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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I wouldn't put the eggs in the Rickon basket, the kid's going to be wilder than Brandon and Lyanna combined, and maybe not in a good way.

Sansa is widely considered the best hope for the North.

He's really young, and he's only been out in the wild for a few years. if he gets brought back into the fold of the North there's more than enough time to set him straight.
Well sure, the Glovers are northerners. Stannis was also the reason they even hold their seat still. His father's whereabouts are unknown, but Galbart is possibly with Howland. I don't think being part of a north retaking and a Stannis ally is mutually exclusive. Maybe going full northern conspiracy it is though.

You're right, I was just pointing out they're more Northern than strict Stannis allies. If/when Rickon shows up I can't imagine the North following Stannis anymore. And of course the Northern tribes know Bran is alive too.

I don't expect the Northern lords to attack Stannis or anything, but I seriously doubt they'll march south with him.

Conor 419

I'm not convinced, I mean yeah he's with Osha who is level headed, but he's had his whole life torn apart. Kid's gonna be PISSED and considering this has come in a crucial development stage, I'm not sure it'll be easy to revert.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm re-reading the epilogue. Kevan is thinking that Cersei can never rule again after the walk of shame. He planned on returning her to Casterly Rock:

So obviously she isn't meant to be the regent again... Of course, Kevan is now dead, thanks to Varys, so his plans are foiled... but despite his death, he had a point: even if Cersei wins her trial, nobody respects her anymore. Or maybe it's just Kevan being chauvinistic, lol... but no doubt he's right in assessing how people will see her. This might prove problematic for Cersei if she attempts to rule again.

Good point. It depends on the outcome of the trial and what Cersei and/or Mace Tyrell do after that, I guess.

Is Jaime not a viable option?


Was does Devan Lannister, the current Warden of the West hold? I thought he was in charge of Casterly Rock.

As the Warden of the West, Daven is charged with the Westerlands. It means he is the lord commander of their armies, hence why Cersei charged him to take Riverrun. Cersei also named Ser Daimon Lannister as Castellan of Casterly Rock, so he holds it, until its lord/lady returns. Of course, Cersei named these other Lannisters Warden/Castellan to spite Kevan.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I thought you gave up your claims and shit once you joined the Kingsguard. I could just be thinking of the marriage/sex stuff though and conflating it with the Night's Watch.

He has no "claim," so to speak, but it would fit with his duties anyways since he's supposed to be serving the King AND he's the closest relation to Tommen even outside of the fact he's Tommen's real father. I mean, didn't Robert name Jaime the Warden of the East in AGOT.
I'm not convinced, I mean yeah he's with Osha who is level headed, but he's had his whole life torn apart. Kid's gonna be PISSED and considering this has come in a crucial development stage, I'm not sure it'll be easy to revert.

Oh he'll be pissed alright, it doesn't mean he has to turn into an idiotic hot head like his uncle Brandon though (especially if he spends some time with Manderly).

Chris R

Oh he'll be pissed alright, it doesn't mean he has to turn into an idiotic hot head like his uncle Brandon though (especially if he spends some time with Manderly).

Hot head maybe not, but will be be able to control his warging ability (I'm assuming he has at least some control of Shaggy)?
Hot head maybe not, but will be be able to control his warging ability (I'm assuming he has at least some control of Shaggy)?

Yeah, that's an interesting question. Really depends on what kind of parenting/teaching he's been receiving from Osha and /or the people in Skaagos. I can't wait to read Davos' chapters in Winds to find out. And really with the amount of set up that.occurred in Dance WoW is probably going to live up to its acronym. I believe.


Can't stand the wait for Winds, thus I'm re-reading the entire series......again. Currently through about 150 pages of thrones.


I dunno how Rickon's going to turn out.

He's probably running around with Shaggydog and a crew of cannibals killing unicorns and shit.

Conor 419

People have to bear in mind that the Starks of old were fucking hardcore. The honour of the Stark youth stems from Ned, and Ned's honour in turn from Jon Arryn. Rickon is the only Stark without his family's teachings, he'll be unrestrained by honour and driven by fury.

Rickon is going to be the Starkest Stark the Starks have ever Starked, and then on top of that he is fucking PISSED. We're not going to see a character on Ramsay or Mountain level, but we're certainly go to see someone who people really doesn't want to fuck with. Then combine this with him being 'strong for his age', mentored by a wildling, and bonded to the most feral direwolf in Westeros.

Have fun goiz


Given that the new scene with Thoros and Mellisandre in the last episode seemed to imply that she did NOT have the power to resurrect people...a thought came to mind that perhaps Jon coming back to life post stabbing isn't the sure thing we all assume it is? She can do a hell of a lot but we've only seen Thoros (and Qyburn...i guess) bring someone back to life. In fact, her powers seem to leech life.

Normally I wouldn't put too much stock in the show pertaining to the books, but they also made a point to troll about Arya's blindness cliffhanger in the same scene.
Given that the new scene with Thoros and Mellisandre in the last episode seemed to imply that she did NOT have the power to resurrect people...a thought came to mind that perhaps Jon coming back to life post stabbing isn't the sure thing we all assume it is? She can do a hell of a lot but we've only seen Thoros (and Qyburn...i guess) bring someone back to life. In fact, her powers seem to leech life.

Normally I wouldn't put too much stock in the show pertaining to the books, but they also made a point to troll about Arya's blindness cliffhanger in the same scene.

