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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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You know, I asked him about who Jon Snow's real parents were, and he told me. I can't say who, but I can tell you that it involves a bit of a Luke Skywalker situation. It will all come to fruition eventually. The whole thing with all the fight over proper succession is partly inspired by the War of the Roses in the late 1400s, and back then, to ensure pedigree, the monarchies were kind of inbred. It's definitely fucked up, but it definitely happened back then, so that's why there's incest with the Targaryen line. It's toned down, though.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I have to admit I once had a nightmare about drunk posting some stupid shit and finding my GAF account perm'd like that.

Still, that should draw a good year long ban, to be honest.


I have to admit I once had a nightmare about drunk posting some stupid shit and finding my GAF account perm'd like that.

Still, that should draw a good year long ban, to be honest.

One of the mods promised 6 months for spoilers previously. Though given the scope of the spoiler he deserves more.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
One of the mods promised 6 months for spoilers previously. Though given the scope of the spoiler he deserves more.

I think that's probably for like inadvertent ones though. Purposefully ruining the show should be a perm in my opinion. Honestly, there's very little you can do over a forum that fucks with people on any serious level since its just words, but that's kind of the one asshole thing you can do to fuck people over.


Would be pretttyyyyyyy hard for him to have said anything in Season 2...

Here's the scene of the last time Eddard and Jon talk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OgXT4-SMwI. Not exactly conclusive.

Here's what Sean Bean said. Using spoiler tags since technically it spoils unreleased books:

Q: But he is calculating, in at least one matter: Jon Snow’s parentage. When it comes to Jon Snow’s mother, Ned is extremely tight-lipped, save for his one terse comment to King Robert. The fandom is teeming with theories that Jon isn’t Ned’s bastard at all.
A: That’s another twist [to come]. It’s a great conundrum. Who do you think it is?

Q: My money’s on the mother being Ned’s dead sister and the father being Rhaegar Targaryen. If Ned swore to protect his dead sister’s son from his own best friend, the best way of doing that would have been to claim him as his own and take him in.
A: Ned really knows who [Jon’s parents are], but he can’t let on. That’s why it’s such a moving moment, those poignant scenes I have with Kit Harington [who plays Jon], because I couldn’t say what I really thought. There are so many things I could have said, because there is a love there between the two of them, but I can’t express it as overtly as I can with the other children, who I can hold and kiss. Even if I were his true father, I can’t talk about it for fear of offending my wife, who’s really bitter about this. So it’s really a cruel situation. Through no fault of his own, Ned took on a lot by taking Jon in.

I'm looking forward to World of Ice and Fire, in fact I'm super excited for it...but hearing Martin wrote 250,000 words (50k were requested) for it is a bit depressing. That's a lot of writing/progress within the last couple years, none of it on TWOW. I'm very curious to find out what the TWOW page count stands at now.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm looking forward to World of Ice and Fire, in fact I'm super excited for it...but hearing Martin wrote 250,000 words (50k were requested) for it is a bit depressing. That's a lot of writing/progress within the last couple years, none of it on TWOW. I'm very curious to find out what the TWOW page count stands at now.

I'm sure he can write quite fast if he actually knows where he's going.
I finished ADWD last night and it's still sinking in.

So I guess...Qyburn's found some other way to re-animate the dead? I feel like it could either be really stupid or really awesome.

I also thought it would have been way better paced if Dany had gone missing closer to the beginning of the book. As I'm sure plenty of people before me have noted, nothing really happened until Daznak's Pit...then nothing (with Dany) happened after that until the final chapter. Barristan's chapters were really satisfying to read but it also could have been really interesting if the book put some time into Dany alone in the Dothraki sea with no one there for her except Drogon.

That's just me being a backseat writer though, who knows if it could have worked or have been interesting in the end. Her arc was definitely the weakest link of the book, though I did enjoy everything else happening around her (Selmy, Quentyn, Young Griff/Aegon, Tyrion, etc).


