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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I just want to see Davos read that letter to Stannis.

Speaking of Davos, I wonder what they'll do with him next season. It's too early to send him to the Manderlys (if they even leave that in), maybe he'll end up on the Wall.


Impossible. They haven't even laid all the groundwork for that yet, and it doesn't happen for some time.

Been a while since I last read the book but Jaime arrives after Joff's dead right? He's been on the road for a while now. Thinking of it I just realize what bugs me so much about Melisandre's meet up with the brotherhood in the series. She goes from Dragonstone to the Brotherhood and back in two (or three?) episodes while Jaime takes more than a season to even reach Kings Landing...
Been a while since I last read the book but Jaime arrives after Joff's dead right? He's been on the road for a while now. Thinking of it I just realize what bugs me so much about Melisandre's meet up with the brotherhood in the series. She goes from Dragonstone to the Brotherhood and back in two (or three?) episodes while Jaime takes more than a season to even reach Kings Landing...

Jaime is probably going to be at the Wedding. I don't see how they can delay him any more. The need to keep actors on screen is going to necessitate changes.
Hell no, the episode is titled "Mhysa," I think we will have Dany's conquering of Slaver's Bay along with Catelyn's resurrection.

Lady Stoneheart doesn't appear until the epilogue of ASOS, so I don't think they'll introduce her on the show this early either. The end of season 4 (which covers the second half of ASOS) would be more in line with the books. But I don't know if they'll want to keep Michelle Fairley offscreen for that long.


So not worth it
It would make more sense to introduce her now.

Especially because non-book readers need that moment to tide them over to the next year. that one big cliffhanger scene like with Sam and the White Walker last season. Also, because they have an actor in Beric Dondarrion that was hired for this season and it would be alot of trouble to get him back for one ressurection scene next season, plus you'd have to re-introduce him to people that haven't seen him for a whole season at some point in S4. That seems like alot of hassle.

I would be very surprised if they left out Stoneheart's introduction for the next season.

Wh0 N0se

Everyone going on about Ep 10 potentially having Stoneheart, god I hope not, that could seriously turn off their viewers if it happens.

Most of the people in this thread hate it so to have that straight after an episode where many will be considering if they want to carry on watching could be detrimental.
Lady Stoneheart doesn't appear until the epilogue of ASOS, so I don't think they'll introduce her on the show this early either. The end of season 4 (which covers the second half of ASOS) would be more in line with the books. But I don't know if they'll want to keep Michelle Fairley offscreen for that long.

She appears in the epilogue already "alive" and killing Freys, and has already placed herself at the head of the Brotherhood. She is resurrected only 3 days after the Red Wedding, which chronologically (as the show does not do flashbacks or a lot of backwards exposition like in AFFC) would be in one of the episodes following her murder, not a full season later.

They've built up the Red Priests and Beric a lot more in this season than they did in ASOS - they won't kill him and revive Cat off-screen. They need time to get her where she is in the epilogue, which could still end up being one of the last scenes of Season 4.

I think they will end the episode with the revival of Catelyn but not show the toll that death and revival have taken on her until next season. Thoros specifically said on the show that you lose a part of yourself every time. It would relate specifically to the reveal of Catelyn being resurrected, only to later find that what she lost is her sense of humanity.
Reading AFFC right now and good god, iron born are fucking shit. Jesus, WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT YOU ASHA. NOBODY, THATS WHO.

So agreed here. Most boring goddam stories. And the whole smoot was just confusing. After reading the whole thing I went away thinking ".. what was the point of that."
Everyone going on about Ep 10 potentially having Stoneheart, god I hope not, that could seriously turn off their viewers if it happens.

Most of the people in this thread hate it so to have that straight after an episode where many will be considering if they want to carry on watching could be detrimental.

I pretty much hate the Stoneheart storyline in the books. And after last Sunday's episode, most of my friends who are watching the show but have little interest in the books, would probably stop watching if Catelyn was resurrected into a zombie mom. They're already a little "Meh" about any of the witchcraft things in the story, and this season introduced a fair amount of it, with full on warging, sam killing a white walker, more black magic from Melisandre.

