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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Hadn't thought of that actually, good shout. Its really hard to deal with though because if that's just a guy guessing, or even maybe deciding "I like Jon, and I like Dany, but I only want one hashtag so I'll combine the two", and you were to PM him about it, he might think that the rumour's true and therefore he gets spoiled.

Yeah exactly haha. This spoiler shit is just outta control.

Can we keep the witch hunting out of here? PM a mod or leave it.

That's why I was asking in here (mainly for the opinion of you guys/gals). And I'm also not sure what mods are appropriate to PM on this specific subject aka what ones have read all the books. I wouldn't want to spoil them either. The problem is exactly what Crash said above though. The post is too vague.
wow, the reactions are far bigger than I'd even hoped. looks like they did everything right with robb this season.

Yeah, I'm pleased with it. I was afraid that D&D were laying on the marriage/baby bliss too thick and non-readers would sense that something horrific was about to happen.

The show has kept the Freys at arm's length, and also hasn't fully revealed the depravity of the Boltons, so I guess non-readers didn't really know what to expect from them.

I'm interested to see how the non-readers react to Lady Stoneheart. I'm going to guess that this season will end with her "birth."
After watching last night's episode it got me thinking that I don't really understand what the Bolton's relationship was with the Starks when Ned was the top dog and what their house history is like.
I'd almost wish they'd write out Stoneheart, but they've already laid all the groundwork for it.

After watching last night's episode it got me thinking that I don't really understand what the Bolton's relationship was with the Starks when Ned was the top dog and what their house history is like.
They are unruly vassals with a long history of strife with the Starks. Roose Bolton fought with Ned in Robert's Rebellion and doesn't seem to have done anything to undermine the Starks until Robb went South.
After watching last night's episode it got me thinking that I don't really understand what the Bolton's relationship was with the Starks when Ned was the top dog and what their house history is like.

I'd say the Boltons were comparable to the Reynes in the Westerlands and the Florents in the Reach - beholden to their overlords, but eager for any conceivable opportunity to usurp them.
I can't comment on this in the show thread, but...

One of the things that took a while to sink in after the Red Wedding was that the war was basically over. I mean, book 1 sets up the war, and I guess I just assumed that the series was the story of the war, and it ending at the end of the series. So when somebody (in the book) says that basically there is no more war, I was like... what? Wait, what's this story about?

Good stuff.


So not worth it
The war is far from over. It's just at a standstill while the remaining parties regroup. Stannis goes to the wall and tries to win over the North to his side. The North either joins the new Bolton/Frey/Lannister alliance or is up to other things. And Dany is trying to sort out her civil guerilla war and the plague breaking out amongst her slaves.

The realm is still very much conflicted, just not outright fighting.
The war is far from over. It's just at a standstill while the remaining parties regroup. Stannis goes to the wall and tries to win over the North to his side. The North either joins the new Bolton/Frey/Lannister alliance or is up to other things. And Dany is trying to sort out her civil guerilla war and the plague breaking out amongst her slaves.

The realm is still very much conflicted, just not outright fighting.

Semantics? Realm is at relative peace once Stannis backs off and everyone else is dead. That's for what, like 2 years?

I'm not saying there's no conflict, but the North is back under the realm, and there's little active fighting. Vaery's comments at the end of ADWD basically underscore this point.
Semantics? Realm is at relative peace once Stannis backs off and everyone else is dead. That's for what, like 2 years?

I'm not saying there's no conflict, but the North is back under the realm, and there's little active fighting. Vaery's comments at the end of ADWD basically underscore this point.

The North isn't under the realm, the Iron Born rule much of it and only the Boltons have bent the knee at that point. The Riverlands isn't pacified until Jaime takes Riverrun. Stannis still holds Dragonstone and Storm's End.And the North soon breaks out into open fighting, the Ironborn attack the Reach. Dorne is threatening rebellion and the Tyrells and Lannisters are at each others throats. And there's the sparrows and all the chaos going on in the Riverlands too. The realm is hardly stable, and what peace exists balances on a knife.
The absolute refusal to read the books is a pretty odd sentiment in the "no book" thread. You would assume that fans of that magnitude would be eager to learn more about the series they love so much.

It just seems weird, actively speculating what's going to happen instead of just reading it yourself.


I believe at this moment Storm's End had been taken by Aegon's forces, another claimant to the throne. This is merely a short break in the war after all the kings had either been killed, or fled to another part of the world.

Now we have Tyrells probably pretty much controlling the Iron Throne, Euron who seems more of a threat than Balon ever was, Stannis rallying northernmen and Aegon encroaching from Stormlands. And eventually Dany has to finally land in Westeros. The war is far from over.
The absolute refusal to read the books is a pretty odd sentiment in the "no book" thread. You would assume that fans of that magnitude would be eager to learn more about the series they love so much.

It just seems weird, actively speculating what's going to happen instead of just reading it yourself.