Finishing an ASOS read-through right now (Sansa is building Winterfell in the snow right now, so good). Anyhow, now that season 3 nears its end, looking forward to so much juicy content in season 4.

I have a question though, when Stannis has a meeting with all the members that have put themselves forward for Lord Commander and Aemon asks to see his sword, he talks to Sam about how there was not heat coming from the blade. What was he talking about?

Does anyone else think that Lightbringer consumes light? The POV characters always notice how much darker the world seems after Stannis puts Lightbringer back in its scabbard. When I first read the books I kinda thought Stannis would end up serving the Great Other. A flaming sword that radiates no heat and leaves the world in darkness doesn't seem like a weapon of the Lord of Light.


Stannis is one of the most interesting characters to me. Do people have any theories about where GRRM is going with his story?
I don't buy the J.T. theory. GRRM hates the Starks. He's dead.

Guy has a big painting of Jon and Ghost in his house, not that really says much but I don't think he hates Jon.

I'm looking forward to World of Ice and Fire, in fact I'm super excited for it...but hearing Martin wrote 250,000 words (50k were requested) for it is a bit depressing. That's a lot of writing/progress within the last couple years, none of it on TWOW. I'm very curious to find out what the TWOW page count stands at now.

Not a page count but last I heard he was 25% of the way through.


Does anyone else think that Lightbringer consumes light? The POV characters always notice how much darker the world seems after Stannis puts Lightbringer back in its scabbard. When I first read the books I kinda thought Stannis would end up serving the Great Other. A flaming sword that radiates no heat and leaves the world in darkness doesn't seem like a weapon of the Lord of Light.


I think after looking at a bright light, such as a glowing sword, the world would look a little dim.


I can't help but feeling like World of Ice and Fire should be a post-series project.

Let him tell the story first ffs.

I always get the feeling it's a project he just can't say no to, due to how much he relies on them/friendship.

Because I agree, encyclopedic efforts should come after the series have been written.
GRRM's probably thankful to write something as simple as an encyclopedia where doesn't have to juggle a 1000 plot threads and someone structure them into a book.
Stannis is one of the most interesting characters to me. Do people have any theories about where GRRM is going with his story?

If he doesn't die in the next book, I'll be really surprised. Still, he's one of the better characters in the story and I actually hope he sits the Iron Throne at the end, if anyone does. He'd be a better ruler than any of the alternatives.


If he doesn't die in the next book, I'll be really surprised. Still, he's one of the better characters in the story and I actually hope he sits the Iron Throne at the end, if anyone does. He'd be a better ruler than any of the alternatives.

We still don't know enough about Aegon to know if he would be good or not...Dany can be OK if she gets her head out of her ass and doesn't act like a swooning teenage girl all the time.

Renly would have been a good king.

But as for Stannis, he's too brittle. Stannis being king would be just as bad in as Aerys in some ways. Basically, if Stannis were king, heads would roll.

Edit: when did we get moved to Community?


We still don't know enough about Aegon to know if he would be good or not...Dany can be OK if she gets her head out of her ass and doesn't act like a swooning teenage girl all the time.

Renly would have been a good king.

But as for Stannis, he's too brittle. Stannis being king would be just as bad in as Aerys in some ways. Basically, if Stannis were king, heads would roll.

Edit: when did we get moved to Community?

We were banished to community, oh no

She's only really ever swooned over Daario, and she hasn't really like her bonin' get in the way of her rulin'. She's a hard-ass B when she has to, she just isn't happy about it most of the time.
If Dany had a good Hand, someone who knows a bit about leadership of a fragmented group, knows about Westerosi customs and was honourable like his dad...

Wait, I'm confused about something, would Jon - if Howland Reed tells him about his lineage and assuming anyone actually cares - have a stronger claim than Dany?


If Dany had a good Hand, someone who knows a bit about leadership of a fragmented group, knows about Westerosi customs and was honourable like his dad...

Wait, I'm confused about something, would Jon - if Howland Reed tells him about his lineage and assuming anyone actually cares - have a stronger claim than Dany?