I really hope the season ends with Joffrey's wedding. I don't think that there's enough setup for it though. The season has to end on something good because the show will lose viewers with the Red Wedding. The reaction to that was worse than Ned Stark. Almost everybody I talk to about it who hasn't read the books feels betrayed... that all of their favorite characters will just be killed off, and that there's no reason to watch anymore. Having read the books and being a big fan of them, I really can't tell them "hold fast!" because I know that the other climaxes from ASOS probably won't come for another year, and then beyond that its still just suffering and shit for the Starks, haha.


So agreed here. Most boring goddam stories. And the whole smoot was just confusing. After reading the whole thing I went away thinking ".. what was the point of that."

I pretty much hate the Stoneheart storyline in the books. And after last Sunday's episode, most of my friends who are watching the show but have little interest in the books, would probably stop watching if Catelyn was resurrected into a zombie mom. They're already a little "Meh" about any of the witchcraft things in the story, and this season introduced a fair amount of it, with full on warging, sam killing a white walker, more black magic from Melisandre.

I really hope the season ends with Joffrey's wedding. I don't think that there's enough setup for it though. The season has to end on something good because the show will lose viewers with the Red Wedding. The reaction to that was worse than Ned Stark. Almost everybody I talk to about it who hasn't read the books feels betrayed... that all of their favorite characters will just be killed off, and that there's no reason to watch anymore. Having read the books and being a big fan of them, I really can't tell them "hold fast!" because I know that the other climaxes from ASOS probably won't come for another year, and then beyond that its still just suffering and shit for the Starks, haha.

I think it mostly comes down to how they handle bringing her back to life and how awful they make her look. I.e. if they make her look as awful and decomposed as Cat in the books, I'd see it more or less just annoying a lot of people (especially those surprisingly numerous viewers that, while watching a fantasy show, complain when it has fantasy elements).

But if she still mostly looks like Cat (with a gaping neck wound) and all we are shown is her eyes opening before they cut to the end credits, I think people would actually be happy at the prospect that maybe someone made it out 'alive'. Then of course the show can leave finding out that she's lost all her humanity until next season.

I think Joffrey's wedding is too unlikely sadly, I'd love to see it but it's just too early. I do hope we get to see Balon die/get killed. That'd be another way to give people some hope, since if Robb and Balon are both already dead they can hope that the leeches are working and that Joff will be next. I could see people watching just to see him die if they expect it will happen soon.


My feeling is that, obviously, Jon blacked out or died while he was being stabbed. But it is intentionally abrupt and vague and we will learn in TWOW that Melisandre either interrupted his killing or revived him immediately after. If the Azor Ahai/Jon Targaryen theories are valid then it would make sense for her to be able to do it. Just my 2 cents though.

I don't consider it a fakeout death - it's meant to leave viewers speculating about Jon's ultimate fate and I don't think GRRM expects anyone to really believe he is dead (for good).

That's my assumption as well, melisandre while wrong often it seems, clearly she is certain that Jon is vital for something, but even so there is doubt she has powers, didn't she launch a fireball or something at the wildling warged into the eagle. I'm sure Jon is in a bad state but I can see the backstabbing brothers being wiped out in the opening 2 paragraphs of Jon's first chapter. I assume Jon's heart will stop so in basic terms technically dead (I would assume that death to them is the heart not beating, I doubt they have any concept of brain death) so for filling the vision/prophecy.


guys we don't want Jon to be Azor Ahai 'cuz that guy's a huge asshole and probably The Big Bad. The Prince that was Promised will kick Azor Ahai's ass.

Source: Mel likes Azor Ahai and is full of shit, Aemon liked The Prince that was Promised and was tripping the life fantastic.

I really wish that wizardly Maester from the citadel showed again once he set out to meet Dany after talking to Sam. I feel like that guy knows wassup better than most.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
By the time Marwyn gets to Mereen, Dany will be on her way back.

Also I'm going to lol if Daenerys finds out Marwyn taught Mirri Maz Duur.

Wh0 N0se

Will Dany go to Asshai? In ACOK it's hinted a lot that she will go there, I haven't got the maps to hand but is it closer to Westeros than Meereen?