I think it's a natural sentiment, especially when obnoxious book-readers come in and try to pitch the books to you. People want to watch the TV show, there's nothing strange about that.
The absolute refusal to read the books is a pretty odd sentiment in the "no book" thread. You would assume that fans of that magnitude would be eager to learn more about the series they love so much.

It just seems weird, actively speculating what's going to happen instead of just reading it yourself.

Some people are just not into books, or prefer the experience visually. Let em be, man,


The absolute refusal to read the books is a pretty odd sentiment in the "no book" thread. You would assume that fans of that magnitude would be eager to learn more about the series they love so much.

It just seems weird, actively speculating what's going to happen instead of just reading it yourself.

It's also weird to me. Are they allergic to reading or something?


I'm still sticking with Stannis winning Winterfell, Manderly will make the Boltons crumble from the inside taking men away from the walls, which they'll scale like Theon did
I definitely think Stannis will defeat Ramsay, but then again... it's GRRM.

It's also weird to me. Are they allergic to reading or something?
I've been trying to get my wife to read them since the show started, but she's intimidated by their length. I try to tell her that they're actually quick reads, but to no avail.
I've been trying to get my wife to read them since the show started, but she's intimidated by their length. I try to tell her that they're actually quick reads, but to no avail.

I've been doing the same with my dad. I've been pestering him for over a year because I KNOW he'd love them, but he won't listen to me. :C





I've been trying to get my wife to read them since the show started, but she's intimidated by their length. I try to tell her that they're actually quick reads, but to no avail.

They take like 2 weeks max to read. You can easily read through everything in between seasons.


They take like 2 weeks max to read. You can easily read through everything in between seasons.
Oh, I know. It doesn't help that she's a teen librarian and is constantly having to read new YA releases to keep up with what's trendy/popular so she can make recommendations. Hard to fit 1000+ pg books in between the dozens of books currently on her reading list.


It really isn't. The show has hinted much more at Lyanna + Rhaegar in its first season then the book 'A Game of Thrones' did.

I disagree. I feel like Ned's dream ("Promise me Ned") is one of the biggest pieces of evidence, and you don't get that in the show obviously.
It really isn't. The show has hinted much more at Lyanna + Rhaegar in its first season then the book 'A Game of Thrones' did.

That's not true...at all.

Ned's constant reminder of his promise to Lyanna, his dream, and then there's this:
Ned thought, If it came to that, the life of some child I did not know, against Robb and Sansa and Arya and Bran and Rickon, what would I do? Even more so, what would Catelyn do, if it were Jon’s life, against the children of her body. He did not know. He prayed he never would.

“I dreamed about the crow last night. The one with three eyes. He flew into my bedchamber and told me to come with him, so I did. We went down to the crypts. Father was there, and we talked. He was sad.”

“And why was that?” Luwin peered through his tube.

“It was something to do about Jon, I think.” The dream had been deeply disturbing, more so that any of the other crow dreams.
--GoT, pg. 730


Wow that's cool, new phone wallpaper, sorry Jon

Edit: Off topic, but is the Prince of Thorns any good? I'm assuming you've read it anyway because of the page

It's pretty good, definitely worth a read. And the last of book the series Emperor of Thorns is coming out in August I think.
I'm trying to decide once and for all if the Jeyne/Talisa changes were a good move by D&D.

The whole pregnancy and babby stabbing definitely added an extra level of tragedy, but it made zero sense for Robb to take her to the wedding. None whatsoever.

I can buy that TV Robb was too dumb to realize this, but you'd think someone would have pointed it out - specifically Cat.

I dunno. The sequence was phenomenal, but that lapse in logic is a bit irritating.


I'm trying to decide once and for all if the Jeyne/Talisa changes were a good move by D&D.

The whole pregnancy and babby stabbing definitely added an extra level of tragedy, but it made zero sense for Robb to take her to the wedding. None whatsoever.

I can buy that TV Robb was too dumb to realize this, but you'd think someone would have pointed it out - specifically Cat.

I dunno. The sequence was phenomenal, but that lapse in logic is a bit irritating.
I don't think anyone could have imagined that everyone would be slaughtered like pigs at the wedding, even with the provocation of having Talisa by Robb's side.

I honestly think GRRM might have done it as a way to throw a curveball at book readers. I know I was shocked.
I'm trying to decide once and for all if the Jeyne/Talisa changes were a good move by D&D.

The whole pregnancy and babby stabbing definitely added an extra level of tragedy, but it made zero sense for Robb to take her to the wedding. None whatsoever.

I can buy that TV Robb was too dumb to realize this, but you'd think someone would have pointed it out - specifically Cat.

I dunno. The sequence was phenomenal, but that lapse in logic is a bit irritating.