Only if Rhaegar married Lyanna.
And even then, Jon has taken the black, he does not have a claim.
Stannis would be the best king IMO. It wasn't the case when he was first introduced, but since then he has proven himself to be worthy. He protects the weak, recognizes the true threat to the realm, and has become more diplomatic since going north. The old Stannis would never consider (TWOW spoiler)
sacrificing Theon to the old gods, to satisfy a northern army that was once in open rebellion against his claim

Sadly I don't think he'll have a happy ending or leave the north. I think he'll become the next Night's King, and Dany will defeat him.


This is mostly true, but it does affect how well people accept you. Look at the Blackfyre rebellion, for instance.

people only accept you commensurate with what they have to gain by you. Blackfyres failed because they didn't have enough strength to oppose the Targaryens, and nobody with the strength to join with them stood to gain much more than they already had under the Targaryens.

The Tyrells didn't give a fuck about the succession when they joined with Renly, they joined with Renly because they figured they could get a royal marriage out of it and move up in the world; they only backed the Lannister claim once they knew they could wed Marg to Joff, not because they saw their legal error. Likewise with Lannister backing Baratheon over Targaryen.

Griffon's Roost is rising for Aegon not because it's the right and legal thing to do, but because of Connington's loyalty to Rhaegar, and their belief that Westeros is a damn mess--that no power could marshal itself against them until Dany's arrival.
True also, but the Blackfyre rebellion also had a couple of decades of scheming afterwards. And that was under whay was otherwise viewed as a good king.

You take the crown with a weak claim, you'll have dissenters who use the weak claim as an excuse. I think we're basically agreeing, I'm just saying that a weak claim gives your inevitable rivals some ammo.


I wonder if the show is just skipping the whole "Robb names some secret person, but probably Jon, as his heir" thing They'd obviously need to squeeze it in this episode and it doesn't even make much sense in the show with him having a baby on the way already.
Well, if him dying would get him out of the Night's Watch, it would probably also end any inheritances he could have. Seeing as how he was dead, and it would then pass to whoever was next.


people only accept you commensurate with what they have to gain by you. Blackfyres failed because they didn't have enough strength to oppose the Targaryens, and nobody with the strength to join with them stood to gain much more than they already had under the Targaryens.

The Tyrells didn't give a fuck about the succession when they joined with Renly, they joined with Renly because they figured they could get a royal marriage out of it and move up in the world; they only backed the Lannister claim once they knew they could wed Marg to Joff, not because they saw their legal error. Likewise with Lannister backing Baratheon over Targaryen.

Griffon's Roost is rising for Aegon not because it's the right and legal thing to do, but because of Connington's loyalty to Rhaegar, and their belief that Westeros is a damn mess--that no power could marshal itself against them until Dany's arrival.

Yes, but if you don't have a legitimate claim to the throne, you will always have a major weakness that your enemies could exploit against you. Legal claim to the throne is not the only thing that can buy a man power, but without it his authority will always be in jeopardy.


I like Stannis in some ways, but I think the last thing the seven kingdoms need is another king who burns people alive.
Doing a combined reread of Feast / Dance and I have to say that if every last one of the Dorne chapters up until the Frog/Quentyn reveal were excised, the story would have lost nothing.

Seriously, apart from that fangirl bait Darkstar trying to kill Myrcella, literally nothing of importance happened in Dorne that couldn't have waited for TWoW in a much more succinct form. It could have gone like this:

Dorne 1: Arianne, Darkstar and the Sand Snakes make off with Myrcella. Arys Oakheart feels bad about forsaking his vows, but ZOMG ARIANNE IS SO DAMN FINE, so whatevs. They get caught, Arys dies, Darkstar turns on Myrcella.

Dorne 2: Balon Swann shows up with the fake Gregor skull. Arianne and the Sand Snakes get let out for the feast, afterward, Doran tells them about his secret plans.


The Dorne story is all set up.
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