I'd like her to go there for a bit as long as it serves some part of the plot but if it'd take too long then she should just hurry her ass over to Westeros, unless she finds some interesting stuff to do in Essos before she gets there.
She'll arrive in Westeros in the final PoV chapter of "A Dream of Spring", and find it a barren wasteland because everyone killed each other. Then Arya kills her, and is the last one standing.



This has probably been discussed, but is The Lord of Light the one true god, or is it just witchcraft?

My opinion is; it is witchcraft. Between the books and the hbo series the characters all seem skeptical of it, and most characters get a negative vibe from the red priestess. And in the show Beric says that when he dies there is nothing. Which tells me he isn't going to some happy place with the Lord of Light.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
This has probably been discussed, but is The Lord of Light the one true god, or is it just witchcraft?
There's no evidence that the Lord of Light exists, let alone is the one true god.

IMO, it's all just magic, but those who wield magic credit the god(s) they believe in for it. Wargs and greenseers credit the old gods and the Children of the Forest, red priests credit R'hllor, Faceless Men credit the Many-Faced God, Mirri Maz Duur credited the Great Shepherd, etc.


Unconfirmed Member
There's no evidence that the Lord of Light exists, let alone is the one true god.

IMO, it's all just magic, but those who wield magic credit the god(s) they believe in for it. Wargs and greenseers credit the old gods and the Children of the Forest, red priests credit R'hllor, Faceless Men credit the Many-Faced God, Mirri Maz Duur credited the Great Shepherd, etc.

That's how I always read it. Just like how humans have relied upon explaining the unexplainable through religious folklore, so too do the people of asoif explain their magical abilities the same way, though in their case being able to actively wield magic does indeed seem to lend further credence to their claims (which is probably why Melisandre has been able to convert so many so quickly).
I think he is referring to this quote, from Jon early on in AGOT:

"You’ll be sewing all through winter. When the spring thaw comes, they will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers."

In other words, she's going to kill guys on every page of the next book, but then die before spring arrives :( So sad.


I think he is referring to this quote, from Jon early on in AGOT:

"You’ll be sewing all through winter. When the spring thaw comes, they will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers."

Even after reading through the series 3 times, its amazing how much I continue to miss. Thanks dude.


A friend and I were questioning why GRRM didnt simply release shorter books and further increase the number of books in the series? Clearly it takes him a great deal of time to get these things done and shorter books would appease fans, his publisher probably and would be great for HBO as well. Not to mention technically he could double his revenue by releasing two books for the same level of effort. I don't think anyone would complain as his books would be fairly long even at half the original length.

Yea were both having serious withdrawal symptoms.


A friend and I were questioning why GRRM didnt simply release shorter books and further increase the number of books in the series? Clearly it takes him a great deal of time to get these things done and shorter books would appease fans, his publisher probably and would be great for HBO as well. Not to mention technically he could double his revenue by releasing two books for the same level of effort. I don't think anyone would complain as his books would be fairly long even at half the original length.

Yea were both having serious withdrawal symptoms.

I don't think that is fair for the first three books. For AFfC and especially ADwD your point is very true. ADwD has the most random ending point I could possibly think of in this story. In a way he did double the books considering he split the most recent two from one. Or so he claims.
There's no way the finale will be Joffery's wedding; there's too much ground to cover, mainly the Red Viper entering the city, and Tywin telling Cersei/Tyrion that Joffery is another Mad King.

I'm guessing the King's Landing finale will just be Tywin admitting Joffery is insane, an announcement that the Martells are traveling to the city, and some type of wedding prep. Maybe Sansa will get the hair net.

I agree that it would be horrible to include Stoneheart this season. The soundtrack doesn't really give any hints, unlike last season. I'd hope that the wildling attack will be included because otherwise the finale could feel like an ordinary episode. Killing off Ygritte would be a big moment. Outside of that, what major event can this episode have? We know Dany will have her big "mother" moment, but what else? It looks like the Hound gets in a fight in the preview, perhaps this will include the inn scene for Arya? That would be a big moment too.


A friend and I were questioning why GRRM didnt simply release shorter books and further increase the number of books in the series? Clearly it takes him a great deal of time to get these things done and shorter books would appease fans, his publisher probably and would be great for HBO as well. Not to mention technically he could double his revenue by releasing two books for the same level of effort. I don't think anyone would complain as his books would be fairly long even at half the original length.