Nah, I think if Robb asked Cat would say "Frey would take it as a slight if you brought her, but he'd also take it as a slight for the Queen to not appear at the wedding"

Wh0 N0se

I think it's a natural sentiment, especially when obnoxious book-readers come in and try to pitch the books to you. People want to watch the TV show, there's nothing strange about that.
I bought the books after the first episode lol
Some people are just not into books, or prefer the experience visually. Let em be, man,
My brother is like this, although he is 15, he just can't get into that style of writing, I think it's because he's never really read anything with that type of style. My Dad read the first book but he prefers actual history books.

I have a show question, Tormund didn't go over the wall did he in the books? I don't see how they can attack the wall, lose and him survive unless he gets captured? Or he gets for a piss on a tree while the battle is going on(!)

That was fortunate for the Blackfish wasn't it!? #Conspiracy #HeWasPartOfIt

Disappointed that Ygritte didn't shoot Jon while he escaped, it seems like they've depowered her in the show but perhaps that's me.

I really enjoyed it though fairplay to everyone involved, shame about the lack of 'Ned loves my hair' line but it was done well. How many people will leave the show I wonder? And how many will go out and buy the books and read it because they have to know what happens next!?


Oh, I know. It doesn't help that she's a teen librarian and is constantly having to read new YA releases to keep up with what's trendy/popular so she can make recommendations. Hard to fit 1000+ pg books in between the dozens of books currently on her reading list.

ahh I see. The length of the books are pretty intimidating if you have a busy schedule. It definitely made me a little hesitant to read them at first.

Wh0 N0se

Ygritte is in the preview for the next episode, you never know.

I suppose they could have her chasing him down.
They didn't broach the heir to Robb topic either.

What event could possibly happen in TWOW that would make you react in the same way as you did to the RW or even Oberyn Martell?


What event could possibly happen in TWOW that would make you react in the same way as you did to the RW or even Oberyn Martell?

Stannis being defeated, probably. Or Jon Snow just being genuinely dead. I don't expect Barristan or Victarion have much longer to live either.

Wh0 N0se

Stannis being defeated, probably. Or Jon Snow just being genuinely dead. I don't expect Barristan or Victarion have much longer to live either.

I'm talking something big, maybe Tyrion and Dany being defeated in battle at the end of TWOW and being executed or something?


I suppose they could have her chasing him down.

Yeah I don't think it's likely, but there split second of Ygritte in the episode 10 preview is her preparing to shoot something with her bow.

Stannis being defeated, probably. Or Jon Snow just being genuinely dead. I don't expect Barristan or Victarion have much longer to live either.

Stannis needs to capture Ramsay so we can have Reek torture him.
I'm trying to decide once and for all if the Jeyne/Talisa changes were a good move by D&D.

The whole pregnancy and babby stabbing definitely added an extra level of tragedy, but it made zero sense for Robb to take her to the wedding. None whatsoever.

I can buy that TV Robb was too dumb to realize this, but you'd think someone would have pointed it out - specifically Cat.

I dunno. The sequence was phenomenal, but that lapse in logic is a bit irritating.

I found it baffling as well. In the book he leaves her at Riverrun specifically because he doesn't want to be caught with all his gold in one purse; and given how observant/caution Catelyn has been both in the book and show, you'd think she'd tell him not to bring her. She worries about the storm delay being seen as an insult to Frey, while totally ignoring the fact that Robb will be parading his queen around him? Also having her be pregnant seemingly ruins the entire "heir of Winterfell" plot. I kept expecting there to be a scene where he named Jon his heir or regent, until his son came of age. Then there's the obvious fact that he didn't even know whether Talisa was having a boy or a girl.


I found it baffling as well. In the book he leaves her at Riverrun specifically because he doesn't want to be caught with all his gold in one purse; and given how observant/caution Catelyn has been both in the book and show, you'd think she'd tell him not to bring her. She worries about the storm delay being seen as an insult to Frey, while totally ignoring the fact that Robb will be parading his queen around him? Also having her be pregnant seemingly ruins the entire "heir of Winterfell" plot. I kept expecting there to be a scene where he named Jon his heir or regent, until his son came of age. Then there's the obvious fact that he didn't even know whether Talisa was having a boy or a girl.

Maybe the Winterfell heir theory that fans built up is not important at all? Or won't be on the show.

Also it could be said that Lord Frey would take insult if the queen didn't attend his daughter's marriage. The guy would take anything as a slight at that point.


I found it baffling as well. In the book he leaves her at Riverrun specifically because he doesn't want to be caught with all his gold in one purse; and given how observant/caution Catelyn has been both in the book and show, you'd think she'd tell him not to bring her. She worries about the storm delay being seen as an insult to Frey, while totally ignoring the fact that Robb will be parading his queen around him? Also having her be pregnant seemingly ruins the entire "heir of Winterfell" plot. I kept expecting there to be a scene where he named Jon his heir or regent, until his son came of age. Then there's the obvious fact that he didn't even know whether Talisa was having a boy or a girl.

But in the north a daughter comes before an uncle.

Btw, did Robb ever name a hand for his kingdom? He could have named a Frey as hand to make up for spurning the Frey girls
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