm. Even to Robert. He loved me but little, I know, yet he was my brother. The Lannister woman gave him horns and made a motley fool of him. She may have murdered him as well, as she murdered Jon Arryn and Ned Stark. For such crimes there must be justice. Starting with Cersei and her abominations. But only starting. I mean to scour that court clean. As Robert should have done after the Trident."

And I doubt he made that much a secret either. Even Ned realized that once Stannis came into power he would relinquished of his position as hand.

Rob should have sworn fealty to to Stannis.
Stannis should have been less of a prick, I think he will be the next major character to die.
Littlefinger seemed to realize Renly would have been a hands off king, which would benefit him the most. Sure Renly would probably be more interested in governing and justice than Robert, and I think he would be a better king overall, but ultimately I suspect he would also be quite lax on a variety of things like debt/borrowing. Littlefinger could have become even richer and powerful with him as king, after a quicker war; a Ned/Renly alliance could have owned the Lannisters, and perhaps even if Renly was still assassinated his bannermen might flock to Ned. Who knows.

Personally I'm a Stannis fanboy but I'll admit he wouldn't have been a great king if he had won the Blackwater battle, whereas everything that has happened to him since then has made him a great king in my eyes.


Personally I'm a Stannis fanboy but I'll admit he wouldn't have been a great king if he had won the Blackwater battle, whereas everything that has happened to him since then has made him a great king in my eyes.

Definitely. Personally, I didn't care much for Stannis until he met Jon. The way he recognized Jon Snows qualities and said he did not think Jon lied when he said he did not forsake his vows, that he had Ned's look etc. His general interactions with Jon made me like him all that more, something that probably wouldn't have happened had he won Blackwater.

“I am no lord, sire. You came because we sent for you, I hope. Though I could not say why you took so long about it.”
Surprisingly, Stannis smiled at that. “You’re bold enough to be a Stark. Yes, I should have come sooner. If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all. Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne.”


What Donal Noye said about the Baratheon brothers -

"Stannis is pure iron, black and hard and strong, yes, but brittle, the way iron gets. He'll break before he bends. And Renly, that one, he's copper, bright and shiny, pretty to look at but not worth all that much at the end of the day."

- always seemed to me prophetic of the course Stannis's character progression would take. You need iron to forge steel. The North is the crucible.

It's also why I think, in the course of becoming 'steel,' he'll eventually give up the idea of taking the Iron Throne. He'll learn to bend, as he recognizes the greater threat.
What Donal Noye said about the Baratheon brothers -

- always seemed to me prophetic of the course Stannis's character progression would take. You need iron to forge steel. The North is the crucible.

It's also why I think, in the course of becoming 'steel,' he'll eventually give up the idea of taking the Iron Throne. He'll learn to bend, as he recognizes the greater threat.

I'd like to have Stannis realize the threat in the North and take the black, forsaking his claim to the throne. That of course proves that he would have made a good King...but I'd rather have his character survive on the Wall than die taking the throne!


Definitely. Personally, I didn't care much for Stannis until he met Jon. The way he recognized Jon Snows qualities and said he did not think Jon lied when he said he did not forsake his vows, that he had Ned's look etc. His general interactions with Jon made me like him all that more, something that probably wouldn't have happened had he won Blackwater.

Ditto on all of this for me.


I'm wondering how they are going to do some timeline stuff with Littlefinger on the show. They've already talked about him heading off to the Eyrie. But he obviously can't take Sansa with him yet as she still has much to do RE: weddings some of which can't really happen till next season or the very end of this one. So either he'll just be off screen for awhile or he'll just delay his trip or something.
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