Yea were both having serious withdrawal symptoms.

I think he likes the idea of seven books. Seven is a magical number, according to Dumbledore. Though I wouldn't mind nine books in all. The problem is that at this point it would probably make it harder rather than easier because he has to edit and condense a book for release after he is done writing it. That takes up time, not to mention he has to spend time in marketing the books and doing interviews. The positive thing is he has said that he is willing to write more than seven books if it is for the best. Two more books is actually not a lot of space to complete all of the character arcs.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I think he is referring to this quote, from Jon early on in AGOT:

"You’ll be sewing all through winter. When the spring thaw comes, they will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers."

I never saw that as foreshadowing, just Jon Snow taunting Arya on her dislikes of needlework.

But now, I don't know anymore... so much was foreshadowed in book 1 that came true much, much later. Like Bran having a vision of Robert Strong way back in book 1. So now I'm afraid for Arya. ;_; For now she has plot armour, because if she dies in Bravos her story is wasted. But once she returns to Westeros (or, hell, goes to Essos, who knows)... noooooo

Words are wind.
HAHAHAHA, well played.


I'm guessing the King's Landing finale will just be Tywin admitting Joffery is insane, an announcement that the Martells are traveling to the city, and some type of wedding prep. Maybe Sansa will get the hair net.

To add, I figure that Joffrey will announce Loras' induction into the Kingsguard to breakup his engagement with Cersei, as part of his move to piss off Tywin.

I can't imagine them waiting for Season 4 to do that.


I never saw that as foreshadowing, just Jon Snow taunting Arya on her dislikes of needlework.

But now, I don't know anymore... so much was foreshadowed in book 1 that came true much, much later. Like Bran having a vision of Robert Strong way back in book 1. So now I'm afraid for Arya. ;_; For now she has plot armour, because if she dies in Bravos her story is wasted. But once she returns to Westeros (or, hell, goes to Essos, who knows)... noooooo

HAHAHAHA, well played.

I'm going to have to start another re read aren't I and I don't have any long flights coming up.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Here's the passage, blew my mind on a re-read:

He looked south, and saw the great blue-green rush of the Trident. He saw his father pleading with the king, his face etched with grief. He saw Sansa crying herself to sleep at night, and he saw Arya watching in silence and holding her secrets hard in her heart. There were shadows all around them. One shadow was dark as ash, with the terrible face of a hound. Another was armored like the sun, golden and beautiful. Over them both loomed a giant in armor made of stone, but when he opened his visor, there was nothing inside but darkness and thick black blood.

And there's more after, even Jon's fate might have been foreshadowed:

He lifted his eyes and saw clear across the narrow sea, to the Free Cities and the green Dothraki sea and beyond, to Vaes Dothrak under its mountain, to the fabled lands of the Jade Sea, to Asshai by the Shadow, where dragons stirred beneath the sunrise.
Finally he looked north. He saw the Wall shining like blue crystal, and his bastard brother Jon sleeping alone in a cold bed, his skin growing pale and hard as the memory of all warmth fled from him. And he looked past the Wall, past endless forests cloaked in snow, past the frozen shore and the great blue-white rivers of ice and the dead plains where nothing grew or lived. North and north and north he looked, to the curtain of light at the end of the world, and then beyond that curtain. He looked deep into the heart of winter, and then he cried out, afraid, and the heat of his tears burned on his cheeks.

GRRM is a genius.
By the time Marwyn gets to Mereen, Dany will be on her way back.

Also I'm going to lol if Daenerys finds out Marwyn taught Mirri Maz Duur.

Well, Dany already knows he trained Mirri, since Mirri mentioned that in her presence. Whether or not she'll remember the specific name is the question, although given what Mirri did to her, I can see the name triggering a memory for her.
Well I just finished my reread of the series, capped off by a combined Feast/Dance. I have to say that it's so much better as a combined book. The Mereen chapters especially become far less repetitive broken up this way.

The Dorne and Ironborn chapters are still useless, the latter in Feast more so than Dance.

So, are the TWoW preview chapters actually any good? Are they worth knowing about or conclude any dangling threads or are they exclusively fluff (i.e. Ironborn and Dorne all up in this business)?
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