I think it just implies that she hasn't ever tried because she doesn't expect it to work. Thoros didn't think anything was gonna happen when he rezzed Beric either. So potentially this new scene lays the foundation for her to try the same thing on Jon later in the tv series


Given that the new scene with Thoros and Mellisandre in the last episode seemed to imply that she did NOT have the power to resurrect people...a thought came to mind that perhaps Jon coming back to life post stabbing isn't the sure thing we all assume it is? She can do a hell of a lot but we've only seen Thoros (and Qyburn...i guess) bring someone back to life. In fact, her powers seem to leech life.

Normally I wouldn't put too much stock in the show pertaining to the books, but they also made a point to troll about Arya's blindness cliffhanger in the same scene.

It implied the opposite, "The Red God did it, I just spoke the words", or some shit.

Right, What I took out of it was to show that she was unaware of such a thing happening. It served its purpose for the future and showed the audience that she isn't this powerful sorceress/witch that they believe her to be. How could she be if she didn't even know you could resurrect people?

It also puts the power back to R'hllor to show that the Red God can bless his followers with such power. Or at least that is what we see.

I'll also note that Melisandre has stated that she feels stronger at the wall. Whatever that means. So I wouldn't count it out.
Right, What I took out of it was to show that she was unaware of such a thing happening. It served its purpose for the future and showed the audience that she isn't this powerful sorceress/witch that they believe her to be. How could she be if she didn't even know you could resurrect people?

She knew you could resurrect people, but not "that many times." She definitely was awestruck/jealous that somebody else would have harnessed some aspect of power that she hadn't.
You're right, I was just pointing out they're more Northern than strict Stannis allies. If/when Rickon shows up I can't imagine the North following Stannis anymore. And of course the Northern tribes know Bran is alive too.

I don't expect the Northern lords to attack Stannis or anything, but I seriously doubt they'll march south with him.

Yeah I think the Northern lords are happy to help Stannis rid the North of Bolton rule, but I doubt they have any interest of trying to help him capture the South.
I wouldn't be surprised if Davos gets to Skagos, finds Osha, and she leads him to Shaggydog and says "this is Rickon m'lord."

Yes, this is my guess as well. He's too wild and untrained to not do something crazy like that.

Sansa will be the only one left of House Stark. I really doubt Arya will ever see Westeros again.

Conor 419

Nymeria crew 0k300 are going to get up to some shit for sure. It's a DIREWOLF pack that targets humans and is active in the Riverlands.
Re-reading Feast/Dance combined, it's pretty clear how well telegraphed Jon's death is. The whole "Kill the boy and let the man be born" business and Melisandre's warnings are a pretty dead giveaway in retrospect.

Anyone else think that Rickon will wind up as King Beyond the Wall (sans the wall)?


So not worth it
I highly doubt Rickon will play any importance to the story. He'll probably end up Lord of Winterfell, but that's about it.


I mean yeah come on, Shaggydog is a fucking dead giveaway. The thing is feral, Rickon is PISSED.

Whilst this is a nice idea, the reason I can;t see it happening is that it's too much of a deus ex machina/macguffin. At the end of the day angry young rickon comes to save the day with an army out of skagos. Too much fantasy even for this series.

Conor 419

Whilst this is a nice idea, the reason I can;t see it happening is that it's too much of a deus ex machina/macguffin. At the end of the day angry young rickon comes to save the day with an army out of skagos. Too much fantasy even for this series.

Who's saying he's gonna save shit? As far as I'm concerned I believe he'll never re-enter the fold in a big way, he'll just cause a few issues for various people due to do is mental issues. That or he'll be taken under Davos' wing on a more permanent basis.


I do think it's perhaps possible that Lady Stark, Ned's mother, could have been a Skagosi. We never know which noble lady mothered the four of them, and it could certainly go a way to further highlight the wildness of Brandon and Lyanna. So perhaps they would swear loyalty to Rickon after all?


Unconfirmed Member
I wonder if his wild attitude and being "strong for his age" implies that he might be autistic? I didn't catch many references to Rickon's behavior outside of GoT, so I can't be sure.
I'm not sure on this but...

GRRM was planning on releasing the newest Dunk & Egg story "She-Wolves of Winterfell" this year in anthology. But then it was pushed back so he could work on writing a history of the Dance of Dragons for AWoIaF. But now that's delayed as well. Maybe the delay isn't due to him not being able to finish but it seems kinda suspicious.
Apparently the World of Ice and Fire has been delayed a year.

Yup. According to Elio:
Yes, [The World of Ice and Fire] won’t be out this year… but that’s because it’s becoming rather cooler. More pages, more new history and details, more art. Like the story of the fall of the Tarbecks and the Reynes, the surprising person from whom the Lannisters are descended, more history of the Vale and the arrival of the Andals, and a good deal more. We’re working quick as we can, but there’s also more art to commission and that means it’d be safest to aim for next year.

Is this almost a covert confirmation that TWOW won't come out next year? It seems like the plan is for the next Dunk & Egg to come out this year, World of Ice and Fire for fall 2013, and TWOW in 2015. Obviously I could be wrong, but considering Martin will be going on a big publishing tour for World of Ice and Fire late next year (assuming it comes out of course), I just don't see there being time for another book that year too.

Wh0 N0se

I don't know, hopefully it won't push TWOW back but if anything does at least it'll be something ASOIAF related. Extra stuff in the book is nice as long as the delays aren't excessive, I thought it was going to be delayed because they were behind schedule but if it's because they're adding more then that is pretty cool.


So GRRM is doing a World of Ice and Fire, Tyrion book (which is just made of quotes?) and a new Dunk & Egg story this year. Along with his (possible) commitments to go to cons around the world...

I kind of wish for once that somebody who has an option to go to the Wall would go to the Wall and join the Night's Watch. I guess Janos Slynt does it. But just imagine Ned, Theon and Tyrion all being at the Wall in the Night's Watch.
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